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4the Rules of the House of Representatives of the 104th General
5Assembly are amended by adding Rule 37.5 as follows:
6    (House Rule 37.5 new)
7    37.5. Priority Bills.
8    (a) For each annual session, a member may designate one
9House Bill as a Priority Bill when filing it with the Clerk for
11    For the first annual session, a member may introduce one
12Priority Bill as soon as authorized by the Pre-Filing of Bills
13Act. During the second annual session, a member may introduce
14a Priority Bill beginning January 1 of that calendar year. No
15bill filed after the deadline for the introduction of House
16Bills for that calendar year may be designated a Priority Bill
17for that annual session.
18    Notwithstanding Rule 22(f), the consent of the committee
19is not required when designating a qualifying member to
20present a Priority Bill.
21    (b) Chairpersons shall make a good-faith effort to
22facilitate committee consideration of each Priority Bill at a
23time when the Principal Sponsor or the Principal Sponsor's



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1designee, and their necessary witnesses, are available. A
2Priority Bill posted for a particular hearing shall be
3considered by the committee before consideration of
4legislative measures without that designation if the Principal
5Sponsor or designee consents to consideration at that time. If
6the Principal Sponsor or the Principal Sponsor's designee
7fails to present the bill during the first or second hearing
8for which the bill was posted or if the Principal Sponsor or
9the Principal Sponsor's designee withdraws consent for
10consideration at the hearing, the committee may hear testimony
11and vote one time on a reporting motion for that bill without
12the consent of the Principal Sponsor or the Principal
13Sponsor's designee at the third or subsequent hearing for
14which the bill is posted.
15    (c) Notwithstanding Rule 40(a), only the Principal Sponsor
16or chief co-sponsor of a Priority Bill may offer a committee
17amendment to the bill. Upon filing with the Clerk, such an
18amendment is automatically referred to the committee in which
19the bill is pending. If a Priority Bill is referred or
20re-referred by the Rules Committee, all pending committee
21amendments shall accompany the bill.
22    If a Priority Bill is posted for hearing, the committee
23may consider any committee amendment filed by the deadline
24established by Rule 21(a)(2), and the Clerk shall include
25those amendments in the hearing notice.
26    (d) Each Priority Bill that remains pending in any



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1committee at 5:00 p.m. on April 1 shall be automatically
2discharged to the House and placed on the calendar on the order
3of Second Reading, unless a standing or special committee has
4provided an opportunity for public testimony on the bill at a
5posted hearing and taken a record vote on a motion to report
6the bill to the House.
7    (e) Deadlines established by the Speaker under Rule 9(b)
8and any corresponding re-referral to the Rules Committee under
9Rule 19 shall not apply to Priority Bills; however, a Priority
10Bill that remains pending in a standing or special committee
11at 5:00 p.m. on December 31 of the first annual session shall
12be automatically re-referred to the Rules Committee.
13    (f) The Journal and Legislative Digest shall reference a
14Priority Bill in a manner that identifies that designation.
15Priority Bill status may not be revoked or transferred to
16another bill.
17    (g) A Chairperson who fails to implement and comply with
18this Rule may be subject to disciplinary action under Article
20    (h) This rule may not be suspended.