| | HR0019 | | LRB104 07295 JDS 17334 r |
4 | | the Rules of the House of Representatives of the 104th General |
5 | | Assembly are amended by changing Rules 37 and 75 and by adding |
6 | | Rule 76.5 as follows: |
7 | | (House Rule 37) |
8 | | 37. Bills. |
9 | | (a) A bill may be introduced in the House by sponsorship of |
10 | | one or more members of the House, whose names shall be on the |
11 | | reproduced copies of the bills, in the House Journal, and in |
12 | | the Legislative Digest. The Principal Sponsor shall be the |
13 | | first name to appear on the bill and may be joined by no more |
14 | | than 4 chief co-sponsors with the approval of the Principal |
15 | | Sponsor; other co-sponsors shall be separated from the |
16 | | Principal Sponsor and any chief co-sponsors by a comma. The |
17 | | Principal Sponsor may change the sponsorship of a bill to that |
18 | | of one or more other Representatives, or to that of the |
19 | | standing committee or special committee to which the bill was |
20 | | referred or from which the bill was reported. Such change may |
21 | | be made at any time the bill is pending before the House or any |
22 | | of its committees by filing a notice with the Clerk, provided |
23 | | that the addition of any member as a Principal Sponsor, chief |
| | HR0019 | - 2 - | LRB104 07295 JDS 17334 r |
1 | | co-sponsor, or co-sponsor must be with that member's consent. |
2 | | When the Principal Sponsor ceases to be a Representative |
3 | | during the term, the chief sponsorship of any of his or her |
4 | | pending legislative measures may be changed to another |
5 | | Representative upon approval by the Speaker or Minority |
6 | | Leader, whichever served as the Representative's caucus |
7 | | leader. This subsection may not be suspended. |
8 | | (b) The Principal Sponsor of a bill controls that bill. A |
9 | | committee-sponsored bill is controlled by the Chairperson, or |
10 | | if Co-Chairpersons have been appointed, by the Co-Chairperson |
11 | | from the majority caucus, who for purposes of these Rules is |
12 | | deemed the Principal Sponsor. Committee-sponsored bills may |
13 | | not have individual co-sponsors. |
14 | | (c) The Senate sponsor of a bill originating in the Senate |
15 | | may request substitute House sponsorship of that bill by |
16 | | filing a notice with the Clerk. Such notice is automatically |
17 | | referred to the Rules Committee. The notice shall include the |
18 | | bill number, signature of the Senate sponsor, signature of the |
19 | | substitute House sponsor, and a statement that the original |
20 | | House sponsor was provided with notice of intent to request a |
21 | | substitute House sponsor. A notice that satisfies the |
22 | | requirements of this subsection shall be approved by the Rules |
23 | | Committee. If the Rules Committee does not act on a notice that |
24 | | satisfies the requirements of this subsection within 3 |
25 | | legislative days after its referral, then the notice is deemed |
26 | | approved and the Clerk shall substitute sponsorship. This |
| | HR0019 | - 3 - | LRB104 07295 JDS 17334 r |
1 | | subsection shall be in effect if, and only for so long as, the |
2 | | Rules of the Senate include a reciprocal privilege for House |
3 | | sponsors and the Senate complies with the rule. This |
4 | | subsection may not be suspended. |
5 | | (d) All bills introduced in the House shall be read by |
6 | | title a first time and automatically referred to the Rules |
7 | | Committee in accordance with Rule 18. After a Senate Bill is |
8 | | received and a House member has submitted notification to the |
9 | | Clerk of sponsorship of that bill, it shall be read by title |
10 | | and automatically referred to the Rules Committee in |
11 | | accordance with Rule 18. |
12 | | (e) All bills introduced into the House shall be |
13 | | accompanied by 1 copy. Any bill that amends a statute shall |
14 | | indicate the particular changes in the following manner: |
15 | | (1) All new matter shall be underscored. |
16 | | (2) All matter that is to be omitted or superseded |
17 | | shall be shown crossed with a line. |
18 | | (f) No bill shall be passed by the House except on a record |
19 | | vote of a majority of those elected, subject to Rule 69. A bill |
20 | | that has lost on Third Reading and has not been reconsidered |
21 | | may not thereafter be revived. If a motion for the adoption of |
22 | | a first conference committee report fails and the motion is |
23 | | not reconsidered, then a second conference committee may be |
24 | | appointed as provided in Rule 76(c). If a motion for the |
25 | | adoption of a second conference committee report fails and is |
26 | | not reconsidered, then the bill may not thereafter be revived. |
| | HR0019 | - 4 - | LRB104 07295 JDS 17334 r |
1 | | (g) When the House or any of its committees has amended an |
2 | | appropriation bill, a vote on final passage of the bill shall |
3 | | not be taken until the second calendar day following the day an |
4 | | amendment was adopted, unless the amendment is tabled. |
5 | | This subsection (g) may be suspended only by the |
6 | | affirmative vote of 79 members elected. |
7 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
8 | | (House Rule 75) |
9 | | 75. House Consideration of Joint Action. |
10 | | (a) No joint action motion for final action or conference |
11 | | committee report may be considered by the House unless it has |
12 | | first been referred to the House by the Rules Committee or a |
13 | | standing committee or special committee in accordance with |
14 | | Rule 18, or unless the joint action motion or conference |
15 | | committee report has been discharged from the Rules Committee |
16 | | under Rule 18. Joint action motions for final action and |
17 | | conference committee reports referred to a standing committee |
18 | | or special committee by the Rules Committee may not be |
19 | | discharged from the standing committee or special committee. |
20 | | This subsection (a) may be suspended by unanimous consent. |
21 | | (b) No conference committee report may be considered by |
22 | | the House unless it has been reproduced and distributed as |
23 | | provided in Rule 39, for one full day during the period |
24 | | beginning with the convening of the House on the 2nd Wednesday |
25 | | of January each year and ending on the 30th day prior to the |
| | HR0019 | - 5 - | LRB104 07295 JDS 17334 r |
1 | | scheduled adjournment of the regular session established each |
2 | | year by the Speaker pursuant to Rule 9(a), and for one full |
3 | | hour on any other day. The consideration of conference |
4 | | committee reports for appropriation bills shall be further |
5 | | limited by Rule 76.5. |
6 | | (c) Before any conference committee report on an |
7 | | appropriation bill is considered by the House, the conference |
8 | | committee report shall first be the subject of a public |
9 | | hearing by a standing Appropriations Committee or another |
10 | | committee (the conference committee report need not be |
11 | | referred to a committee, but instead may remain before the |
12 | | Rules Committee or the House, as the case may be). The hearing |
13 | | shall be held pursuant to not less than one-hour advance |
14 | | notice by announcement on the House floor, or one-day advance |
15 | | notice by posting on the House bulletin board or the General |
16 | | Assembly website. An Appropriations Committee or special |
17 | | committee shall not issue any report with respect to the |
18 | | conference committee report following the hearing. |
19 | | (d) (Blank). |
20 | | (e) No House Bill that is returned to the House with Senate |
21 | | amendments may be called except by the Principal Sponsor, or |
22 | | by a chief co-sponsor with the consent of the Principal |
23 | | Sponsor. This subsection may not be suspended. |
24 | | (f) Except as otherwise provided in Rule 74, the report of |
25 | | a conference committee on a non-appropriation bill or |
26 | | resolution shall be confined to the subject of the bill or |
| | HR0019 | - 6 - | LRB104 07295 JDS 17334 r |
1 | | resolution referred to the conference committee. The report of |
2 | | a conference committee on an appropriation bill shall be |
3 | | confined to the subject of appropriations. |
4 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
5 | | (House Rule 76.5 new) |
6 | | 76.5. Appropriation Bills. |
7 | | (a) The House shall not consider a motion to concur with |
8 | | one or more amendments to an appropriation bill until the |
9 | | second calendar day following the day the Senate adopted an |
10 | | amendment to the bill, unless the amendment is tabled. |
11 | | (b) A conference committee report for an appropriation |
12 | | bill shall not be considered by the House until the second |
13 | | calendar day following the day the conference committee report |
14 | | was filed with the Clerk. |
15 | | (c) Nothing in this Rule limits consideration of a motion |
16 | | to concur or conference committee report by a committee of the |
17 | | House or a joint committee of the House and Senate. |
18 | | (d) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
19 | | vote of 79 members elected. |