| | HR0015 | | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
4 | | the following (which are the same as the Rules of the House of |
5 | | Representatives of the One Hundred Third General Assembly |
6 | | except as indicated by striking and underscoring) are adopted |
7 | | as the Rules of the House of Representatives of the One Hundred |
8 | | Fourth General Assembly: |
9 | | ARTICLE I |
11 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
12 | | (House Rule 1) |
13 | | 1. Election of the Speaker. |
14 | | (a) At the first meeting of the House of each General |
15 | | Assembly, the Secretary of State shall convene the House at |
16 | | 12:00 noon, designate a Temporary Clerk of the House, and |
17 | | preside during the nomination and election of the Speaker. As |
18 | | the first item of business each day before the election of the |
19 | | Speaker, the Secretary of State shall order the Temporary |
20 | | Clerk to call the roll of the members to establish the presence |
21 | | of a quorum as required by the Constitution. If a majority of |
22 | | those elected are not present, the House shall stand adjourned |
| | HR0015 | - 2 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | until the next calendar day, excepting weekends, at the hour |
2 | | prescribed in Rule 29. If a quorum of members elected is |
3 | | present, the Secretary of State shall then call for |
4 | | nominations of members for the Office of Speaker. All |
5 | | nominations require a second. When nominating a member for the |
6 | | Office of Speaker, one member shall make a nomination, and no |
7 | | more than two members may second the nomination. When the |
8 | | nominations are completed, the Secretary of State shall direct |
9 | | the Temporary Clerk to call the roll of the members to elect |
10 | | the Speaker. |
11 | | (b) The election of the Speaker requires the affirmative |
12 | | vote of a majority of those elected. Debate is not in order |
13 | | following nominations and preceding or during the vote. |
14 | | (c) No legislative measure may be considered and no |
15 | | committees may be appointed or meet before the election of the |
16 | | Speaker. |
17 | | (d) When a vacancy in the Office of Speaker occurs, the |
18 | | foregoing procedure shall be employed to elect a new Speaker; |
19 | | when the Secretary of State is of a political party other than |
20 | | that of the majority caucus, however, the Majority Leader |
21 | | shall preside during the nomination and election of the |
22 | | successor Speaker. No legislative measures, other than for the |
23 | | nomination and election of a successor Speaker, may be |
24 | | considered by the House during a vacancy in the Office of |
25 | | Speaker. |
26 | | (e) No member may be elected as Speaker for more than five |
| | HR0015 | - 3 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | General Assemblies, including any term in which the member was |
2 | | elected to fill a vacancy in the office; provided that such |
3 | | service before the commencement of the 102nd General Assembly |
4 | | shall not be considered in the calculation of the member's |
5 | | service. |
6 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
7 | | (House Rule 2) |
8 | | 2. Election of the Minority Leader. |
9 | | (a) The House shall elect a Minority Leader in a manner |
10 | | consistent with the laws of Illinois. The member nominated for |
11 | | Speaker who received the second highest number of votes shall |
12 | | be elected Minority Leader, provided the member is affiliated |
13 | | with the numerically strongest political party other than the |
14 | | party to which the Speaker belongs and is not otherwise |
15 | | prohibited under subsection (c) of this Section. If the member |
16 | | is prohibited from being elected as Minority Leader under |
17 | | subsection (c), the Office of Minority Leader shall be |
18 | | considered vacant. |
19 | | (b) When a vacancy in the Office of Minority Leader |
20 | | occurs, the Speaker shall preside during the nomination and |
21 | | election of the successor Minority Leader. |
22 | | (c) No member may be elected as Minority Leader for more |
23 | | than five General Assemblies, including any term in which the |
24 | | member was elected to fill a vacancy in the such office; |
25 | | provided that such service before the commencement of the |
| | HR0015 | - 4 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | 102nd General Assembly shall not be considered in the |
2 | | calculation of the member's service. |
3 | | (d) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
4 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
5 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
6 | | (House Rule 3) |
7 | | 3. Majority and Minority Leadership. |
8 | | (a) The Speaker and the Minority Leader shall appoint from |
9 | | within their respective caucuses the members of the Majority |
10 | | and Minority Leaderships as allowed by law. |
11 | | (b) Appointments are effective upon being filed with the |
12 | | Clerk and remain effective at the pleasure of the Speaker and |
13 | | Minority Leader, respectively, or until a vacancy occurs by |
14 | | reason of resignation or because a leader has ceased to be a |
15 | | Representative. Successor leaders shall be appointed in the |
16 | | same manner as their predecessors. Leaders have those powers |
17 | | delegated to them by the Speaker or Minority Leader, as the |
18 | | case may be. |
19 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
20 | | (House Rule 4) |
21 | | 4. The Speaker. |
22 | | (a) The Speaker has those powers conferred upon him or her |
23 | | by the Constitution, the laws of Illinois, and any motions or |
24 | | resolutions adopted by the House or jointly by the House and |
| | HR0015 | - 5 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | Senate. |
2 | | (b) Except as otherwise provided by law, the Speaker is |
3 | | the chief administrative officer of the House and has those |
4 | | powers necessary to carry out those functions. The Speaker may |
5 | | delegate administrative duties as he or she deems appropriate. |
6 | | (c) The duties of the Speaker include the following: |
7 | | (1) To preside at all sessions of the House. |
8 | | (2) To open the session at the time at which the House |
9 | | is to meet by taking the chair and calling the members to |
10 | | order. |
11 | | (3) To announce the business before the House in the |
12 | | order upon which it is to be acted. |
13 | | (4) To recognize those members entitled to the floor. |
14 | | (5) To state and put to a vote all questions that are |
15 | | regularly moved or that necessarily arise in the course of |
16 | | the proceedings, and to announce the result of the vote. |
17 | | (6) To preserve order and decorum. |
18 | | (7) To decide all points of order, subject to appeal, |
19 | | and to speak on these points in preference to other |
20 | | members. |
21 | | (8) To inform the House when necessary, or when any |
22 | | question is raised, on any point of order or practice |
23 | | pertinent to the pending business. |
24 | | (9) To sign or authenticate all acts, proceedings, or |
25 | | orders of the House. All writs, warrants, and subpoenas |
26 | | issued by order of the House, or any of its committees, |
| | HR0015 | - 6 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | shall be signed by the Speaker and attested by the Clerk. |
2 | | (10) To sign all bills passed by both chambers of the |
3 | | General Assembly to certify that the procedural |
4 | | requirements for passage have been met. |
5 | | (11) To have general supervision of the House Chamber, |
6 | | House galleries, House committee rooms and chapel, and |
7 | | adjoining and connecting hallways and passages, including |
8 | | the duty to protect their security and safety and the |
9 | | power to clear them when necessary. The House Chamber |
10 | | shall not be used without permission of the Speaker. |
11 | | (12) To have general supervision of the Clerk and his |
12 | | or her assistants, the Doorkeeper and his or her |
13 | | assistants, the majority caucus staff, the |
14 | | parliamentarians, and all employees of the House except |
15 | | the minority caucus staff. |
16 | | (13) To determine the number of majority caucus |
17 | | members and minority caucus members to be appointed to all |
18 | | committees, except as otherwise provided by these Rules. |
19 | | (14) To appoint all Chairpersons, Co-Chairpersons, and |
20 | | Vice-Chairpersons of committees (from either the majority |
21 | | or minority caucus), and to appoint all majority caucus |
22 | | members of committees. |
23 | | (15) To enforce all constitutional provisions, |
24 | | statutes, rules, and regulations applicable to the House. |
25 | | (16) To guide and direct the proceedings of the House |
26 | | subject to the control and will of the members. |
| | HR0015 | - 7 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (17) To direct the Clerk to correct non-substantive |
2 | | errors in the Journal. |
3 | | (18) To assign meeting places and meeting times to |
4 | | committees. |
5 | | (19) To perform any other duties assigned to the |
6 | | Speaker by these House Rules or jointly by the House and |
7 | | Senate. |
8 | | (20) To decide, subject to Rule 43, all questions |
9 | | relating to the priority of business. |
10 | | (21) To issue, in cooperation with the Comptroller and |
11 | | after clearance with the United States Internal Revenue |
12 | | Service, written regulations covering administration of |
13 | | contingent expense allowances of members of the House. |
14 | | (22) To appoint one or more parliamentarians to serve |
15 | | at the pleasure of the Speaker. |
16 | | (c-5) The Speaker may call on any member, or the Clerk in |
17 | | the case of perfunctory session, to open and preside at any |
18 | | session as Presiding Officer. A Presiding Officer shall |
19 | | perform the duties of the Speaker necessary and related to the |
20 | | conduct of session. |
21 | | (d) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
22 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
23 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
24 | | (House Rule 5) |
25 | | 5. Powers and Duties of the Minority Leader. |
| | HR0015 | - 8 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (a) The Minority Leader has those powers conferred upon |
2 | | him or her by the Constitution, the laws of Illinois, and any |
3 | | motions or resolutions adopted by the House or jointly by the |
4 | | House and Senate. |
5 | | (b) The Minority Leader shall appoint to all committees |
6 | | the members from the minority caucus and shall designate a |
7 | | Minority Spokesperson for each committee, except that the |
8 | | Speaker may appoint a minority caucus member to be Chairperson |
9 | | or Co-Chairperson of a standing committee or a special |
10 | | committee. |
11 | | (c) The Minority Leader has general supervision of the |
12 | | minority caucus staff. |
13 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
14 | | (House Rule 6) |
15 | | 6. Clerk of the House. |
16 | | (a) The House shall elect a Clerk, who may adopt |
17 | | appropriate policies or procedures for the conduct of his or |
18 | | her office. The Speaker is the final arbiter of any dispute |
19 | | arising in connection with the operation of the Office of the |
20 | | Clerk. |
21 | | (b) The duties of the Clerk include the following: |
22 | | (1) To have custody of all bills, papers, and records |
23 | | of the House, which shall not be taken out of the Clerk's |
24 | | custody except in the regular course of business in the |
25 | | House. |
| | HR0015 | - 9 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (2) To endorse on every original bill and each copy |
2 | | its number, the names of sponsors, the date of |
3 | | introduction, and the several orders taken on it. When |
4 | | reproduced, the names of the sponsors shall appear on the |
5 | | front page of the bill in the same order they appeared when |
6 | | introduced. |
7 | | (3) To cause each measure subject to such a |
8 | | requirement to be reproduced and placed on the desks of |
9 | | the members as soon as it is reproduced, as provided in |
10 | | Rule 39. |
11 | | (4) To keep the Journal of the proceedings of the |
12 | | House and, under the direction of the Speaker, correct |
13 | | errors in the Journal. |
14 | | (5) To keep the transcripts of the debates of the |
15 | | House and make them available to the public under |
16 | | reasonable conditions. |
17 | | (6) To keep the necessary records for the House and |
18 | | its committees and task forces; and to prepare the House |
19 | | Calendar for each legislative day, except perfunctory |
20 | | session days. |
21 | | (7) To examine all House Bills and Constitutional |
22 | | Amendment Resolutions following Second Reading and before |
23 | | final passage for the purpose of correcting any |
24 | | non-substantive errors, and to report the same back to the |
25 | | Speaker promptly; to supervise the enrolling and |
26 | | engrossing of bills and resolutions, subject to the |
| | HR0015 | - 10 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | direction of the Speaker; and to attest to the passage or |
2 | | adoption of legislative measures, and to note thereon the |
3 | | date of final House action. Any corrections made by the |
4 | | Clerk and approved by the Speaker shall be entered on the |
5 | | Journal. |
6 | | (8) To transmit bills, other documents, and messages |
7 | | to the Senate and secure a receipt therefor, and to |
8 | | receive from the Senate bills, other documents, and |
9 | | messages and give receipt therefor. |
10 | | (9) To file with the Secretary of State debate |
11 | | transcripts and House documents as required by law. |
12 | | (10) To attend every session of the House; record the |
13 | | roll; and read all bills, resolutions, and other papers as |
14 | | directed by the Speaker. Bills shall be read by title |
15 | | only. |
16 | | (11) To supervise the Assistant Clerk, the Doorkeeper, |
17 | | pages, messengers, committee clerks, and other employees |
18 | | of his or her office. |
19 | | (12) To establish the format for all documents, forms, |
20 | | and committee records and audio recordings prepared by |
21 | | committee clerks. |
22 | | (13) Subject to approval by the Speaker, to establish |
23 | | standards of decorum and other standards regarding |
24 | | statements filed under Rule 53 or Rule 53.5. |
25 | | (14) To serve as the Speaker's authorized designee for |
26 | | purposes of the Freedom of Information Act. The Clerk |
| | HR0015 | - 11 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | shall provide copies of all requests for information under |
2 | | the Freedom of Information Act to the member or staff |
3 | | subject to the request, as well as any responses, |
4 | | notifications, or public records included with responses |
5 | | and notifications. |
6 | | (15) To ensure each motion under consideration for a |
7 | | roll call vote is accurately displayed on the public |
8 | | viewing board. Accurate and appropriate display of items |
9 | | shall be determined by the standard practices set forth by |
10 | | the Speaker within the technological abilities and |
11 | | limitations of the system. |
12 | | (16) To review vouchers to be presented to the |
13 | | Comptroller for payment of expenditures related to the |
14 | | operations of the House, including vouchers for payment |
15 | | from members' office allowances under the General Assembly |
16 | | Compensation Act. The Clerk shall have the authority to |
17 | | deny any such voucher if the expenditure or payment is not |
18 | | properly authorized. |
19 | | (17) To perform other duties assigned by the Speaker. |
20 | | (c) The Clerk and those under the supervision of the |
21 | | Clerk, including the Assistant Clerk, committee clerks, and |
22 | | other employees, may accept a bill, amendment, conference |
23 | | committee report, amendatory veto acceptance motion, or |
24 | | resolution for filing only if (i) it is a document entered into |
25 | | the General Assembly's computer system, at the direction of or |
26 | | with the approval of a member, by the Legislative Reference |
| | HR0015 | - 12 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | Bureau, the House or the Senate Democratic staff, the House or |
2 | | the Senate Republican staff, or House or Senate Enrolling and |
3 | | Engrossing or, with respect to appropriation documents only, |
4 | | entered into the General Assembly's computer system by the |
5 | | Governor's Office of Management and Budget, (ii) it bears a |
6 | | bar coded document number of the drafting entity that is |
7 | | compatible with the computer system used by the House, and |
8 | | (iii) the bar coded document number does not duplicate one on |
9 | | another document that has already been filed in the House or |
10 | | the Senate. |
11 | | (d) Whenever a vacancy in the office of Clerk exists due to |
12 | | resignation, death, removal, disability, or other inability to |
13 | | act, the Speaker may appoint an Acting Clerk to perform the |
14 | | duties of the Clerk until a successor is elected by the House. |
15 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
16 | | (House Rule 7) |
17 | | 7. Assistant Clerk of the House. The House shall, in a |
18 | | manner consistent with the laws of Illinois, elect an |
19 | | Assistant Clerk, who shall perform those duties assigned by |
20 | | the Clerk. Whenever a vacancy in the office of Assistant Clerk |
21 | | exists due to resignation, death, removal, disability, or |
22 | | other inability to act, the Speaker, after consultation with |
23 | | the Minority Leader, may appoint an Acting Assistant Clerk to |
24 | | perform the duties of the Assistant Clerk until a successor is |
25 | | elected by the House. The Acting Assistant Clerk shall not be |
| | HR0015 | - 13 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | of the same political party as the Clerk. |
2 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
3 | | (House Rule 8) |
4 | | 8. Doorkeeper. |
5 | | (a) The House shall elect a Doorkeeper who shall perform |
6 | | those duties assigned by law, or as ordered by the Speaker, |
7 | | Presiding Officer, or Clerk. |
8 | | (b) The duties of the Doorkeeper shall include the |
9 | | following: |
10 | | (1) To attend the House during its sessions and |
11 | | execute the commands of the Speaker or Presiding Officer. |
12 | | (2) To maintain order among spectators admitted into |
13 | | the House Chamber, galleries, and adjoining or connecting |
14 | | hallways and passages. |
15 | | (3) To take proper measures to prevent interruption of |
16 | | the House. |
17 | | (4) To remove unruly persons from the House Chamber, |
18 | | galleries, and adjoining and connecting hallways and |
19 | | passages. |
20 | | (5) To ensure that only authorized persons have access |
21 | | to the House Chamber, galleries, and adjoining hallways |
22 | | and passages, subject to the direction of the Speaker. |
23 | | (6) To supervise any Assistant Doorkeepers. |
24 | | (7) To perform other duties assigned by the Speaker. |
25 | | (c) Whenever a vacancy in the office of Doorkeeper exists |
| | HR0015 | - 14 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | due to resignation, death, removal, disability, or other |
2 | | inability to act, the Speaker may appoint an Acting Doorkeeper |
3 | | to perform the duties of the Doorkeeper until a successor is |
4 | | elected by the House. |
5 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
6 | | (House Rule 9) |
7 | | 9. Schedule. |
8 | | (a) The Speaker shall periodically establish a schedule of |
9 | | days on which the House shall convene in regular, perfunctory, |
10 | | and veto session, with that schedule subject to revision at |
11 | | the discretion of the Speaker. |
12 | | (b) The Speaker may schedule or reschedule deadlines at |
13 | | his or her discretion for any action on any category of |
14 | | legislative measure as the Speaker deems appropriate, |
15 | | including deadlines for the following legislative actions: |
16 | | (1) Final day to request bills from the Legislative |
17 | | Reference Bureau. |
18 | | (2) Final day for introduction of bills. |
19 | | (3) Final day for standing committees of the House to |
20 | | report House bills, except House appropriation bills. |
21 | | (4) Final day for standing committees of the House to |
22 | | report House appropriation bills. |
23 | | (5) Final day for Third Reading and passage of House |
24 | | bills, except House appropriation bills. |
25 | | (6) Final day for Third Reading and passage of House |
| | HR0015 | - 15 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | appropriation bills. |
2 | | (7) Final day for standing committees of the House to |
3 | | report Senate appropriation bills. |
4 | | (8) Final day for standing committees of the House to |
5 | | report Senate bills, except appropriation bills. |
6 | | (9) Final day for special committees to report to the |
7 | | House. |
8 | | (10) Final day for Third Reading and passage of Senate |
9 | | appropriation bills. |
10 | | (11) Final day for Third Reading and passage of Senate |
11 | | bills, except appropriation bills. |
12 | | (12) Final day for consideration of joint action |
13 | | motions and conference committee reports. |
14 | | (c) The Speaker may schedule or reschedule any necessary |
15 | | deadlines for legislative action during any special session of |
16 | | the House. |
17 | | (d) The foregoing deadlines, or any revisions to those |
18 | | deadlines, are effective upon being filed by the Speaker with |
19 | | the Clerk. The Clerk shall journalize those deadlines. |
20 | | (e) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
21 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
22 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
23 | | ARTICLE II |
25 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
| | HR0015 | - 16 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (House Rule 10) |
2 | | 10. Committees. |
3 | | (a) The committees of the House are: (i) the standing |
4 | | committees listed in Rule 11; (ii) the special committees |
5 | | created under Rule 13; (iii) any subcommittees created under |
6 | | these Rules; (iv) the Rules Committee created under Rule 15; |
7 | | (v) any committees created under Article X or Article XII; and |
8 | | (vi) any Committee of the Whole. Committees of the Whole shall |
9 | | consist of all Representatives. |
10 | | (b) Except as otherwise provided in this Rule and subject |
11 | | to Rules 12 and 13, all committees shall have a Chairperson and |
12 | | Minority Spokesperson, who may be of the same political party. |
13 | | A Minority Spokesperson may not be appointed until after a |
14 | | Chairperson has been appointed. Standing committees that have |
15 | | Co-Chairpersons from different political parties shall not |
16 | | have a Minority Spokesperson. Special committees that have |
17 | | Co-Chairpersons from different political parties shall not |
18 | | have a Minority Spokesperson. No member may be appointed to |
19 | | serve as a Chairperson, Minority Spokesperson, or |
20 | | Co-Chairperson of any committee unless the member is serving |
21 | | in at least his or her third term as a member of the General |
22 | | Assembly, including any terms in which the member was |
23 | | appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of Representative or |
24 | | Senator. Each committee may have a Vice-Chairperson appointed |
25 | | by the Speaker. The number of majority caucus members and |
| | HR0015 | - 17 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | minority caucus members of all committees, except the Rules |
2 | | Committee created under Rule 15 and as otherwise provided by |
3 | | these Rules, shall be determined by the Speaker. The Speaker |
4 | | shall file a notice with the Clerk setting forth the number of |
5 | | majority caucus and minority caucus members of each committee, |
6 | | which shall be journalized. A member may be temporarily |
7 | | replaced on a committee if the member is otherwise |
8 | | unavailable. The appointment of a member as a temporary |
9 | | replacement shall remain in effect until (i) the permanent |
10 | | member who was replaced is in attendance at the hearing and has |
11 | | been added to the committee roll, (ii) the appointing |
12 | | authority withdraws the temporary replacement appointment or |
13 | | appoints a different member to serve as the temporary |
14 | | replacement, or (iii) the hearing is adjourned or the |
15 | | authority has expired for a re-convened hearing following a |
16 | | recess of the committee, whichever occurs first. All leaders |
17 | | are non-voting ex-officio members of each standing committee |
18 | | and each special committee, except that the leaders may also |
19 | | be appointed to standing committees or special committees as |
20 | | voting members. The Speaker may also appoint any member of the |
21 | | majority caucus, and the Minority Leader may appoint any |
22 | | member of the minority caucus, as a non-voting member of any |
23 | | standing committee or special committee. |
24 | | (c) The Chairperson of a committee has the authority to |
25 | | call the committee to order, designate which legislative |
26 | | measures and subject matters posted for hearing shall be taken |
| | HR0015 | - 18 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | up and in what order, order a record vote to be taken on each |
2 | | legislative measure called for a vote, preserve order and |
3 | | decorum during committee meetings, establish procedural rules |
4 | | (subject to approval by the Speaker) governing the |
5 | | presentation and consideration of legislative measures and |
6 | | subject matters, and generally supervise the affairs of the |
7 | | committee. Any such procedural rules must be filed with the |
8 | | Clerk and copies provided to all members of the committee. The |
9 | | Vice-Chairperson of a committee or other member of the |
10 | | committee from the majority caucus may preside over its |
11 | | meetings in the absence or at the direction of the |
12 | | Chairperson. In the case of standing or special committees |
13 | | with Co-Chairpersons from different political parties, the |
14 | | "Chairperson" for purposes of this Rule is the Co-Chairperson |
15 | | from the majority caucus. |
16 | | (d) A vacancy on a committee, or in the position of |
17 | | Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, or Minority |
18 | | Spokesperson on a committee, exists when a member resigns from |
19 | | the position, ceases to be a Representative, or changes |
20 | | political party affiliation. Resignations and notices of a |
21 | | change in political party affiliation shall be made in writing |
22 | | to the Clerk, who shall promptly notify the Speaker and |
23 | | Minority Leader. Replacement members shall be of the same |
24 | | political party as that of the member who resigns, and shall be |
25 | | appointed in the same manner as the original appointment, |
26 | | except that in the case of a vacancy in the position of |
| | HR0015 | - 19 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | Chairperson or Co-Chairperson, the replacement member need not |
2 | | be from the same political party. The Speaker or Minority |
3 | | Leader may appoint a temporary replacement to fill a vacancy |
4 | | until such time as a permanent member has been appointed. In |
5 | | the case of vacancies on subcommittees, the parent committee |
6 | | shall fill the vacancy in the same manner as the original |
7 | | appointment. |
8 | | (e) The Chairperson of a committee has the authority to |
9 | | call meetings of that committee, subject to the approval of |
10 | | the Speaker. In the case of standing or special committees |
11 | | with Co-Chairpersons from different political parties, the |
12 | | Co-Chairperson from the majority caucus has the authority to |
13 | | call meetings of the special committee, subject to the |
14 | | approval of the Speaker. Except as otherwise provided by these |
15 | | Rules, committee meetings shall be convened in accordance with |
16 | | Rule 21. |
17 | | (f) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
18 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
19 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
20 | | (House Rule 11) |
21 | | 11. Standing Committees. The Standing Committees of the |
22 | | House are as follows: |
| | HR0015 | - 20 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
21 | | GAMING
25 | | HOUSING
| | HR0015 | - 21 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
18 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
19 | | (House Rule 12) |
20 | | 12. Members and Officers of Standing Committees. Except |
21 | | for temporary appointments authorized by Rule 10, the members |
22 | | of each standing committee shall be appointed for the term by |
23 | | the Speaker and the Minority Leader, unless replaced as a |
24 | | permanent member by the appointing authority. The Speaker, at |
25 | | his or her discretion, shall appoint a Chairperson or |
| | HR0015 | - 22 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | Co-Chairpersons. The Speaker may appoint any member as a |
2 | | Chairperson or Co-Chairperson of a standing committee, subject |
3 | | to Rule 10(b). If the Chairperson or Co-Chairperson is a |
4 | | member of the majority or minority leadership or the |
5 | | Chairperson or Minority Spokesperson of any other standing |
6 | | committee or of a special committee, the member shall receive |
7 | | no additional stipend or compensation for serving as |
8 | | Chairperson or Co-Chairperson of the standing committee. For |
9 | | purposes of Section 1 of the General Assembly Compensation Act |
10 | | (25 ILCS 115/1), one Co-Chairperson of a standing committee |
11 | | shall be considered "Chairman" and the other shall be |
12 | | considered "Minority Spokesman" unless both Co-Chairpersons |
13 | | are members of the majority caucus. The Speaker shall appoint |
14 | | the remaining standing committee members of the majority |
15 | | caucus (one of whom the Speaker may designate as |
16 | | Vice-Chairperson), and the Minority Leader shall appoint the |
17 | | remaining standing committee members of the minority caucus |
18 | | (one of whom the Minority Leader may designate as Minority |
19 | | Spokesperson), except that if the standing committee has |
20 | | Co-Chairpersons from different political parties, the standing |
21 | | committee shall not have a Minority Spokesperson. In that |
22 | | case, the Minority Leader shall appoint the minority caucus |
23 | | members to the standing committee, except the Co-Chairperson |
24 | | from the minority caucus, who shall be appointed by the |
25 | | Speaker. Appointments are effective upon the delivery of |
26 | | appropriate correspondence from the respective leader to the |
| | HR0015 | - 23 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | Clerk, regardless of whether the House is in session, and |
2 | | shall remain effective for the duration of the term, subject |
3 | | to Rule 10(d). The Clerk shall journalize the appointments. |
4 | | Committees may conduct business when a majority of the total |
5 | | number of committee members has been appointed. |
6 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
7 | | (House Rule 13) |
8 | | 13. Special Committees. |
9 | | (a) Special committees may be created by (i) the Speaker |
10 | | or (ii) a House resolution approved by a majority of those |
11 | | elected. |
12 | | The Speaker may create additional special committees by |
13 | | filing a notice of the creation of the special committee with |
14 | | the Clerk. The notice or House resolution creating an |
15 | | additional special committee shall specify the subject matter |
16 | | of the special committee and the number of majority and |
17 | | minority caucus members to be appointed. Any committee created |
18 | | by a House resolution shall be deemed a special committee, |
19 | | unless otherwise provided, for purposes of these Rules. |
20 | | (b) The Speaker shall determine the number of majority and |
21 | | minority caucus members to be appointed to special committees |
22 | | in accordance with Rule 10(b). The Speaker, at his or her |
23 | | discretion, shall appoint a Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons. |
24 | | The Speaker may appoint any member as a Chairperson or |
25 | | Co-Chairperson of a special committee, subject to Rule 10(b). |
| | HR0015 | - 24 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | If the Chairperson or Co-Chairperson is a member of the |
2 | | majority or minority leadership or the Chairperson or Minority |
3 | | Spokesperson of a standing committee, the member shall receive |
4 | | no additional stipend or compensation for serving as |
5 | | Chairperson or Co-Chairperson of the special committee. For |
6 | | purposes of Section 1 of the General Assembly Compensation Act |
7 | | (25 ILCS 115/1), (i) a special committee under these rules is |
8 | | considered a "select committee" and (ii) one Co-Chairperson of |
9 | | a special committee shall be considered "Chairman" and the |
10 | | other shall be considered "Minority Spokesman" unless both |
11 | | Co-Chairpersons are members of the majority caucus. The |
12 | | appointed members of special committees shall be designated by |
13 | | the Speaker and the Minority Leader in a like manner as |
14 | | provided in Rule 12 with respect to standing committees. If |
15 | | the special committee has Co-Chairpersons from different |
16 | | political parties, the special committee shall not have a |
17 | | Minority Spokesperson. In that case, the Minority Leader shall |
18 | | appoint the minority caucus members to the special committee, |
19 | | except the Co-Chairperson from the minority caucus who shall |
20 | | be appointed by the Speaker. The Speaker may establish a |
21 | | reporting date during the term for each special committee by |
22 | | filing a notice of the reporting date with the Clerk. Unless an |
23 | | earlier date is specified by the notice, special committees |
24 | | expire at the end of the term. |
25 | | (c) Special committees are empowered to conduct business |
26 | | when a majority of the total number of committee members has |
| | HR0015 | - 25 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | been appointed. |
2 | | (d) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
3 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
4 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
5 | | (House Rule 13.5) |
6 | | 13.5. Task Forces. A task force of the House may be created |
7 | | by (i) the Speaker, or (ii) a House resolution approved by a |
8 | | majority of those elected. A notice or resolution creating a |
9 | | task force shall include the subject matter of the task force |
10 | | and the number of majority and minority caucus members to be |
11 | | appointed. House members shall be designated by the Speaker |
12 | | and the Minority Leader. Except as otherwise provided for in |
13 | | the notice or House resolution creating the task force, the |
14 | | Speaker shall designate the Chair and the Minority Leader |
15 | | shall designate the Minority Spokesperson; however, the task |
16 | | force shall not have a Minority Spokesperson if the task force |
17 | | has Co-Chairpersons from different political parties. Except |
18 | | as otherwise provided for in the notice or House resolution |
19 | | creating the task force, all actions and recommendations of |
20 | | the task force must be approved by a majority of those |
21 | | appointed to the task force. Task forces are empowered to |
22 | | conduct business when a majority of the total number of |
23 | | members has been appointed. For purposes of Section 1 of the |
24 | | General Assembly Compensation Act (25 ILCS 115/1), a task |
25 | | force is not considered a "select committee". |
| | HR0015 | - 26 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | The Chair or Co-Chairpersons of a task force shall |
2 | | provide, no later than 48 hours before a proposed hearing, a |
3 | | notice identifying the date, time, location, and subject |
4 | | matter of any hearing. The Clerk shall be the custodian of |
5 | | record for documents, records, and audio recordings for task |
6 | | force hearings. |
7 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
8 | | (House Rule 14) |
9 | | 14. Subcommittees. |
10 | | (a) The Chairperson of a standing committee, a special |
11 | | committee, or a committee created under Article X may create a |
12 | | subcommittee by filing a notice with the Clerk. The notice |
13 | | shall specify the subject matter, the number of majority |
14 | | caucus and minority caucus members to be appointed to a |
15 | | subcommittee, and the manner in which appointments shall be |
16 | | made, and may specify a reporting date during the term. In the |
17 | | case of standing or special committees with Co-Chairpersons |
18 | | from different political parties, the creation of |
19 | | subcommittees and the number of majority caucus and minority |
20 | | caucus members to be appointed to the subcommittee shall be |
21 | | determined by the Co-Chairperson from the majority caucus. |
22 | | Members of subcommittees and any temporary replacements must |
23 | | be members of the parent committee. Subcommittees shall not |
24 | | create subcommittees. |
25 | | Unless an earlier date is specified by the notice, |
| | HR0015 | - 27 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | subcommittees expire at the end of the term. |
2 | | (b) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
3 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
4 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
5 | | (House Rule 15) |
6 | | 15. Rules Committee. |
7 | | (a) The Rules Committee is created as a permanent |
8 | | committee. The Rules Committee shall consist of 5 members, 3 |
9 | | appointed by the Speaker and 2 appointed by the Minority |
10 | | Leader. The Speaker and the Minority Leader shall not serve as |
11 | | members of the Rules Committee. The Rules Committee may |
12 | | conduct business when a majority of the total number of its |
13 | | members has been appointed. |
14 | | (b) The majority caucus members of the Rules Committee |
15 | | shall serve at the pleasure of the Speaker, and the minority |
16 | | caucus members shall serve at the pleasure of the Minority |
17 | | Leader. Appointments shall be by notice filed with the Clerk, |
18 | | and shall be effective for the balance of the term or until a |
19 | | replacement appointment is made, whichever first occurs. |
20 | | Appointments take effect upon filing with the Clerk, |
21 | | regardless of whether the House is in session. |
22 | | (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Rules, |
23 | | the Rules Committee may meet upon reasonable public notice |
24 | | that includes a statement of the subjects to be considered. |
25 | | All legislative measures pending before the Rules Committee |
| | HR0015 | - 28 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | are eligible for consideration at any of its meetings, and all |
2 | | of those legislative measures are deemed posted for hearing by |
3 | | the Rules Committee for all of its meetings. |
4 | | (c-5) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Rules, |
5 | | members of the Rules Committee may, at the discretion of the |
6 | | Chairperson, participate remotely in its meetings, except |
7 | | those held on regular, veto, special, or joint session days. A |
8 | | member participating remotely shall be considered present, |
9 | | including for purposes of voting in accordance with Rule 49 |
10 | | and determining if a quorum is present. Action taken by a |
11 | | member of the committee who is participating remotely shall |
12 | | have the same legal effect as if the member were physically |
13 | | present when the action is taken. The Speaker may establish |
14 | | additional procedures for remote participation pursuant to |
15 | | this subsection and shall designate the technology or software |
16 | | that must be used. The technology or software must, at a |
17 | | minimum, be sufficient to (1) verify the identity of a member |
18 | | who is participating remotely, (2) allow the public, including |
19 | | representatives of the press, to hear or view each member and |
20 | | witness who is participating remotely, and (3) allow witnesses |
21 | | to testify as permitted under Rule 26. |
22 | | (d) Upon concurrence of a majority of those appointed, the |
23 | | Rules Committee may advance any legislative measure pending |
24 | | before it to the House, without referral to another committee; |
25 | | the Rules Committee, however, shall not so report (i) any |
26 | | committee amendment, or (ii) any bill that has never been |
| | HR0015 | - 29 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | favorably reported by or discharged from a standing committee |
2 | | or a special committee of the House or recommended for action |
3 | | by a joint committee of the House and Senate. A bill advanced |
4 | | to the House shall be placed on the Daily Calendar on the order |
5 | | on which it appeared before it was re-referred to the Rules |
6 | | Committee. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Rules, |
7 | | a floor amendment, joint action motion for final action, or |
8 | | conference committee report advanced to the House by the Rules |
9 | | Committee may be considered for adoption no sooner than one |
10 | | hour after the Clerk announces the report of the Rules |
11 | | Committee referring such a legislative measure to the House. |
12 | | (e) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
13 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
14 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
15 | | (House Rule 16) |
16 | | 16. Referrals of Resolutions and Reorganization Orders. |
17 | | (a) All resolutions, except adjournment resolutions and |
18 | | resolutions considered under subsection (b) or (c) of this |
19 | | Rule, after being initially read by the Clerk, shall be |
20 | | automatically referred to the Rules Committee, which may |
21 | | thereafter refer any resolution before it to the House |
22 | | pursuant to Rule 15(d) or to a standing committee or special |
23 | | committee. No resolution, except adjournment resolutions and |
24 | | resolutions considered under subsection (b), (c), or (d) of |
25 | | this Rule, may be considered by the House unless (i) referred |
| | HR0015 | - 30 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | to the House by the Rules Committee, (ii) favorably reported |
2 | | by a standing committee or special committee, (iii) authorized |
3 | | under Article XII, or (iv) discharged from committee pursuant |
4 | | to Rule 18(g) or Rule 58. An adjournment resolution is subject |
5 | | to Rule 66. |
6 | | (b) Any member may file a congratulatory or death |
7 | | resolution for consideration by the House. The Principal |
8 | | Sponsor of each congratulatory or death resolution shall pay a |
9 | | reasonable fee, determined by the Clerk with the approval of |
10 | | the Speaker, to offset the actual cost of producing the |
11 | | congratulatory or death resolution. The fee may be paid from |
12 | | the office allowance provided by Section 4 of the General |
13 | | Assembly Compensation Act, or from any other funds available |
14 | | to the member. Upon agreement of the Speaker and the Minority |
15 | | Leader, congratulatory or death resolutions may be immediately |
16 | | considered and adopted by the House without referral to the |
17 | | Rules Committee. Those resolutions may be adopted as a group |
18 | | by a single motion pursuant to a voice vote. A member may |
19 | | record a vote of "present" or "no" for a particular resolution |
20 | | by filing a notice with the Clerk to be included in the House |
21 | | Journal. Congratulatory and death resolutions shall be entered |
22 | | on the Journal only by number, sponsorship, and subject. The |
23 | | provisions of this subsection requiring the Principal Sponsor |
24 | | to pay a reasonable fee may not be suspended. |
25 | | (c) Death resolutions in memory of former members of the |
26 | | General Assembly and former constitutional officers, upon |
| | HR0015 | - 31 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | introduction, may be immediately considered by the House |
2 | | without referral to the Rules Committee. Those resolutions |
3 | | shall be entered on the Journal in full. |
4 | | (d) Executive reorganization orders of the Governor issued |
5 | | under Article V, Section 11 of the Constitution, upon being |
6 | | read into the record by the Clerk, are automatically referred |
7 | | to the Rules Committee for its referral to a standing |
8 | | committee or a special committee, which may issue a |
9 | | recommendation to the House with respect to the Executive |
10 | | Order. The Rules Committee may refer a resolution to |
11 | | disapprove an Executive Order to the House if a standing |
12 | | committee or a special committee has reported to the House on |
13 | | the Executive Order, or if the Executive Order has been |
14 | | discharged under Rule 58. The House may disapprove of an |
15 | | Executive Order by resolution adopted by a majority of those |
16 | | elected. |
17 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
18 | | (House Rule 17) |
19 | | 17. Sponsorship by the Rules Committee. The Rules |
20 | | Committee may consider any legislative measure referred to it |
21 | | under these Rules, by motion or resolution, or by order of the |
22 | | Presiding Officer upon initial reading. The Rules Committee |
23 | | may, with the concurrence of a majority of those appointed, |
24 | | sponsor motions or resolutions; notwithstanding any other |
25 | | provision of these Rules, any motion or resolution sponsored |
| | HR0015 | - 32 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | by the Rules Committee may be immediately considered by the |
2 | | House without referral to a committee. Any such motion or |
3 | | resolution shall be assigned standard debate status, subject |
4 | | to Rule 52. |
5 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
6 | | (House Rule 18) |
7 | | 18. Referrals to Committees. |
8 | | (a) All House bills and Senate bills, after being |
9 | | initially read by the Clerk, are automatically referred to the |
10 | | Rules Committee. |
11 | | (b) The Rules Committee may refer any such bill before it |
12 | | to a standing committee or a special committee. During |
13 | | even-numbered years, the Rules Committee shall refer to a |
14 | | standing committee or a special committee only appropriation |
15 | | bills implementing the budget and bills deemed by the Rules |
16 | | Committee, by the affirmative vote of a majority of those |
17 | | appointed, to be of an emergency nature or to be of substantial |
18 | | importance to the operation of government. This subsection (b) |
19 | | applies equally to House Bills and Senate Bills introduced |
20 | | into or received by the House. |
21 | | (b-5) Notwithstanding subsection (b), the Rules Committee |
22 | | may refer any legislative measure to a joint committee of the |
23 | | House and Senate created by joint resolution. That joint |
24 | | committee shall report back to the Rules Committee any |
25 | | recommendation for action made by that joint committee. The |
| | HR0015 | - 33 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | Rules Committee may, at any time, however, refer the |
2 | | legislative measure to a standing or special committee of the |
3 | | House. |
4 | | (c) The Chairperson of a standing committee or a special |
5 | | committee may refer a subject matter or a legislative measure |
6 | | pending in that committee to a subcommittee of that committee, |
7 | | regardless of whether the subject matter or legislative |
8 | | measure has been posted for hearing. |
9 | | (d) All legislative measures favorably reported by a |
10 | | standing committee or a special committee, or discharged from |
11 | | a standing committee or a special committee under Rule 58, |
12 | | shall be referred to the House and placed on the appropriate |
13 | | order of business, which shall appear on the Daily Calendar. |
14 | | (e) All committee amendments, floor amendments, joint |
15 | | action motions for final action, conference committee reports, |
16 | | and motions to table committee amendments, upon filing with |
17 | | the Clerk, are automatically referred to the Rules Committee. |
18 | | The Rules Committee may refer any committee amendment to the |
19 | | standing committee or the special committee to which the bill |
20 | | or resolution it amends has been referred for its review and |
21 | | consideration. The Rules Committee may refer any floor |
22 | | amendment, joint action motion for final action, conference |
23 | | committee report, or motion to table a committee amendment to |
24 | | the House or to a standing committee or a special committee for |
25 | | its review and consideration. Any floor amendment, joint |
26 | | action motion for final action, conference committee report, |
| | HR0015 | - 34 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | or motion to table a committee amendment that is not referred |
2 | | to the House by, or discharged from, the Rules Committee is out |
3 | | of order, except that any floor amendment, joint action motion |
4 | | for final action, conference committee report, or motion to |
5 | | table a committee amendment favorably reported by, or |
6 | | discharged from, a standing committee or a special committee |
7 | | is deemed referred to the House by the Rules Committee for |
8 | | purposes of this Rule. |
9 | | (f) The Rules Committee may at any time refer or re-refer a |
10 | | legislative measure from a committee to a Committee of the |
11 | | Whole or to any other committee. If a bill or resolution is |
12 | | re-referred from a standing or special committee to a |
13 | | Committee of the Whole or to any other committee pursuant to |
14 | | this Rule, any committee amendments pending in the standing or |
15 | | special committee shall be automatically re-referred with the |
16 | | bill or resolution. |
17 | | (g) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Rules, |
18 | | any bill pending before the Rules Committee shall be |
19 | | immediately discharged and referred to a standing committee, |
20 | | special committee, or order of the Daily Calendar, as provided |
21 | | in this Rule, if the Principal Sponsor of the bill files a |
22 | | motion that is signed by no less than three-fifths of the |
23 | | members of both the majority and minority caucuses, provided |
24 | | each member signing the motion is a sponsor of the underlying |
25 | | bill subject to the motion and the motion specifies the |
26 | | appropriate standing committee, special committee, or order on |
| | HR0015 | - 35 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | the Daily Calendar to which the bill shall be referred. Such a |
2 | | motion shall be filed, in writing, with the Clerk. All other |
3 | | legislative measures may be discharged from the Rules |
4 | | Committee only by unanimous consent of the House. A bill or |
5 | | resolution discharged from the Rules Committee shall be |
6 | | referred as follows: (i) a bill or resolution that was not |
7 | | previously referred shall be referred to the standing |
8 | | committee or special committee designated on the motion, |
9 | | subject to the notice requirement of Rule 21; (ii) a bill or |
10 | | resolution re-referred to the Rules Committee from a standing |
11 | | committee or special committee shall be re-referred to that |
12 | | committee, subject to the notice requirement of Rule 21; and |
13 | | (iii) a bill or resolution re-referred to the Rules Committee |
14 | | from an order of business on the Daily Calendar shall be |
15 | | re-referred to the same order of business, provided the bill |
16 | | or resolution shall be carried on the Daily Calendar for at |
17 | | least one legislative day prior to consideration by the House. |
18 | | Legislative measures, other than bills or resolutions, that |
19 | | are discharged from the Rules Committee shall be referred as |
20 | | follows: (i) an amendment, joint action motion for final |
21 | | action, or conference committee report shall be referred to |
22 | | the committee that considered the underlying bill or |
23 | | resolution and (ii) any other legislative measure shall be |
24 | | referred to the proper order of business on the Daily |
25 | | Calendar, provided the legislative measure shall be carried on |
26 | | the Daily Calendar for at least one legislative day prior to |
| | HR0015 | - 36 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | consideration by the House. Rulings of the Presiding Officer |
2 | | related to this subsection (g) may not be appealed. This |
3 | | subsection may not be suspended. |
4 | | (h) Except for those provisions that may not be suspended, |
5 | | this Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative vote of 71 |
6 | | members elected. |
7 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
8 | | (House Rule 19) |
9 | | 19. Re-Referrals to the Rules Committee. |
10 | | (a) All legislative measures that fail to meet the |
11 | | applicable deadline established under Rule 9 for reporting to |
12 | | the House by a standing committee or a special committee, for |
13 | | Third Reading and passage, or for consideration of joint |
14 | | action motions and conference committee reports are |
15 | | automatically re-referred to the Rules Committee unless: (i) |
16 | | the deadline has been suspended or revised by the Speaker, |
17 | | with re-referral to the Rules Committee to occur if the bill |
18 | | has not been reported to the House in accordance with a revised |
19 | | deadline; or (ii) the Rules Committee has issued a written |
20 | | exception to the Clerk with respect to a particular bill |
21 | | before the reporting deadline, with re-referral to occur, if |
22 | | at all, in accordance with the written exception; or (iii) the |
23 | | deadline has been automatically suspended because the bill has |
24 | | been passed, but remains subject to further consideration |
25 | | pursuant to Rule 65. |
| | HR0015 | - 37 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (b) All legislative measures pending before the House or |
2 | | any of its committees are automatically re-referred to the |
3 | | Rules Committee on the 31st consecutive day that the House has |
4 | | not convened for session unless: (i) any deadline applicable |
5 | | to the bill or resolution that has been designated by the |
6 | | Speaker under Rule 9 exceeds 31 days, with re-referral to |
7 | | occur, if at all, in accordance with that deadline; (ii) this |
8 | | Rule is suspended under Rule 67; (iii) the Rules Committee, by |
9 | | the affirmative vote of a majority of those appointed, issues |
10 | | a written exception to the Clerk before that 31st day; or (iv) |
11 | | the bill has been passed but remains subject to further |
12 | | consideration pursuant to Rule 65. |
13 | | (c) Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, when a |
14 | | bill or resolution is re-referred to the Rules Committee under |
15 | | this Rule, all pending amendments and motions on the |
16 | | legislative measure shall also be referred to the Rules |
17 | | Committee. When the deadline for a legislative measure is |
18 | | changed under these Rules or an exception is made under this |
19 | | Rule, for purposes of this Rule, such change or exception |
20 | | shall also apply to all pending amendments and motions on the |
21 | | legislative measure. |
22 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
23 | | (House Rule 20) |
24 | | 20. Reporting by Committees. Committees shall report to |
25 | | the House, and subcommittees shall report to their parent |
| | HR0015 | - 38 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | committees unless otherwise provided in these Rules. |
2 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
3 | | (House Rule 21) |
4 | | 21. Notice. |
5 | | (a) Except as otherwise provided in these Rules or unless |
6 | | this Rule is suspended or the Rules Committee by majority vote |
7 | | waives the notice requirement for a subject matter hearing of |
8 | | any committee, standing committees, special committees, |
9 | | committees created under Article X of these Rules, and |
10 | | subcommittees of those committees shall not consider or |
11 | | conduct a hearing with respect to a subject matter or a |
12 | | legislative measure absent notice first being given as |
13 | | follows: |
14 | | (1) The Chairperson of the committee, or the |
15 | | Co-Chairperson from the majority caucus of a standing or |
16 | | special committee, shall, no later than 6 days before any |
17 | | proposed hearing, post a notice on the House bulletin |
18 | | board or the General Assembly website identifying each |
19 | | subject matter and each legislative measure that may be |
20 | | considered during that hearing. The notice shall contain |
21 | | the day, hour, and place of the hearing. The scheduled |
22 | | time for a hearing may be (i) changed to a later hour |
23 | | without requiring additional notice, or (ii) set to begin |
24 | | upon adjournment of the House. The location of a hearing |
25 | | may be changed at any time, provided notice is posted on |
| | HR0015 | - 39 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | the House bulletin board or the General Assembly website. |
2 | | Legislative measures and subject matters posted for |
3 | | hearing as provided in this item (1) may also be |
4 | | considered at any committee hearing re-convened following |
5 | | a recess of the committee for which notice was posted, but |
6 | | only if (i) the House has met or was scheduled to meet in |
7 | | regular, veto, or special session on each calendar day |
8 | | from the time of the original committee hearing to the |
9 | | re-convened committee hearing and (ii) notice is provided |
10 | | on the House bulletin board or the General Assembly |
11 | | website. |
12 | | (2) Standing and special committees, or subcommittees |
13 | | of those committees, may hold a hearing on and consider |
14 | | floor amendments, joint action motions for final action, |
15 | | conference committee reports, and motions to table |
16 | | committee amendments referred to them upon one-hour |
17 | | advance notice, provided notice is posted on the House |
18 | | bulletin board or the General Assembly website. Committee |
19 | | amendments referred to a standing or special committee, or |
20 | | subcommittee of those committees, may be considered by the |
21 | | committee provided the committee amendment was filed no |
22 | | later than 3:00 p.m. the business day before the meeting |
23 | | of the committee and notice is posted on the House |
24 | | bulletin board or the General Assembly website. "Business |
25 | | day" does not include Saturday, Sunday, or State or |
26 | | federal holidays unless the House is in session or the |
| | HR0015 | - 40 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | Clerk's office is otherwise open to the public on that |
2 | | day. |
3 | | (3) The Chairperson, or Co-Chairperson from the |
4 | | majority caucus of a standing or special committee, shall, |
5 | | in advance of a committee hearing, notify all Principal |
6 | | Sponsors of legislative measures posted for that hearing |
7 | | of the date, time, and place of hearing. |
8 | | (b) Except as authorized under Rule 28, no committee, |
9 | | other than the Rules Committee, may meet during any session of |
10 | | the House, and no task force or commission created by Illinois |
11 | | law that has legislative membership may meet during any |
12 | | session of the House. |
13 | | (c) Regardless of whether notice has been previously |
14 | | given, it is always in order for a committee to table any |
15 | | legislative measure pending before it when the Principal |
16 | | Sponsor so requests, subject to Rule 60. |
17 | | (d) When practical, the Clerk shall include a notice of |
18 | | all scheduled hearings, except hearings of the Rules |
19 | | Committee, together with all posted legislative measures and |
20 | | subject matters, on the Daily Calendar. |
21 | | (e) A motion to suspend the posting requirements of item |
22 | | (1) of subsection (a) must be in writing, specifying the |
23 | | committee and the legislative measures to which the motion |
24 | | applies, and adopted by the affirmative vote of 60 members |
25 | | elected. The requirement that the motion be in writing may not |
26 | | be suspended. |
| | HR0015 | - 41 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (f) Subject to subsection (e) and except for those |
2 | | provisions that may not be suspended, this Rule may be |
3 | | suspended only by the affirmative vote of 71 members elected. |
4 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
5 | | (House Rule 22) |
6 | | 22. Committee Procedure. |
7 | | (a) A committee may consider any legislative measure |
8 | | referred to it, subject to Rule 21 and except as provided in |
9 | | subsection (b), and may make with respect to that legislative |
10 | | measure one of the following reports to the House or to the |
11 | | parent committee, as appropriate: |
12 | | (1) that the bill "do pass"; |
13 | | (2) that the bill "do not pass"; |
14 | | (3) that the bill "do pass as amended"; |
15 | | (4) that the bill "do not pass as amended"; |
16 | | (5) that the resolution "be adopted"; |
17 | | (6) that the resolution "be not adopted"; |
18 | | (7) that the resolution "be adopted as amended"; |
19 | | (8) that the resolution "be not adopted as amended"; |
20 | | (9) that the floor amendment, joint action motion, |
21 | | conference committee report, or motion to table a |
22 | | committee amendment "be adopted"; |
23 | | (10) that the floor amendment, joint action motion, |
24 | | conference committee report, or motion to table a |
25 | | committee amendment "be not adopted"; |
| | HR0015 | - 42 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (11) that the Executive Order "be disapproved"; |
2 | | (12) that the Executive Order "be not disapproved"; |
3 | | (13) "without recommendation"; or |
4 | | (14) "tabled". |
5 | | Any of the foregoing reports may be made only upon the |
6 | | concurrence of a majority of those appointed. All legislative |
7 | | measures reported "do pass", "do pass as amended", "be |
8 | | adopted", or "be adopted as amended" are favorably reported to |
9 | | the House. Except as otherwise provided by these Rules, any |
10 | | legislative measure referred or re-referred to a committee and |
11 | | not reported under this Rule shall remain in that committee. |
12 | | For the purposes of this subsection (a), a resolution |
13 | | proposing to amend the Illinois Constitution shall be reported |
14 | | in the same manner as a bill. |
15 | | (b) No bill that provides for an appropriation of money |
16 | | from the State Treasury may be considered for passage by the |
17 | | House unless it has first been favorably reported by an |
18 | | Appropriations Committee or: |
19 | | (1) the bill was discharged from an Appropriations |
20 | | Committee under Rule 58; |
21 | | (2) the bill was exempted from this requirement by a |
22 | | majority of those appointed to the Rules Committee; or |
23 | | (3) this Rule was suspended under Rule 67. |
24 | | (c) The Clerk shall keep a record in which there shall be |
25 | | entered: |
26 | | (1) The time and place of each meeting of the |
| | HR0015 | - 43 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | committee. |
2 | | (2) The attendance of committee members at each |
3 | | meeting. |
4 | | (3) The votes cast by the committee members on all |
5 | | legislative measures acted on by the committee. |
6 | | (4) The "Record of Committee Witness" forms executed |
7 | | by each person appearing or registering in each committee |
8 | | meeting, which shall include identification of the |
9 | | witness, the person, group, or firm represented by |
10 | | appearance and the capacity in which the representation is |
11 | | made (if the person is representing someone other than |
12 | | himself or herself), his or her position on the |
13 | | legislation under consideration, and the nature of his or |
14 | | her desired testimony. |
15 | | (5) An audio recording of the proceedings. |
16 | | (6) Documents submitted to the committee by persons |
17 | | providing testimony or registering in each committee |
18 | | meeting. |
19 | | (7) Such additional information as may be requested by |
20 | | the Clerk. |
21 | | (d) The committee Chairperson, or the Co-Chairperson from |
22 | | the majority caucus of a standing or special committee, shall |
23 | | file with the Clerk, along with every legislative measure |
24 | | reported upon, a written report containing such information as |
25 | | required by the Clerk. The Clerk may adopt forms, policies, |
26 | | and procedures with respect to the preparation, filing, and |
| | HR0015 | - 44 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | maintenance of the reports. |
2 | | (e) When a committee fails to report a legislative measure |
3 | | pending before it to the House, or when a committee fails to |
4 | | hold a public hearing on a legislative measure pending before |
5 | | it, the exclusive means to bring that legislative measure |
6 | | directly before the House for its consideration is as provided |
7 | | in Rule 18 or Rule 58. |
8 | | (f) No legislative measure may be called for a vote in a |
9 | | standing committee or special committee in the absence of the |
10 | | Principal Sponsor. The committee Chairperson, the committee |
11 | | Minority Spokesperson, or a chief co-sponsor may present a |
12 | | bill or resolution in committee with the approval of the |
13 | | Principal Sponsor when the committee consents. In the case of |
14 | | standing or special committees with Co-Chairpersons from |
15 | | different political parties, the "Chairperson" means the |
16 | | Co-Chairperson from the majority caucus, and the "Minority |
17 | | Spokesperson" means the Co-Chairperson from the minority |
18 | | caucus. This subsection may not be suspended. |
19 | | (g) Motions to favorably report a legislative measure are |
20 | | renewable, provided that no legislative measure may be voted |
21 | | on more than twice in any committee on motions to report the |
22 | | legislative measure favorably, or to reconsider the vote by |
23 | | which the committee adopted a motion to report the legislative |
24 | | measure unfavorably. A legislative measure having failed to |
25 | | receive a favorable recommendation after 2 such record votes |
26 | | shall be automatically reported with the appropriate |
| | HR0015 | - 45 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | unfavorable recommendation. |
2 | | (g-5) A legislative measure, having failed to receive a |
3 | | favorable recommendation after 2 such record votes of a |
4 | | subcommittee or having received a recommendation to |
5 | | unfavorably report, shall be automatically reported to the |
6 | | House with the appropriate unfavorable recommendation. |
7 | | (h) Bills and resolutions receiving favorable reports may |
8 | | be placed upon the Consent Calendar as provided in Rule 42. |
9 | | (i) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
10 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
11 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
12 | | (House Rule 23) |
13 | | 23. Witnesses, Oaths, and Subpoenas. |
14 | | (a) At the discretion of the Chairperson, standing |
15 | | committees may administer oaths and may compel, by subpoena, |
16 | | any person to appear and give testimony as a witness before the |
17 | | standing committee and produce papers, documents, and other |
18 | | materials relating to a legislative measure pending before the |
19 | | standing committee. |
20 | | (b) At the discretion of the Chairperson, special |
21 | | committees may administer oaths and may compel, by subpoena, |
22 | | any person to appear and give testimony before the special |
23 | | committee and produce papers, documents, and other materials |
24 | | relating to the subject matter for which the special committee |
25 | | was created or relating to a legislative measure pending |
| | HR0015 | - 46 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | before the special committee. |
2 | | (c) At the discretion of the Speaker, a Committee of the |
3 | | Whole may administer oaths and may compel, by subpoena, any |
4 | | person to appear and give testimony before the Committee of |
5 | | the Whole and produce papers, documents, and other materials |
6 | | relating to the subject matter for which the Committee of the |
7 | | Whole was created or relating to a legislative measure pending |
8 | | before the committee of the Whole. |
9 | | (d) Oaths may be administered under this Rule by the |
10 | | Presiding Officer or by the Chairperson of a committee or any |
11 | | person sitting in his or her stead. |
12 | | (e) Subpoenas issued under this Rule must be issued and |
13 | | signed by the Chairperson of the committee and must comply |
14 | | with Rule 4(c)(9). |
15 | | (f) In the case of special committees with Co-Chairpersons |
16 | | from different political parties, the term "Chairperson" for |
17 | | purposes of this Rule means the Co-Chairperson from the |
18 | | majority caucus. |
19 | | (g) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
20 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
21 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
22 | | (House Rule 24) |
23 | | 24. Committee Reports. |
24 | | (a) All bills favorably reported to the House from a |
25 | | committee, or with respect to which a committee has been |
| | HR0015 | - 47 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | discharged, shall be reported to the House and shall be placed |
2 | | on the order of Second Reading. Bills reported to the House |
3 | | from committee "do not pass", "do not pass as amended", |
4 | | "without recommendation", or "tabled" shall lie on the table. |
5 | | (b) All floor amendments, joint action motions for final |
6 | | action, conference committee reports, and motions to table |
7 | | committee amendments favorably reported from a standing |
8 | | committee or special committee shall be referred to the House |
9 | | and eligible for consideration when the House is on an |
10 | | appropriate order of business. All floor amendments, joint |
11 | | action motions for final action, conference committee reports, |
12 | | and motions to table committee amendments that are reported to |
13 | | the House from committee "be not adopted", "without |
14 | | recommendation", or "tabled" shall lie on the table. |
15 | | (c) All resolutions favorably reported to the House from |
16 | | the Rules Committee, a standing committee, or a special |
17 | | committee, or with respect to which the committee has been |
18 | | discharged, shall be referred to the House and placed on the |
19 | | order of Resolutions. All resolutions that are reported to the |
20 | | House from committee "be not adopted", "be not adopted as |
21 | | amended", "without recommendation", or "tabled" shall lie on |
22 | | the table. |
23 | | (d) For the purposes subsections (a) and (c) of this Rule, |
24 | | a resolution proposing to amend the Illinois Constitution |
25 | | shall be reported to the House or tabled in the same manner as |
26 | | a bill. |
| | HR0015 | - 48 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
2 | | (House Rule 25) |
3 | | 25. Remote Participation in Committees and Task Forces. |
4 | | (a) The Speaker may allow members to participate remotely |
5 | | in subject matter hearings for committees or task forces when |
6 | | the committee or task force location has sufficient technology |
7 | | to support remote participation. A member of the committee or |
8 | | task force participating remotely under this subsection (a) |
9 | | shall be considered in attendance for recordkeeping purposes |
10 | | only but shall not be considered present for the purpose of |
11 | | voting in accordance with Rule 49 or for the purpose of |
12 | | determining if a quorum is present. |
13 | | (b) The Speaker may allow members to participate remotely |
14 | | in hearings for committees or task forces, other than subject |
15 | | matter hearings, when the hearing is taking place on a day when |
16 | | the House is not in session and the committee or task force |
17 | | location has sufficient technology to support remote |
18 | | participation. A member of the committee or task force |
19 | | participating remotely under this subsection (b) shall be |
20 | | considered present and in attendance at the committee or task |
21 | | force hearing, including for the purpose of voting in |
22 | | accordance with Rule 49 and for the purpose of determining if a |
23 | | quorum is present. Action taken by a member of a committee or |
24 | | task force who is participating remotely under this subsection |
25 | | (b) shall have the same legal effect as if the member were |
| | HR0015 | - 49 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | physically present when the action is taken. |
2 | | (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Rules, in |
3 | | the case of pestilence or public danger upon declaration of |
4 | | the Speaker, members may participate remotely in hearings for |
5 | | committees and task forces. A member of the committee or task |
6 | | force participating remotely after such a declaration shall be |
7 | | considered present and in attendance at the committee hearing, |
8 | | including for the purpose of voting in accordance with Rule 49 |
9 | | and for the purpose of determining if a quorum is present. |
10 | | Action taken by a member of a committee who is participating |
11 | | remotely after such a declaration shall have the same legal |
12 | | effect as if the member were physically present when the |
13 | | action is taken. |
14 | | (d) The Speaker may establish additional procedures for |
15 | | remote participation under this Section and shall designate |
16 | | the technology or software that must be used. The technology |
17 | | or software must, at a minimum, be sufficient to (1) verify the |
18 | | identity of a member who is participating remotely, (2) allow |
19 | | the public, including representatives of the press, to hear or |
20 | | view each member and witness who is participating remotely, |
21 | | and (3) allow witnesses to testify as permitted under Rule 26. |
22 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
23 | | (House Rule 26) |
24 | | 26. Rights of the Public. |
25 | | (a) If a legislative measure or subject matter has been |
| | HR0015 | - 50 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | properly set for hearing and witnesses are present and wish to |
2 | | testify, the committee shall hear the witnesses at the |
3 | | scheduled time and place, subject to Rule 10(c). The |
4 | | Chairperson may allow remote witness testimony when the |
5 | | committee or task force location has sufficient technology to |
6 | | support remote participation. |
7 | | (b) Any person wishing to offer testimony to a committee |
8 | | hearing of a legislative measure or subject matter shall be |
9 | | given a reasonable opportunity to do so, orally or in writing. |
10 | | The Chairperson may set time limits for presentation of oral |
11 | | testimony. No testimony in writing is required of any witness, |
12 | | but any witness may submit a statement in writing for the |
13 | | committee record. All persons offering testimony shall |
14 | | complete and submit a "Record of Committee Witness" form on |
15 | | the General Assembly website before testifying. In the case of |
16 | | standing or special committees with Co-Chairpersons from |
17 | | different political parties, the "Chairperson" means the |
18 | | Co-Chairperson from the majority caucus. |
19 | | (c) A motion to foreclose further oral testimony by |
20 | | witnesses on a matter before a committee may be adopted only by |
21 | | a three-fifths majority of those voting on the motion. No such |
22 | | motion is in order until both proponents and opponents |
23 | | requesting to be heard have been given a fair and substantial |
24 | | opportunity to express their positions. No one shall be |
25 | | prohibited from filing for the record "Record of Committee |
26 | | Witness" forms or written statements while the matter is |
| | HR0015 | - 51 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | before the committee. |
2 | | (d) Meetings of committees and subcommittees shall be open |
3 | | to the public. Committee meetings of the House may be closed to |
4 | | the public if two-thirds of the members elected to the House |
5 | | determine, by a record vote, that the public interest so |
6 | | requires. |
7 | | (d-5) For meetings of committees following a declaration |
8 | | of pestilence or public danger by the Speaker, the Speaker, |
9 | | after consultation with the Minority Leader, may limit access |
10 | | to the room in which the committee is held to members and |
11 | | officers of the General Assembly, majority and minority staff, |
12 | | and no more than 5 members of the public who are |
13 | | representatives of the press, except as otherwise authorized |
14 | | by the Speaker. If access is so limited, the Speaker may |
15 | | designate one or more locations outside of the committee room |
16 | | for the public to safely watch or listen to the proceedings of |
17 | | the committee via a live audio/video broadcast. Access to such |
18 | | locations may be limited as necessary to maintain safety, |
19 | | including, but not limited to, requiring that persons at such |
20 | | locations follow one or more of the decorum protocols of Rule |
21 | | 51.5(a). This subsection shall only apply to meetings in which |
22 | | members are physically present and may not be suspended. |
23 | | (e) This Rule cannot be suspended retroactively. |
24 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
25 | | (House Rule 27) |
| | HR0015 | - 52 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | 27. Smoking. Smoking is prohibited at any official |
2 | | committee hearing, and no committee member, staff member, or |
3 | | member of the public is permitted to smoke in the room in which |
4 | | the hearing is being held. |
5 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
8 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
9 | | (House Rule 28) |
10 | | 28. Sessions of the House. |
11 | | (a) The House is in session whenever it convenes in |
12 | | perfunctory session, regular session, veto session, special |
13 | | session, or joint session with the Senate. Members are |
14 | | entitled to per diem expense reimbursements authorized by law |
15 | | only on those regular, veto, special session, and joint |
16 | | session days that they are in attendance at the House and |
17 | | either (i) are recorded as present on the quorum roll call or |
18 | | (ii) personally appear before the Clerk or the Clerk's |
19 | | designee after the quorum roll call but prior to the close of |
20 | | the Clerk's Office for the day. Attendance by members is not |
21 | | required or recorded on perfunctory session days. |
22 | | (b) Regular and veto session days shall be scheduled with |
23 | | notice by the Speaker under Rule 9. Special session days shall |
24 | | be scheduled in accordance with the Constitution and laws of |
| | HR0015 | - 53 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | Illinois. The Speaker may convene the House when deemed |
2 | | necessary, regardless of whether a different date or time has |
3 | | been established. |
4 | | (c) The Speaker may schedule perfunctory session days |
5 | | during which the Clerk may read into the House record any |
6 | | legislative measure. Committees may meet and may consider and |
7 | | act upon legislative measures during a perfunctory session |
8 | | day, and the Clerk may receive and read committee reports into |
9 | | the House record during a perfunctory day. In accordance with |
10 | | Rule 53.5, and with the approval of the Clerk, a member may |
11 | | make an oral statement during a perfunctory session. Except |
12 | | for automatic referral under these Rules, no further action |
13 | | may be taken by the House with respect to a legislative measure |
14 | | during a perfunctory session day. |
15 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
16 | | (House Rule 29) |
17 | | 29. Hour of Meeting. Unless otherwise ordered by the |
18 | | Speaker or Presiding Officer, the House shall regularly |
19 | | convene at 12:00 noon on all days the House convenes in |
20 | | regular, veto, or special session. |
21 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
22 | | (House Rule 30) |
23 | | 30. Access to the House Floor and Chamber. |
24 | | (a) Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, only the |
| | HR0015 | - 54 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | following persons shall be admitted to the House while it is in |
2 | | session: members and officers of the General Assembly; elected |
3 | | officers of the executive branch; justices of the Supreme |
4 | | Court; the designated aide to an executive or judicial branch |
5 | | constitutional officer, except as limited by the Speaker; the |
6 | | parliamentarian; majority staff members and minority staff |
7 | | members, except as limited by the Speaker or Presiding |
8 | | Officer; former members, except as limited by the Speaker or |
9 | | prohibited under subsection (d); and employees of the |
10 | | Legislative Reference Bureau, except as limited by the |
11 | | Speaker. Representatives of the press, while the House is in |
12 | | session, may have access to the galleries and places allotted |
13 | | to them by the Speaker or his or her designee. No person is |
14 | | entitled to the floor unless appropriately attired. Only |
15 | | members of the General Assembly may use telephones at the |
16 | | members' desks. Smoking is prohibited on the floor of the |
17 | | House and in the House galleries. |
18 | | (a-5) On any day in which the House is in session following |
19 | | a declaration of pestilence or public danger by the Speaker, |
20 | | the Speaker, after consultation with the Minority Leader, may |
21 | | limit access to the House Chamber and adjoining hallways and |
22 | | passages to members and officers of the General Assembly, |
23 | | majority and minority staff as authorized by the Speaker or |
24 | | Presiding Officer, and no more than 5 members of the public who |
25 | | are representatives of the press, except as otherwise |
26 | | authorized by the Speaker. If access is so limited, the |
| | HR0015 | - 55 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | Speaker may designate one or more locations outside of the |
2 | | House Chamber for the public to safely watch and listen to the |
3 | | proceedings of the House and its committees via a live |
4 | | audio/video broadcast. Access to such locations may be limited |
5 | | as necessary to maintain safety, including, but not limited |
6 | | to, requiring that persons at such locations follow the |
7 | | decorum protocols of Rule 51.5(a). This subsection may not be |
8 | | suspended. |
9 | | (b) On days during which the House is in session, the |
10 | | Doorkeeper shall clear the floor of all persons not entitled |
11 | | to access to the floor 15 minutes before the convening time, |
12 | | and the Doorkeeper shall enforce all other provisions of this |
13 | | Rule. |
14 | | (c) The Speaker may authorize the admission to the floor |
15 | | of any other person, except as prohibited under subsection |
16 | | (d). |
17 | | (d) No person who is directly or indirectly interested in |
18 | | defeating or promoting any pending legislative measure, if |
19 | | required to be registered as a lobbyist or compensated by an |
20 | | entity required to register as a lobbyist, shall be allowed |
21 | | access to the floor of the House at any time during the |
22 | | session. The Speaker, or his or her designee, shall have the |
23 | | authority to determine whether a person may be granted or |
24 | | denied access in accordance with this subsection. |
25 | | (e) When he or she deems it necessary for the preservation |
26 | | of order, the Presiding Officer may by order remove any person |
| | HR0015 | - 56 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | from the floor of the House. A Representative may be removed |
2 | | from the floor only under Rule 51.5 or Article XI or XII of |
3 | | these Rules. |
4 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
5 | | (House Rule 31) |
6 | | 31. Standing Order of Business. |
7 | | (a) Unless otherwise determined by the Presiding Officer, |
8 | | the standing daily order of business of the House is as |
9 | | follows: |
10 | | (1) Call to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, |
11 | | and Roll Call. |
12 | | (2) Approval of the Journal. |
13 | | (3) Reading of House Bills a first time. |
14 | | (4) Reports from committees, with reports from the |
15 | | Rules Committee ordinarily made at any time. |
16 | | (5) Presentation of Resolutions, Petitions, and |
17 | | Messages. |
18 | | (6) Introduction of House Bills. |
19 | | (7) Messages from the Senate, not including reading |
20 | | Senate Bills a first time. |
21 | | (8) Reading of House Bills a second time. |
22 | | (9) Reading of House Bills a third time. |
23 | | (10) Reading of Senate Bills a third time. |
24 | | (11) Reading of Senate Bills a second time. |
25 | | (12) Reading of Senate Bills a first time. |
| | HR0015 | - 57 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (13) House Bills on the Order of Concurrence. |
2 | | (14) Senate Bills on the Order of Non-Concurrence. |
3 | | (15) Conference Committee Reports. |
4 | | (16) Motions in Writing. |
5 | | (17) Constitutional Amendment Resolutions. |
6 | | (18) Motions with respect to Vetoes. |
7 | | (19) Consideration of Resolutions. |
8 | | (20) Motions to Discharge Committee. |
9 | | (21) Motions to Take from the Table. |
10 | | (22) Motions to Suspend the Rules. |
11 | | (23) Consideration of Bills on the Order of Postponed |
12 | | Consideration. |
13 | | (b) The Speaker may establish a Weekly Order of Business |
14 | | or a Daily Order of Business setting forth the date and |
15 | | approximate time at which specific legislative measures may be |
16 | | considered by the House. The Weekly Order of Business or Daily |
17 | | Order of Business is effective upon being filed by the Speaker |
18 | | with the Clerk and takes the place of the standing order of |
19 | | business for the amount of time necessary for its completion. |
20 | | Nothing in this Rule, however, limits the Speaker's or |
21 | | Presiding Officer's powers under Rule 4(c)(3) or Rule 43(a). |
22 | | (c) A special order of business may be set by the Rules |
23 | | Committee or by the Speaker as provided in Rule 44. |
24 | | (d) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
25 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
26 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
| | HR0015 | - 58 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (House Rule 32) |
2 | | 32. Quorum. |
3 | | (a) A majority of those elected constitutes a quorum of |
4 | | the House, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, or |
5 | | recess for less than one day, and compel the attendance of |
6 | | absent members. A majority of those appointed constitutes a |
7 | | quorum of a committee. When a quorum is not present for a |
8 | | hearing of a committee, a smaller number may adjourn, recess, |
9 | | or conduct a hearing on a subject matter as authorized by Rule |
10 | | 21. The attendance of absent members may also be compelled by |
11 | | order of the Speaker. This subsection may not be suspended. |
12 | | (b) The question of the presence of a quorum in any |
13 | | committee may not be raised on consideration of a legislative |
14 | | measure by the House unless the same question was previously |
15 | | raised before the committee with respect to that legislative |
16 | | measure. |
17 | | (c) Any member not answering the quorum roll call of the |
18 | | House on any session day who is in attendance and wishes to be |
19 | | added to that quorum roll call must file a request to be shown |
20 | | present on the quorum roll call with the Clerk. The request |
21 | | must be in writing and filed in person by the member on the |
22 | | same calendar day the quorum roll call was taken. |
23 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
24 | | (House Rule 33) |
| | HR0015 | - 59 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | 33. Approval of the Journal. The Speaker or his or her |
2 | | designee shall periodically examine and report to the House |
3 | | any corrections he or she deems should be made in the Journal |
4 | | before it is approved. If those corrections are approved by |
5 | | the House, they shall be made by the Clerk. |
6 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
7 | | (House Rule 34) |
8 | | 34. Executive Sessions. The sessions of the House shall be |
9 | | open to the public. Sessions and committee meetings of the |
10 | | House may be closed to the public if two-thirds of the members |
11 | | elected determine, by a record vote, that the public interest |
12 | | so requires. |
13 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
14 | | (House Rule 35) |
15 | | 35. Length of Adjournment. The House, without the consent |
16 | | of the Senate, shall not adjourn for more than 3 days or to a |
17 | | place other than where the 2 chambers of the General Assembly |
18 | | are sitting. The House is in session on any day in which it |
19 | | convenes in perfunctory session, regular session, veto |
20 | | session, special session, or joint session with the Senate. |
21 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
22 | | (House Rule 36) |
23 | | 36. Transcript of the House. Nothing contained in the |
| | HR0015 | - 60 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | official transcript of the House shall be changed or expunged |
2 | | except by written request of a Representative to the Clerk and |
3 | | Speaker, and that request may be approved only by the record |
4 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
5 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
6 | | ARTICLE IV |
8 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
9 | | (House Rule 37) |
10 | | 37. Bills. |
11 | | (a) A bill may be introduced in the House by sponsorship of |
12 | | one or more members of the House, whose names shall be on the |
13 | | reproduced copies of the bills, in the House Journal, and in |
14 | | the Legislative Digest. The Principal Sponsor shall be the |
15 | | first name to appear on the bill and may be joined by no more |
16 | | than 4 chief co-sponsors with the approval of the Principal |
17 | | Sponsor; other co-sponsors shall be separated from the |
18 | | Principal Sponsor and any chief co-sponsors by a comma. The |
19 | | Principal Sponsor may change the sponsorship of a bill to that |
20 | | of one or more other Representatives, or to that of the |
21 | | standing committee or special committee to which the bill was |
22 | | referred or from which the bill was reported. Such change may |
23 | | be made at any time the bill is pending before the General |
24 | | Assembly House or any of its committees by filing a notice with |
| | HR0015 | - 61 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | the Clerk, provided that the addition of any member as a |
2 | | Principal Sponsor, chief co-sponsor, or co-sponsor must be |
3 | | with that member's consent. When the Principal Sponsor ceases |
4 | | to be a Representative during the term, the chief sponsorship |
5 | | of any of his or her pending legislative measures may be |
6 | | changed to another Representative upon approval by the Speaker |
7 | | or Minority Leader, whichever served as the Representative's |
8 | | caucus leader. This subsection may not be suspended. |
9 | | (b) The Principal Sponsor of a bill controls that bill. A |
10 | | committee-sponsored bill is controlled by the Chairperson, or |
11 | | if Co-Chairpersons have been appointed, by the Co-Chairperson |
12 | | from the majority caucus, who for purposes of these Rules is |
13 | | deemed the Principal Sponsor. Committee-sponsored bills may |
14 | | not have individual co-sponsors. |
15 | | (c) The Senate sponsor of a bill originating in the Senate |
16 | | may request substitute House sponsorship of that bill by |
17 | | filing a notice with the Clerk. Such notice is automatically |
18 | | referred to the Rules Committee. The notice shall include the |
19 | | bill number, signature of the Senate sponsor, signature of the |
20 | | substitute House sponsor, and a statement that the original |
21 | | House sponsor was provided with notice of intent to request a |
22 | | substitute House sponsor. A notice that satisfies the |
23 | | requirements of this subsection shall be approved by the Rules |
24 | | Committee. If the Rules Committee does not act on a notice that |
25 | | satisfies the requirements of this subsection within 3 |
26 | | legislative days after its referral, then the notice is deemed |
| | HR0015 | - 62 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | approved and the Clerk shall substitute sponsorship. This |
2 | | subsection shall be in effect if, and only for so long as, the |
3 | | Rules of the Senate include a reciprocal privilege for House |
4 | | sponsors and the Senate complies with the rule. This |
5 | | subsection may not be suspended. |
6 | | (d) All bills introduced in the House shall be read by |
7 | | title a first time and automatically referred to the Rules |
8 | | Committee in accordance with Rule 18. After a Senate Bill is |
9 | | received and a House member has submitted notification to the |
10 | | Clerk of sponsorship of that bill, it shall be read by title |
11 | | and automatically referred to the Rules Committee in |
12 | | accordance with Rule 18. |
13 | | (e) All bills introduced into the House shall be |
14 | | accompanied by 1 copy. Any bill that amends a statute shall |
15 | | indicate the particular changes in the following manner: |
16 | | (1) All new matter shall be underscored. |
17 | | (2) All matter that is to be omitted or superseded |
18 | | shall be shown crossed with a line. |
19 | | (f) No bill shall be passed by the House except on a record |
20 | | vote of a majority of those elected, subject to Rule 69. A bill |
21 | | that has lost on Third Reading and has not been reconsidered |
22 | | may not thereafter be revived. If a motion for the adoption of |
23 | | a first conference committee report fails and the motion is |
24 | | not reconsidered, then a second conference committee may be |
25 | | appointed as provided in Rule 76(c). If a motion for the |
26 | | adoption of a second conference committee report fails and is |
| | HR0015 | - 63 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | not reconsidered, then the bill may not thereafter be revived. |
2 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
3 | | (House Rule 38) |
4 | | 38. Reading of Bills. Every bill shall be read by title on |
5 | | 3 different days before passage by the House. |
6 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
7 | | (House Rule 39) |
8 | | 39. Reproduction and Distribution. The Clerk shall cause |
9 | | any bill, amendment, or resolution, filed with or received by |
10 | | the Clerk, whether originating in the House or the Senate, and |
11 | | any other measure subject to this Rule to be reproduced and |
12 | | distributed to the members. Reproduction and distribution may |
13 | | be done electronically, either via email or publication on the |
14 | | General Assembly website, or the Clerk may establish a method |
15 | | that any member may use to secure a copy. |
16 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
17 | | (House Rule 40) |
18 | | 40. Amendments. |
19 | | (a) Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, committee |
20 | | amendments may be offered only by the Principal Sponsor, chief |
21 | | co-sponsor, or a member of the committee and adopted by a |
22 | | standing or special committee only while the affected bill is |
23 | | before that committee. Committee amendments shall be adopted |
| | HR0015 | - 64 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | by a majority of those appointed. All committee amendments |
2 | | that have been referred to a standing committee or special |
3 | | committee by the Rules Committee shall be considered by the |
4 | | committee or a subcommittee of that committee prior to |
5 | | consideration by the committee of the bill to which the |
6 | | amendment relates. A committee amendment may be the subject of |
7 | | a motion to "do adopt" or "do not adopt". A committee amendment |
8 | | may be adopted only by a successful motion to "do adopt". All |
9 | | committee amendments not adopted to a bill prior to the |
10 | | favorable reporting of the bill by a standing committee or |
11 | | special committee are automatically tabled. Committee |
12 | | amendments to resolutions are subject to the same procedure |
13 | | applicable to committee amendments to bills. |
14 | | (b) A floor amendment may be filed and may be referred by |
15 | | the Rules Committee to the House for consideration, or to a |
16 | | standing or special committee, only while the bill is on the |
17 | | order of Second Reading, Third Reading, or Postponed |
18 | | Consideration. Floor amendments may be offered for adoption |
19 | | only while the bill is on the order of Second Reading, subject |
20 | | to Rule 18, and shall be adopted by a majority vote. A floor |
21 | | amendment to a bill may be adopted by the House when a bill is |
22 | | on the order of Second Reading if: (i) the Rules Committee has |
23 | | referred the floor amendment to the House for consideration |
24 | | under Rule 18; (ii) a standing or special committee has |
25 | | referred the floor amendment to the House; or (iii) the floor |
26 | | amendment has been discharged from committee pursuant to Rule |
| | HR0015 | - 65 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | 58. All floor amendments not adopted to a bill and that are |
2 | | still pending in a committee or before the House upon the |
3 | | passage or defeat of a bill on Third Reading are automatically |
4 | | tabled, provided that any floor amendment tabled pursuant to |
5 | | this Rule shall automatically be taken from the table upon the |
6 | | adoption of a motion to reconsider the vote for the passage or |
7 | | defeat of the bill on Third Reading. Floor amendments to |
8 | | resolutions are subject to the same procedure applicable to |
9 | | floor amendments to bills. |
10 | | (c) All amendments filed in the House must be accompanied |
11 | | by one copy. The Clerk shall number amendments sequentially in |
12 | | the order submitted, and all amendments that are in order |
13 | | shall be considered in ascending numerical order. |
14 | | (d) No amendment shall be filed with the Clerk while a bill |
15 | | is assigned to the Rules Committee. Committee amendments may |
16 | | be filed for a resolution pending in the Rules Committee only |
17 | | if the resolution would adopt or amend House Rules or Joint |
18 | | House-Senate Rules pursuant to Rule 67. |
19 | | (e) The sponsor of an amendment may change the sponsorship |
20 | | of the amendment to that of another member, with that other |
21 | | member's consent. Such change may be made at any time the |
22 | | amendment is pending before the House or any of its committees |
23 | | by filing notice with the Clerk. |
24 | | (f) Amendments that propose to alter any existing law |
25 | | shall conform to the requirements of Rule 37(e). |
26 | | (g) If a committee reports a legislative measure "do pass |
| | HR0015 | - 66 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | as amended" or "do adopt as amended", the committee amendments |
2 | | are deemed adopted by the committee action. |
3 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
4 | | (House Rule 41) |
5 | | 41. Note Requests; Quick Takes. |
6 | | (a) The House shall comply with all Illinois laws |
7 | | requiring fiscal or other notes. The notes shall be filed with |
8 | | the Clerk, who shall affix each note with a time stamp |
9 | | endorsing the date and time received, and attached to the |
10 | | original of the bill and available for inspection by the |
11 | | members. As soon as practical, the Clerk shall provide a copy |
12 | | of the note to the Legislative Reference Bureau, which shall |
13 | | provide an informative summary of the note in subsequent |
14 | | issues of the Legislative Digest. |
15 | | A motion to have any note request deemed inapplicable may |
16 | | be made by the Principal Sponsor of the bill, or by a chief |
17 | | co-sponsor with the consent of the Principal Sponsor, at any |
18 | | time and shall be adopted by a majority of those voting on the |
19 | | motion. No member, except the Principal Sponsor of the bill, |
20 | | may file a request for a note with the Clerk during debate of |
21 | | the legislative measure to which the note relates. At the |
22 | | request of the Principal Sponsor of a bill, or by a chief |
23 | | co-sponsor with the consent of the Principal Sponsor, a note |
24 | | request for the bill as introduced into the House or received |
25 | | from the Senate shall be automatically deemed inapplicable if |
| | HR0015 | - 67 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (i) one or more House amendments to the bill have been adopted, |
2 | | and (ii) a note of the same type for the bill as amended by |
3 | | each adopted House amendment has been filed with the Clerk. If |
4 | | any such adopted House amendment is later tabled, the note |
5 | | request for the bill as introduced into or received by the |
6 | | House shall immediately become applicable. A note request |
7 | | deemed inapplicable under this Rule shall not be further |
8 | | considered and shall not prevent the bill from advancing. |
9 | | (b) No bill authorizing or directing the conveyance by the |
10 | | State of any particular interest in real estate to any |
11 | | individual or entity other than a governmental unit or agency |
12 | | may be voted upon in committee or upon Second Reading unless a |
13 | | certified appraisal of the value of the interest has been |
14 | | filed. The appraisal shall be filed with the Clerk of the |
15 | | House, and shall be part of the permanent record for that bill. |
16 | | (c) No bill authorizing the State or a unit of local |
17 | | government to acquire property by eminent domain using |
18 | | "quick-take" powers under the Eminent Domain Act may be voted |
19 | | upon in committee or on Second Reading unless the State or the |
20 | | unit of local government, as applicable, has complied with all |
21 | | of the following procedures: |
22 | | (1) The State or the unit of local government must |
23 | | notify each owner of an interest in the property, by |
24 | | certified mail, of the intention of the State or the unit |
25 | | of local government to request approval of legislation by |
26 | | the General Assembly authorizing the State or the unit of |
| | HR0015 | - 68 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | local government to acquire the property by eminent domain |
2 | | using "quick-take" powers under Section 20-5-5 of the |
3 | | Eminent Domain Act. |
4 | | (2) The State or the unit of local government must |
5 | | cause notice of its intention to request authorization to |
6 | | acquire the property by eminent domain using "quick-take" |
7 | | powers to be published in a newspaper of general |
8 | | circulation in the territory sought to be acquired by the |
9 | | State or the unit of local government. |
10 | | (3) Following the notices required under paragraphs |
11 | | (1) and (2), the State or the unit of local government must |
12 | | hold at least one public hearing, at the place where the |
13 | | unit of local government normally holds its business |
14 | | meetings (or, in the case of property sought to be |
15 | | acquired by the State: (i) at a location in the county in |
16 | | which the property sought to be acquired by the State is |
17 | | located, or (ii) if the property is located in Cook |
18 | | County, at a location in the township in which the |
19 | | property is located, or (iii) if the property is located |
20 | | in 2 adjacent counties other than Cook County or in 2 |
21 | | adjacent townships in Cook County, at a location in the |
22 | | county or in the township in Cook County in which the |
23 | | majority of the property is located, or (iv) if the |
24 | | property is located in Cook County and an adjacent county, |
25 | | at a location in the other county or in the township in |
26 | | Cook County in which the majority of the property is |
| | HR0015 | - 69 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | located), on the question of the acquisition of the |
2 | | property by the State or the unit of local government by |
3 | | eminent domain using "quick-take" powers. |
4 | | (4) In the case of property sought to be acquired by a |
5 | | unit of local government, following the public hearing or |
6 | | hearings held under paragraph (3), the unit of local |
7 | | government must adopt, by recorded vote, a resolution to |
8 | | request approval of legislation by the General Assembly |
9 | | authorizing the unit of local government to acquire the |
10 | | property by eminent domain using "quick-take" powers under |
11 | | the Eminent Domain Act. The resolution must include a |
12 | | statement of the time period within which the unit of |
13 | | local government requests authority to exercise |
14 | | "quick-take" powers, which may not exceed one year. |
15 | | (5) Following the public hearing or hearings held |
16 | | under paragraph (3), the head of the appropriate State |
17 | | office, department, or agency or the chief elected |
18 | | official of the unit of local government, as applicable, |
19 | | must submit to the Chairperson and Minority Spokesperson |
20 | | of the House Executive Committee a sworn, notarized |
21 | | affidavit that contains, or has attached as an |
22 | | incorporated exhibit, all of the following: |
23 | | (A) The legal description of the property. |
24 | | (B) The street address of the property. |
25 | | (C) The name of each State Senator and State |
26 | | Representative who represents the territory that is |
| | HR0015 | - 70 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | the subject of the proposed taking. |
2 | | (D) The date or dates on which the State or the |
3 | | unit of local government contacted each such State |
4 | | Senator and State Representative concerning the |
5 | | intention of the State or the unit of local government |
6 | | to request approval of legislation by the General |
7 | | Assembly authorizing the State or the unit of local |
8 | | government to acquire the property by eminent domain |
9 | | using "quick-take" powers. |
10 | | (E) The current name, address, and telephone |
11 | | number of each owner of an interest in the property. |
12 | | (F) A summary of all negotiations between the |
13 | | State or the unit of local government and the owner or |
14 | | owners of the property concerning the sale of the |
15 | | property to the State or the unit of local government. |
16 | | (G) A statement of the date and location of each |
17 | | public hearing held under paragraph (3). |
18 | | (H) A statement of the public purpose for which |
19 | | the State or the unit of local government seeks to |
20 | | acquire the property. |
21 | | (I) The certification of the head of the |
22 | | appropriate State office, department, or agency or the |
23 | | chief elected official of the unit of local |
24 | | government, as applicable, that (i) the property is |
25 | | located within the territory under the jurisdiction of |
26 | | the State or the unit of local government and (ii) the |
| | HR0015 | - 71 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | State or the unit of local government seeks to acquire |
2 | | the property for a public purpose. |
3 | | (J) A map of the area in which the property to be |
4 | | acquired is located, showing the location of the |
5 | | property. |
6 | | (K) Photographs of the property. |
7 | | (L) An appraisal of the property by a real estate |
8 | | appraiser who is certified or licensed under the Real |
9 | | Estate Appraiser Licensing Act of 2002. |
10 | | (M) In the case of property sought to be acquired |
11 | | by a unit of local government, a copy of the resolution |
12 | | adopted by the unit of local government under |
13 | | paragraph (4). |
14 | | (N) Documentation of the public purpose for which |
15 | | the State or the unit of local government seeks to |
16 | | acquire the property. |
17 | | (O) A copy of each notice sent to an owner of an |
18 | | interest in the property under paragraph (1). |
19 | | A request for quick-take authority shall not be considered |
20 | | by a House committee fewer than 30 days after the date of the |
21 | | notice to each property owner as required by paragraph (1). |
22 | | Every affidavit submitted by the State or a unit of local |
23 | | government pursuant to this Rule 41(c), together with all |
24 | | documents and other items submitted with the affidavit, must |
25 | | be made available to any person upon request for inspection |
26 | | and copying. |
| | HR0015 | - 72 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
2 | | (House Rule 42) |
3 | | 42. Consent Calendar. |
4 | | (a) The Clerk shall include a Consent Calendar on the |
5 | | Daily Calendar and designate it as a separate calendar. The |
6 | | Consent Calendar shall contain 3 orders of business: Consent |
7 | | Calendar - Second Reading, Consent Calendar - Third Reading, |
8 | | and Consent Calendar - Resolutions. Within each order of |
9 | | business, bills or resolutions shall be listed in separate |
10 | | groups according to the number of required days each has been |
11 | | on that order of business on the Consent Calendar. No more than |
12 | | 80 bills and resolutions shall be listed in each group. All |
13 | | bills or resolutions to which amendments have been adopted |
14 | | shall be so designated. |
15 | | (b) No debate is in order regarding any item on the Consent |
16 | | Calendar. The Presiding Officer, however, shall allow a |
17 | | reasonable time for questions from the floor and answers to |
18 | | those questions. No amendment from the floor is in order |
19 | | regarding any bill or resolution on the Consent Calendar. |
20 | | (c) A bill on the Consent Calendar shall stand for 2 |
21 | | legislative days on the order of Consent Calendar - Second |
22 | | Reading, and for at least 2 legislative days on the order of |
23 | | Consent Calendar - Third Reading, before a vote on the final |
24 | | passage may be taken. Resolutions on the Consent Calendar |
25 | | shall stand for at least 4 legislative days before a vote on |
| | HR0015 | - 73 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | adoption may be taken. One record vote on final passage shall |
2 | | be taken on those bills called for final passage. Immediately |
3 | | before a vote on the bills on the Consent Calendar, the |
4 | | Presiding Officer shall call to the attention of the members |
5 | | the fact that the next legislative action will be the vote on |
6 | | the Consent Calendar. |
7 | | (d) A bill or resolution may be placed on the Consent |
8 | | Calendar by report of a standing committee or special |
9 | | committee upon a motion adopted by a unanimous vote of the |
10 | | members present. For purposes of this subsection (d), a |
11 | | unanimous vote on the motion is a vote with no member voting |
12 | | nay. |
13 | | (e) No bill regarding revenue or appropriations may be |
14 | | placed on the Consent Calendar. No resolution requiring more |
15 | | than 60 affirmative votes for adoption and no bill requiring |
16 | | more than 60 affirmative votes for passage by the House may be |
17 | | placed on the Consent Calendar. |
18 | | (f) The Speaker and the Minority Leader shall each appoint |
19 | | 3 members who may challenge the presence of any bill or |
20 | | resolution on the Consent Calendar. Before a vote on final |
21 | | passage of any item on the Consent Calendar, an item shall be |
22 | | removed from the Consent Calendar if (i) 4 or more members, |
23 | | (ii) the Principal Sponsor of the bill or resolution, or (iii) |
24 | | one or more of the appointed challengers file with the Clerk |
25 | | written objections to the presence of the bill or resolution |
26 | | on the Consent Calendar. Any bill or resolution so removed may |
| | HR0015 | - 74 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | not be placed thereafter on the Consent Calendar during that |
2 | | session of the General Assembly, unless the member or members |
3 | | who objected to the presence of the bill or resolution on the |
4 | | Consent Calendar consent in writing to restoration of the bill |
5 | | or resolution on the Consent Calendar. |
6 | | Any bill removed from the Consent Calendar shall stand on |
7 | | the order of Second Reading with short debate status, subject |
8 | | to Rule 52, and any resolution so removed shall stand on the |
9 | | order of Resolutions with short debate status, subject to Rule |
10 | | 52. |
11 | | (g) This Rule shall not be in effect unless ordered by the |
12 | | Speaker and may be suspended at any time by order of the |
13 | | Speaker. |
14 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
15 | | (House Rule 43) |
16 | | 43. Changing Order of Business. |
17 | | (a) Any order of business may be changed at any time by the |
18 | | Speaker or Presiding Officer. |
19 | | (b) Any order of business may be changed at any time upon |
20 | | the motion of any member, supported by 5 additional members, |
21 | | if the motion is adopted by an affirmative vote of 71 members |
22 | | elected. |
23 | | (c) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
24 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
25 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
| | HR0015 | - 75 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (House Rule 44) |
2 | | 44. Special Orders; Rules Committee. |
3 | | (a) A special order of business may be set by the Rules |
4 | | Committee or by the Speaker. The Principal Sponsor of a bill or |
5 | | resolution must consent to the placement of the bill or |
6 | | resolution on a special order. A special order shall fix the |
7 | | day to which it applies and the matters to be included. The |
8 | | Speaker, or the Rules Committee by a vote of a majority of |
9 | | those appointed, may establish time limits for a special order |
10 | | and may establish limitations on debate during a special order |
11 | | (notwithstanding Rule 52), in which event the allotted time |
12 | | shall be fairly divided between proponents and opponents of |
13 | | the legislation to be considered. A special order of business |
14 | | takes the place of the standing order for such time as may be |
15 | | necessary for its completion. Only matters that may otherwise |
16 | | properly be before the House may be included in a special |
17 | | order. |
18 | | (b) A special order shall appear on the Daily Calendar for |
19 | | 3 legislative days. This subsection (b) may be suspended only |
20 | | by the affirmative vote of 71 members elected. |
21 | | (c) A special order may be suspended, amended, or modified |
22 | | by motion adopted by an affirmative vote of 60 members. A |
23 | | special order shall be suspended by a written objection signed |
24 | | by 3 members of the Rules Committee and filed during the first |
25 | | legislative day on which the special order appears on the |
| | HR0015 | - 76 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | calendar. |
2 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
3 | | ARTICLE V |
5 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
6 | | (House Rule 45) |
7 | | 45. Resolutions. |
8 | | (a) A resolution may be introduced in the House by |
9 | | sponsorship of one or more members of the House. The name of |
10 | | the Principal Sponsor shall be included in the House Journal, |
11 | | and the names of all sponsors shall be included in the |
12 | | Legislative Digest. The Principal Sponsor of a resolution, or |
13 | | the sponsor of an amendment to a resolution, may change the |
14 | | sponsorship of the resolution or amendment, as applicable, to |
15 | | that of another member, with that other member's consent, by |
16 | | filing notice with the Clerk. When the Principal Sponsor |
17 | | ceases to be a Representative during the term, the chief |
18 | | sponsorship of any of his or her pending legislative measures |
19 | | may be changed to another Representative upon approval by the |
20 | | Speaker or Minority Leader, whichever served as the |
21 | | Representative's caucus leader. Each resolution introduced |
22 | | shall be accompanied by 1 copy. |
23 | | (b) The Principal Sponsor of a resolution controls that |
24 | | resolution. A standing committee-sponsored resolution is |
| | HR0015 | - 77 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | controlled by the Chairperson of the committee, or if |
2 | | Co-Chairpersons have been appointed, by the Co-Chairperson |
3 | | from the majority caucus, who for purposes of these Rules is |
4 | | deemed the Principal Sponsor. A special committee-sponsored |
5 | | resolution is controlled by the Chairperson, or if |
6 | | Co-Chairpersons have been appointed, by the Co-Chairperson |
7 | | from the majority caucus, who for purposes of these Rules is |
8 | | deemed the Principal Sponsor. Committee-sponsored resolutions |
9 | | may not have individual co-sponsors. |
10 | | (c) Any resolution calling for the expenditure of State |
11 | | funds may be adopted only by a record vote of a majority of |
12 | | those elected. |
13 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
14 | | (House Rule 46) |
15 | | 46. State Constitutional Amendments. A resolution |
16 | | proposing to amend the Illinois Constitution shall be read in |
17 | | full in its final form on 3 different days. Upon adoption of |
18 | | any amendment, the Clerk shall read the amended resolution in |
19 | | full form on 3 different days. Final passage requires the |
20 | | affirmative vote of 71 members elected. |
21 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
22 | | (House Rule 47) |
23 | | 47. Federal Constitutional Amendments and Constitutional |
24 | | Conventions. |
| | HR0015 | - 78 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (a) The affirmative vote of 71 of the members elected is |
2 | | required to adopt any resolution: |
3 | | (1) requesting Congress to call a federal |
4 | | constitutional convention; |
5 | | (2) ratifying a proposed amendment to the Constitution |
6 | | of the United States; or |
7 | | (3) calling a State convention to ratify a proposed |
8 | | amendment to the Constitution of the United States. |
9 | | (b) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
10 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
11 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
12 | | (House Rule 48) |
13 | | 48. Certificates of Recognition. Any member may sponsor a |
14 | | certificate of recognition to be signed by the Speaker and |
15 | | attested by the Clerk to recognize any person, organization, |
16 | | or event worthy of public commendation. Upon request, the |
17 | | sponsor may sign the certificate, in addition to the Speaker. |
18 | | The form of the Certificate of Recognition shall be determined |
19 | | by the Clerk with the approval of the Speaker. |
20 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
21 | | ARTICLE VI |
23 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
| | HR0015 | - 79 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (House Rule 49) |
2 | | 49. Voting. The Presiding Officer shall put all questions |
3 | | distinctly, as follows: "All those in favor vote AYE, and |
4 | | those opposed vote NAY." No member may vote on any question |
5 | | before the House unless on the quorum roll call before the vote |
6 | | is announced. Any vote of the House shall be by record vote |
7 | | whenever 5 Representatives shall so request or whenever the |
8 | | Presiding Officer shall so order. No member of a committee may |
9 | | vote except when present at the time of the committee vote, |
10 | | provided the member is on the committee roll before results of |
11 | | the vote are announced. |
12 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
13 | | (House Rule 49.5) |
14 | | 49.5. (Blank). |
15 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
16 | | (House Rule 50) |
17 | | 50. Record Vote. When taking a record vote, the Presiding |
18 | | Officer shall put the question and then announce to the House: |
19 | | "The voting is open." While the vote is being taken, the |
20 | | Presiding Officer shall state: "Have all voted who wish?" The |
21 | | voting is closed when the Presiding Officer announces: "Take |
22 | | the Record." The Presiding Officer, unless an intervening |
23 | | motion to postpone consideration by the Principal Sponsor is |
24 | | made, shall then announce the results of the record vote. |
| | HR0015 | - 80 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | After the record is taken, no member may vote, change his or |
2 | | her vote, or remove his or her vote as recorded; except that |
3 | | when a record vote is taken on more than one legislative |
4 | | measure at the same time, each member has the right to have his |
5 | | or her votes recorded separately for each of those legislative |
6 | | measures by filing a signed document with the Clerk on the same |
7 | | legislative day. Each record vote of the House shall be |
8 | | entered on the Journal. |
9 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
10 | | (House Rule 51) |
11 | | 51. Decorum. |
12 | | (a) When any member is about to speak to the House, he or |
13 | | she shall rise and address the Presiding Officer as "Speaker". |
14 | | The Presiding Officer, upon recognizing the member, shall |
15 | | address him or her by name, and thereupon the engineer in |
16 | | charge of operating the microphones in the House shall give |
17 | | the use of the microphone to the member who has been so |
18 | | recognized. The member in speaking shall confine himself or |
19 | | herself to the subject matter under discussion and avoid |
20 | | personalities. |
21 | | (b) Questions affecting the rights, reputation, and |
22 | | conduct of members of the House in their representative |
23 | | capacity are questions of personal privilege. A matter of |
24 | | personal explanation does not constitute a question of |
25 | | personal privilege. |
| | HR0015 | - 81 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (c) If 2 or more members rise at once, the Presiding |
2 | | Officer shall name the member who is to speak first. |
3 | | (d) No person shall give any signs of approbation or |
4 | | disapprobation while the House is in session. |
5 | | (e) Recognition of guests by any member is prohibited |
6 | | during debate on a legislative measure, except that the |
7 | | Speaker or Presiding Officer may recognize an honored guest. |
8 | | (f) While the Presiding Officer is putting a question, no |
9 | | member shall leave or walk across the House Chamber. When a |
10 | | member is addressing the House, no member or other person |
11 | | entitled to the floor shall entertain private discourse or |
12 | | pass between the member speaking and the Presiding Officer. |
13 | | (g) In case of any disturbance or disorderly conduct, the |
14 | | Speaker or Presiding Officer may order that the lobby, |
15 | | gallery, or hallways adjoining the House Chamber be cleared. |
16 | | (h) No literature may be distributed on the House floor, |
17 | | except staff may distribute documents to caucus members at the |
18 | | direction of the Speaker or Minority Leader. |
19 | | (i) No member may be absent from a session of the House |
20 | | unless he or she has leave or is sick or his or her absence is |
21 | | unavoidable. The switch to the electrical roll call recording |
22 | | equipment located on the desk of any member who has been |
23 | | excused or is absent shall be locked by the Clerk and shall not |
24 | | be unlocked until the member returns and files with the Clerk a |
25 | | request to be shown as present on the quorum roll call as |
26 | | provided in Rule 32(c). |
| | HR0015 | - 82 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
2 | | (House Rule 51.5) |
3 | | 51.5. Decorum following a declaration of pestilence or |
4 | | public danger. |
5 | | (a) On any day in which the House is in session following a |
6 | | declaration of pestilence or public danger by the Speaker, the |
7 | | Speaker, after consultation with the Minority Leader, may |
8 | | require all members and officers of the General Assembly, |
9 | | majority and minority staff, and other persons when entitled |
10 | | to the House floor, galleries, and adjoining hallways and |
11 | | passages to do one or more of the following: |
12 | | (1) to the extent medically able and except as |
13 | | reasonably necessary for eating or drinking, wear a |
14 | | face-covering that covers the nose and mouth; |
15 | | (2) to the extent possible, maintain social distancing |
16 | | of at least six feet from any other person except as |
17 | | permitted by the other person; |
18 | | (3) submit to and pass a temperature check prior to |
19 | | entry; or |
20 | | (4) take any other reasonable safety precautions |
21 | | deemed necessary by the Speaker to respond to the |
22 | | pestilence or public danger. |
23 | | (b) In a committee hearing at which members are physically |
24 | | present following a declaration of pestilence or public danger |
25 | | by the Speaker, the Speaker, after consultation with the |
| | HR0015 | - 83 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | Minority Leader, may require all members and officers of the |
2 | | General Assembly, staff, witnesses, and members of the public |
3 | | in the room in which the committee is held to follow one or |
4 | | more of the decorum protocols of subsection (a) of this Rule. |
5 | | (c) A violation of the protocols required under this Rule |
6 | | shall be considered a breach of decorum and disorderly |
7 | | behavior. The Presiding Officer may by order remove any |
8 | | person, other than a Representative, from the House floor, |
9 | | galleries, and adjoining hallways and passages for violation |
10 | | of this Rule. Notwithstanding any other provision of these |
11 | | Rules, including Rule 30(e) and Articles XI and XII, a |
12 | | Representative in violation of this Rule may be disciplined |
13 | | and subject to reprimand, censure, removal from the House |
14 | | chamber, or other disciplinary measure, except expulsion and |
15 | | imprisonment, upon a motion approved by a majority of those |
16 | | elected. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to |
17 | | limit discipline pursuant to Article XI or XII of these Rules. |
18 | | (d) This Rule may not be suspended. |
19 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
20 | | (House Rule 52) |
21 | | 52. Debate. |
22 | | (a) All legislative measures, except those legislative |
23 | | measures that are not debatable as provided in these Rules, |
24 | | are subject to a debate status as follows: |
25 | | (1) Short Debate: Debate is limited to a 2-minute |
| | HR0015 | - 84 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | presentation by the Principal Sponsor or a member |
2 | | designated by the Principal Sponsor, a 2-minute |
3 | | presentation by a member in response, and one minute for |
4 | | the Principal Sponsor to close debate, or yield to other |
5 | | members; provided that at the request of 7 members before |
6 | | the close of debate, the debate status shall be opened to |
7 | | standard debate; |
8 | | (2) Standard Debate: Debate is limited to a 5-minute |
9 | | presentation by the Principal Sponsor or a member |
10 | | designated by the Principal Sponsor, debate by each of 2 |
11 | | additional proponents of the legislative measure and by 3 |
12 | | members in response to the legislative measure, and 3 |
13 | | minutes for the Principal Sponsor to close debate, or |
14 | | yield to other members; |
15 | | (3) Extended Debate: Debate is limited to a 5-minute |
16 | | presentation by the Principal Sponsor or a member |
17 | | designated by the Principal Sponsor, debate by each of 4 |
18 | | proponents of the legislative measure and 5 members in |
19 | | response, and 5 minutes for the Principal Sponsor to close |
20 | | debate, or yield to other members; |
21 | | (4) Unlimited Debate: Debate shall consist of a |
22 | | 10-minute presentation by the Principal Sponsor or a |
23 | | member designated by the Principal Sponsor, debate by each |
24 | | proponent and member in response who seeks recognition, |
25 | | and 5 minutes for the Principal Sponsor to close debate, |
26 | | or yield to other members; or |
| | HR0015 | - 85 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (5) Amendment Debate: Debate on floor amendments |
2 | | referred to the House from a committee, or discharged from |
3 | | a committee, is limited to a 3-minute presentation by the |
4 | | Principal Sponsor, or a member designated by the Principal |
5 | | Sponsor, debate by one proponent, debate by each of 2 |
6 | | members in response, and 3 minutes for the Principal |
7 | | Sponsor to close debate, or yield to other members. |
8 | | No debate is in order on bills or resolutions on the order |
9 | | of First Reading or Second Reading, except for debate on floor |
10 | | amendments as provided in this Rule. |
11 | | (b) All legislative measures, except those assigned to the |
12 | | Consent Calendar, those assigned short debate status by a |
13 | | standing or special committee, and floor amendments, referred |
14 | | to the House from a committee, or discharged from a committee, |
15 | | are automatically assigned standard debate status, subject to |
16 | | subsection (c) of this Rule. A bill, resolution, or joint |
17 | | action motion for final action shall be given short debate |
18 | | status by report of the committee if the bill, resolution, or |
19 | | joint action motion was favorably reported by a three-fifths |
20 | | vote of the members present and voting, including those voting |
21 | | "present", subject to subsection (c) of this Rule. All floor |
22 | | amendments referred to the House from a committee, or |
23 | | discharged from a committee, are automatically assigned |
24 | | amendment debate status, subject to subsection (c) of this |
25 | | Rule. |
26 | | (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Rules to |
| | HR0015 | - 86 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | the contrary (except Rule 44), the debate status of any |
2 | | legislative measure may be changed only (i) by the Speaker, as |
3 | | defined in item (27) of Rule 102, by filing a notice with the |
4 | | Clerk, or (ii) by the Rules Committee by motion approved by a |
5 | | majority of those appointed. While a legislative measure is |
6 | | being considered by the House, the debate status may also be |
7 | | changed by unanimous consent. No legislative measure, however, |
8 | | may be placed on the Consent Calendar under this Rule. No |
9 | | legislative measure, except a floor amendment, may be assigned |
10 | | amendment debate status under this Rule. |
11 | | (d) The Speaker or Rules Committee, as the case may be, |
12 | | shall notify the Clerk of any action to change the debate |
13 | | status of any legislative measure. The Clerk shall cause that |
14 | | information to be reflected on the Daily Calendar on |
15 | | subsequent legislative days, provided the legislative measure |
16 | | is still before the House. |
17 | | (e) No member shall speak longer than 5 minutes at one time |
18 | | or more than once on the same question except by leave of the |
19 | | House. The Principal Sponsor of a measure or a member |
20 | | designated by the Principal Sponsor, however, shall be allowed |
21 | | to open the debate and to close the debate in accordance with |
22 | | subsection (a) of this Rule. The provisions of this subsection |
23 | | (e) are subject to and limited by subsections (a), (b), and (c) |
24 | | of this Rule. A member may yield to another member the time |
25 | | allotted for the member's debate. |
26 | | (f) The Presiding Officer shall allocate the debate on |
| | HR0015 | - 87 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | each legislative measure alternately, if possible, between |
2 | | proponents and opponents of the legislative measure under |
3 | | debate. |
4 | | (g) This Rule may not be suspended. |
5 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
6 | | (House Rule 53) |
7 | | 53. Written Statements. |
8 | | (a) Any member may submit a written statement regarding |
9 | | any bill, resolution, or floor amendment considered by the |
10 | | House, by submitting that statement to the Clerk within one |
11 | | legislative day or 3 business days, whichever is shorter, |
12 | | after the day on which the bill, resolution, or floor |
13 | | amendment to which the comments relate was considered by the |
14 | | House. The Clerk shall affix a time stamp to each statement |
15 | | indicating the date on which the statement was submitted. Each |
16 | | statement shall indicate the member or members on whose behalf |
17 | | the statement is submitted, the bill, resolution, or floor |
18 | | amendment to which it applies, the names of any other members |
19 | | mentioned in the statement, and the person who actually |
20 | | submits the statement to the Clerk. Each member on whose |
21 | | behalf a statement is submitted is under an obligation to |
22 | | ensure that all required information, specifically including |
23 | | the names of any other members mentioned in the statement, is |
24 | | indicated at the time a statement is submitted. Each statement |
25 | | shall comply with standards as may be established by the Clerk |
| | HR0015 | - 88 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | with the approval of the Speaker. The standards established by |
2 | | the Clerk, however, shall not relate to the contents of the |
3 | | written statement. The Clerk shall maintain statements that |
4 | | comply with this Rule and established standards in files for |
5 | | each bill and resolution. A statement is not considered filed |
6 | | until the Clerk has determined that it complies with this Rule |
7 | | and established standards. The Clerk shall notify the member |
8 | | or members on whose behalf a statement was submitted if the |
9 | | statement is determined not to comply. Statements filed under |
10 | | this Rule shall be considered part of the transcript and made |
11 | | available to the public. |
12 | | (b) If a statement mentions another member, the statement |
13 | | shall not be considered filed until the member mentioned has |
14 | | an opportunity to respond as a matter of personal privilege. |
15 | | The Clerk shall notify each member who is identified at the |
16 | | time a statement is submitted as being mentioned in the |
17 | | statement. The member identified as mentioned in the statement |
18 | | shall have one legislative day or 3 business days, whichever |
19 | | is shorter, after notification by the Clerk in which to file a |
20 | | written response to the statement. The original statement and |
21 | | any responsive statement shall both be considered filed at the |
22 | | close of business on the final day on which a response may be |
23 | | filed. If, however, a statement is submitted mentioning |
24 | | another member and the name of the member mentioned is not |
25 | | indicated to the Clerk at the time of submission, the |
26 | | statement shall be stricken at the request of the member |
| | HR0015 | - 89 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | mentioned in the statement. The Clerk shall notify each member |
2 | | on whose behalf the statement was submitted that the statement |
3 | | has been stricken from the record. |
4 | | (c) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
5 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
6 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
7 | | (House Rule 53.5) |
8 | | 53.5. Member Statements. |
9 | | While the House is in perfunctory session, a member may |
10 | | request to make an oral statement regarding any legislative |
11 | | measure filed with the Clerk. Statements shall comply with the |
12 | | standards established by the Clerk. |
13 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
14 | | (House Rule 54) |
15 | | 54. Motions. |
16 | | (a) The following are general rules for all motions: |
17 | | (1) Every motion shall be reduced to writing if |
18 | | ordered by the Presiding Officer. Unless otherwise |
19 | | provided in these Rules, no second is required to any |
20 | | motion presented to the House, or in any committee. The |
21 | | Presiding Officer may refer any motion, except to adjourn, |
22 | | recess, or postpone consideration, to the Rules Committee. |
23 | | (2) Before the House debates a motion, the Presiding |
24 | | Officer shall state an oral motion and the Clerk shall |
| | HR0015 | - 90 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | read aloud a written motion. Each motion, unless otherwise |
2 | | provided in these Rules, is assigned standard debate |
3 | | status, subject to Rule 52. |
4 | | (3) After a motion is stated by the Presiding Officer |
5 | | or read by the Clerk, it is deemed in the possession of the |
6 | | House, but may be withdrawn at any time before decision |
7 | | with consent of a majority of those elected. |
8 | | (4) If a motion is divisible, any member may call for a |
9 | | division of the question. |
10 | | (5) Any question taken under consideration may be |
11 | | withdrawn, postponed, or tabled by unanimous consent or, |
12 | | if unanimous consent is denied, by a motion adopted by a |
13 | | majority of those elected. |
14 | | (b) The Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative vote |
15 | | of 71 members elected. |
16 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
17 | | (House Rule 55) |
18 | | 55. Precedence of Motions. |
19 | | (a) When a question is under debate, no motion may be |
20 | | entertained except: |
21 | | (1) to adjourn to a time certain; |
22 | | (2) to adjourn; |
23 | | (3) to question the presence of a quorum; |
24 | | (4) to recess; |
25 | | (5) to lay on the table; |
| | HR0015 | - 91 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (6) for the previous question; |
2 | | (7) to postpone consideration; |
3 | | (8) to commit or recommit; or |
4 | | (9) to amend, except as otherwise provided in these |
5 | | Rules. |
6 | | The foregoing motions have precedence in the order in |
7 | | which they are listed. |
8 | | (b) During a record vote, no motion (except a motion to |
9 | | postpone consideration) is in order until after the |
10 | | announcement of the result of the vote. |
11 | | (c) A motion to commit or recommit, until it is decided, |
12 | | precludes all amendments and debate on the main question. A |
13 | | motion to postpone consideration, until it is decided, |
14 | | precludes all amendments and debate on the main question. |
15 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
16 | | (House Rule 56) |
17 | | 56. Verification. |
18 | | (a) After any record vote, except for a vote that requires |
19 | | a specific number of affirmative votes and that has not |
20 | | received the required votes, and before intervening business, |
21 | | it is in order for any member that voted on the question to |
22 | | request verification of the results of the record vote, except |
23 | | that (i) a member voting in the affirmative may not request |
24 | | verification of the affirmative votes and (ii) a member voting |
25 | | in the negative may not request a verification of the negative |
| | HR0015 | - 92 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | votes. A Representative who voted "present" or failed to vote |
2 | | on the question does not have the right to move for a |
3 | | verification. If a member is disqualified from requesting a |
4 | | verification, a qualifying member who makes a subsequent |
5 | | request for a verification shall be allowed to proceed with |
6 | | the verification. |
7 | | (b) In verifying a record vote, the Presiding Officer |
8 | | shall instruct the Clerk to call the names of those members |
9 | | whose votes are to be verified. The member requesting the |
10 | | verification may thereafter identify those members he or she |
11 | | wishes to verify. If a member does not answer, his or her vote |
12 | | shall be stricken; the member's vote shall be restored to the |
13 | | roll, however, if his or her presence is recognized before the |
14 | | Presiding Officer announces the final result of the |
15 | | verification. The Presiding Officer shall determine the |
16 | | presence or absence of each member whose name is called, and |
17 | | shall then announce the results of the verification. |
18 | | (c) While the results of any record vote are being |
19 | | verified, it is in order for any member to announce his or her |
20 | | presence and thereby have his or her vote verified. The |
21 | | Presiding Officer may announce the presence of any member and |
22 | | thereby have his or her vote verified prior to ordering the |
23 | | Clerk to call the names of the members whose votes are to be |
24 | | verified. |
25 | | (d) A request for a verification of the affirmative and |
26 | | negative results of a record vote may be made only once on each |
| | HR0015 | - 93 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | record vote. |
2 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
3 | | (House Rule 57) |
4 | | 57. Appealing a Ruling. |
5 | | (a) If any appeal is taken from a ruling of the Presiding |
6 | | Officer, the Presiding Officer shall be sustained unless 71 of |
7 | | the members elected vote to overrule the Presiding Officer. |
8 | | Notwithstanding Rule 52, debate on a motion to appeal is |
9 | | limited to a 2-minute presentation by the Principal Sponsor or |
10 | | a member designated by the Principal Sponsor, a 2-minute |
11 | | presentation by a member in response, and one minute for the |
12 | | Principal Sponsor to close debate, or yield to other members. |
13 | | A motion to appeal is not in order if the House has conducted |
14 | | intervening business since the ruling at issue was made. |
15 | | (b) If any appeal is taken from a ruling of a committee |
16 | | Chairperson, the Chairperson shall be sustained unless |
17 | | three-fifths of those appointed vote to overrule the |
18 | | Chairperson. A motion to appeal is not in order if the |
19 | | committee has adjourned or recessed, or if intervening |
20 | | business has occurred. In the case of special committees with |
21 | | Co-Chairpersons from different political parties, the |
22 | | "Chairperson" for purposes of this Rule is the Co-Chairperson |
23 | | from the majority caucus. |
24 | | (c) In an appeal of a ruling of the Presiding Officer or |
25 | | Chairperson, the question is: "Shall the ruling of the Chair |
| | HR0015 | - 94 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | be sustained?" |
2 | | (d) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
3 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
4 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
5 | | (House Rule 58) |
6 | | 58. Discharge of Committee. |
7 | | (a) Any member may move that a standing committee or a |
8 | | special committee be discharged from consideration of any |
9 | | legislative measure assigned to it and not reported back |
10 | | unfavorably. |
11 | | (b) The motion must be in writing and shall be carried on |
12 | | the Daily Calendar for the next legislative day under the |
13 | | order of "Motions". No action shall be taken on the motion |
14 | | until it is on the calendar. |
15 | | (c) If the motion receives an affirmative vote of 60 |
16 | | members, the legislative measure subject to the motion shall |
17 | | be referred to the House and placed on the appropriate order of |
18 | | business. |
19 | | (d) A motion under this Rule is automatically tabled upon |
20 | | re-referral of the legislative measure subject to the motion |
21 | | to the Rules Committee under Rule 19. |
22 | | (e) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
23 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
24 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
| | HR0015 | - 95 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (House Rule 59) |
2 | | 59. Previous Question. |
3 | | (a) A motion for the previous question may be made at any |
4 | | time, except that a member may not move the previous question |
5 | | while participating in debate pursuant to Rule 52. A motion |
6 | | for the previous question is not debatable and requires the |
7 | | affirmative vote of 60 members elected. |
8 | | (b) The previous question shall be stated in the following |
9 | | form: "Shall the main question be put?" Until the previous |
10 | | question is decided, all amendments and debate are precluded. |
11 | | When it is decided that the main question shall not be put, the |
12 | | main question remains under debate. |
13 | | (c) The effect of the main question being ordered is to put |
14 | | an end to all debate and bring the House to a direct vote on |
15 | | the immediately pending motion. After a motion for the |
16 | | previous question has been approved, it is not in order to move |
17 | | for adjournment or to make any other motion before a decision |
18 | | on the main question. |
19 | | (d) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
20 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
21 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
22 | | (House Rule 60) |
23 | | 60. Tabling. |
24 | | (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (d) and |
25 | | (e), a motion to lay on the table applies only to the |
| | HR0015 | - 96 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | particular proposition and is neither debatable nor amendable. |
2 | | (b) A motion to table a bill or resolution shall identify |
3 | | the bill or resolution by number. The Principal Sponsor of a |
4 | | bill or resolution may, with leave of the House, table that |
5 | | bill or resolution at any time. A motion to table a committee |
6 | | bill that is before the House may be adopted only by the |
7 | | affirmative vote of a majority of those elected. |
8 | | (c) The Principal Sponsor of a bill or resolution before a |
9 | | committee may, with leave of the committee, table the bill or |
10 | | resolution. Upon tabling, the Chairperson of the committee |
11 | | shall return the bill or resolution to the Clerk, noting |
12 | | thereon that it has been tabled. |
13 | | (d) If a floor amendment to a bill has been adopted by the |
14 | | House, then a motion to table that amendment is in order and |
15 | | may be adopted only when the bill is on Second Reading. If a |
16 | | floor amendment to a resolution has been adopted by the House, |
17 | | then a motion to table that amendment is in order and may be |
18 | | adopted only when the resolution is pending before the House. |
19 | | Motions to table floor amendments are debatable and may be |
20 | | adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of those |
21 | | elected. |
22 | | (e) If a committee amendment to a bill has been adopted by |
23 | | a committee, then a motion to table that amendment is in order |
24 | | and may be adopted (i) by that committee at any time while the |
25 | | bill is before that committee or (ii) by the House only when |
26 | | the bill is on Second Reading. If a committee amendment to a |
| | HR0015 | - 97 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | resolution has been adopted by a committee, then a motion to |
2 | | table that amendment is in order and may be adopted (i) by the |
3 | | committee at any time while the resolution is before that |
4 | | committee or (ii) by the House only when the resolution is |
5 | | pending before the House. No motion to table a committee |
6 | | amendment to a bill or resolution before the House is in order |
7 | | unless it has been first referred to the House for |
8 | | consideration by the Rules Committee under Rule 18, or by a |
9 | | standing or special committee. Motions to table committee |
10 | | amendments are debatable and may be adopted by the affirmative |
11 | | vote of a majority of those elected to the House or majority of |
12 | | those appointed to the committee, as applicable. |
13 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
14 | | (House Rule 61) |
15 | | 61. Motion to Take from Table. |
16 | | (a) A motion to take from the table requires the |
17 | | affirmative vote of a majority of those elected if the Rules |
18 | | Committee has previously recommended that action by written |
19 | | notice filed with the Clerk; otherwise, a motion to take from |
20 | | the table requires the affirmative vote of 71 members elected. |
21 | | (b) A bill taken from the table shall, as applicable, (i) |
22 | | be placed on the Daily Calendar on the order on which it |
23 | | appeared before it was tabled or (ii) be returned to the |
24 | | committee to which it was assigned before it was tabled. |
25 | | (b-5) An amendment taken from the table shall be returned |
| | HR0015 | - 98 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | to the position it held before it was tabled, provided that an |
2 | | amendment may be taken from the table while the bill is on the |
3 | | order of Second Reading or in a committee, but a committee |
4 | | amendment that has been tabled by a committee may be taken from |
5 | | the table only while the bill is in committee. |
6 | | (c) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
7 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
8 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
9 | | (House Rule 62) |
10 | | 62. Motion to Postpone Consideration. A motion to postpone |
11 | | consideration on a bill or resolution may not be made more than |
12 | | once on the same bill or resolution. Unless otherwise provided |
13 | | by these Rules, a motion to postpone consideration shall be |
14 | | granted as a matter of privilege; no motion to postpone |
15 | | consideration is in order, however, if the bill or resolution |
16 | | initially received an affirmative vote of fewer than 47 of the |
17 | | members elected. |
18 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
19 | | (House Rule 63) |
20 | | 63. Motion on Different Subject. No motion or other |
21 | | legislative measure on a subject different from that under |
22 | | consideration shall be admitted under color of amendment. |
23 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
| | HR0015 | - 99 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (House Rule 64) |
2 | | 64. Division of Question. If the question under |
3 | | consideration contains several points, any member may have the |
4 | | question divided. On a motion to strike out and insert, it is |
5 | | not in order to move for a division of the question. The |
6 | | rejection of a motion to strike out and insert one proposition |
7 | | does not prevent a motion to strike out and insert a different |
8 | | proposition. |
9 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
10 | | (House Rule 65) |
11 | | 65. Reconsideration. |
12 | | (a) A member who voted on the prevailing side of a record |
13 | | vote on a legislative measure still within the control of the |
14 | | House may on the same or the following legislative day move to |
15 | | reconsider the vote. The motion to reconsider may be laid on |
16 | | the table without affecting the vote to which it refers. When |
17 | | the motion to reconsider is made during the last 3 days of |
18 | | April or any time thereafter during the regular session, or at |
19 | | any time during a veto or special session, any member may move |
20 | | that the vote on reconsideration be taken immediately. The |
21 | | member who filed the motion to reconsider may withdraw the |
22 | | motion at any time by filing a notice of withdrawal with the |
23 | | Clerk. A question that requires the affirmative vote of a |
24 | | majority of those elected or more to carry requires a majority |
25 | | of those elected to reconsider. A question in committee that |
| | HR0015 | - 100 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | requires the affirmative vote of a majority of those appointed |
2 | | or more to carry requires a majority of those appointed to |
3 | | reconsider; any other question in committee requires a |
4 | | majority of those voting to reconsider. |
5 | | (b) A motion to reconsider a record vote on the adoption of |
6 | | a floor amendment to a bill may be made only on Second Reading. |
7 | | (c) If a motion to reconsider is made under this Rule and |
8 | | the motion is later tabled, the question shall not be further |
9 | | reconsidered. This subsection (c) may be suspended only by the |
10 | | affirmative vote of 71 members elected. |
11 | | (d) When a motion to reconsider is made within the time |
12 | | prescribed by these Rules, the Clerk shall not allow the bill |
13 | | or other subject matter of the motion to pass out of the |
14 | | possession of the House until after the motion has been |
15 | | decided or withdrawn. Such a motion shall be deemed rejected |
16 | | if laid on the table. |
17 | | (e) A Representative who voted "present" or failed to vote |
18 | | on a question does not have the right to move for |
19 | | reconsideration. |
20 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
21 | | (House Rule 66) |
22 | | 66. Motion to Adjourn or Adjourn to a Time Certain. |
23 | | (a) A motion to adjourn or adjourn to a time certain is in |
24 | | order at any time, except when a prior motion to adjourn or |
25 | | adjourn to a time certain has been defeated and no intervening |
| | HR0015 | - 101 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | business has transpired. |
2 | | (b) A motion to adjourn or adjourn to a time certain is |
3 | | neither debatable nor amendable. |
4 | | (c) The Clerk shall enter in the Journal the hour at which |
5 | | every motion to adjourn or adjourn to a time certain is made. |
6 | | (d) Unless the Presiding Officer otherwise orders, the |
7 | | standing hour to which the House adjourns is 12:00 noon. |
8 | | (d-5) A motion to adjourn to a time certain shall include |
9 | | the date and time to which the House shall adjourn and must be |
10 | | limited to the same or next scheduled legislative day. A |
11 | | motion to adjourn to a time certain on a date the House is not |
12 | | scheduled to convene shall be out of order. |
13 | | (e) A motion to adjourn for more than 3 days is not in |
14 | | order unless both chambers of the General Assembly have |
15 | | adopted a joint resolution permitting that adjournment. |
16 | | Notwithstanding any other provision of these Rules, any such |
17 | | resolution filed in the House or received from the Senate may |
18 | | be referred to the Rules Committee by the Presiding Officer or |
19 | | may be immediately considered and adopted by the House. |
20 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
21 | | (House Rule 67) |
22 | | 67. Adoption and Amendment to or Suspension of Rules. |
23 | | (a) Adoption of Rules. At the commencement of a term, the |
24 | | House shall adopt new rules of organization and procedure by |
25 | | resolution setting forth those rules in their entirety. The |
| | HR0015 | - 102 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | resolution must be adopted by the affirmative vote of a |
2 | | majority of those elected. These Rules of the House of |
3 | | Representatives are subject to revision or amendment only in |
4 | | accordance with this Rule. |
5 | | (b) Rules may be amended only by resolution. Any |
6 | | resolution to amend these Rules shall show the proposed |
7 | | changes in the existing rules by underscoring all new matter |
8 | | and by crossing out with a line all matter that is to be |
9 | | omitted or superseded. |
10 | | (c) Any resolution proposing to amend a House Rule or any |
11 | | Joint House-Senate Rule, upon initial reading by the Clerk, is |
12 | | automatically referred to the Rules Committee. Resolutions to |
13 | | amend the House Rules or any Joint House-Senate Rules may be |
14 | | initiated and sponsored by the Rules Committee and may be |
15 | | amended by the Rules Committee; those resolutions shall not be |
16 | | referred to a committee and may be immediately considered and |
17 | | adopted by the House. Those resolutions shall be assigned |
18 | | standard debate status, subject to Rule 52. |
19 | | (d) A resolution to amend the House Rules or any Joint |
20 | | House-Senate Rules that has been reported "be adopted" or "be |
21 | | adopted as amended" by a majority of those appointed to the |
22 | | Rules Committee requires the affirmative vote of a majority of |
23 | | those elected for adoption by the House. Any other resolution |
24 | | proposing to amend the House Rules or any Joint House-Senate |
25 | | Rules requires the affirmative vote of 71 of the members |
26 | | elected for adoption by the House. |
| | HR0015 | - 103 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (e) No House Rule or any Joint House-Senate Rule may be |
2 | | suspended except by unanimous consent of the members present |
3 | | or upon a motion supported by the affirmative vote of a |
4 | | majority of those elected unless a higher number is required |
5 | | in the Rule sought to be suspended. A committee may not suspend |
6 | | any Rule. |
7 | | (f) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
8 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
9 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
10 | | (House Rule 68) |
11 | | 68. Motion to Commit or Recommit. A motion to commit or |
12 | | recommit requires an affirmative vote of 71 members elected. |
13 | | No motion to commit or recommit a legislative measure to |
14 | | committee, being decided in the negative, shall again be |
15 | | allowed on the same day, or at the same stage of the |
16 | | legislative measure. |
17 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
18 | | (House Rule 69) |
19 | | 69. Effective Date. |
20 | | (a) A bill passed after May 31 of a calendar year shall not |
21 | | become effective prior to June 1 of the next calendar year |
22 | | unless an earlier effective date is specified in the bill and |
23 | | it is approved by the affirmative vote of 71 members elected. |
24 | | (b) If a majority of those elected, but fewer than 71, vote |
| | HR0015 | - 104 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | affirmatively for a bill on Third Reading after May 31 and the |
2 | | bill specifies an effective date earlier than the following |
3 | | June 1, the bill has not passed, but the Principal Sponsor has |
4 | | the right to have the bill automatically reconsidered and |
5 | | returned to the order of Second Reading for an amendment to |
6 | | remove the earlier effective date. |
7 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
8 | | (House Rule 70) |
9 | | 70. Home Rule. No bill denies or limits any power or |
10 | | function of a home rule unit under paragraph (g), (h), (i), |
11 | | (j), or (k) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Constitution |
12 | | unless there is specific language limiting or denying the |
13 | | power or function and the language specifically sets forth in |
14 | | what manner and to what extent it is a denial or limitation of |
15 | | the power or function of a home rule unit. If a majority of |
16 | | those elected, but fewer than 71, vote affirmatively for a |
17 | | bill on Third Reading that requires the affirmative vote of 71 |
18 | | members elected to deny or limit a power of a home rule unit, |
19 | | the bill has not passed, but the Principal Sponsor has the |
20 | | right to have the bill automatically reconsidered and returned |
21 | | to the order of Second Reading for an amendment to remove those |
22 | | effects of the bill. |
23 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
24 | | ARTICLE VII |
| | HR0015 | - 105 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (RESERVED) |
2 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
3 | | (House Rule 71) |
4 | | 71. (Blank.) |
5 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
8 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
9 | | (House Rule 72) |
10 | | 72. Concurring in or Receding from Amendments. |
11 | | (a) If a House bill or House resolution is received back in |
12 | | the House with one or more amendments added by the Senate, the |
13 | | bill or resolution shall be placed on the calendar on the order |
14 | | of "Concurrence", and the Principal Sponsor may present a |
15 | | motion "to concur" or "not to concur and to ask the Senate to |
16 | | recede" with respect to each, several, or all of those |
17 | | amendments, subject to Rules 18 and 75. A motion to concur |
18 | | shall be by record vote and shall be adopted by the affirmative |
19 | | vote of a majority of those elected, subject to Rule 69. Any |
20 | | member may demand a separate vote or a separate record vote, as |
21 | | applicable, on any of those amendments. |
22 | | (b) When the Senate has refused to concur in one or more |
23 | | amendments added to a Senate bill or Senate resolution by the |
| | HR0015 | - 106 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | House and has delivered to the House a message requesting the |
2 | | House to recede from one or more of its amendments, the bill or |
3 | | resolution shall be placed on the calendar on the order of |
4 | | "Non-Concurrence", and the Principal Sponsor may present a |
5 | | motion "to recede" from the House amendments or "not to recede |
6 | | and to request a conference", subject to Rules 18 and 75. A |
7 | | motion to recede shall be by record vote and shall be adopted |
8 | | by the affirmative vote of a majority of those elected, |
9 | | subject to Rule 69. Any member may demand a separate vote or a |
10 | | separate record vote, as applicable, on any of those |
11 | | amendments. |
12 | | (c) Motions authorized by this Rule are renewable and may |
13 | | be reconsidered, provided that no such motion may be voted on |
14 | | more than twice by the House. |
15 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
16 | | (House Rule 73) |
17 | | 73. Conference Committees. |
18 | | (a) A disagreement between the House and Senate exists |
19 | | with respect to any bill or resolution in the following |
20 | | situations: |
21 | | (1) when the Senate refuses to recede from the |
22 | | adoption of any amendment, after the House has previously |
23 | | refused to concur in the amendment; or |
24 | | (2) when the House refuses to recede from the adoption |
25 | | of any amendment, after the Senate has previously refused |
| | HR0015 | - 107 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | to concur in the amendment. |
2 | | In those cases of disagreement between the House and |
3 | | Senate, the House may request a conference. When such a |
4 | | request is made, both chambers of the General Assembly shall |
5 | | appoint members to a committee to confer on the subject of the |
6 | | bill or resolution giving rise to the disagreement. The |
7 | | combined membership of the 2 chambers appointed for that |
8 | | purpose is the conference committee. |
9 | | (b) The conference committee shall consist of 5 members |
10 | | from each chamber of the General Assembly. The number of |
11 | | majority caucus members from each chamber shall be one more |
12 | | than the number of minority caucus members from each chamber. |
13 | | (c) Each conference committee shall be comprised of 5 |
14 | | members of the House, 3 appointed by the Speaker and 2 |
15 | | appointed by the Minority Leader. No conference committee |
16 | | report may be filed with the Clerk until a majority of the |
17 | | House conferees has been appointed. |
18 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
19 | | (House Rule 74) |
20 | | 74. Conference Committee Reports. |
21 | | (a) No subject matter shall be included in any conference |
22 | | committee report on any bill unless that subject matter |
23 | | directly relates to the matters of difference between the |
24 | | House and Senate that have been referred to the conference |
25 | | committee unless the Rules Committee, by a majority of those |
| | HR0015 | - 108 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | appointed, determines that the proposed subject matter is of |
2 | | an emergency nature, is of substantial importance to the |
3 | | operation of government, or is in the best interests of |
4 | | Illinois. |
5 | | (b) No conference committee report shall be received by |
6 | | the Clerk or acted upon by the House unless it has been signed |
7 | | by at least 6 conferees. The report shall be signed in |
8 | | duplicate. One of the reports shall be filed with the |
9 | | Secretary of the Senate and one with the Clerk. The report |
10 | | shall contain the agreements reached by the committee. |
11 | | (c) If the conference committee determines that it is |
12 | | unable to reach agreement, the committee shall so report to |
13 | | each chamber of the General Assembly and request appointment |
14 | | of a second conference committee. If there is agreement, the |
15 | | committee shall so report to each chamber. |
16 | | (d) No conference committee report shall be adopted by the |
17 | | House except on a record vote of a majority of those elected, |
18 | | subject to Rule 69. |
19 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
20 | | (House Rule 75) |
21 | | 75. House Consideration of Joint Action. |
22 | | (a) No joint action motion for final action or conference |
23 | | committee report may be considered by the House unless it has |
24 | | first been referred to the House by the Rules Committee or a |
25 | | standing committee or special committee in accordance with |
| | HR0015 | - 109 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | Rule 18, or unless the joint action motion or conference |
2 | | committee report has been discharged from the Rules Committee |
3 | | under Rule 18. Joint action motions for final action and |
4 | | conference committee reports referred to a standing committee |
5 | | or special committee by the Rules Committee may not be |
6 | | discharged from the standing committee or special committee. |
7 | | This subsection (a) may be suspended by unanimous consent. |
8 | | (b) No conference committee report may be considered by |
9 | | the House unless it has been reproduced and distributed as |
10 | | provided in Rule 39, for one full day during the period |
11 | | beginning with the convening of the House on the 2nd Wednesday |
12 | | of January each year and ending on the 30th day prior to the |
13 | | scheduled adjournment of the regular session established each |
14 | | year by the Speaker pursuant to Rule 9(a), and for one full |
15 | | hour on any other day. |
16 | | (c) Before any conference committee report on an |
17 | | appropriation bill is considered by the House, the conference |
18 | | committee report shall first be the subject of a public |
19 | | hearing by a standing Appropriations Committee or another |
20 | | committee (the conference committee report need not be |
21 | | referred to a committee, but instead may remain before the |
22 | | Rules Committee or the House, as the case may be). The hearing |
23 | | shall be held pursuant to not less than one-hour advance |
24 | | notice by announcement on the House floor, or one-day advance |
25 | | notice by posting on the House bulletin board or the General |
26 | | Assembly website. An Appropriations Committee or special |
| | HR0015 | - 110 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | committee shall not issue any report with respect to the |
2 | | conference committee report following the hearing. |
3 | | (d) (Blank). |
4 | | (e) No House Bill that is returned to the House with Senate |
5 | | amendments may be called except by the Principal Sponsor, or |
6 | | by a chief co-sponsor with the consent of the Principal |
7 | | Sponsor. This subsection may not be suspended. |
8 | | (f) Except as otherwise provided in Rule 74, the report of |
9 | | a conference committee on a non-appropriation bill or |
10 | | resolution shall be confined to the subject of the bill or |
11 | | resolution referred to the conference committee. The report of |
12 | | a conference committee on an appropriation bill shall be |
13 | | confined to the subject of appropriations. |
14 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
15 | | (House Rule 76) |
16 | | 76. Action on Conference Committee Reports. |
17 | | (a) Each chamber of the General Assembly shall inform the |
18 | | other by message of any action taken with respect to a |
19 | | conference committee report. Copies of all papers necessary |
20 | | for a complete understanding of the action shall accompany the |
21 | | message. The original bill or resolution shall remain in the |
22 | | chamber of origin. |
23 | | (b) No conference committee report may be called except by |
24 | | the Principal Sponsor of the bill for which the conference |
25 | | committee was appointed. A chief co-sponsor may call a |
| | HR0015 | - 111 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | conference committee report with the consent of the Principal |
2 | | Sponsor. This subsection may not be suspended. |
3 | | (c) If either chamber refuses to adopt the report of the |
4 | | conference committee, the report of the conference committee |
5 | | is laid on the table, or the first conference committee is |
6 | | unable to reach agreement, either chamber may request a second |
7 | | conference committee. When such a request is made, each |
8 | | chamber shall again appoint a conference committee. If either |
9 | | chamber refuses to adopt the report of a second conference |
10 | | committee, the 2 chambers shall have adhered to their |
11 | | disagreement, and the bill or resolution is lost. |
12 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
13 | | ARTICLE IX |
14 | | VETOES |
15 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
16 | | (House Rule 77) |
17 | | 77. Recording of Vetoes. Upon the receipt by the House of |
18 | | any bill returned by the Governor under any of the provisions |
19 | | of Article IV, Section 9 of the Constitution, the Clerk shall |
20 | | enter the objections of the Governor on the Journal, and shall |
21 | | reproduce and distribute copies of all veto messages, together |
22 | | with copies of the vetoed bill or item, as provided in Rule 39. |
23 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
| | HR0015 | - 112 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (House Rule 78) |
2 | | 78. Amendatory Vetoes. |
3 | | (a) The Principal Sponsor of a bill that has been passed by |
4 | | the General Assembly may request the Clerk to notify the |
5 | | Governor that the Principal Sponsor wishes to be consulted by |
6 | | the Governor or his or her designee before the Governor |
7 | | returns the bill together with specific recommendations for |
8 | | change under subsection (e) of Section 9 of Article IV of the |
9 | | Illinois Constitution. |
10 | | (b) Any bill returned by the Governor together with |
11 | | specific recommendations for change under subsection (e) of |
12 | | Section 9 of Article IV of the Illinois Constitution shall |
13 | | automatically be placed on the Daily Calendar on the order of |
14 | | amendatory vetoes, and shall be considered as provided in this |
15 | | Rule. |
16 | | (c) The Governor's specific recommendations for change |
17 | | with respect to a bill returned under subsection (e) of |
18 | | Section 9 of Article IV of the Illinois Constitution shall be |
19 | | limited to addressing the Governor's objections to portions of |
20 | | a bill the general merit of which the Governor recognizes and |
21 | | shall not alter the fundamental purpose or legislative scheme |
22 | | set forth in the bill as passed. |
23 | | (d) Any motion to accept the Governor's specific |
24 | | recommendations for change shall be automatically referred to |
25 | | the Rules Committee. The Rules Committee shall examine the |
26 | | Governor's specific recommendations for change and determine |
| | HR0015 | - 113 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | by a majority of those appointed whether those recommendations |
2 | | comply with the standard set forth in subsection (c). Any |
3 | | motion to accept specific recommendations for change that the |
4 | | Rules Committee determines are in compliance with subsection |
5 | | (c) of this Rule shall be subject to action by the Rules |
6 | | Committee in the same manner as floor amendments, joint action |
7 | | motions, conference committee reports and motions to table |
8 | | committee amendments under Rule 18(e). |
9 | | (e) Any motion to override the Governor's specific |
10 | | recommendations for change shall not be referred to a |
11 | | committee and may be immediately considered and adopted by the |
12 | | House subject to Rule 80(d). |
13 | | (f) This rule may not be suspended. |
14 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
15 | | (House Rule 79) |
16 | | 79. Motions to Consider Vetoes. For purposes of this |
17 | | Article, the term "motions" means motions to accept or |
18 | | override a veto of the Governor. Motions with respect to bills |
19 | | returned by the Governor may be made by the Principal Sponsor, |
20 | | the committee Chairperson in the case of a committee-sponsored |
21 | | bill, or if Co-Chairpersons have been appointed, by the |
22 | | Co-Chairperson of the majority caucus in the case of special |
23 | | committee-sponsored bills. Motions shall be filed in writing |
24 | | with the Clerk. Any motion to override a veto of the Governor |
25 | | shall not be referred to a committee and may be immediately |
| | HR0015 | - 114 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | considered and adopted by the House subject to Rule 80. All |
2 | | motions shall be assigned standard debate status, subject to |
3 | | Rule 52, are renewable, and may be reconsidered, provided that |
4 | | no motion may be voted on more than twice by the House. |
5 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
6 | | (House Rule 80) |
7 | | 80. Consideration of Motions. |
8 | | (a) The vote to override a veto of a bill vetoed in its |
9 | | entirety shall be by record vote. The form of motion with |
10 | | respect to these bills shall be: "I move that ________ Bill |
11 | | _____ do pass, notwithstanding the veto of the Governor.". |
12 | | (b) The vote to override an item veto shall be by record |
13 | | vote as to each item separately. The form of motion with |
14 | | respect to an item shall be: "I move that the item on page |
15 | | ____, line ____, of ____ Bill _____ do pass, notwithstanding |
16 | | the item veto of the Governor.". |
17 | | (c) The vote to override an item reduction veto and |
18 | | restore an item that has been reduced shall be by record vote |
19 | | as to each item separately. The form of motion with respect to |
20 | | an item shall be: "I move that the item on page ____, line |
21 | | ____, of ____ Bill ____ be restored, notwithstanding the item |
22 | | reduction of the Governor.". |
23 | | (d) A bill returned together with specific recommendations |
24 | | of the Governor may be acted upon, by record vote, in either of |
25 | | the following manners: |
| | HR0015 | - 115 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (1) By a motion to accept the specific recommendations |
2 | | of the Governor. The form of motion shall be: "I move to |
3 | | accept the specific recommendations of the Governor as to |
4 | | _____ Bill _____ in manner and form as follows: (inserting |
5 | | herein the language deemed necessary to effectuate the |
6 | | specific recommendations)."; or |
7 | | (2) By considering the bill as a vetoed bill and |
8 | | overriding the recommendation and passing the bill in its |
9 | | original form. The form of motion shall be: "I move that |
10 | | _____ Bill _____ do pass, notwithstanding the specific |
11 | | recommendations of the Governor.". |
12 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
13 | | (House Rule 81) |
14 | | 81. Vetoed Bills Considered in Entirety. If a bill is |
15 | | returned by the Governor containing more than one item veto, |
16 | | reduction veto, specific recommendation for change, or |
17 | | combination of them, the bill shall be acted upon in its |
18 | | entirety before the bill is released from the custody of the |
19 | | House. |
20 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
21 | | (House Rule 82) |
22 | | 82. Disposition of Vetoes. When a bill or item has |
23 | | received the affirmative vote of the number of members elected |
24 | | necessary under the Constitution, the Presiding Officer shall |
| | HR0015 | - 116 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | declare that the bill or item has been passed or restored over |
2 | | the veto of the Governor, or that the specific recommendations |
3 | | for change have been approved, as the case may be. The bill |
4 | | shall then be attested to by the Clerk who shall note thereon |
5 | | the day the bill passed. The bill and the objections of the |
6 | | Governor shall then be immediately delivered to the Senate. |
7 | | When specific recommendations have been accepted, then the |
8 | | accepting language shall be attached to the original bill, and |
9 | | the bill shall be delivered to the Senate. |
10 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
11 | | ARTICLE X |
13 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
14 | | (House Rule 83) |
15 | | 83. Election Contests and Qualifications Challenges. |
16 | | (a) An election contest places in issue only the validity |
17 | | of the results of an election of a member to the House in a |
18 | | representative district. An election contest may result only |
19 | | in a determination of which candidate in that election was |
20 | | properly elected to the House and shall be seated. |
21 | | (b) A qualifications challenge places in issue only the |
22 | | qualifications of an incumbent member of the House under the |
23 | | Constitution, or the legality of an appointment of a person as |
24 | | a member of the House to fill a vacancy. A qualifications |
| | HR0015 | - 117 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | challenge may result only in a determination of whether a |
2 | | member of the House is properly seated. |
3 | | (c) Election contests and qualifications challenges shall |
4 | | be brought and conducted as provided in these Rules. |
5 | | (d) If an election contest or qualifications challenge is |
6 | | filed with the Clerk, the Speaker shall create an Election |
7 | | Contest or Qualifications Challenge Committee, as the case may |
8 | | be, within 3 legislative days by filing a notice with the |
9 | | Clerk. The creation of any committee under this Rule shall be |
10 | | governed by Rule 10. The election contest or qualifications |
11 | | challenge shall be automatically referred to the Election |
12 | | Contest or Qualifications Challenge Committee, as the case may |
13 | | be. For purposes of this Article, the term "committee" means |
14 | | only the Election Contest or Qualifications Challenge |
15 | | Committees created under this Rule. This subsection may not be |
16 | | suspended. |
17 | | (e) The committee may adopt rules to govern election |
18 | | contests and qualifications challenges, but those committee |
19 | | rules must be consistent with these Rules, must be filed with |
20 | | the Clerk, and must be made available to all parties and to the |
21 | | public. Any committee rule shall be subject to amendment, |
22 | | suspension, or repeal by House resolution. |
23 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
24 | | (House Rule 84) |
25 | | 84. Initiating Election Contests. |
| | HR0015 | - 118 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | (a) Election contests may be brought only by a registered |
2 | | voter of the representative district or by a member of the |
3 | | House. |
4 | | (b) Election contests may be brought only by the |
5 | | procedures and within the time limits established by the |
6 | | Election Code. Notice of intention to contest shall be served |
7 | | on the person certified as elected to the House from the |
8 | | representative district within the time limits established by |
9 | | the Election Code. The requirements of this subsection apply |
10 | | to a member of the House appointed to fill a vacancy the same |
11 | | as if that member had been elected to the House. |
12 | | (c) Within 10 days after the convening of the House in |
13 | | January following the general election contested, each |
14 | | contestant shall file with the Clerk a petition of election |
15 | | contest and shall serve the petition on the incumbent member |
16 | | of the House from the representative district. A petition of |
17 | | election contest shall allege the contestant's qualifications |
18 | | to bring the contest and to serve as a member of the House, |
19 | | that he or she believes that a mistake or fraud has been |
20 | | committed in specified precincts in the counting, return, or |
21 | | canvass of the votes, or that there was some other specified |
22 | | irregularity in the conduct of the election in specified |
23 | | precincts. A petition of election contest shall contain a |
24 | | prayer specifying the relief requested and the precincts in |
25 | | which a recount or other inquiry is desired. A petition of |
26 | | election contest shall be verified by affidavit swearing to |
| | HR0015 | - 119 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | the truth of the allegations or based upon information and |
2 | | belief, and shall be accompanied by proof of service on all |
3 | | respondents. |
4 | | (d) A notice of intent to contest may not be amended to |
5 | | cure a defect under the statutory requirements. A petition of |
6 | | election contest, if filed and served after the notice of |
7 | | intention to contest, may not raise points not expressed in |
8 | | the notice. |
9 | | (e) The incumbent member of the House from the |
10 | | representative district is a necessary party to the initiation |
11 | | of an election contest. |
12 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
13 | | (House Rule 85) |
14 | | 85. Initiating Qualifications Challenges. |
15 | | (a) Qualifications challenges may be brought only by a |
16 | | registered voter of the representative district of the |
17 | | representative challenged or by a member of the House. |
18 | | (b) Qualifications challenges must be brought within 90 |
19 | | days after the day the challenged member takes his or her oath |
20 | | of office as a member of the House, or within 90 days after the |
21 | | day the petitioner first learns of the information on which |
22 | | the challenge is based, whichever occurs later. |
23 | | (c) A qualifications challenge shall be brought by filing |
24 | | a petition of qualifications challenge with the Clerk, and by |
25 | | serving a copy of the petition on the respondent member of the |
| | HR0015 | - 120 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | House. The petition must be accompanied by proof of personal |
2 | | service upon the respondent member and must be verified by |
3 | | affidavit swearing to the truth of the allegations or based |
4 | | upon information and belief. A petition of qualifications |
5 | | challenge shall set forth the grounds on which the respondent |
6 | | member is alleged to be constitutionally unqualified, or on |
7 | | which his or her appointment to the House is claimed to be |
8 | | legally improper, the qualifications of the petitioner to |
9 | | bring the challenge, and a prayer for relief. |
10 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
11 | | (House Rule 86) |
12 | | 86. Contests and Challenges; Due Process. |
13 | | (a) Election contests and challenges shall be heard and |
14 | | determined as expeditiously as possible under adversary |
15 | | procedures wherein each party to the proceedings has a |
16 | | reasonable opportunity to present his or her claim, to present |
17 | | any defense and arguments, and to respond to those of his or |
18 | | her opponents. All parties may be represented by counsel. |
19 | | (b) Election contests and qualifications challenges shall |
20 | | be heard and determined in accordance with the applicable |
21 | | provisions of the Election Code and other Illinois statutes, |
22 | | the Illinois Constitution, and the United States Constitution. |
23 | | Judicial decisions that bear on a point of law in a contest or |
24 | | challenge shall be admissible in the arguments of the parties |
25 | | and the deliberations and decisions of the committee. Judicial |
| | HR0015 | - 121 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | decisions applicable to a point of law or to a fact situation |
2 | | to the committee shall be given weight as precedent. |
3 | | (c) In addition to notice of meetings required under these |
4 | | Rules, the committee and any subcommittee shall give notice to |
5 | | all parties reasonably in advance of each meeting or other |
6 | | proceeding. The committee shall also give notice of all rules, |
7 | | timetables, or deadlines adopted by the committee. Notice |
8 | | under this subsection shall be in writing and shall be given |
9 | | either personally with receipt, or by certified mail (return |
10 | | receipt requested) addressed to the party at his or her place |
11 | | of residence, and to his or her attorney of record at the |
12 | | attorney's office if so requested by the party. |
13 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
14 | | (House Rule 87) |
15 | | 87. Committee Proceedings and Powers in Contests and |
16 | | Challenges. |
17 | | (a) All proceedings of the committee and any subcommittees |
18 | | concerning election contests and qualifications challenges |
19 | | shall be transcribed by a certified court reporter. Copies of |
20 | | the transcript shall be made available to the members of the |
21 | | committee and to the parties. |
22 | | (b) The committee may dismiss an election contest or |
23 | | qualifications challenge, or may determine to proceed to a |
24 | | recount or other inquiry. The committee may limit the issues |
25 | | to be determined in a contest or challenge, except that when a |
| | HR0015 | - 122 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | recount is conducted in an election contest, any precinct |
2 | | timely requested by any party to be recounted shall be |
3 | | recounted by the committee. |
4 | | (c) In conducting inquiries, investigations, and recounts |
5 | | in election contests and qualifications challenges, the |
6 | | committee has the power to send for and compel the attendance |
7 | | of witnesses and the production of books, papers, ballots, |
8 | | documents, and records by subpoena signed by the Chairperson |
9 | | of the committee as provided by law and subject to Rule |
10 | | 4(c)(9). In conducting proceedings in election contests and |
11 | | qualifications challenges, the Chairperson of the committee |
12 | | and the Chairperson of any subcommittee may administer oaths |
13 | | to witnesses, as provided by law, and for this purpose a |
14 | | subcommittee is deemed to be a committee of the House. |
15 | | (d) The committee may issue commissions by its Chairperson |
16 | | to any officer authorized to take depositions of any necessary |
17 | | witnesses as may be permitted by law. In recounting the |
18 | | ballots in any election contest, however, no person other than |
19 | | a member of the committee shall handle any ballots, tally |
20 | | sheets, or other election materials without consent of the |
21 | | committee or subcommittee. The responsibility for the actual |
22 | | recounting of ballots may not be delegated. |
23 | | (e) The committee shall maintain an accurate and complete |
24 | | record of proceedings in every election contest and |
25 | | qualifications challenge. That record shall include all |
26 | | notices and pleadings, the transcripts and roll call votes, |
| | HR0015 | - 123 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | all reports and dissents, and all documents that were admitted |
2 | | into the proceeding. The committee shall file the record with |
3 | | the Clerk of the House upon the adoption of its final report. |
4 | | The record shall then be available for examination in the |
5 | | Clerk's office. |
6 | | (f) With the approval of the Speaker, the committee may |
7 | | employ clerks, stenographers, court reporters, professional |
8 | | staff, and messengers. |
9 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
10 | | (House Rule 88) |
11 | | 88. Adoption of Reports in Contests and Challenges. |
12 | | (a) All final decisions of the committee regarding an |
13 | | election contest or qualification challenge shall be approved |
14 | | by a majority of those appointed to the committee and reported |
15 | | in writing to the House. Reports shall include a specific |
16 | | recommendation to the House as to the disposition of the |
17 | | contest or challenge. Final reports following full inquiry on |
18 | | the merits of a contest or challenge shall contain findings of |
19 | | fact and, when necessary, conclusions of law. |
20 | | (b) Any member of the committee may file a dissent from a |
21 | | report of the committee, a minority report, or a special |
22 | | concurrence with the majority report or with any minority |
23 | | report. |
24 | | (c) A subcommittee shall report to the committee in |
25 | | writing in the same form as required for the committee report. |
| | HR0015 | - 124 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | Subcommittee members may file dissents, reports, and special |
2 | | concurrences. |
3 | | (d) Reports shall not be adopted by the committee or a |
4 | | subcommittee until a hearing has been held thereon, with |
5 | | notice to all parties and a reasonable opportunity to examine |
6 | | and respond to a proposed majority report. |
7 | | (e) Reports of the committee shall be filed with the |
8 | | Clerk, reproduced, and distributed, along with any dissents, |
9 | | minority reports, or special concurrences, as provided in Rule |
10 | | 39. The report shall be listed on the calendar under the |
11 | | heading "Report of Election Contest" or "Report of |
12 | | Qualifications Challenge". The report shall be carried on the |
13 | | Daily Calendar for 2 legislative days before any action by the |
14 | | House. |
15 | | (f) The House shall adopt the majority report or a |
16 | | minority report in an election contest or qualifications |
17 | | challenge or shall refuse to adopt any report filed and |
18 | | re-refer the contest or challenge to the committee for further |
19 | | proceedings or for a modified report. A report that has the |
20 | | effect of unseating an incumbent member of the House shall be |
21 | | adopted only by the affirmative vote of 60 members elected. |
22 | | (g) Each party to a contest or challenge shall file with |
23 | | the Clerk within 10 days after the filing of the final report a |
24 | | detailed statement of attorney's fees and expenses incurred by |
25 | | that party in connection with the case. The committee shall |
26 | | make recommendations to the House concerning reimbursement of |
| | HR0015 | - 125 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | attorney's fees and the expenses of the parties. If the |
2 | | committee fails to file a final report prior to the end of the |
3 | | General Assembly term, each party may, within 60 days of the |
4 | | beginning of the next General Assembly term, file with the |
5 | | Clerk of House a request for reimbursement including a |
6 | | detailed statement of attorney's fees and expenses incurred by |
7 | | that party in connection with the case. The request shall be |
8 | | referred to the Rules Committee which may refer it to a |
9 | | standing committee, special committee, or a committee created |
10 | | under this Article X for consideration. The committee may make |
11 | | recommendations to the House concerning reimbursement of |
12 | | attorney's fees and the expenses of the parties. The |
13 | | recommendation for reimbursement under this Section shall not |
14 | | exceed a sum that is reasonable, just, and proper. |
15 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
16 | | ARTICLE XI |
18 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
19 | | (House Rule 89) |
20 | | 89. Disorderly Behavior. |
21 | | (a) In accordance with Article IV, Section 6(d) of the |
22 | | Constitution, the House may punish any of its members for |
23 | | disorderly behavior and, with the concurrence of two-thirds of |
24 | | the members elected, expel a member (but not for a second time |
| | HR0015 | - 126 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | for the same offense). The reason for expulsion shall be |
2 | | entered upon the Journal with the names and votes of those |
3 | | members voting on the question. |
4 | | (b) In accordance with Article IV, Section 6(d) of the |
5 | | Constitution, the House during its session may punish by |
6 | | imprisonment any person, not a member, guilty of disrespect to |
7 | | the House by disorderly or contemptuous behavior in its |
8 | | presence. That imprisonment shall not extend beyond 24 hours |
9 | | at one time unless the person persists in disorderly or |
10 | | contemptuous behavior. |
11 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
12 | | (House Rule 89.5) |
13 | | 89.5. Reporting. Any member who is subjected to or |
14 | | witnesses conduct that the member reasonably believes to be |
15 | | sexual harassment, discrimination, or other unethical conduct |
16 | | is strongly encouraged to report the conduct to the Speaker, |
17 | | the Minority Leader, an Ethics Officer, or the Legislative |
18 | | Inspector General. |
19 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
20 | | (House Rule 90) |
21 | | 90. Protest. Any 2 members have the right to dissent and |
22 | | protest, in respectful language, against any act or resolution |
23 | | that they may think injurious to the public or to any |
24 | | individual, and have the reason of their protest entered upon |
| | HR0015 | - 127 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | the Journal. When by motion a majority of members determines |
2 | | that the language of a protest is not respectful, the protest |
3 | | shall be referred back to the protesting members. |
4 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
7 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
8 | | (House Rule 91) |
9 | | 91. Special Investigating Committee. |
10 | | (a) Disciplinary proceedings may be commenced by filing |
11 | | with the Speaker and the Minority Leader a petition, signed by |
12 | | 3 or more members of the House, for a special investigating |
13 | | committee. The petition shall contain the alleged charge or |
14 | | charges that, if true, may subject the member named in the |
15 | | petition to disciplinary action by the House and may include |
16 | | any other factual information that supports the charge or |
17 | | charges. |
18 | | (b) Upon filing the petition, a special investigating |
19 | | committee consisting of 6 members shall be created. The |
20 | | Speaker shall appoint 3 members from the majority caucus and |
21 | | the Minority Leader shall appoint 3 members from the minority |
22 | | caucus. The Speaker shall appoint the Chairperson from among |
23 | | the 6 members. Members signing the petition may not be |
24 | | appointed to the special investigating committee. The contents |
| | HR0015 | - 128 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | of a petition for a special investigating committee shall be |
2 | | confidential until the appointment of all members except as to |
3 | | the member named, the members signing it, the Speaker, the |
4 | | Minority Leader, and the members of a special investigating |
5 | | committee. |
6 | | (c) The Chairperson shall give reasonable notice of all |
7 | | meetings to the member named in the petition and to the public. |
8 | | All meetings of the special investigating committee shall be |
9 | | open to the public, unless, pursuant to Article IV, Section |
10 | | 5(c) of the Illinois Constitution, the House votes by the |
11 | | affirmative vote of 79 members to hold proceedings in |
12 | | executive session. The Clerk shall keep an audio recording and |
13 | | transcript of all meetings. |
14 | | (d) The member named in the petition has the right to |
15 | | counsel during all meetings of the special investigating |
16 | | committee. |
17 | | (e) The Chairperson may establish procedural rules, |
18 | | provided such procedural rules do not conflict with these |
19 | | Rules. Any such procedural rules must be filed with the Clerk, |
20 | | and copies must be provided to the member named in the petition |
21 | | and all members of the committee. The Committee may, in the |
22 | | discretion of the Chairperson, administer oaths and compel by |
23 | | subpoena (subject to Rule 4(c)(9)) any person to appear and |
24 | | give testimony as a witness or produce papers, documents, or |
25 | | other materials relevant to the charge or charges. |
26 | | (f) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Rules, if |
| | HR0015 | - 129 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | the Speaker is a petitioner or the subject of the petition, the |
2 | | highest ranking member of the majority caucus who is not a |
3 | | petitioner or the subject of the petition shall have the |
4 | | powers and duties of the Speaker in connection with the |
5 | | Special Investigating Committee, and if the Minority Leader is |
6 | | a petitioner or the subject of the petition, the highest |
7 | | ranking member of the minority caucus who is not a petitioner |
8 | | or the subject of the petition shall have the powers and duties |
9 | | of the Minority Leader in connection with the Special |
10 | | Investigating Committee. |
11 | | (g) This Rule may be suspended only by unanimous consent. |
12 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
13 | | (House Rule 92) |
14 | | 92. Investigation. |
15 | | (a) At the initial meeting of the special investigating |
16 | | committee, the Chairperson shall enter the petition into the |
17 | | record. |
18 | | (b) The special investigating committee shall conduct a |
19 | | thorough investigation of all charges alleged in the petition. |
20 | | The special investigating committee shall meet as often as |
21 | | necessary and consider any information or testimony it deems |
22 | | relevant to the charges alleged in the petition, regardless of |
23 | | whether such information was contained in the petition or is |
24 | | discovered through subsequent investigation. |
25 | | (c) The special investigating committee shall give the |
| | HR0015 | - 130 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | member named in the petition an opportunity to be present at |
2 | | all meetings and to testify or otherwise present any relevant |
3 | | information. |
4 | | (d) The special investigating committee shall determine if |
5 | | reasonable grounds exist to authorize charges against the |
6 | | member named in the petition that may result in disciplinary |
7 | | action by the House. The special investigating committee shall |
8 | | vote on each charge alleged in the petition by record vote. A |
9 | | motion to authorize a charge requires the affirmative vote of |
10 | | a majority of those appointed. |
11 | | (e) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
12 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
13 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
14 | | (House Rule 93) |
15 | | 93. Report of the Special Investigating Committee. |
16 | | (a) The special investigating committee shall file with |
17 | | the Clerk a written report that includes, at a minimum, a |
18 | | summary of each charge alleged in the petition, the vote on |
19 | | each charge alleged in the petition, and the reasons the |
20 | | committee did or did not authorize each charge against the |
21 | | member. Any member of the special investigating committee may |
22 | | include a supplemental statement in the report, either |
23 | | concurring with or dissenting from all or part of the report, |
24 | | or explaining a reason for his or her vote on a charge. The |
25 | | report shall be signed by all of the members of the special |
| | HR0015 | - 131 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | investigating committee, regardless of their original vote in |
2 | | the committee proceedings on whether to authorize charges. |
3 | | (b) If a majority of those appointed determines that |
4 | | reasonable grounds exist to authorize a charge or charges, |
5 | | then for each authorized charge the report shall include a |
6 | | statement of the authorized charge and any factual information |
7 | | supporting that charge. Within the report, the special |
8 | | investigating committee shall appoint 2 members of the House, |
9 | | one from the majority caucus and one from the minority caucus, |
10 | | who are not members of the special investigating committee and |
11 | | did not sign the petition, to be managers for the House at the |
12 | | hearing on the authorized charge or charges. |
13 | | (c) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
14 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
15 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
16 | | (House Rule 94) |
17 | | 94. Select Committee on Discipline. |
18 | | (a) If a special investigating committee authorizes |
19 | | charges against any member of the House, the Speaker and the |
20 | | Minority Leader shall appoint a select committee on discipline |
21 | | to hear and determine those charges. The select committee |
22 | | shall consist of 12 members of the House, 6 of whom shall be |
23 | | appointed by the Speaker from the majority caucus and 6 of whom |
24 | | shall be appointed by the Minority Leader from the minority |
25 | | caucus. The Speaker shall appoint a Chairperson from among the |
| | HR0015 | - 132 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | 12 members. No member who signed the petition or served on the |
2 | | special investigating committee may be appointed to the select |
3 | | committee. |
4 | | (b) All appointments to a select committee shall be |
5 | | completed and the select committee shall convene within 30 |
6 | | days after the filing of a report issued by the special |
7 | | investigating committee. |
8 | | (c) The Chairperson shall give reasonable notice of all |
9 | | meetings to the member named in the petition and to the public. |
10 | | All meetings of the select committee shall be open to the |
11 | | public, unless, pursuant to Article IV, Section 5(c) of the |
12 | | Illinois Constitution, the House votes by the affirmative vote |
13 | | of 79 members to hold proceedings in executive session. The |
14 | | Clerk shall keep an audio recording and transcript of all |
15 | | meetings. |
16 | | (d) The Chairperson may establish procedural rules, |
17 | | provided such procedural rules do not conflict with these |
18 | | Rules. Any such procedural rules must be filed with the Clerk, |
19 | | and copies must be provided to the member named in the petition |
20 | | and all members of the committee. The select committee may, at |
21 | | the discretion of the Chairperson, administer oaths and compel |
22 | | by subpoena (subject to Rule 4(c)(9)) any person to appear and |
23 | | give testimony as a witness or produce papers, documents, or |
24 | | other materials relevant to the charge or charges. |
25 | | (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Rules, if |
26 | | the Speaker was a petitioner or the subject of the petition, |
| | HR0015 | - 133 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | the highest ranking member of the majority caucus who was not a |
2 | | petitioner or the subject of the petition shall perform the |
3 | | duties of the Speaker in connection with the Select Committee |
4 | | on Discipline, and if the Minority Leader was a petitioner or |
5 | | the subject of the petition, the highest ranking member of the |
6 | | minority caucus who was not a petitioner or the subject of the |
7 | | petition shall perform the duties of the Minority Leader in |
8 | | connection with the Select Committee on Discipline. |
9 | | (f) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
10 | | vote of 79 members elected. |
11 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
12 | | (House Rule 95) |
13 | | 95. Hearings on Disciplinary Charges. |
14 | | (a) Proceedings before the select committee shall be |
15 | | adversarial in form, with the managers for the House |
16 | | presenting the case for disciplinary action. The member |
17 | | subject to charges has the right to counsel during all |
18 | | hearings of the select committee. |
19 | | (b) Stipulations of fact shall be encouraged by the select |
20 | | committee. |
21 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
22 | | (House Rule 96) |
23 | | 96. Report of the Select Committee on Discipline. |
24 | | (a) The select committee shall vote on each charge by |
| | HR0015 | - 134 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | record vote. For each charge the select committee shall vote |
2 | | on the question, "Is the Member at fault on this charge?" If a |
3 | | majority of those appointed vote in the affirmative, the |
4 | | member shall be found at fault on that charge. If less than a |
5 | | majority of those appointed vote in the affirmative, it shall |
6 | | be reported that there is insufficient evidence to find the |
7 | | member at fault on that charge. |
8 | | (b) If the select committee finds the member at fault on |
9 | | any charge, the committee shall adopt a recommendation for |
10 | | disciplinary action. The committee may recommend a reprimand, |
11 | | a censure, expulsion from the House, or that no penalty be |
12 | | invoked. The recommendation on disciplinary action requires an |
13 | | affirmative vote of the majority of those appointed. If a |
14 | | majority of those appointed cannot, by record vote, agree on a |
15 | | penalty, it shall report a recommendation that no penalty be |
16 | | invoked. |
17 | | (c) The select committee shall file a report of its |
18 | | findings on each charge. The report shall include, at a |
19 | | minimum, the vote of the committee on each charge, the reasons |
20 | | for each conclusion, and any recommendation as to a penalty |
21 | | for a finding of fault on a charge. Any member of the select |
22 | | committee may include a supplemental statement in the report, |
23 | | either concurring with or dissenting from all or part of the |
24 | | report, or explaining a reason for his or her vote on a charge. |
25 | | (d) If the select committee finds the member at fault on |
26 | | any charge, the select committee shall file a resolution that |
| | HR0015 | - 135 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | includes its findings, the charge, and the recommended penalty |
2 | | for that charge. Separate resolutions must be filed for each |
3 | | charge. |
4 | | (e) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
5 | | vote of 71 members elected. |
6 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
7 | | (House Rule 97) |
8 | | 97. House Action on the Report of the Select Committee on |
9 | | Discipline. |
10 | | (a) The report of a select committee and any accompanying |
11 | | resolution shall be filed with the Clerk and reproduced and |
12 | | distributed as provided in Rule 39. The report and any |
13 | | accompanying resolutions shall be placed on the calendar under |
14 | | the heading "Report and Resolutions of Select Committee on |
15 | | Discipline". The report and resolutions shall be carried on |
16 | | the Daily Calendar for 2 legislative days before any action by |
17 | | the House. |
18 | | (b) The House shall take action by a record vote on each |
19 | | resolution. The House may amend a resolution for disciplinary |
20 | | action to decrease the recommended penalty by a record vote of |
21 | | 60 members elected. |
22 | | (c) A resolution finding a member at fault regarding a |
23 | | charge may be adopted only by the affirmative vote of 71 |
24 | | members elected, except that a resolution the effect of which |
25 | | is to expel a member may be adopted only by the affirmative |
| | HR0015 | - 136 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | vote of 79 members elected. |
2 | | (d) This Rule may be suspended only by the affirmative |
3 | | vote of 79 members elected, except that paragraph (c) may not |
4 | | be suspended. |
5 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
8 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
9 | | (House Rule 98) |
10 | | 98. Applicability. The meetings and actions of the House, |
11 | | including all of its committees, are governed by these House |
12 | | Rules. |
13 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
14 | | (House Rule 99) |
15 | | 99. Parliamentary Authority. The rules of parliamentary |
16 | | practice appearing in the latest edition of Robert's Rules of |
17 | | Order Newly Revised govern the House in all cases to which they |
18 | | apply so long as they are not inconsistent with these Rules. |
19 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
20 | | (House Rule 100) |
21 | | 100. Certification by Speaker. With respect to each bill |
22 | | that is certified by the Speaker in accordance with Article |
| | HR0015 | - 137 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | IV, Section 8(d) of the Constitution, there is an irrebuttable |
2 | | presumption that the procedural requirements for passage have |
3 | | been met. |
4 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
5 | | (House Rule 101) |
6 | | 101. Effective Date. These rules are in full force and |
7 | | effect upon their adoption, and shall remain in full force and |
8 | | effect except as amended in accordance with these Rules, or |
9 | | until superseded by new rules adopted as part of the |
10 | | organization of a newly-constituted General Assembly at the |
11 | | commencement of a term. |
12 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |
13 | | ARTICLE XIV |
15 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.)
16 | | (House Rule 102) |
17 | | 102. Definitions. As used in these Rules, terms have the |
18 | | meanings ascribed to them as follows, unless the context |
19 | | clearly requires a different meaning: |
20 | | (1) Chairperson. "Chairperson" means that |
21 | | Representative designated by the Speaker to serve as chair |
22 | | of a committee. |
23 | | (2) Co-Chairperson. "Co-Chairperson" means a |
| | HR0015 | - 138 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | Representative designated by the Speaker to serve as |
2 | | co-chair of a standing or special committee. |
3 | | (3) Clerk. "Clerk" means the elected Clerk of the |
4 | | House. |
5 | | (4) Committee. "Committee" means a committee of the |
6 | | House and includes a standing committee, a special |
7 | | committee, any subcommittee of a committee, the Rules |
8 | | Committee, committees created under Article X and Article |
9 | | XII of these Rules, and a Committee of the Whole. |
10 | | "Committee" does not mean a conference committee, and the |
11 | | procedural and notice requirements applicable to |
12 | | committees do not apply to conference committees. |
13 | | (5) Constitution. "Constitution" means the |
14 | | Constitution of the State of Illinois. |
15 | | (6) General Assembly. "General Assembly" means the |
16 | | current General Assembly of the State of Illinois. |
17 | | (7) House. "House" means the House of Representatives |
18 | | of the General Assembly. |
19 | | (8) Joint Action Motions. "Joint action motions" means |
20 | | the following motions before the House: (i) to concur in a |
21 | | Senate amendment, (ii) to non-concur in a Senate amendment |
22 | | and ask the Senate to recede, (iii) to recede from a House |
23 | | amendment, (iv) to not recede from a House amendment and |
24 | | request that a conference committee be appointed, (v) to |
25 | | adopt a conference committee report, or (vi) to refuse to |
26 | | adopt a conference committee report and request |
| | HR0015 | - 139 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | appointment of a second conference committee. |
2 | | (9) Legislative Digest. "Legislative Digest" means the |
3 | | Legislative Synopsis and Digest that is prepared by the |
4 | | Legislative Reference Bureau of the General Assembly. |
5 | | (10) Legislative Measures. "Legislative measures" |
6 | | means all matters brought before the House for |
7 | | consideration, whether originated in the House or Senate, |
8 | | and includes bills, amendments, resolutions, conference |
9 | | committee reports, motions, messages, notices, and |
10 | | Executive Orders from the executive branch. |
11 | | (11) Majority. "Majority" means a majority of those |
12 | | members present and voting on a question. Unless otherwise |
13 | | specified with respect to a particular House Rule, for |
14 | | purposes of determining the number of members present and |
15 | | voting on a question, a "present" vote shall not be |
16 | | counted. |
17 | | (12) Majority Caucus. "Majority caucus" means that |
18 | | group of Representatives from the numerically strongest |
19 | | political party in the House. |
20 | | (13) Majority of those Appointed. "Majority of those |
21 | | appointed" means a majority of the total number of |
22 | | Representatives authorized to be appointed to a committee, |
23 | | but does not include ex-officio or non-voting members. |
24 | | (14) Majority of those Elected. "Majority of those |
25 | | elected" means a majority of the total number of |
26 | | Representatives entitled to be elected to the House, |
| | HR0015 | - 140 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | regardless of the number of elected or appointed |
2 | | Representatives actually serving in office. So long as 118 |
3 | | Representatives are entitled to be elected to the House, |
4 | | "majority of those elected" means 60 affirmative votes; 71 |
5 | | affirmative votes means three-fifths of the members |
6 | | elected; and 79 affirmative votes means two-thirds of the |
7 | | members elected. |
8 | | (15) Member. "Member" means a Representative. Where |
9 | | the context so requires, "member" may also mean a Senator |
10 | | of the Illinois Senate. |
11 | | (16) (Blank). |
12 | | (17) Members Elected. "Members elected" means the 118 |
13 | | Representatives entitled to be elected to the House, |
14 | | regardless of the number of elected or appointed |
15 | | Representatives actually serving in office. |
16 | | (18) Minority Caucus. "Minority caucus" means that |
17 | | group of Representatives from the second numerically |
18 | | strongest political party in the House. |
19 | | (19) Minority Leader. "Minority Leader" means the |
20 | | Minority Leader of the House elected under Rule 2. |
21 | | (20) Minority Spokesperson. "Minority Spokesperson" |
22 | | means that Representative designated by the Minority |
23 | | Leader to serve as the Minority Spokesperson of a |
24 | | committee. |
25 | | (21) Perfunctory Session. "Perfunctory session" means |
26 | | the convening of the House, pursuant to the scheduling of |
| | HR0015 | - 141 - | LRB104 07448 JDS 17489 r |
1 | | the Speaker, for purposes consistent with Rule 28. |
2 | | (22) Presiding Officer. "Presiding Officer" means that |
3 | | Representative serving as the presiding officer of the |
4 | | House, whether that Representative is the Speaker or |
5 | | another Representative designated by the Speaker under |
6 | | Rule 4. |
7 | | (23) Principal Sponsor. "Principal Sponsor" means the |
8 | | first listed House sponsor of any legislative measure; |
9 | | with respect to a committee-sponsored bill or resolution, |
10 | | it means the Chairperson of the committee or the |
11 | | Co-Chairperson from the majority caucus. |
12 | | (24) Record Vote. "Record vote" means a vote by ayes |
13 | | and nays entered on the Journal. |
14 | | (25) Representative. "Representative" means any duly |
15 | | elected or duly appointed Illinois State Representative, |
16 | | and means the same as "member". |
17 | | (26) Senate. "Senate" means the Senate of the General |
18 | | Assembly. |
19 | | (27) Speaker. "Speaker" means the Speaker of the House |
20 | | elected as provided in Rule 1. |
21 | | (28) Term. "Term" means the 2-year term of a General |
22 | | Assembly. |
23 | | (29) Vice-Chairperson. "Vice-Chairperson" means that |
24 | | Representative designated by the Speaker to serve as |
25 | | Vice-Chairperson of a committee. |
26 | | (Source: H.R. 36, 103rd G.A.) |