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2    WHEREAS, The State of Illinois recognizes that coroners
3play an essential role in not only the investigation of deaths
4and the compassionate notification of families of deceased
5persons but also in saving lives through tracking patterns of
6deaths and coordination with organ procurement agencies; and
7    WHEREAS, Coroners, as elected officials, are not required
8to have any medical or death investigatory experience and come
9from a variety of different professional backgrounds and skill
10sets that provide them with varying levels of expertise
11related to their position; and
12    WHEREAS, The Coroner Training Board was established in
13large part to create and maintain minimum standards for
14coroner training, provide appropriate certifications, and
15review and approve training curriculums for all coroners; and
16    WHEREAS, The Coroner Training Board is currently comprised
17of five members, four of which were appointed in 2016 and are
18currently serving on expired terms; and
19    WHEREAS, The Coroner Training Board website is filled with
20broken links and, of all of their reported board meetings
21since January 1, 2022, meetings have lasted on average just 37



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1minutes, with no meeting lasting longer than one hour; and
2    WHEREAS, The Coroner Training Board received $460,000 for
3operations, including the development and implementation of
4training opportunities in the FY25 budget, and collects
5supplemental fees from coroners who attend training
6opportunities; and
7    WHEREAS, New coroners, regardless of their backgrounds or
8expertise, are only required to attend a 40-hour basic
9training course once elected; and
10    WHEREAS, Some coroner offices within Illinois have sought
11additional memberships and training support from national
12organizations, such as the American Board of Medicolegal Death
13Investigators, to improve overall training quality for
14themselves and their staffs; therefore, be it
17we direct the Auditor General to conduct a performance audit
18of the Illinois Coroner Training Board's administration of the
19Coroner Training Board Act, including its creation,
20implementation, and execution of basic and continuing
21education training for coroners; and be it further



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1    RESOLVED, That we urge the Illinois Coroner Training Board
2and any other State agency, entity, or person that may have
3information relevant to this audit to cooperate fully and
4promptly with the Auditor General's Office in its conduct of
5this audit; and be it further
6    RESOLVED, That we direct the Auditor General to commence
7this audit as soon as possible and report his findings and
8recommendations upon completion in accordance with the
9provisions of Section 3-14 of the Illinois State Auditing Act;
10and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
12delivered to the Auditor General and the Illinois Coroner
13Training Board.