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2    WHEREAS, Health insurance for educators throughout our
3State has become increasingly unaffordable; and
4    WHEREAS, Many school districts find themselves facing
5financial stress to provide a quality public education for our
6students and to offer a reasonable compensation package that
7attracts, retains, and rewards educational employees; and
8    WHEREAS, Illinois has staffing shortages in 62% of its
9education agencies, which include K-12 schools, special
10education cooperatives, and career centers, according to a
11report published by the Illinois State Board of Education and
12the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of
13Schools; and
14    WHEREAS, The number of educator vacancies throughout
15Illinois exceeds 7,000 trained professionals; and
16    WHEREAS, Local governments continue to do more with less,
17and the idea of creating health insurance efficiencies should
18be explored; therefore, be it



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1SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that the Educator Health Insurance
2Task Force is created to study the feasibility of creating
3regional health insurance purchasing pools of school districts
4accessible to all public educators in school districts that
5have a population of less than 500,000; and be it further
6    RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall consist of the
7following members who will serve without compensation:
8        (1) One member of the Senate appointed by the Senate
9    President, who shall serve as Co-Chair;
10        (2) One member of the House of Representatives
11    appointed by the House Speaker, who shall serve as
12    Co-Chair;
13        (3) One member of the Senate appointed by the Senate
14    Minority Leader;
15        (4) One member of the House of Representatives
16    appointed by the House Minority Leader;
17        (5) One person representing an association that
18    advocates on behalf of school boards appointed by the
19    Governor;
20        (6) One person representing an association that
21    advocates on behalf of school management appointed by the
22    Governor;
23        (7) One person representing an association that
24    advocates on behalf of certified teachers appointed by the
25    Governor; and



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1        (8) One person representing an association that
2    advocates on behalf of educational support staff appointed
3    by the Governor; and be it further
4    RESOLVED, That the Illinois State Board of Education and
5the Illinois Department of Central Management Services shall
6provide administrative support for the Task Force; and be it
8    RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall conduct a minimum of
9two public hearings in at least two different counties within
10the State at the call of the co-chairs; and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall convene a wide array
12of stakeholders to examine the current provision of health
13insurance to public educators from throughout the State and to
14explore and study the viability of a plan to create at least
15five regional insurance purchasing pools; and be it further
16    RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall explore local
17governance options for these pools, study the costs and
18funding associated with this type of health insurance option,
19consider transition plans and costs for school districts to
20participate, consider healthcare accessibility, find ways to
21integrate the program with efficiencies in state government,
22and consider a variety of health insurance benefits and



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1options while studying the feasibility of regional pools; and
2be it further
3    RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall submit its final
4report to the General Assembly no later than July 1, 2026, and
5upon the filing of its final report, the Task Force is
6dissolved; and be it further
7    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
8delivered to the Senate President, the Speaker of the House,
9the Senate Minority Leader, the House Minority Leader, the
10Governor, and the State Superintendent of Education.