State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/28/2025, by Rep. Michael J. Kelly


15 ILCS 505/10  from Ch. 130, par. 10
30 ILCS 237/10

    Amends the State Treasurer Act. Makes formatting changes. Amends the Accountability for the Investment of Public Funds Act. Provides that each State agency shall make available on the Internet, and update at least monthly, no later than the end of each month (rather than by the 15th of the month), sufficient information concerning the investment of any public funds held by that State agency to identify specified information. Effective immediately.

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HB1447LRB104 07063 SPS 17100 b

1    AN ACT concerning State government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The State Treasurer Act is amended by changing
5Section 10 as follows:
6    (15 ILCS 505/10)  (from Ch. 130, par. 10)
7    Sec. 10. Direct deposit of State payments. The Treasurer
8shall not pay out of the treasury any money, except upon the
9warrant of the State Comptroller, provided that warrants shall
10not be required where payments are made by the Comptroller:
11        (1) to providers of community-based mental health
12    services; ,
13        (2) to persons receiving benefit payments under the
14    State pension systems; ,
15        (3) to individuals receiving assistance under Article
16    III of the Illinois Public Aid Code; , or
17        (4) to a public agency as defined in the Public Funds
18    Investment Act; or ,
19        (5) by direct deposit or by the electronic direct
20    deposit or transfer of funds.
21    These payments, however, shall only be made upon the
22approval of the Treasurer, in the form and method provided by
23the rules or regulations adopted under Section 9.03 of the



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1State Comptroller Act.
2(Source: P.A. 87-132; 87-653; 87-685; 87-751; 87-895; 88-643,
3eff. 1-1-95.)
4    Section 10. The Accountability for the Investment of
5Public Funds Act is amended by changing Section 10 as follows:
6    (30 ILCS 237/10)
7    Sec. 10. Online information concerning investment of
8public funds. Each State agency shall make available on the
9Internet, and update at least monthly, no later than the end of
10each month by the 15th of the month, sufficient information
11concerning the investment of any public funds held by that
12State agency to identify the following:
13        (1) the amount of funds held by that agency on the last
14    day of the preceding month or the average daily balance
15    for the preceding month;
16        (2) the total monthly investment income and yield for
17    all funds invested by that agency;
18        (3) the asset allocation of the investments made by
19    that agency; and
20        (4) a complete listing of all approved depository
21    institutions, commercial paper issuers, and broker-dealers
22    approved to do business with that agency.
23(Source: P.A. 93-499, eff. 1-1-04.)
24    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon



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1becoming law.