State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/28/2025, by Rep. Kevin John Olickal


New Act
730 ILCS 5/3-8-7  from Ch. 38, par. 1003-8-7

    Creates the Isolated Confinement Restriction Act. Provides that the Act may be referred to as the Nelson Mandela Act. Provides that a committed person may not be in isolated confinement for more than 10 consecutive days. Provides that a committed person may not be in isolated confinement for more than 10 days in any 180-day period. Provides that the provision of basic needs and services, such as nutritious food, clean water, hygiene supplies, clothing, bedding and mattress, religious materials, legal materials, access to grievance forms, and access to medical and mental health, shall not be restricted as a form of punishment or discipline for committed persons in isolated confinement. Provides that a committed person in protective custody may opt out of that status by providing informed, voluntary, written refusal of that status. Provides that a committed person shall not be placed in isolated confinement if the committed person: (1) is 21 years of age or younger; (2) is 55 years of age or older; (3) has a disability as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; or (4) is pregnant or postpartum. Provides that nothing in the Act is intended to restrict any rights or privileges a committed person may have under any other statute, rule, or regulation. Amends the Unified Code of Corrections to make conforming changes. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning criminal law.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title; references to Act.
5    (a) Short title. This Act may be cited as the Isolated
6Confinement Restriction Act.
7    (b) References to Act. This Act may be referred to as the
8Nelson Mandela Act.
9    Section 5. Findings.
10    (a) The General Assembly finds that:
11        (1) Nelson Mandela's legacy should be honored and
12    recognized as the first and former President of South
13    Africa, who after release from 27 years of imprisonment,
14    much of which was spent in isolated confinement, became a
15    world leader in his commitment to democracy and
16    international human rights.
17        (2) Mandela was repeatedly subjected to isolated
18    confinement.
19        (3) Mandela's isolation began with 23 hours a day of
20    isolated confinement with just 2 30-minute exercise
21    periods allowed a day. Such hours were spent in a cell
22    measuring 8 feet by 7 feet, with walls of concrete,
23    without windows, and furnished with a single light bulb to



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1    substitute natural light.
2        (4) Mandela described isolated confinement as "the
3    most forbidding aspect of prison life", with no end and no
4    beginning.
5        (5) After 27 years of incarceration under the South
6    African government, Mandela went on to receive a Nobel
7    Peace Prize and numerous other honors as a global icon of
8    democracy and social justice.
9        (6) In an attempt to ensure that no one else would be
10    subjected to the inhumane treatment Mandela survived, the
11    United Nations adopted the Mandela Rules establishing
12    Standard Minimum Rules of the Treatment of Prisoners, on
13    December 17, 2015. Those rules finalized a set of
14    principles that provides all people who are in prison with
15    respect and protection from torture, and other cruel,
16    inhuman, or degrading treatments or punishments.
17        (7) Rule 1 of the Mandela Rules sets the guiding
18    principle for these standards, requiring that: "All
19    prisoners shall be treated with the respect due to their
20    inherent dignity and value as human beings".
21        (8) The Mandela Rules provides that, "the prison
22    system shall not, except as incidental to justifiable
23    separation or the maintenance of discipline, aggravate the
24    suffering inherent in such a situation" involving the
25    deprivation of liberty.
26        (9) As a result of these requirements and recognizing



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1    the horrific consequences of Mandela's prolonged
2    isolation, the Mandela Rules specifically prohibit
3    prolonged confinement placement in a cell.
4        (10) Rule 44 of the Mandela Rules specifically states
5    "solitary confinement shall refer to the confinement of
6    prisoners for 22 hours or more a day without meaningful
7    human contact. Prolonged solitary confinement shall refer
8    to solitary confinement for a time period in excess of 15
9    consecutive days".
10        11) Nelson Mandela stated: "No one truly knows a
11    nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation
12    should not be judged by how it treats its highest
13    citizens, but its lowest ones".
14        (12) To be judged as a worldwide leader, Illinois must
15    recognize the horrific consequences that Nelson Mandela
16    and other incarcerated individuals have experienced from
17    being confined to a cell for prolonged periods and comply
18    with the international mandates required by the Mandela
19    Rules.
20        (13) It is therefore in Illinois' best interests to
21    operate its prisons in compliance with internationally
22    recognized minimum standards.
23    (b) It is the intent of the General Assembly to enact the
24Nelson Mandela Act.
25    Section 10. Definition. In this Act:



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1    "Correctional facility" means any State correctional
2facility and any State, private facility, or county facility
3with more than 500 persons, detaining persons under any
4intergovernmental services agreement or other contract with
5any State, or federal agency, including, but not limited to,
6United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
7    "Facility administrator" means the chief operating
8officer, senior administrative designee, or warden of a
9correctional facility.
10    "Isolated confinement" means confinement of a committed
11person in a correctional facility in a cell or confined living
12space, alone or with other committed persons, for more than 17
13hours in any 24-hour period. To count as out of cell time,
14committed persons must have access to activities, including,
15but not limited to: job assignments, educational classes,
16vocational classes, meals, recreation, yard or gymnasium, day
17room, bathing facilities, medical appointments, visits, and
18group therapy.
19    "Postpartum period" means the 8-week period following
20birth unless determined to be a longer period by a physician,
21advanced practice registered nurse, physician assistant, or
22other qualified medical professional.
23    "Protective custody" means voluntary confinement of a
24committed person in a cell or confined living space under
25conditions necessary to protect the committed person.



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1    Section 15. Restrictions on the use of isolated
3    (a) Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d), the use
4of isolated confinement in correctional facilities in this
5State shall be restricted as follows:
6        (1) A committed person may not be in isolated
7    confinement for more than 10 consecutive days.
8        (2) A committed person may not be in isolated
9    confinement for more than 10 days in any 180-day period.
10    (b) The provision of basic needs and services, such as
11nutritious food, clean water, hygiene supplies, clothing,
12bedding and mattress, religious materials, legal materials,
13access to grievance forms, and access to medical and mental
14health, shall not be restricted as a form of punishment or
15discipline for committed persons in isolated confinement.
16    (c) A committed person in protective custody may opt out
17of that status by providing informed, voluntary, written
18refusal of that status.
19    (d) A committed person shall not be placed in isolated
20confinement if the committed person:
21        (1) is 21 years of age or younger;
22        (2) is 55 years of age or older;
23        (3) has a disability as defined in the Americans with
24    Disabilities Act of 1990; or
25        (4) is pregnant or postpartum.
26    (e) Nothing in this Act is intended to restrict any rights



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1or privileges a committed person may have under any other
2statute, rule, or regulation.
3    Section 90. The Unified Code of Corrections is amended by
4changing Section 3-8-7 as follows:
5    (730 ILCS 5/3-8-7)  (from Ch. 38, par. 1003-8-7)
6    Sec. 3-8-7. Disciplinary Procedures.)
7    (a) All disciplinary action shall be consistent with this
8Chapter. Rules of behavior and conduct, the penalties for
9violation thereof, and the disciplinary procedure by which
10such penalties may be imposed shall be available to committed
12    (b)(1) Corporal punishment and disciplinary restrictions
13on diet, medical or sanitary facilities, mail or access to
14legal materials are prohibited.
15    (2) (Blank).
16    (3) (Blank).
17    (c) Review of disciplinary action imposed under this
18Section shall be provided by means of the grievance procedure
19under Section 3-8-8. The Department shall provide a
20disciplined person with a review of his or her disciplinary
21action in a timely manner as required by law.
22    (d) All institutions and facilities of the Department of
23Corrections shall establish, subject to the approval of the
24Director, procedures for hearing disciplinary cases except



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1those that may involve the imposition of disciplinary
2segregation and isolation; the loss of good time credit under
3Section 3-6-3 or eligibility to earn good time credit.
4    (e) In disciplinary cases which may involve the imposition
5of disciplinary segregation and isolation, the loss of good
6time credit or eligibility to earn good time credit, the
7Director shall establish disciplinary procedures consistent
8with the following principles:
9        (1) Any person or persons who initiate a disciplinary
10    charge against a person shall not determine the
11    disposition of the charge. The Director may establish one
12    or more disciplinary boards to hear and determine charges.
13        (2) Any committed person charged with a violation of
14    Department rules of behavior shall be given notice of the
15    charge including a statement of the misconduct alleged and
16    of the rules this conduct is alleged to violate.
17        (3) Any person charged with a violation of rules is
18    entitled to a hearing on that charge at which time he shall
19    have an opportunity to appear before and address the
20    person or persons deciding the charge.
21        (4) The person or persons determining the disposition
22    of the charge may also summon to testify any witnesses or
23    other persons with relevant knowledge of the incident.
24        (5) If the charge is sustained, the person charged is
25    entitled to a written statement of the decision by the
26    persons determining the disposition of the charge which



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1    shall include the basis for the decision and the
2    disciplinary action, if any, to be imposed.
3        (6) (Blank).
4    (f) In disciplinary cases which may involve the imposition
5of segregation and isolation, isolated confinement, or
6restrictive housing, the Director shall establish disciplinary
7procedures consistent with the Isolated Confinement
8Restriction Act.
9(Source: P.A. 97-1083, eff. 8-24-12.)
10    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
11becoming law.