State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/28/2025, by Rep. Yolonda Morris


755 ILCS 5/11a-1  from Ch. 110 1/2, par. 11a-1
755 ILCS 5/11a-12  from Ch. 110 1/2, par. 11a-12

    Amends the Probate Act of 1975. Provides that for proceedings seeking a guardianship of a disabled adult, if the proposed guardian is otherwise qualified under the Act, the court must give first consideration to appointing a family member who petitions to be a guardian unless the person alleged to have a disability has designated some other person to be guardian under the Act. Continues to provide that the paramount concern in the selection of the guardian is the best interests and well-being of the person with a disability. Defines "family member" to mean any person related to the person alleged to have a disability.

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1    AN ACT concerning civil law.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Probate Act of 1975 is amended by changing
5Sections 11a-1 and 11a-12 as follows:
6    (755 ILCS 5/11a-1)  (from Ch. 110 1/2, par. 11a-1)
7    Sec. 11a-1. "Developmental disability", "intellectual
8disability", and "related condition" defined.
9    "Developmental disability" means "developmental
10disability" as defined in Section 1-116 of the Mental Health
11and Developmental Disabilities Code.
12    "Family member" means any person related to the person
13alleged to have a disability.
14    "Intellectual disability" means "intellectual disability"
15as defined in Section 1-116 of the Mental Health and
16Developmental Disabilities Code.
17    "Related condition" means a condition that:
18        (1) is attributable to cerebral palsy, epilepsy, or
19    any other condition, other than mental illness, found to
20    be closely related to an intellectual disability because
21    that condition results in impairment of general
22    intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior similar to
23    that of individuals with an intellectual disability, and



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1    requires treatment or services similar to those required
2    for those individuals. For purposes of this Act, autism is
3    considered a related condition;
4        (2) is manifested before the individual reaches age
5    22;
6        (3) is likely to continue indefinitely; and
7        (4) results in substantial functional limitation in 3
8    or more of the following areas of major life activity:
9    self-care, language, learning, mobility, self-direction,
10    and capacity for independent living.
11(Source: P.A. 102-72, eff. 1-1-22; 102-109, eff. 1-1-22;
12102-972, eff. 1-1-23.)
13    (755 ILCS 5/11a-12)  (from Ch. 110 1/2, par. 11a-12)
14    Sec. 11a-12. Order of appointment.
15    (a) If basis for the appointment of a guardian as
16specified in Section 11a-3 is not found, the court shall
17dismiss the petition.
18    (b) If the respondent is adjudged to be a person with a
19disability and to lack some but not all of the capacity as
20specified in Section 11a-3, and if the court finds that
21guardianship is necessary for the protection of the person
22with a disability, his or her estate, or both, the court shall
23appoint a limited guardian for the respondent's person or
24estate or both. The court shall enter a written order stating
25the factual basis for its findings and specifying the duties



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1and powers of the guardian and the legal disabilities to which
2the respondent is subject.
3    (c) If the respondent is adjudged to be a person with a
4disability and to be totally without capacity as specified in
5Section 11a-3, and if the court finds that limited
6guardianship will not provide sufficient protection for the
7person with a disability, his or her estate, or both, the court
8shall appoint a plenary guardian for the respondent's person
9or estate or both. The court shall enter a written order
10stating the factual basis for its findings.
11    (d) The selection of the guardian shall be in the
12discretion of the court, which shall give due consideration to
13the preference of the person with a disability as to a
14guardian, as well as the qualifications of the proposed
15guardian, in making its appointment. If a family member
16petitions to be the guardian and is otherwise qualified under
17this Act, the court must give first consideration to
18appointing the family member as guardian unless the person
19alleged to have a disability has designated some other person
20to be guardian under Section 11a-6. However, the paramount
21concern in the selection of the guardian is the best interests
22and well-being of the person with a disability.
23    One person or agency may be appointed a limited or plenary
24guardian of the person and another person or corporate trustee
25appointed as a limited or plenary guardian of the estate. If
26different persons are appointed, the court shall consider the



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1factors set forth in subsection (b-5) of Section 11a-5. The
2court shall enter a written order stating the factual basis
3for its findings.
4    (e) The order of appointment of a guardian of the person
5shall include the requirement that the guardian of the person
6complete the training program as provided in Section 33.5 of
7the Guardianship and Advocacy Act that outlines the
8responsibilities of the guardian of the person and the rights
9of the person under guardianship and file with the court a
10certificate of completion one year from the date of issuance
11of the letters of guardianship, except that: (1) the chief
12judge of any circuit may order implementation of another
13training program by a suitable provider containing
14substantially similar content; (2) employees of the Office of
15the State Guardian, public guardians, attorneys currently
16authorized to practice law, corporate fiduciaries, and persons
17certified by the Center for Guardianship Certification are
18exempt from this training requirement; and (3) the court may,
19for good cause shown, exempt from this requirement an
20individual not otherwise listed in item (2). For the purposes
21of this subsection (e), good cause may be proven by affidavit.
22If the court finds good cause to exempt an individual from the
23training requirement, the order of appointment shall so state.
24(Source: P.A. 102-72, eff. 1-1-22; 102-770, eff. 1-1-23.)