State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/28/2025, by Rep. Christopher "C.D." Davidsmeyer


New Act

    Creates the Taxpayers' Fiscal Charter Act. Provides for a discretionary spending freeze for fiscal years 2026 and 2027. Sets forth requirements to increase discretionary spending beginning in fiscal year 2028. Requires any new spending proposed by the General Assembly in addition to existing obligations to be accompanied by a proposed source of revenue to pay for the proposed spending or specified cuts necessary to offset the proposed spending. Prohibits unfunded mandates. Requires the publishing of certain information before voting on or enacting an appropriations bill. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning finance.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Taxpayers' Fiscal Charter Act.
6    Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
7    "Backlog payment cycle" means the time between a
8submission of a proper bill or invoice to the State
9Comptroller for payment and the issuing of that payment.
10    "Discretionary spending" means any spending not mandated
11by federal or State law or court order.
12    "Unfunded mandate" means a law requiring a unit of local
13government or school district to expend money without
14accompanying money from the State.
15    Section 10. Discretionary spending freeze.
16    (a) The General Assembly shall freeze all discretionary
17spending during fiscal years 2026 and 2027. The General
18Assembly shall not expand any existing programs or create new
19programs requiring the expenditure of additional money.
20    (b) Beginning in fiscal year 2028, the General Assembly
21may create new programs or expand existing programs requiring
22the expenditure of additional money only if the State's



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1backlog payment cycle is 30 days or less and the State has made
2its full pension payment for the fiscal year, as actuarially
4    Section 15. Pay as you go. If the provisions of Section 10
5of this Act are satisfied, any new spending proposed by the
6General Assembly in addition to existing obligations shall be
7accompanied by a proposed source of revenue to pay for the
8proposed spending or specified cuts necessary to offset the
9proposed spending.
10    Section 20. Unfunded mandates; prohibition.
11Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary,
12the State shall not impose any unfunded mandates on a school
13district or other unit of local government. No school district
14or other unit of local government shall be required to comply
15with an unfunded mandate until the mandate is no longer
17    Section 25. Appropriations requirements.
18    (a) Before the General Assembly passes and the Governor
19signs any appropriations law, the State Comptroller shall
20publish the State's estimated income, balance sheet, cash
21flow, and surplus or deficit.
22    (b) No appropriations bill shall be voted on for third
23reading unless the bill, as amended, has been available for 72



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1hours on the General Assembly's website.
2    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
3becoming law.