State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/28/2025, by Rep. Robert "Bob" Rita


35 ILCS 200/14-30
35 ILCS 200/16-55
35 ILCS 200/16-115

    Amends the Property Tax Code. In provisions concerning appraisals, provides that the appraisals submitted by the owner and occupant of the property must be prepared for ad valorem purposes, must estimate the value of the property as of January 1 of the assessment year at issue, and must comply with all rules of the chief county assessment officer or the board of review concerning the submission of appraisals. Provides that, if the chief county assessment officer renders a decision lowering the assessed valuation of the property, the county shall reimburse the property owner for the cost of the appraisal.

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1    AN ACT concerning revenue.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Property Tax Code is amended by changing
5Sections 14-30, 16-55, and 16-115 as follows:
6    (35 ILCS 200/14-30)
7    Sec. 14-30. Hearings on revisions or corrections; public
8records. In all counties, all hearings held by the chief
9county assessment officer in support of or in opposition to a
10proposed revision or correction in assessed valuation shall be
11open to the public. All files maintained by the chief county
12assessment officer relating to the assessed valuation of any
13property, and all complaints, supporting documents, and other
14evidence submitted by the complainant shall be available for
15public inspection during regular office hours of the chief
16county assessment officer.
17    Beginning with the 2026 assessment year, in counties with
183,000,000 or more inhabitants, if the owner and occupant of
19property containing a single family residence wishes to
20support a request for a revision or correction of the
21valuation of the property by facts set forth in an appraisal
22report of the property prepared by an Illinois Certified Real
23Estate Appraiser in conformance with the Uniform Standards of



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1Professional Appraisal Practice as currently adopted by the
2Appraisal Standards Board, the property owner shall submit the
3appraisal to the chief county assessment officer. The
4submitted appraisal must be prepared for ad valorem purposes,
5estimate the value of the property as of January 1 of the
6assessment year at issue, and comply with all rules of the
7chief county assessment officer concerning the submission of
8appraisals. If the chief county assessment officer renders a
9decision lowering the assessed valuation of the property, the
10county shall reimburse the property owner for the cost of the
12    If a property owner wishes to support his or her request
13for a revision or correction of valuation by facts set forth in
14income tax returns, he or she shall submit the entire return to
15the chief county assessment officer. However, only the
16portions of the return relating to the property for which a
17revision or correction is requested shall be a public record.
18If requested by the chief county assessment officer, the
19property owner shall execute a consent in favor of the chief
20county assessment officer instructing the taxing body with
21which the income tax return was filed to furnish a certified
22copy of the return so that the accuracy of the copy submitted
23to the chief county assessment officer may be verified.
24    The chief county assessment officer shall promptly furnish
25to any person copies of all complaints, supporting documents
26and other evidence submitted by a complainant, subject to the



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1foregoing qualification, and all public records of the chief
2county assessment officer for a fee of 35 cents per page of
3legal size or smaller and $1 for each larger page.
4(Source: P.A. 77-1709; 88-455.)
5    (35 ILCS 200/16-55)
6    Sec. 16-55. Complaints.
7    (a) On written complaint that any property is overassessed
8or underassessed, the board shall review the assessment, and
9correct it, as appears to be just, but in no case shall the
10property be assessed at a higher percentage of fair cash value
11than other property in the assessment district prior to
12equalization by the board or the Department.
13    (b) The board shall include compulsory sales in reviewing
14and correcting assessments, including, but not limited to,
15those compulsory sales submitted by the complainant, if the
16board determines that those sales reflect the same property
17characteristics and condition as those originally used to make
18the assessment. The board shall also consider whether the
19compulsory sale would otherwise be considered an arm's length
21    (c) If a complaint is filed by an attorney on behalf of a
22complainant, all notices and correspondence from the board
23relating to the appeal shall be directed to the attorney. The
24board may require proof of the attorney's authority to
25represent the taxpayer. If the attorney fails to provide proof



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1of authority within the compliance period granted by the board
2pursuant to subsection (d), the board may dismiss the
3complaint. The Board shall send, electronically or by mail,
4notice of the dismissal to the attorney and complainant.
5    (d) A complaint to affect the assessment for the current
6year shall be filed on or before 30 calendar days after the
7date of publication of the assessment list under Section
812-10. Beginning with the 2026 assessment year, if the
9complainant is the owner and occupant of property containing a
10single family residence and wishes to support the complaint
11that the property is overassessed by facts set forth in an
12appraisal report of the property prepared by an Illinois
13Certified Real Estate Appraiser in conformance with the
14Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice as
15currently adopted by the Appraisal Standards Board, the
16property owner shall submit the appraisal to the board of
17review. The submitted appraisal must be prepared for ad
18valorem purposes, estimate the value of the property as of
19January 1 of the assessment year at issue, and comply with all
20rules of the board of review concerning the submission of
21appraisals. If the board of review renders a decision lowering
22the assessed valuation of the property, the county shall
23reimburse the complainant for the cost of the appraisal. Upon
24receipt of a written complaint that is timely filed under this
25Section, the board of review shall docket the complaint. If
26the complaint does not comply with the board of review rules



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1adopted under Section 9-5 entitling the complainant to a
2hearing, the board shall send, electronically or by mail,
3notification acknowledging receipt of the complaint. The
4notification must identify which rules have not been complied
5with and provide the complainant with not less than 10
6business days to bring the complaint into compliance with
7those rules. If the complainant complies with the board of
8review rules either upon the initial filing of a complaint or
9within the time as extended by the board of review for
10compliance, then the board of review shall send,
11electronically or by mail, a notice of hearing and the board
12shall hear the complaint and shall issue and send,
13electronically or by mail, a decision upon resolution. Except
14as otherwise provided in subsection (c), if the complainant
15has not complied with the rules within the time as extended by
16the board of review, the board shall nonetheless issue and
17send a decision. The board of review may adopt rules allowing
18any party to attend and participate in a hearing by telephone
19or electronically.
20    (d-5) Complaints and other written correspondence sent by
21the United States mail shall be considered filed as of the
22postmark date in accordance with Section 1.25 of the Statute
23on Statutes. Complaints and other written correspondence sent
24by a delivery service other than the United States Postal
25System shall be considered as filed as of the date sent as
26indicated by the shipper's tracking label. If allowed by board



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1of review rule, complaints and other written correspondence
2transmitted electronically shall be considered filed as of the
3date received.
4    (e) The board may also, at any time before its revision of
5the assessments is completed in every year, increase, reduce
6or otherwise adjust the assessment of any property, making
7changes in the valuation as may be just, and shall have full
8power over the assessment of any person and may do anything in
9regard thereto that it may deem necessary to make a just
10assessment, but the property shall not be assessed at a higher
11percentage of fair cash value than the assessed valuation of
12other property in the assessment district prior to
13equalization by the board or the Department.
14    (f) No assessment shall be increased until the person to
15be affected has been notified and given an opportunity to be
16heard, except as provided below.
17    (g) Before making any reduction in assessments of its own
18motion, the board of review shall give notice to the assessor
19or chief county assessment officer who certified the
20assessment, and give the assessor or chief county assessment
21officer an opportunity to be heard thereon.
22    (h) All complaints of errors in assessments of property
23shall be in writing, and shall be filed by the complaining
24party with the board of review, in the number of copies
25required by board of review rule. A copy shall be filed by the
26board of review with the assessor or chief county assessment



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1officer who certified the assessment.
2    (i) In all cases where a change in assessed valuation of
3$100,000 or more is sought, the board of review shall also
4serve a copy of the petition on all taxing districts as shown
5on the last available tax bill at least 14 days prior to the
6hearing on the complaint. Service may be by electronic means
7if the taxing district consents to electronic service and
8provides the board of review with a valid e-mail address for
9the purpose of receiving service. All taxing districts shall
10have an opportunity to be heard on the complaint. A taxing
11district wishing to intervene shall file a request to
12intervene with the board of review at least five days in
13advance of a scheduled hearing. If board of review rules
14require the appellant to submit evidence in advance of a
15hearing, then any evidence in support of the intervenor's
16opinion of assessed value must be submitted to the board of
17review and complainant no later than five calendar days prior
18to the hearing. Service shall be made as set forth in
19subsection (d-5), but if board of review rules allow
20complaints and correspondence to be transmitted
21electronically, then the intervenor's evidence shall be
22transmitted electronically.
23    (i-5) If board of review rules require the appellant to
24submit evidence in advance of a hearing, then any evidence to
25support the assessor's opinion of assessed value must be
26submitted to the board of review and the complainant (or, if



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1represented by an attorney, to the attorney) no later than
2five calendar days prior to the hearing. Service shall be made
3as set forth in subsection (d-5), but if board of review rules
4allow complaints and correspondence to be transmitted
5electronically, then the assessor's evidence shall be
6transmitted electronically.
7    (j) Complaints shall be classified by townships or taxing
8districts by the clerk of the board of review. All classes of
9complaints shall be docketed numerically, each in its own
10class, in the order in which they are presented, in books kept
11for that purpose, which books shall be open to public
12inspection. Complaints shall be considered by townships or
13taxing districts until all complaints have been heard and
14passed upon by the board.
15(Source: P.A. 98-322, eff. 8-12-13; 99-98, eff. 1-1-16;
1699-579, eff. 7-15-16.)
17    (35 ILCS 200/16-115)
18    Sec. 16-115. Filing complaints. In counties with 3,000,000
19or more inhabitants, complaints that any property is
20overassessed or underassessed or is exempt may be made by any
21taxpayer. Complaints that any property is overassessed or
22underassessed or is exempt may be made by a taxing district
23that has an interest in the assessment to a board of review.
24All complaints shall be in writing, identify and describe the
25particular property, otherwise comply with the rules in force,



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1be either signed by the complaining party or his or her
2attorney or, if filed electronically, signed with the
3electronic signature of the complaining party or his or her
4attorney, and be filed with the board of appeals (until the
5first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review
6beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) in
7at least duplicate. The board shall forward one copy of each
8complaint to the county assessor. Beginning with the 2026
9assessment year, if the complainant is the owner and occupant
10of property containing a single family residence and wishes to
11support the complaint that the property is overassessed by
12facts set forth in an appraisal report of the property
13prepared by an Illinois Certified Real Estate Appraiser in
14conformance with the Uniform Standards of Professional
15Appraisal and Practice as currently adopted by the Appraisal
16Standards Board, the property owner shall submit the appraisal
17to the board of review. The submitted appraisal must be
18prepared for ad valorem purposes, estimate the value the
19property as of January 1 of the assessment year at issue, and
20comply with all rules of the board of review concerning the
21submission of appraisals. If the board of review renders a
22decision lowering the assessed valuation of the property, the
23county shall reimburse the complainant for the cost of the
25    Complaints by taxpayers and taxing districts and
26certificates of correction by the county assessor as provided



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1in this Code shall be filed with the board according to
2townships on or before the dates specified in the notices
3given in Section 16-110.
4(Source: P.A. 97-1054, eff. 1-1-13.)