State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/28/2025, by Rep. Suzanne M. Ness


New Act
35 ILCS 5/246 new

    Creates the Caring for Caregivers Act. Provides that a taxpayer who is a family caregiver and who incurs eligible expenditures during the taxable year for the care and support of an eligible family member may apply to the Department of Revenue for an income tax credit. Provides that the credit shall be equal to 50% of the eligible expenditures incurred during the taxable year by the family caregiver for the care and support of an eligible family member, subject to certain specified limitations. Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act to make conforming changes. Effective January 1, 2026.

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1    AN ACT concerning revenue.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Caring
5for Caregivers Act.
6    Section 5. Definitions.
7    "Activities of daily living" means:
8        (1) ambulating, which means the ability of an
9    individual to move from one position to another and to
10    walk independently;
11        (2) feeding, which means the ability of an individual
12    to feed himself or herself;
13        (3) dressing, which means the ability to select
14    appropriate clothes and to put the clothes on without aid;
15        (4) personal hygiene, which means the ability to bathe
16    and groom oneself and to maintain dental hygiene and nail
17    and hair care;
18        (5) continence, which means the ability to control
19    bladder and bowel function; and
20        (6) toileting, which means the ability to get to and
21    from the toilet without aid and to use it appropriately.
22    "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
23    "Eligible expenditure" means the following when directly



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1related to assisting the family caregiver in providing care to
2an eligible family member:
3        (1) the improvement or alteration to the family
4    caregiver's or eligible family member's primary residence
5    to permit the eligible family member to live in the
6    residence and to remain mobile, safe, and independent;
7        (2) the family caregiver's purchase or lease of
8    equipment, including, but not limited to, durable medical
9    equipment, that is necessary to assist an eligible family
10    member in carrying out one or more activities of daily
11    living; and
12        (3) other expenses paid or incurred by the family
13    caregiver that assist the family caregiver in providing
14    care to an eligible family member, including, but not
15    limited to, expenses related to:
16            (A) obtaining respite care;
17            (B) obtaining adult day care;
18            (C) hiring a personal care attendant;
19            (D) hiring a home care aide;
20            (E) purchasing durable medical equipment;
21            (F) obtaining transportation; and
22            (G) acquiring assistive technology or other
23        technology.
24    Expenses incurred in carrying out general household
25maintenance activities, such as painting, plumbing, electrical
26repairs, or exterior maintenance, are not considered eligible



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1expenditures under this Act unless those expenditures qualify
2under item (1) of this definition.
3    "Eligible family member" means an individual who meets all
4of the following:
5        (1) the individual is a resident of the State;
6        (2) the individual is at least 60 years of age;
7        (3) the individual requires assistance with at least 2
8    activities of daily living, as certified by a licensed
9    health care provider;
10        (4) the individual qualifies as a dependent, spouse,
11    parent, or other relation of the family caregiver by
12    blood, marriage, or civil union, including an in-law,
13    sibling, grandparent, grandchild, stepparent, stepchild,
14    aunt, uncle, niece, nephew of the family caregiver, or an
15    individual whose close association with the family
16    caregiver is the equivalent of a family relationship; and
17        (5) the individual lives in a private residential home
18    and not in an assisted living center, nursing facility, or
19    residential care home.
20    "Family caregiver" means an individual who meets all of
21the following:
22        (1) the individual is an Illinois resident and
23    taxpayer;
24        (2) the individual provides care and support for an
25    eligible family member;
26        (3) the individual has a federal adjusted gross income



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1    for the taxable year of less than $50,000 for an
2    individual and less than $100,000 for spouses filing a
3    joint income tax return; and
4        (4) the individual has personally incurred
5    uncompensated eligible expenditures directly related to
6    the care of an eligible family member.
7    "Veteran" means an individual who has served as a member
8of the United States Armed Forces on active duty or State
9active duty, a member of the Illinois National Guard, or a
10member of the United States Reserve Forces and who has
11received an honorable discharge.
12    Section 10. Credit allowed.
13    (a) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1,
142026, a taxpayer who is a family caregiver and who incurs
15eligible expenditures during the taxable year for the care and
16support of an eligible family member may apply to the
17Department, in the form and manner required by the Department
18by rule, for a credit against the tax imposed by subsections
19(a) and (b) of Section 201 of the Illinois Income Tax Act.
20Subject to the limitations in subsections (b) and (c), the
21credit under this Act shall be equal to 50% of the eligible
22expenditures incurred during the taxable year by the family
23caregiver for the care and support of an eligible family
25    (b) The maximum allowable credit authorized by this



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1Section shall be $2,000 per taxpayer per taxable year, unless
2the eligible family member is a veteran, in which case the
3maximum allowable credit shall be $3,000 per taxable year for
4that taxpayer. The credit or credits may not reduce the
5taxpayer's liability to less than zero. Excess credit amounts
6under this Act may not be carried forward or back.
7    (c) Upon approval of a credit award under this Section,
8the Department shall issue a tax credit certificate to the
9taxpayer. The taxpayer shall attach the tax credit certificate
10to the taxpayer's Illinois income tax return for the taxable
12    (d) The total credits authorized under this Section for
13all taxpayers shall not exceed $1,500,000 annually.
14    (e) This Act is exempt from the provisions of Section 250
15of the Illinois Income Tax Act.
16    Section 15. Report. The Department shall submit an annual
17report to the Governor and the General Assembly detailing (i)
18the total amount of tax credits claimed under this Act for the
19preceding fiscal year and (ii) the total number of taxpayers
20who received credits under this Act for the preceding fiscal
21year. The Department shall publish that report on its website
22and shall provide a copy of the report to the Department on
23Aging for publication on the Department on Aging's website.
24    Section 20. Rulemaking. The Department of Revenue shall



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1adopt rules to implement and administer the credit authorized
2by this Act.
3    Section 900. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by
4adding Section 246 as follows:
5    (35 ILCS 5/246 new)
6    Sec. 246. The Caring for Caregivers Act; credit. For
7taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2026, a
8taxpayer who is awarded a credit under the Caring for
9Caregivers Act is entitled to a credit against the tax imposed
10by subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act as
11provided in the Caring for Caregivers Act.
12    This Section is exempt from the provisions of Section 250.
13    Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect January
141, 2026.