State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/28/2025, by Rep. Paul Jacobs


35 ILCS 40/Act title
35 ILCS 40/1
35 ILCS 40/5
35 ILCS 40/7.5
35 ILCS 40/10
35 ILCS 40/15
35 ILCS 40/20
35 ILCS 40/25
35 ILCS 40/30
35 ILCS 40/35
35 ILCS 40/40
35 ILCS 40/45
35 ILCS 40/50
35 ILCS 40/55
35 ILCS 40/60
35 ILCS 40/65
35 ILCS 40/70 new
35 ILCS 5/224

    Reenacts the Invest in Kids Act and makes the Act permanent. Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act to make conforming changes. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning revenue.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Invest in Kids Act is reenacted and amended
5by changing Sections 40 and 65 and by adding Section 70 as
7    (35 ILCS 40/Act title)
8    An Act concerning education.
9    (35 ILCS 40/1)
10    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
11    Sec. 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Invest in
12Kids Act.
13(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)
14    (35 ILCS 40/5)
15    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
16    Sec. 5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
17    "Authorized contribution" means the contribution amount
18that is listed on the contribution authorization certificate
19issued to the taxpayer.
20    "Board" means the State Board of Education.
21    "Contribution" means a donation made by the taxpayer



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1during the taxable year for providing scholarships as provided
2in this Act.
3    "Custodian" means, with respect to eligible students, an
4Illinois resident who is a parent or legal guardian of the
5eligible student or students.
6    "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
7    "Eligible student" means a child who:
8        (1) is a member of a household whose federal adjusted
9    gross income the year before he or she initially receives
10    a scholarship under this program, as determined by the
11    Department, does not exceed 300% of the federal poverty
12    level and, once the child receives a scholarship, does not
13    exceed 400% of the federal poverty level;
14        (2) is eligible to attend a public elementary school
15    or high school in Illinois in the semester immediately
16    preceding the semester for which he or she first receives
17    a scholarship or is starting school in Illinois for the
18    first time when he or she first receives a scholarship;
19    and
20        (3) resides in Illinois while receiving a scholarship.
21    "Family member" means a parent, child, or sibling, whether
22by whole blood, half blood, or adoption; spouse; or stepchild.
23    "Focus district" means a school district which has a
24school that is either (i) a school that has one or more
25subgroups in which the average student performance is at or
26below the State average for the lowest 10% of student



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1performance in that subgroup or (ii) a school with an average
2graduation rate of less than 60% and not identified for
4    "Jointly administered CTE program" means a program or set
5of programs within a non-public school located in Illinois, as
6determined by the State Board of Education pursuant to Section
77.5 of this Act.
8    "Necessary costs and fees" includes the customary charge
9for instruction and use of facilities in general and the
10additional fixed fees charged for specified purposes that are
11required generally of non-scholarship recipients for each
12academic period for which the scholarship applicant actually
13enrolls, including costs associated with student assessments,
14but does not include fees payable only once and other
15contingent deposits that are refundable in whole or in part.
16The Board may prescribe, by rules consistent with this Act,
17detailed provisions concerning the computation of necessary
18costs and fees.
19    "Scholarship granting organization" means an entity that:
20        (1) is exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of
21    the Internal Revenue Code;
22        (2) uses at least 95% of the qualified contributions
23    received during a taxable year for scholarships;
24        (3) provides scholarships to students according to the
25    guidelines of this Act;
26        (4) deposits and holds qualified contributions and any



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1    income derived from qualified contributions in an account
2    that is separate from the organization's operating fund or
3    other funds until such qualified contributions or income
4    are withdrawn for use; and
5        (5) is approved to issue certificates of receipt.
6    "Technical academy" means a non-public school located in
7Illinois that: (1) registers with the Board pursuant to
8Section 2-3.25 of the School Code; and (2) operates or will
9operate a jointly administered CTE program as the primary
10focus of the school. To maintain its status as a technical
11academy, the non-public school must obtain recognition from
12the Board pursuant to Section 2-3.25o of the School Code
13within 2 calendar years of its registration with the Board.
14    "Qualified contribution" means the authorized contribution
15made by a taxpayer to a scholarship granting organization for
16which the taxpayer has received a certificate of receipt from
17such organization.
18    "Qualified school" means a non-public school located in
19Illinois and recognized by the Board pursuant to Section
202-3.25o of the School Code.
21    "Scholarship" means an educational scholarship awarded to
22an eligible student to attend a qualified school of their
23custodians' choice in an amount not exceeding the necessary
24costs and fees to attend that school.
25    "Taxpayer" means any individual, corporation, partnership,
26trust, or other entity subject to the Illinois income tax. For



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1the purposes of this Act, 2 individuals filing a joint return
2shall be considered one taxpayer.
3(Source: P.A. 102-16, eff. 6-17-21.)
4    (35 ILCS 40/7.5)
5    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
6    Sec. 7.5. Determination of jointly-administered CTE
8    (a) Upon its own motion, or upon petition from a qualified
9school or technical academy, the State Board of Education
10shall determine whether a program or set of programs offered
11or proposed by a qualified school or technical academy
12provides coursework and training in career and technical
13education pathways aligned to industry-recognized
14certifications and credentials. The State Board of Education
15shall make that determination based upon whether the
16industry-recognized certifications or credentials that are the
17focus of a qualified school or technical academy's coursework
18and training program or set of programs (i) are associated
19with an occupation determined to fall under the LEADING or
20EMERGING priority sectors as determined through Illinois'
21Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Unified State Plan
22and (ii) provide wages that are at least 70% of the average
23annual wage in the State, as determined by the United States
24Bureau of Labor Statistics.
25    (b) The State Board of Education shall publish a list of



HB1342- 6 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1approved jointly administered CTE programs on its website and
2otherwise make that list available to the public. A qualified
3school or technical academy may petition the State Board of
4Education to obtain a determination that a proposed program or
5set of programs that it seeks to offer qualifies as a jointly
6administered CTE program under subsection (a) of this Section.
7A petitioner shall file one original petition in the form
8provided by the State Board of Education and in the manner
9specified by the State Board of Education. The petitioner may
10withdraw his or her petition by submitting a written statement
11to the State Board of Education indicating withdrawal. The
12State Board of Education shall approve or deny a petition
13within 180 days of its submission and, upon approval, shall
14proceed to add the program or set of programs to the list of
15approved jointly administered CTE programs. The approval or
16denial of any petition is a final decision of the Board,
17subject to judicial review under the Administrative Review
18Law. Jurisdiction and venue are vested in the circuit court.
19    (c) The State Board of Education shall evaluate the
20approved jointly administered CTE programs under this Section
21once every 5 years. At this time, the State Board of Education
22shall determine whether these programs continue to meet the
23requirements set forth in subsection (a) of this Section.
24(Source: P.A. 102-16, eff. 6-17-21.)
25    (35 ILCS 40/10)



HB1342- 7 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
2    Sec. 10. Credit awards.
3    (a) The Department shall award credits against the tax
4imposed under subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of the
5Illinois Income Tax Act to taxpayers who make qualified
6contributions. For contributions made under this Act, the
7credit shall be equal to 75% of the total amount of qualified
8contributions made by the taxpayer during a taxable year, not
9to exceed a credit of $1,000,000 per taxpayer.
10    (b) The aggregate amount of all credits the Department may
11award under this Act in any calendar year may not exceed
13    (c) Contributions made by corporations (including
14Subchapter S corporations), partnerships, and trusts under
15this Act may not be directed to a particular subset of schools,
16a particular school, a particular group of students, or a
17particular student. Contributions made by individuals under
18this Act may be directed to a particular subset of schools or a
19particular school but may not be directed to a particular
20group of students or a particular student.
21    (d) No credit shall be taken under this Act for any
22qualified contribution for which the taxpayer claims a federal
23income tax deduction.
24    (e) Credits shall be awarded in a manner, as determined by
25the Department, that is geographically proportionate to
26enrollment in recognized non-public schools in Illinois. If



HB1342- 8 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1the cap on the aggregate credits that may be awarded by the
2Department is not reached by June 1 of a given year, the
3Department shall award remaining credits on a first-come,
4first-served basis, without regard to the limitation of this
6    (f) Credits awarded for donations made to a technical
7academy shall be awarded without regard to subsection (e), but
8shall not exceed 15% of the annual statewide program cap. For
9the purposes of this subsection, "technical academy" means a
10technical academy that is registered with the Board within 30
11days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the
12102nd General Assembly.
13(Source: P.A. 102-16, eff. 6-17-21.)
14    (35 ILCS 40/15)
15    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
16    Sec. 15. Approval to issue certificates of receipt.
17    (a) A scholarship granting organization shall submit an
18application for approval to issue certificates of receipt in
19the form and manner prescribed by the Department, provided
20that each application shall include:
21        (1) documentary evidence that the scholarship granting
22    organization has been granted an exemption from taxation
23    under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
24        (2) certification that all qualified contributions and
25    any income derived from qualified contributions are



HB1342- 9 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1    deposited and held in an account that is separate from the
2    scholarship granting organization's operating or other
3    funds until such qualified contributions or income are
4    withdrawn for use;
5        (3) certification that the scholarship granting
6    organization will use at least 95% of its annual revenue
7    from qualified contributions for scholarships;
8        (4) certification that the scholarship granting
9    organization will provide scholarships to eligible
10    students;
11        (5) a list of the names and addresses of all members of
12    the governing board of the scholarship granting
13    organization; and
14        (6) a copy of the most recent financial audit of the
15    scholarship granting organization's accounts and records
16    conducted by an independent certified public accountant in
17    accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in
18    the United States, government auditing standards, and
19    rules adopted by the Department.
20    (b) A scholarship granting organization whose owner or
21operator in the last 7 years has filed for personal bankruptcy
22or corporate bankruptcy in a corporation of which he or she
23owned more than 20% shall not be eligible to provide
25    (c) A scholarship granting organization must not have an
26owner or operator who owns or operates a qualified school or



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1has a family member who is a paid staff or board member of a
2participating qualified school.
3    (d) A scholarship granting organization shall comply with
4the anti-discrimination provisions of 42 U.S.C. 2000d.
5    (e) The Department shall review and either approve or deny
6each application to issue certificates of receipt pursuant to
7this Act. Approval or denial of an application shall be made on
8a periodic basis. Applicants shall be notified of the
9Department's determination within 30 business days after the
10application is received.
11    (f) No scholarship granting organization shall issue any
12certificates of receipt without first being approved to issue
13certificates of receipt.
14(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)
15    (35 ILCS 40/20)
16    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
17    Sec. 20. Annual review.
18    (a) Each scholarship granting organization that receives
19approval to issue certificates of receipt shall file an
20application for recertification on an annual basis. Such
21application for recertification shall be in the form and
22manner prescribed by the Department and shall include:
23        (1) certification from the Director or Chief Executive
24    Officer of the organization that the organization has
25    complied with and continues to comply with the



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1    requirements of this Act, including evidence of that
2    compliance; and
3        (2) a copy of the organization's current financial
4    statements.
5    (b) The Department may revoke the approval of a
6scholarship granting organization to issue certificates of
7receipt upon a finding that the organization has violated this
8Act or any rules adopted under this Act. These violations
9shall include, but need not be limited to, any of the
11        (1) failure to meet the requirements of this Act;
12        (2) failure to maintain full and adequate records with
13    respect to the receipt of qualified contributions;
14        (3) failure to supply such records to the Department;
15    or
16        (4) failure to provide notice to the Department of the
17    issuance of certificates of receipt pursuant to Section 35
18    of this Act.
19    (c) Within 5 days after the determination to revoke
20approval, the Department shall provide notice of the
21determination to the scholarship granting organization and
22information regarding the process to request a hearing to
23appeal the determination.
24(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)
25    (35 ILCS 40/25)



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1    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
2    Sec. 25. Contribution authorization certificates.
3    (a) A taxpayer shall not be allowed a credit pursuant to
4this Act for any contribution to a scholarship granting
5organization that was made prior to the Department's issuance
6of a contribution authorization certificate for such
7contribution to the taxpayer.
8    (b) Prior to making a contribution to a scholarship
9granting organization, the taxpayer shall apply to the
10Department for a contribution authorization certificate.
11    (c) A taxpayer who makes more than one contribution to a
12scholarship granting organization must make a separate
13application for each such contribution authorization
14certificate. The application shall be in the form and manner
15prescribed by the Department, provided that the application
17        (1) the taxpayer's name and address;
18        (2) the amount the taxpayer will contribute; and
19        (3) any other information the Department deems
20    necessary.
21    (d) The Department may allow taxpayers to make multiple
22applications on the same form, provided that each application
23shall be treated as a separate application.
24    (e) The Department shall issue credit authorization
25certificates on a first-come, first-served basis based upon
26the date that the Department received the taxpayer's



HB1342- 13 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1application for the certificate subject to the provisions of
2subsection (e) of Section 10 of this Act.
3    (f) A taxpayer's aggregate authorized contribution amount
4as listed on one or more authorized contribution certificates
5issued to the taxpayer shall not exceed the aggregate of the
6amounts listed on the taxpayer's applications submitted in
7accordance with this Section.
8    (g) Each contribution authorization certificate shall
10        (1) the date such certificate was issued;
11        (2) the date by which the authorized contributions
12    listed in the certificate must be made, which shall be 60
13    days from the date of the issuance of a credit
14    authorization certificate;
15        (3) the total amount of authorized contributions; and
16        (4) any other information the Department deems
17    necessary.
18    (h) Credit authorization certificates shall be mailed to
19the appropriate taxpayers within 3 business days after their
21    (i) A taxpayer may rescind all or part of an authorized
22contribution approved under this Act by providing written
23notice to the Department. Amounts rescinded shall no longer be
24deducted from the cap prescribed in Section 10 of this Act.
25    (j) The Department shall maintain on its website a running
26total of the amount of credits for which taxpayers may make



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1applications for contribution authorization certification. The
2running total shall be updated every business day.
3(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)
4    (35 ILCS 40/30)
5    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
6    Sec. 30. Certificates of receipt.
7    (a) No scholarship granting organization shall issue a
8certificate of receipt for any qualified contribution made by
9a taxpayer under this Act unless that scholarship granting
10organization has been approved to issue certificates of
11receipt pursuant to Section 15 of this Act.
12    (b) No scholarship granting organization shall issue a
13certificate of receipt for a contribution made by a taxpayer
14unless the taxpayer has been issued a credit authorization
15certificate by the Department.
16    (c) If a taxpayer makes a contribution to a scholarship
17granting organization prior to the date by which the
18authorized contribution shall be made, the scholarship
19granting organization shall, within 30 days of receipt of the
20authorized contribution, issue to the taxpayer a written
21certificate of receipt.
22    (d) If a taxpayer fails to make all or a portion of a
23contribution prior to the date by which such authorized
24contribution is required to be made, the taxpayer shall not be
25entitled to a certificate of receipt for that portion of the



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1authorized contribution not made.
2    (e) Each certificate of receipt shall state:
3        (1) the name and address of the issuing scholarship
4    granting organization;
5        (2) the taxpayer's name and address;
6        (3) the date for each qualified contribution;
7        (4) the amount of each qualified contribution;
8        (5) the total qualified contribution amount; and
9        (6) any other information that the Department may deem
10    necessary.
11    (f) Upon the issuance of a certificate of receipt, the
12issuing scholarship granting organization shall, within 10
13days after issuing the certificate of receipt, provide the
14Department with notification of the issuance of such
15certificate in the form and manner prescribed by the
16Department, provided that such notification shall include:
17        (1) the taxpayer's name and address;
18        (2) the date of the issuance of a certificate of
19    receipt;
20        (3) the qualified contribution date or dates and the
21    amounts contributed on such dates;
22        (4) the total qualified contribution listed on such
23    certificates;
24        (5) the issuing scholarship granting organization's
25    name and address; and
26        (6) any other information the Department may deem



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1    necessary.
2    (g) Any portion of a contribution that a taxpayer fails to
3make by the date indicated on the authorized contribution
4certificate shall no longer be deducted from the cap
5prescribed in Section 10 of this Act.
6(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)
7    (35 ILCS 40/35)
8    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
9    Sec. 35. Reports.
10    (a) Within 180 days after the end of its fiscal year, each
11scholarship granting organization must provide to the
12Department a copy of a financial audit of its accounts and
13records conducted by an independent certified public
14accountant in accordance with auditing standards generally
15accepted in the United States, government auditing standards,
16and rules adopted by the Department. The audit must include a
17report on financial statements presented in accordance with
18generally accepted accounting principles. The audit must
19include evidence that no less than 95% of qualified
20contributions received were used to provide scholarships to
21eligible students. The Department shall review all audits
22submitted pursuant to this subsection. The Department shall
23request any significant items that were omitted in violation
24of a rule adopted by the Department. The items must be provided
25within 45 days after the date of request. If a scholarship



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1granting organization does not comply with the Department's
2request, the Department may revoke the scholarship granting
3organization's ability to issue certificates of receipt.
4    (b) A scholarship granting organization that is approved
5to receive qualified contributions shall report to the
6Department, on a form prescribed by the Department, by January
731 of each calendar year. The report shall include:
8        (1) the total number of certificates of receipt issued
9    during the immediately preceding calendar year;
10        (2) the total dollar amount of qualified contributions
11    received, as set forth in the certificates of receipt
12    issued during the immediately preceding calendar year;
13        (3) the total number of eligible students utilizing
14    scholarships for the immediately preceding calendar year
15    and the school year in progress and the total dollar value
16    of the scholarships;
17        (4) the name and address of each qualified school for
18    which scholarships using qualified contributions were
19    issued during the immediately preceding calendar year,
20    detailing the number, grade, race, gender, income level,
21    and residency by Zip Code of eligible students and the
22    total dollar value of scholarships being utilized at each
23    qualified school by priority group, as identified in
24    subsection (d) of Section 40 of this Act; and
25        (5) any additional information requested by the
26    Department.



HB1342- 18 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1    (c) On or before the last day of March for each calendar
2year, for the immediately preceding calendar year, the
3Department shall submit a written report to the Governor, the
4President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
5Representatives, the Minority Leader of the Senate, and the
6Minority Leader of the House of Representatives regarding this
7Act. The report shall include, but not be limited to, the
8following information:
9        (1) the names and addresses of all scholarship
10    granting organizations approved to issue certificates of
11    receipt;
12        (2) the number and aggregate total of certificates of
13    receipt issued by each scholarship granting organization;
14    and
15        (3) the information reported to the Department
16    required by subsection (b) of this Section.
17    (d) The sharing and reporting of student data under this
18Section must be in accordance with the requirements of the
19Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the Illinois
20School Student Records Act. All parties must preserve the
21confidentiality of such information as required by law. Data
22reported by the Department under subsection (c) of this
23Section must not disaggregate data to a level that will
24disclose demographic data of individual students.
25(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)



HB1342- 19 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1    (35 ILCS 40/40)
2    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
3    Sec. 40. Scholarship granting organization
5    (a) Before granting a scholarship for an academic year,
6all scholarship granting organizations shall assess and
7document each student's eligibility for the academic year.
8    (b) A scholarship granting organization shall grant
9scholarships only to eligible students.
10    (c) A scholarship granting organization shall allow an
11eligible student to attend any qualified school of the
12student's choosing, subject to the availability of funds.
13    (d) In granting scholarships, beginning in the 2022-2023
14school year and for each school year thereafter, a scholarship
15granting organization shall give priority to eligible students
16who received a scholarship from a scholarship granting
17organization during the previous school year. Second priority
18shall be given to the following priority groups:
19        (1) (blank);
20        (2) eligible students who are members of a household
21    whose previous year's total annual income does not exceed
22    185% of the federal poverty level;
23        (3) eligible students who reside within a focus
24    district; and
25        (4) eligible students who are siblings of students
26    currently receiving a scholarship.



HB1342- 20 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1    (d-5) A scholarship granting organization shall begin
2granting scholarships no later than February 1 preceding the
3school year for which the scholarship is sought. Each priority
4group identified in subsection (d) of this Section shall be
5eligible to receive scholarships on a first-come, first-served
6basis until April 1 immediately preceding the school year for
7which the scholarship is sought, starting with the first
8priority group identified in subsection (d) of this Section.
9Applications for scholarships for eligible students meeting
10the qualifications of one or more priority groups that are
11received before April 1 must be either approved or denied
12within 10 business days after receipt. Beginning April 1, all
13eligible students shall be eligible to receive scholarships
14without regard to the priority groups identified in subsection
15(d) of this Section.
16    (e) Except as provided in subsection (e-5) of this
17Section, scholarships shall not exceed the lesser of (i) the
18statewide average operational expense per student among public
19schools or (ii) the necessary costs and fees for attendance at
20the qualified school. A qualified school may set a lower
21maximum scholarship amount for eligible students whose family
22income falls within paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection
23(e); that amount may not exceed the necessary costs and fees
24for attendance at the qualified school and is subject to the
25limitations on average scholarship amounts set forth in
26paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, as applicable. The



HB1342- 21 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1qualified school shall notify the scholarship granting
2organization of its necessary costs and fees as well as any
3maximum scholarship amount set by the school. Scholarships
4shall be prorated as follows:
5        (1) for eligible students whose household income is
6    less than 185% of the federal poverty level, the
7    scholarship shall be 100% of the amount determined
8    pursuant to this subsection (e) and subsection (e-5) of
9    this Section;
10        (2) for eligible students whose household income is
11    185% or more of the federal poverty level but less than
12    250% of the federal poverty level, the average of
13    scholarships shall be 75% of the amount determined
14    pursuant to this subsection (e) and subsection (e-5) of
15    this Section; and
16        (3) for eligible students whose household income is
17    250% or more of the federal poverty level, the average of
18    scholarships shall be 50% of the amount determined
19    pursuant to this subsection (e) and subsection (e-5) of
20    this Section.
21    (e-5) The statewide average operational expense per
22student among public schools shall be multiplied by the
23following factors:
24        (1) for students determined eligible to receive
25    services under the federal Individuals with Disabilities
26    Education Act, 2;



HB1342- 22 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1        (2) for students who are English learners, as defined
2    in subsection (d) of Section 14C-2 of the School Code,
3    1.2; and
4        (3) for students who are gifted and talented children,
5    as defined in Section 14A-20 of the School Code, 1.1.
6    (f) A scholarship granting organization shall distribute
7scholarship payments to the participating school where the
8student is enrolled.
9    (g) For the 2018-2019 school year through the 2022-2023
10school year, each scholarship granting organization shall
11expend no less than 75% of the qualified contributions
12received during the calendar year in which the qualified
13contributions were received. No more than 25% of the qualified
14contributions may be carried forward to the following calendar
16    (h) For the 2023-2024 school year, each scholarship
17granting organization shall expend all qualified contributions
18received during the calendar year in which the qualified
19contributions were received. No qualified contributions may be
20carried forward to the following calendar year.
21    (h-1) For the 2024-2025 school year and all school years
22following, each scholarship granting organization shall expend
23no less than 75% of the qualified contributions received
24during the calendar year in which the qualified contributions
25were received. No more than 25% of the qualified contributions
26may be carried forward to the following calendar year.



HB1342- 23 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1    (i) A scholarship granting organization shall allow an
2eligible student to transfer a scholarship during a school
3year to any other participating school of the custodian's
4choice. Such scholarships shall be prorated.
5    (j) With the prior approval of the Department, a
6scholarship granting organization may transfer funds to
7another scholarship granting organization if additional funds
8are required to meet scholarship demands at the receiving
9scholarship granting organization. All transferred funds must
10be deposited by the receiving scholarship granting
11organization into its scholarship accounts. All transferred
12amounts received by any scholarship granting organization must
13be separately disclosed to the Department.
14    (k) If the approval of a scholarship granting organization
15is revoked as provided in Section 20 of this Act or the
16scholarship granting organization is dissolved, all remaining
17qualified contributions of the scholarship granting
18organization shall be transferred to another scholarship
19granting organization. All transferred funds must be deposited
20by the receiving scholarship granting organization into its
21scholarship accounts.
22    (l) Scholarship granting organizations shall make
23reasonable efforts to advertise the availability of
24scholarships to eligible students.
25(Source: P.A. 102-699, eff. 4-19-22; 102-1059, eff. 6-10-22;
26103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)



HB1342- 24 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1    (35 ILCS 40/45)
2    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
3    Sec. 45. State Board responsibilities.
4    (a) Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, students who
5have been granted a scholarship under this Act shall be
6annually assessed at the qualified school where the student
7attends school in the same manner in which students that
8attend public schools are annually assessed pursuant to
9Section 2-3.64a-5 of the School Code. Such qualified school
10shall pay costs associated with this requirement.
11    (b) The Board shall select an independent research
12organization, which may be a public or private entity or
13university, to which participating qualified schools must
14report the scores of students who are receiving scholarships
15and are assessed pursuant to subsection (a) of this Section.
16Costs associated with the independent research organization
17shall be paid by the scholarship granting organizations on a
18per-pupil basis or by gifts, grants, or donations received by
19the Board under subsection (d) of this Section, as determined
20by the Board. The independent research organization must
21annually report to the Board on the year-to-year learning
22gains of students receiving scholarships on a statewide basis.
23The report shall also include, to the extent possible, a
24comparison of these learning gains to the statewide learning
25gains of public school students with socioeconomic backgrounds



HB1342- 25 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1similar to those of students receiving scholarships. The
2annual report shall be delivered to the Board and published on
3its website.
4    (c) Beginning within 120 days after the Board first
5receives the annual report by the independent research
6organization as provided in subsection (b) of this Section and
7on an annual basis thereafter, the Board shall submit a
8written report to the Governor, the President of the Senate,
9the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Minority
10Leader of the Senate, and the Minority Leader of the House of
11Representatives regarding this Act. Such report shall include
12an evaluation of the academic performance of students
13receiving scholarships and recommendations for improving
14student performance.
15    (d) Subject to the State Officials and Employees Ethics
16Act, the Board may receive and expend gifts, grants, and
17donations of any kind from any public or private entity to
18carry out the purposes of this Section, subject to the terms
19and conditions under which the gifts are given, provided that
20all such terms and conditions are permissible under law.
21    (e) The sharing and reporting of student learning gain
22data under this Section must be in accordance with
23requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
24and the Illinois School Student Records Act. All parties must
25preserve the confidentiality of such information as required
26by law. The annual report must not disaggregate data to a level



HB1342- 26 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1that will disclose the academic level of individual students.
2(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)
3    (35 ILCS 40/50)
4    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
5    Sec. 50. Qualified school responsibilities. A qualified
6school that accepts scholarship students must do all of the
8        (1) provide to a scholarship granting organization,
9    upon request, all documentation required for the student's
10    participation, including the non-public school's cost and
11    student's fee schedules;
12        (2) be academically accountable to the custodian for
13    meeting the educational needs of the student by:
14            (A) at a minimum, annually providing to the
15        custodian a written explanation of the student's
16        progress; and
17            (B) annually administering assessments required by
18        subsection (a) of Section 45 of this Act in the same
19        manner in which they are administered at public
20        schools pursuant to Section 2-3.64a-5 of the School
21        Code; the Board shall bill participating qualified
22        schools for all costs associated with administering
23        assessments required by this paragraph; the
24        participating qualified schools shall ensure that all
25        test security and assessment administration procedures



HB1342- 27 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1        are followed; participating qualified schools must
2        report individual student scores to the custodians of
3        the students; the independent research organization
4        described in subsection (b) of Section 45 of this Act
5        shall be provided all student score data in a secure
6        manner by the participating qualified school.
7    The inability of a qualified school to meet the
8requirements of this Section shall constitute a basis for the
9ineligibility of the qualified school to participate in the
10scholarship program as determined by the Board.
11(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)
12    (35 ILCS 40/55)
13    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
14    Sec. 55. Custodian and student responsibilities.
15    (a) The custodian must select a qualified school and apply
16for the admission of his or her child.
17    (b) The custodian shall ensure that the student
18participating in the scholarship program takes the assessment
19required by subsection (a) of Section 45 of this Act.
20    (c) Each custodian and each student has an obligation to
21comply with the qualified school's published policies.
22    (d) The custodian shall authorize the scholarship granting
23organization to access information needed for income
24eligibility determinations.
25(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)



HB1342- 28 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1    (35 ILCS 40/60)
2    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
3    Sec. 60. Recordkeeping; rulemaking; violations.
4    (a) Each taxpayer shall, for each taxable year for which
5the tax credit provided for under this Act is claimed,
6maintain records of the following information: (i)
7contribution authorization certificates obtained under Section
825 of this Act and (ii) certificates of receipt obtained under
9Section 30 of this Act.
10    (b) The Board and the Department may adopt rules
11consistent with and necessary for the implementation of this
13    (c) Violations of State laws or rules and complaints
14relating to program participation shall be referred to the
15Attorney General.
16(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)
17    (35 ILCS 40/65)
18    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
19    Sec. 65. Credit period; repeal.
20    (a) A taxpayer may take a credit under this Act (i) for tax
21years beginning on or after January 1, 2018 and ending before
22January 1, 2024 and (ii) for tax years beginning on or after
23January 1, 2025. A taxpayer may not take a credit pursuant to
24this Act for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2024.



HB1342- 29 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1    (b) This Act is exempt from the provisions of Section 250
2of the Illinois Income Tax Act. This Act is repealed on January
31, 2025.
4(Source: P.A. 102-16, eff. 6-17-21.)
5    (35 ILCS 40/70 new)
6    Sec. 70. Continuation of Act; validation.
7    (a) This amendatory Act of the 104th General Assembly
8manifests the intention of the General Assembly to extend the
9repeal of the Invest in Kids Act and have the Invest in Kids
10Act continue in effect on and after January 1, 2025.
11    (b) The Invest in Kids Act shall be deemed to have been in
12continuous effect since August 31, 2017 (the effective date of
13Public Act 100-465), and it shall continue to be in effect
14until it is otherwise lawfully repealed. All previously
15enacted amendments to the Invest in Kids Act Act taking effect
16on or after January 1, 2025, are hereby validated.
17    (c) All actions taken in reliance on or pursuant to the
18Invest in Kids Act by any person or entity are hereby
20    (d) In order to ensure the continuing effectiveness of the
21Invest in Kids Act, it is set forth in full and reenacted by
22this amendatory Act of the 104th General Assembly. Striking
23and underscoring are used only to show changes being made to
24the base text. This reenactment is intended as a continuation
25of the Act. It is not intended to supersede any amendment to



HB1342- 30 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1the Act that is enacted by the 104th General Assembly.
2    Section 10. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by
3changing Section 224 as follows:
4    (35 ILCS 5/224)
5    Sec. 224. Invest in Kids credit.
6    (a) For (i) taxable years beginning on or after January 1,
72018 and ending before January 1, 2024 and (ii) taxable years
8beginning on or after January 1, 2025, each taxpayer for whom a
9tax credit has been awarded by the Department under the Invest
10in Kids Act is entitled to a credit against the tax imposed
11under subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act in an
12amount equal to the amount awarded under the Invest in Kids
14    (b) For taxable years ending before December 31, 2023, for
15partners, shareholders of subchapter S corporations, and
16owners of limited liability companies, if the liability
17company is treated as a partnership for purposes of federal
18and State income taxation, the credit under this Section shall
19be determined in accordance with the determination of income
20and distributive share of income under Sections 702 and 704
21and subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code. For taxable
22years ending on or after December 31, 2023, partners and
23shareholders of subchapter S corporations are entitled to a
24credit under this Section as provided in Section 251.



HB1342- 31 -LRB104 03317 HLH 13339 b

1    (c) The credit may not be carried back and may not reduce
2the taxpayer's liability to less than zero. If the amount of
3the credit exceeds the tax liability for the year, the excess
4may be carried forward and applied to the tax liability of the
55 taxable years following the excess credit year. The tax
6credit shall be applied to the earliest year for which there is
7a tax liability. If there are credits for more than one year
8that are available to offset the liability, the earlier credit
9shall be applied first.
10    (d) A tax credit awarded by the Department under the
11Invest in Kids Act may not be claimed for any qualified
12contribution for which the taxpayer claims a federal income
13tax deduction.
14    (e) This Section is exempt from the provisions of Section
16(Source: P.A. 102-699, eff. 4-19-22; 103-396, eff. 1-1-24.)
17    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
18becoming law.