State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/28/2025, by Rep. Maura Hirschauer


5 ILCS 490/105

    Amends the State Commemorative Dates Act. Provides that the Governor shall annually designate by official proclamation the third Friday of September in each year as POW/MIA Recognition Day (rather than the third Friday of September in each year is designated as POW/MIA Recognition Day) to be observed in honor and remembrance of the men and women who, as POWs, have suffered captivity in foreign countries while in active service with the United States armed forces or who, as MIAs, have been recognized as missing in action in a time of war or during a period of hostilities (rather than who were recognized as POWs or MIAs in a time of war or during a period of hostilities). Provides that the Governor shall request, in the Governor's annual designation by official proclamation, that some portion of the third Friday of September be used for solemn contemplation on the plight of members of the United States armed forces who have been held prisoners of war and members of the United States armed forces who have been missing in action and the resolve of families and friends who continue to seek the fullest possible accounting for missing loved ones. Effective immediately.

LRB104 03042 BDA 13060 b





HB1312LRB104 03042 BDA 13060 b

1    AN ACT concerning government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The State Commemorative Dates Act is amended by
5changing Section 105 as follows:
6    (5 ILCS 490/105)
7    Sec. 105. POW/MIA Recognition Day. The Governor shall
8annually designate by official proclamation the third Friday
9of September in each year is designated as POW/MIA Recognition
10Day to be observed throughout the State as a day in honor and
11remembrance of the men and women of this State who, as POWs,
12have suffered captivity in foreign countries while in active
13service with the United States armed forces or who, as MIAs,
14have been recognized as missing in action were recognized as
15POWs or MIAs while serving with the armed forces of the United
16States in a time of war or during a period of hostilities. The
17Governor shall request, in the Governor's annual designation
18by official proclamation, that some portion of the third
19Friday of September be used for solemn contemplation on the
20plight of members of the United States armed forces who have
21been held prisoners of war and members of the United States
22armed forces who have been missing in action and the resolve of
23families and friends who continue to seek the fullest possible



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1accounting for missing loved ones.
2(Source: P.A. 90-752, eff. 8-14-98.)
3    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
4becoming law.