State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/9/2025, by Rep. Adam M. Niemerg


New Act

    Creates the Utilizing Illinois Energy Resources Task Force Act. Creates the Utilizing Illinois Energy Resources Task Force. Provides that the Task Force shall study methods the State can use to support and expand the use of natural resources in this State, including, coal, crude oil, and natural gas. Provides for the membership of the Task Force. Provides that the Director of Natural Resources may retain the services of outside parties with legal, engineering, and financial expertise to assist the Task Force in carrying out its duties. Provides that the Task Force members are not eligible to receive compensation or reimbursement of expenses. Provides that the Task Force shall file a report no later than December 31, 2026 with the General Assembly on all issues deemed appropriate by the Task Force. Provides that the Task Force shall be abolished upon filing its report with the General Assembly. Repeals the Act on June 1, 2027. Effective immediately.

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HB1215LRB104 05011 BDA 15039 b

1    AN ACT concerning regulation.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Utilizing Illinois Energy Resources Task Force Act.
6    Section 5. Utilizing Illinois Energy Resources Task Force.
7    (a) The Utilizing Illinois Energy Resources Task Force is
8created to study methods the State can use to support and
9expand the use of natural resources in this State, including
10coal, crude oil, and natural gas.
11    (b) The Task Force shall include the following members:
12        (1) the Director of Natural Resources, or the
13    Director's designee, who shall serve as the ex officio
14    chairperson of the Task Force;
15        (2) one member appointed by the Speaker of the House
16    of Representatives;
17        (3) one member appointed by the President of the
18    Senate;
19        (4) one member appointed by the Minority Leader of the
20    House of Representatives;
21        (5) one member appointed by the Minority Leader of the
22    Senate; and
23        (6) the following members appointed by the Governor:



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1            (A) one member representing an entity engaged in,
2        or seeking to be engaged in, the extraction of coal in
3        the State;
4            (B) one member representing an entity engaged in,
5        or seeking to be engaged in, the extraction of crude
6        oil in the State;
7            (C) one member representing an entity engaged in,
8        or seeking to be engaged in, the extraction of natural
9        gas in the State; and
10            (D) one member representing the agriculture
11        community.
12    (c) The Department of Natural Resources shall provide
13administrative and other support to the Task Force.
14    (d) The Director of Natural Resources may retain the
15services of outside parties with legal, engineering, and
16financial expertise to assist the Task Force in carrying out
17its duties.
18    (e) Task Force members are not eligible to receive
19compensation or reimbursement of expenses.
20    Section 10. Report on Utilizing Illinois Energy Resources
22    (a) The Task Force shall file a report no later than
23December 31, 2026 with the General Assembly on all issues
24deemed appropriate by the Task Force, including, but not
25limited to, the following:



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1        (1) land use issues;
2        (2) regulatory reform;
3        (3) transportation issues; and
4        (4) environmental issues.
5    (b) The Task Force shall be abolished upon filing its
6report with the General Assembly.
7    Section 15. Repealer. This Act is repealed on June 1,
9    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
10becoming law.