State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/9/2025, by Rep. David Friess


New Act
5 ILCS 70/1.46 new
5 ILCS 70/1.47 new
5 ILCS 70/1.48 new
5 ILCS 70/1.49 new

    Creates the Classification by Biological Sex Act. Sets forth findings. Provides that any public school or school district and any State or local agency, department, or office that collects vital statistics for the purpose of complying with antidiscrimination laws or for the purpose of gathering public health, crime, economic, or other data shall classify each individual who is part of the collected data set as either male or female at birth. Amends the Statute on Statutes. Sets forth the meaning of the following terms as used in any statute or any rule or regulation: sex; female and male; woman and girl; man and boy; and mother and father.

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1    AN ACT concerning sex-based classification.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Classification by Biological Sex Act.
6    Section 5. Findings. The General Assembly finds that:
7        (1) When it comes to biological sex, "equal" not does
8    not mean "same" or "identical".
9        (2) Policies and laws that distinguish between the
10    sexes are subject to intermediate constitutional scrutiny,
11    which forbids unfair discrimination against similarly
12    situated males and females, but allows the law to
13    distinguish between the sexes if doing so is substantially
14    related to important governmental objectives.
15    Section 10. Data classification. Any public school or
16school district and any State or local agency, department, or
17office that collects vital statistics for the purpose of
18complying with antidiscrimination laws or for the purpose of
19gathering public health, crime, economic, or other data shall
20classify each individual who is part of the collected data set
21as either male or female at birth.



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1    Section 15. The Statute on Statutes is amended by adding
2Sections 1.46, 1.47, 1.48, and 1.49 as follows:
3    (5 ILCS 70/1.46 new)
4    Sec. 1.46. Biological sex. Notwithstanding any other
5provision of law, in determining the meaning of any statute or
6any rule or regulation, a person's sex is either male or
7female, as classified at birth.
8    (5 ILCS 70/1.47 new)
9    Sec. 1.47. Female or male. Notwithstanding any other
10provision of law, in determining the meaning of any statute or
11any rule or regulation, a female is an individual whose
12biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova,
13and a male is an individual whose biological reproductive
14system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female.
15    (5 ILCS 70/1.48 new)
16    Sec. 1.48. Woman and girl; man and boy. Notwithstanding
17any other provision of law, in determining the meaning of any
18statute or any rule or regulation, the terms "woman" and
19"girl" refer to a human female, and the terms "man" and "boy"
20refer to a human male.
21    (5 ILCS 70/1.49 new)
22    Sec. 1.49. Mother or father. Notwithstanding any other



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1provision of law, in determining the meaning of any statute or
2any rule or regulation, a mother is a parent of the female sex,
3and a father is a parent of the male sex.