State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/9/2025, by Rep. Terra Costa Howard


755 ILCS 5/11a-3  from Ch. 110 1/2, par. 11a-3
755 ILCS 5/11a-4

    Amends the Probate Act of 1975. Provides that if guardianship is necessary under law and the petition for guardianship is filed by a person, corporation, nonprofit organization, or other entity with no legally recognized relationship to the alleged person with a disability, the court shall appoint the State Guardian or county public guardian as the temporary and permanent guardian of the person or estate or both except in counties in which there is no sitting county public guardian.

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1    AN ACT concerning civil law.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Probate Act of 1975 is amended by changing
5Sections 11a-3 and 11a-4 as follows:
6    (755 ILCS 5/11a-3)  (from Ch. 110 1/2, par. 11a-3)
7    Sec. 11a-3. Adjudication of disability; Power to appoint
9    (a) Upon the filing of a petition by a reputable person or
10by the alleged person with a disability himself or on its own
11motion, the court may adjudge a person to be a person with a
12disability, but only if it has been demonstrated by clear and
13convincing evidence that the person is a person with a
14disability as defined in Section 11a-2. If the court adjudges
15a person to be a person with a disability, the court may
16appoint (1) a guardian of his person, if it has been
17demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that because of
18his disability he lacks sufficient understanding or capacity
19to make or communicate responsible decisions concerning the
20care of his person, or (2) a guardian of his estate, if it has
21been demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that
22because of his disability he is unable to manage his estate or
23financial affairs, or (3) a guardian of his person and of his



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1estate, or (4) . The court may appoint co-guardians in
2accordance with Section 11a-15. If a petition for guardianship
3is filed by a corporation, nonprofit organization, or other
4entity with no legally recognized relationship to the person
5alleged to have a disability, the court shall appoint the
6State Guardian or county public guardian as the guardian of
7the person or estate or both if the requirements of this
8Section are met except in cases in counties in which there is
9no sitting public guardian.
10    (b) Guardianship shall be utilized only as is necessary to
11promote the well-being of the person with a disability, to
12protect him from neglect, exploitation, or abuse, and to
13encourage development of his maximum self-reliance and
14independence. Guardianship shall be ordered only to the extent
15necessitated by the individual's actual mental, physical and
16adaptive limitations. The order shall conform with Sections
1711a-12 and 11a-14.
18(Source: P.A. 102-72, eff. 1-1-22.)
19    (755 ILCS 5/11a-4)
20    Sec. 11a-4. Temporary guardian.
21    (a) Prior to the appointment of a guardian under this
22Article, pending an appeal in relation to the appointment, or
23pending the completion of a citation proceeding brought
24pursuant to Section 23-3 of this Act, or upon a guardian's
25death, incapacity, or resignation, the court may appoint a



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1temporary guardian upon a showing of the necessity therefor
2for the immediate welfare and protection of the alleged person
3with a disability or his or her estate and subject to such
4conditions as the court may prescribe. In cases in which a
5petition for guardianship of a person alleged to have a
6disability is filed by a corporation, nonprofit, or other
7entity with no legally recognized relationship to that person,
8the court shall appoint the State Guardian or county public
9guardian as temporary guardian of that person or estate or
10both under this Section if the requirements of this Section
11are met except in cases in counties in which there is no
12sitting public guardian. A petition for the appointment of a
13temporary guardian for an alleged person with a disability
14shall be filed at the time of or subsequent to the filing of a
15petition for adjudication of disability and appointment of a
16guardian. The petition for the appointment of a temporary
17guardian shall state the facts upon which it is based and the
18name, the post office address, and, in the case of an
19individual, the age and occupation of the proposed temporary
20guardian. In determining the necessity for temporary
21guardianship, the immediate welfare and protection of the
22alleged person with a disability and his or her estate shall be
23of paramount concern, and the interests of the petitioner, any
24care provider, or any other party shall not outweigh the
25interests of the alleged person with a disability. The
26temporary guardian shall have the limited powers and duties of



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1a guardian of the person or of the estate which are
2specifically enumerated by court order. The court order shall
3state the actual harm identified by the court that
4necessitates temporary guardianship or any extension thereof.
5    (a-5) Notice of the time and place of the hearing on a
6petition for the appointment of a temporary guardian shall be
7given, not less than 3 days before the hearing, by mail or in
8person to the alleged person with a disability, to the
9proposed temporary guardian, and to those persons whose names
10and addresses are listed in the petition for adjudication of
11disability and appointment of a guardian under Section 11a-8.
12The court, upon a finding of good cause, may waive the notice
13requirement under this subsection.
14    (a-10) Notice of the time and place of the hearing on a
15petition to revoke the appointment of a temporary guardian
16shall be given, not less than 3 days before the hearing, by
17mail or in person to the temporary guardian, to the petitioner
18on whose petition the temporary guardian was appointed, and to
19those persons whose names and addresses are listed in the
20petition for adjudication of disability and appointment of a
21guardian under Section 11a-8. The court, upon a finding of
22good cause, may waive the notice requirements under this
24    (b) The temporary guardianship shall expire within 60 days
25after the appointment or whenever a guardian is regularly
26appointed, whichever occurs first. No extension shall be



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1granted except:
2        (1) In a case where there has been an adjudication of
3    disability, an extension shall be granted:
4            (i) pending the disposition on appeal of an
5        adjudication of disability;
6            (ii) pending the completion of a citation
7        proceeding brought pursuant to Section 23-3;
8            (iii) pending the appointment of a successor
9        guardian in a case where the former guardian has
10        resigned, has become incapacitated, or is deceased; or
11            (iv) where the guardian's powers have been
12        suspended pursuant to a court order.
13        (2) In a case where there has not been an adjudication
14    of disability, an extension shall be granted pending the
15    disposition of a petition brought pursuant to Section
16    11a-8 so long as the court finds it is in the best
17    interests of the alleged person with a disability to
18    extend the temporary guardianship so as to protect the
19    alleged person with a disability from any potential abuse,
20    neglect, self-neglect, exploitation, or other harm and
21    such extension lasts no more than 120 days from the date
22    the temporary guardian was originally appointed.
23    The ward shall have the right any time after the
24appointment of a temporary guardian is made to petition the
25court to revoke the appointment of the temporary guardian.
26(Source: P.A. 102-72, eff. 1-1-22; 102-120, eff 7-23-21;



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1102-687, eff. 12-17-21.)