State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/9/2025, by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford


See Index

    Creates the Compassionate Use and Research of Entheogens Act. Establishes the Illinois Psilocybin Advisory Board. Provides a timeline for the Board. Provides that the Department of Public Health, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, the Illinois State Police, and the Department of Revenue may adopt rules and implement the Act. Provides for licensing to operate a service center, facilitate psilocybin services, manufacture psilocybin products, and test psilocybin products by certain State agencies, with certain requirements. Provides for the lawful manufacture, delivery, and possession of psilocybin products. Provides procedures for psilocybin services, including requirements for certain sessions, plans, and forms. Limits the sale of psilocybin products with certain restrictions. Provides for investigations and inspections under the Act. Provides for certain fees, fines, actions against a licensee, criminal penalties, and civil penalties for violations of the Act. Provides for administrative hearings and other requirements for disciplining an applicant or licensee. Provides requirements for psilocybin-producing fungi as a crop, food, or other commodity. Provides for labeling and packaging requirements. Imposes a tax on psilocybin. Establishes the Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund and Illinois Psilocybin Fund as special funds in the State treasury. Limits home rule powers. Makes other provisions. Makes corresponding changes to the State Finance Act. Amends the Freedom of Information Act. Exempt certain correspondence and records under the Act. Amends the Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal Act of 2012. Adds the Act to the jurisdiction of the Tax Tribunal. Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Adds psilocybin or psilocin to the list of prohibited substances for a person driving or in actual physical control of a vehicle. Amends the Illinois Controlled Substances Act. Removes psilocybin or psilocybin products from the definition of "Controlled Substance". Removes psilocybin and psilocyn from the list of Schedule I controlled substances. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning health.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Compassionate Use and Research of Entheogens Act.
6    Section 5. Findings. The General Assembly finds that:
7        (1) The War on Drugs has given rise to significant
8    financial and social costs, and the policies behind the
9    War on Drugs reflect neither a modern understanding of
10    substance use nor the actual risks or potential
11    therapeutic benefits of the substances that have been
12    criminalized.
13        (2) Moreover, criminalization has not deterred drug
14    use. Instead, it has made drug use less safe and has
15    created an unregulated, underground market in which
16    dosages are difficult to verify and dangerous adulterants,
17    such as fentanyl, are common.
18        (3) Lack of honest drug education has laid the
19    groundwork for decades of misinformation, stigma, and
20    cultural appropriation, which have all contributed to
21    increasing the dangers of drug use.
22        (4) Harm reduction tools, including drug-checking
23    kits, scales, and capsules, allow users to make safe and



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1    more accurate, evidence-based decisions about their
2    personal use of these substances, and allowing the use of
3    such tools can increase public health and safety.
4        (5) Research is advancing to support the use of
5    psychedelic compounds, along with psychotherapy, to treat
6    mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression,
7    post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance use
8    disorder.
9        (6) Voters of the city and county of Denver, Colorado
10    approved Ordinance 301 in May of 2019, making the personal
11    possession and use of the natural medicine psilocybin by
12    adults the lowest level of law enforcement priority in
13    Denver and to prohibit the city and county from spending
14    resources enforcing related penalties.
15        (7) Measures 109 and 110 in Oregon, which both passed
16    in November 2020, established a regulated psilocybin
17    therapy system in Oregon to provide people therapeutic
18    access to psilocybin and decriminalized the personal
19    possession of all drugs.
20        (8) Almost 20 countries around the world, including
21    Portugal, the Czech Republic, and Spain, have expressly or
22    effectively decriminalized the personal use of all
23    substances.
24        (9) The City of Oakland, California, and the City of
25    Santa Cruz, California have passed resolutions
26    decriminalizing or deprioritizing the enforcement of laws



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1    regulating the possession, use, and propagation of
2    psychedelic plants and fungi. Since June 2019, the
3    following cities have also decriminalized the possession,
4    use, and propagation of psychedelic plants and fungi at
5    the local level: Ann Arbor, Michigan; Somerville,
6    Massachusetts; and Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 2020,
7    Washington, D.C., passed Initiative 81 to decriminalize
8    and deprioritize the enforcement of laws regulating the
9    possession and use of psychedelic plants and fungi with
10    76% voter approval.
11        (10) The State of Colorado passed Proposition 122 in
12    November of 2022, decriminalizing the possession of
13    psychedelic plants and fungi and eventually allowing
14    state-licensed treatment centers to administer the
15    compounds of psychedelic plants and fungi under the
16    supervision of trained staff.
17        (11) To transition away from criminalization models
18    while protecting people who use or may use drugs and
19    reduce negative environmental or cultural impacts, it is
20    necessary to review the full legal context in which these
21    changes to the law are made. It is also necessary to
22    incorporate evidence-based policy, consult with experts,
23    and maintain open discourse based in harm reduction,
24    reciprocity, and human rights during the process of
25    developing alternative regulatory systems.
26        (12) Criminalizing psychedelic plants and fungi has



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1    denied people access to accurate education and harm
2    reduction information related to the use of psychedelic
3    compounds and limited the development of appropriate
4    training for first responders and multi-responders,
5    including law enforcement, emergency medical services, and
6    fire services.
7        (13) Illinoisans deserve more tools to address mental
8    health issues, including approaches using psychedelic
9    plants and fungi that are grounded in treatment, recovery,
10    cultural competency, and wellness rather than
11    criminalization, suffering, and punishment.
12        (14) This Act will allow for the noncommercial,
13    personal use and sharing of specified controlled
14    substances, including for the purpose of group counseling,
15    community-based healing, or other related services.
16        (15) These changes in law will not displace any
17    restrictions on driving or operating a vehicle while
18    impaired, an employer's ability to restrict the use of
19    controlled substances by its employees, or the legal
20    standard for negligence.
21        (16) Peyote is specifically excluded from the list of
22    substances to be decriminalized, including any
23    cultivation, harvest, extraction, tincture, or other
24    product manufactured or derived from it, because of the
25    nearly endangered status of the peyote plant and the
26    special significance peyote holds in Native American



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1    spirituality. Furthermore, this Act does not amend or
2    repeal paragraph (12) of subsection (d) of Section 204 of
3    the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, which identifies
4    peyote and its derivatives as a Schedule I drug.
5        (17) The State fully respects and supports the
6    continued Native American possession and use of peyote
7    under federal law, 42 U.S.C. 1996a, understanding that
8    Native Americans in the United States were persecuted and
9    prosecuted for their ceremonial practices, including the
10    use of peyote, for more than a century, and had to fight
11    numerous legal and political battles to achieve the
12    current protected status. The enactment of this
13    legislation does not intend to explicitly or implicitly
14    undermine that status.
15        (18) Research conducted by domestic and international
16    medical institutions indicates that psilocybin is
17    efficacious and safe for the treatment of a variety of
18    mental health conditions, including, but not limited to,
19    addiction, depression, anxiety disorders, headache
20    disorders, and end-of-life psychological distress.
21        (19) The United States Food and Drug Administration
22    has:
23            (A) determined that preliminary clinical evidence
24        indicates that psilocybin may demonstrate substantial
25        improvement over available therapies for
26        treatment-resistant depression; and



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1            (B) granted a "Breakthrough Therapy" designation
2        for a treatment that uses psilocybin as a therapy for
3        such depression.
4        (20) During the program development period, the
5    Department of Public Health, the Department of
6    Agriculture, the Department of Financial and Professional
7    Regulation, the Illinois State Police, and the Department
8    of Revenue shall:
9            (A) examine, publish, and distribute to the public
10        available medical, psychological, and scientific
11        studies, research, and other information relating to
12        the safety and efficacy of psilocybin in treating
13        mental health conditions; and
14            (B) adopt rules and regulations for the eventual
15        implementation of a comprehensive regulatory framework
16        that will allow persons 21 years of age and older in
17        this State to be provided psilocybin services.
18        (21) An Advisory Board shall be established for the
19    purpose of advising and making recommendations for program
20    development.
21    Section 10. Purposes.
22    (a) The purpose of this Act is to establish a new,
23compassionate, and effective approach to entheogens by:
24        (1) adopting a public health and harm reduction
25    approach to natural medicines by removing criminal



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1    penalties for the possession of some entheogens for
2    personal use by adults who are 21 years of age or older;
3        (2) developing and promoting public education related
4    to the use of entheogens and appropriate training for
5    first responders;
6        (3) reducing the prevalence of behavioral health
7    disorders among adults in this State to improve the
8    physical, mental, and social well-being of all people in
9    this State;
10        (4) promoting health and healing by reducing focus on
11    criminal punishments for persons who suffer from mental
12    health issues by establishing regulated access to natural
13    medicines through a humane, cost-effective, and
14    responsible approach;
15        (5) developing a long-term strategic plan for ensuring
16    that psilocybin services will become and remain a safe,
17    accessible, and affordable option for all persons 21 years
18    of age and older in this State for whom psilocybin may be
19    appropriate;
20        (6) protecting the safety, welfare, health, and peace
21    of the people of this State by prioritizing this State's
22    limited law enforcement resources in the most effective,
23    consistent, and rational way; and
24        (7) after the program development period:
25            (A) permitting persons licensed, controlled, and
26        regulated by this State to legally manufacture



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1        psilocybin products and provide psilocybin services to
2        persons 21 years of age and older, subject to the
3        provisions of this Act;
4            (B) establishing a comprehensive regulatory
5        framework concerning psilocybin products and
6        psilocybin services under State law; and
7            (C) preparing proposed rules for the addition of
8        botanical forms of dimethyltryptamine,
9        methylenedioxymethamphetamine, ibogaine (except
10        ibogaine from iboga), and mescaline (except mescaline
11        from peyote) to substances regulated under this Act on
12        or before June 1, 2029.
13    (b) The People of the State intend that the provisions of
14this Act, together with other provisions of State law, will
16        (1) the distribution of psilocybin products to other
17    persons who are not permitted to possess psilocybin
18    products under the provisions of this Act and rules
19    adopted under this Act, including, but not limited to,
20    persons under 21 years of age; and
21        (2) the diversion of psilocybin products from this
22    State to other states.
23    Section 15. Construction. This Act may not be construed
25    (1) Require a government medical assistance program or



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1private health insurer to reimburse a person for costs
2associated with the use of psilocybin products.
3    (2) Amend or affect State or federal law pertaining to
4employment matters.
5    (3) Amend or affect State or federal law pertaining to
6landlord-tenant matters.
7    (4) Prohibit a recipient of a federal grant or an
8applicant for a federal grant from prohibiting the
9manufacture, delivery, possession, or use of psilocybin
10products to the extent necessary to satisfy federal
11requirements for the grant.
12    (5) Prohibit a party to a federal contract or a person
13applying to be a party to a federal contract from prohibiting
14the manufacture, delivery, possession, or use of psilocybin
15products to the extent necessary to comply with the terms and
16conditions of the contract or to satisfy federal requirements
17for the contract.
18    (6) Require a person to violate a federal law.
19    (7) Exempt a person from a federal law or obstruct the
20enforcement of a federal law.
21    (8) Amend or affect State law to the extent that a person
22does not manufacture, deliver, or possess psilocybin products
23in accordance with the provisions of this Act and rules
24adopted under this Act.
25    Section 20. Definitions. In this Act:



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1    "Administration session" means a session held under the
2supervision of a facilitator at which a client consumes and
3experiences the effects of a psilocybin product under the
4supervision of a facilitator.
5    "Advisory Board" or "Board" means the Illinois Psilocybin
6Advisory Board established under Section 25.
7    "Client" means an individual who has received a referral
8for psilocybin service and who consumes a psilocybin product
9in an administration session in this State.
10    "Entheogen" means the following substances in any form,
11regardless of whether the substance is regulated under the
12federal Controlled Substances Act or the Illinois Controlled
13Substances Act:
14        (1) Dimethyltryptamine;
15        (2) Ibogaine, except ibogaine from iboga;
16        (3) Mescaline, except mescaline from peyote;
17        (4) Psilocybin; and
18        (5) Psilocin.
19    "Facilitator" means an individual who facilitates the
20provision of a psilocybin service in this State.
21    "Integration session" means a meeting between a client and
22a facilitator that may occur after the client completes an
23administration session.
24    "Legal entity" means a corporation, limited liability
25company, limited partnership, or other legal entity that is
26registered with the office of the Secretary of State or with a



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1comparable office of another jurisdiction.
2    "Licensee" means a person who holds a license issued under
3Section 80, 95, 105, or 275.
4    "Licensee representative" means an owner, director,
5officer, manager, employee, agent, or other representative of
6a licensee, to the extent that the person acts in a
7representative capacity.
8    "Manufacture" means the manufacture, planting,
9cultivation, growing, harvesting, production, preparation,
10propagation, compounding, conversion, or processing of a
11psilocybin product, directly or indirectly, by extraction from
12substances of natural origin, independently by means of
13chemical synthesis or by a combination of extraction and
14chemical synthesis. "Manufacture" includes any packaging or
15repackaging of the psilocybin product or labeling or
16relabeling of its container.
17    "Post-administration evaluation session" means a meeting
18between a client and a facilitator that must occur immediately
19following the conclusion of an administration session and
20prior to the client's release from the service center.
21    "Premises" includes the following areas of a location
22licensed under this Act:
23        (1) All public and private enclosed areas at the
24    location that are used in the business operated at the
25    location, including offices, kitchens, restrooms, and
26    storerooms.



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1        (2) All areas outside of a building that the
2    Department has specifically licensed for the manufacturing
3    of psilocybin products or the operation of a service
4    center.
5        (3) For a location that the Department has
6    specifically licensed for the operation of a service
7    center outside of a building, that portion of the location
8    used to operate the service center and provide a
9    psilocybin service to a client.
10    "Premises" does not include a primary residence, unless a
11primary residence is necessary for the provision of a
12psilocybin service to a recipient who is a hospice patient or
13who is unable to travel to a service center due to a chronic,
14life-threatening illness.
15    "Preparation session" means a meeting between a client and
16a facilitator that must occur before the client participates
17in an administration session.
18    "Program development period" means the period beginning on
19January 1 of the year following the year of enactment of this
20Act and ending no later than 24 months after the beginning
22    "Psilocybin" means psilocybin or psilocin.
23    "Psilocybin product" means:
24        (1) psilocybin-producing fungi; or
25        (2) mixtures or substances containing a detectable
26    amount of psilocybin naturally produced from



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1    psilocybin-producing fungi.
2    "Psilocybin product" does not include a psilocybin
4    "Psilocybin product manufacturer" means a person who
5manufactures a psilocybin product in this State.
6    "Psilocybin service" means a service provided to a client
7before, during, or after the client's consumption of a
8psilocybin product, including any of the following:
9        (1) a preparation session;
10        (2) an administration session;
11        (3) an integration session; or
12        (4) a post-administration evaluation session.
13    "Referral" means a recommendation in writing by a licensed
14physician, psychiatrist, professional counselor, clinical
15professional counselor, prescribing psychologist, clinical
16psychologist, clinical social worker, or an advanced practice
17registered nurse or physician's assistant who has prescribing
18authority through a collaborative agreement with a physician,
19provided to a patient for whom they determine psilocybin
20service to be appropriate as a treatment or intervention for a
21medical or mental health condition.
22    "Service center" means an establishment at which:
23        (1) an administration session is held;
24        (2) a psilocybin product is purchased; or
25        (3) other psilocybin services may be provided.
26    "Service center operator" means a person who operates a



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1service center in this State.
2    Section 25. Illinois Psilocybin Advisory Board; members;
3terms; meetings; compensation.
4    (a) The Illinois Psilocybin Advisory Board is established
5within the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
6for the purpose of advising and making recommendations for the
7administration of this Act. The Illinois Psilocybin Advisory
8Board shall consist of the following members:
9        (1) the Secretary of Financial and Professional
10    Regulation or the Secretary's designee;
11        (2) the Director of Agriculture or the Director's
12    designee;
13        (3) the Director of Public Health or the Director's
14    designee;
15        (4) the Director of the Illinois State Police or the
16    Director's designee;
17        (5) the Director of Revenue or the Director's
18    designee;
19        (6) the Secretary of Human Services or the Secretary's
20    designee;
21        (7) the Secretary of Veterans Affairs or the
22    Secretary's designee;
23        (8) the Illinois Chief Behavioral Health Officer;
24        (9) an expert in the field of public health, appointed
25    by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate;



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1        (10) a local health official, appointed by the
2    Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate;
3        (11) an individual who is a member of or represents a
4    group that provides public health services directly to
5    members of the public, appointed by the Governor with the
6    advice and consent of the Senate;
7        (12) a psychologist who has experience engaging in the
8    diagnosis or treatment of mental, emotional, and
9    behavioral conditions, appointed by the Governor with the
10    advice and consent of the Senate;
11        (13) a psychiatrist licensed to practice in Illinois
12    who has experience engaging in the diagnosis or treatment
13    of mental, emotional, and behavioral conditions, appointed
14    by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate;
15        (14) a counselor licensed to practice in Illinois who
16    has experience engaging in the diagnosis or treatment of
17    mental, emotional, and behavioral conditions, appointed by
18    the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate;
19        (15) a physician licensed to practice medicine in all
20    its branches appointed by the Governor with the advice and
21    consent of the Senate;
22        (16) a doctor of osteopathic medicine licensed to
23    practice in Illinois, appointed by the Governor with the
24    advice and consent of the Senate;
25        (17) a naturopathic physician or a member of an
26    organization representing Naturopathic Physicians in



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1    Illinois, appointed by the Governor with the advice and
2    consent of the Senate;
3        (18) an expert in the field of public health who has
4    obtained a doctorate degree in the field of public health,
5    community sciences, or a related health field, appointed
6    by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate;
7        (19) a licensed social worker or a licensed clinical
8    social worker, appointed by the Governor with the advice
9    and consent of the Senate;
10        (20) a representative of the Behavioral Health
11    Workforce Education Center of Illinois, appointed by the
12    Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate;
13        (21) at least 3 individuals who meet at least one of
14    the following qualifications, appointed by the Governor
15    with the advice and consent of the Senate:
16            (A) professional experience conducting scientific
17        research regarding the use of psychedelic compounds in
18        clinical therapy;
19            (B) experience in the field of mycology;
20            (C) experience in the field of ethnobotany;
21            (D) experience in the field of psychopharmacology;
22        or
23            (E) experience in the field of psilocybin harm
24        reduction;
25        (22) a current or former member of the Senate,
26    appointed by the President of the Senate;



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1        (23) a current or former member of the Senate,
2    appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate;
3        (24) a current or former member of the House,
4    appointed by the Speaker of the House; and
5        (25) a current or former member of the House,
6    appointed by the Minority Leader of the House.
7    (c) The term of office for an Advisory Board member
8appointed under this Section is 4 years, but a member serves at
9the pleasure of the Governor. Before the expiration of the
10term of a member, the Governor shall appoint a successor whose
11term begins on January 1 of the following calendar year.
12Members may be eligible for reappointment. If there is a
13vacancy for any reason, the Governor shall make an appointment
14to serve in an acting capacity until approved by the Senate for
15the remainder of the unexpired term.
16    (d) A majority of the voting members of the Advisory Board
17constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.
18    (e) Official action by the Advisory Board requires the
19approval of a majority of the voting members of the board.
20    (f) The Advisory Board shall elect one of its voting
21members to serve as chairperson.
22    (g) During the program development period, the Advisory
23Board shall meet at least once every 2 calendar months at a
24time and place determined by the chairperson, or a majority of
25the voting members of the Advisory Board. After the program
26development period, the Advisory Board shall meet at least



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1once every calendar quarter at a time and place determined by
2the chairperson or a majority of the voting members of the
3Advisory Board. The Advisory Board may also meet at other
4times and places specified by the call of the chairperson or of
5a majority of the voting members of the board.
6    (h) The Advisory Board may adopt policies and procedures
7necessary for the operation of the board.
8    (i) The Advisory Board may establish committees or
9subcommittees necessary for the operation of the board.
10    (j) Members of the Advisory Board shall not be paid a
11salary but shall be reimbursed for travel and other reasonable
12expenses incurred while fulfilling the responsibilities of the
13Advisory Board.
14    Section 30. Duties of the Illinois Psilocybin Advisory
16    (a) The Illinois Psilocybin Advisory Board shall perform
17the following duties:
18        (1) Provide advice to the Department of Public Health,
19    the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Financial
20    and Professional Regulation, the Illinois State Police,
21    and the Department of Revenue with respect to the
22    administration of this Act as it relates to accurate
23    public health approaches regarding use, effect, and risk
24    reduction of entheogens and the content and scope of
25    educational campaigns related to entheogens.



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1        (2) Make recommendations on available medical,
2    psychological, and scientific studies, research, and other
3    information relating to the safety and efficacy of
4    psilocybin in treating mental health conditions,
5    including, but not limited to, addiction, depression,
6    anxiety and trauma disorders, headache disorders, and
7    end-of-life psychological distress.
8        (3) Study and review the Oregon Psilocybin Services
9    Act (Measure 109), the Colorado Natural Medicine Health
10    Act of 2022 (Proposition 122), and relevant initiatives to
11    legalize or decriminalize entheogen use in other states
12    and units of local government in an effort to determine
13    successes and pitfalls that may be applied to the
14    rulemaking process in Illinois.
15        (4) Review scientific and cultural literature
16    concerning ibogaine (except ibogaine from iboga),
17    mescaline (except mescaline from peyote), and botanical
18    forms of dimethlyltryptamine and make recommendations
19    concerning whether these substances may be included in
20    this Act or a similar appropriate regulatory framework
21    based on medical, psychological, and scientific studies,
22    research, and other information related to the safety and
23    efficacy of each compound to avoid an unregulated de facto
24    market for other natural plants and fungi.
25        (5) Make recommendations on the requirements,
26    specifications, and guidelines for providing psilocybin



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1    services to a client, including the following:
2            (A) The requirements, specifications, and
3        guidelines for holding and verifying the completion of
4        a preparation session, an administration session, and
5        an integration session.
6            (B) The contents of the client information form
7        that a client must complete and sign before the client
8        participates in an administration session, giving
9        particular consideration to the following:
10                (i) The information that should be solicited
11            from the client to determine whether the client
12            should participate in the administration session,
13            including information that may identify risk
14            factors and contraindications.
15                (ii) The information that should be solicited
16            from the client to assist the service center
17            operator and the facilitator in meeting any public
18            health and safety standards and industry best
19            practices during the administration session.
20                (iii) The health and safety warnings and other
21            disclosures that should be made to the client
22            before the client participates in the
23            administration session.
24        (6) Make recommendations on public health and safety
25    standards and industry best practices for each type of
26    licensee under this Act.



HB1143- 21 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (7) Make recommendations on the formulation of a code
2    of professional conduct for facilitators, giving
3    particular consideration to a code of ethics, cultural
4    responsibility, and outlining a clear process for
5    reporting complaints of unethical conduct by facilitators
6    or service center employees.
7        (8) Make recommendations on the education, experience,
8    and training that facilitators must achieve, giving
9    particular consideration to the following and including
10    whether such education, experience, and training should be
11    available through online resources:
12            (A) Facilitation skills that are affirming,
13        nonjudgmental, nondirective, trauma-informed, and
14        rooted in informed consent.
15            (B) Support skills for clients during an
16        administration session, including specialized skills
17        for the following:
18                (i) client safety;
19                (ii) clients who may have a mental health
20            condition;
21                (iii) appropriate boundaries, heightened
22            transference in expanded states of consciousness,
23            and special precautions related to the use of
24            touch in psilocybin sessions;
25                (iv) crisis assessment and appropriate
26            referral for those who need ongoing support if



HB1143- 22 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1            challenging mental health issues emerge in
2            psilocybin sessions;
3            (C) the environment in which psilocybin services
4        should occur;
5            (D) social and cultural considerations; and
6            (E) affordable, equitable, ethical, and culturally
7        responsible access to entheogens and requirements to
8        ensure that the regulated entheogen access program is
9        equitable and inclusive.
10        (9) Make recommendations on the examinations that
11    facilitators must pass.
12        (10) Make recommendations on public health and safety
13    standards and industry best practices for holding and
14    completing an administration session, including the
15    following:
16            (A) best practices surrounding group
17        administration;
18            (B) how clients can safely access common or
19        outside areas on the premises at which the
20        administration session is held;
21            (C) the circumstances under which an
22        administration session is considered complete; and
23            (D) the transportation needs of the client after
24        the completion of the administration session.
25        (11) Develop a long-term strategic plan for ensuring
26    that psilocybin services will become and remain a safe,



HB1143- 23 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    accessible, and affordable therapeutic option for all
2    persons 21 years of age and older in this State for whom
3    psilocybin may be appropriate.
4        (12) Monitor and study federal laws, regulations, and
5    policies regarding psilocybin.
6        (13) On an ongoing basis, review and evaluate existing
7    research studies and real-world data related to entheogens
8    and make recommendations to the General Assembly and
9    relevant State agencies as to whether entheogens and
10    associated services should be covered under any Illinois
11    State health insurance or other insurance program as a
12    cost-effective intervention for various mental health
13    conditions, including, but not limited to, anxiety,
14    substance use disorder, alcoholism, depressive disorders,
15    neurological disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder,
16    other painful conditions, including, but not limited to,
17    cluster headaches, migraines, cancer, and phantom limbs,
18    and comfort care, including palliative care, support care,
19    and hospice care.
20        (14) On an ongoing basis, review and evaluate
21    sustainability issues related to natural entheogens and
22    their impact on indigenous cultures and document existing
23    reciprocity efforts and continuing support measures that
24    are needed as part of the Advisory Board's annual report.
25        (15) Publish an annual report describing the Advisory
26    Board's activities, including, but not limited to, any



HB1143- 24 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    recommendations and advice to the Department of Public
2    Health, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of
3    Financial and Professional Regulation, the Illinois State
4    Police, the Department of Revenue, or the General
5    Assembly.
6    (b) The Department of Financial and Professional
7Regulation shall provide technical, logistical, and other
8support to the Advisory Board, as requested by the Advisory
9Board, to assist the Advisory Board with its duties and
11    Section 35. General powers and duties; rules.
12    (a) The Department of Public Health, the Department of
13Agriculture, the Department of Financial and Professional
14Regulation, the Illinois State Police, and the Department of
15Revenue have the duties, functions, and powers necessary or
16proper to enable each agency to carry out their duties,
17functions, and powers under this Act. This includes the duty
18to regulate the manufacturing, transportation, delivery, sale,
19and purchase of psilocybin products and the provision of
20psilocybin services in this State in accordance with the
21provisions of this Act. The Department of Public Health, the
22Department of Agriculture, the Department of Financial and
23Professional Regulation, the Illinois State Police, and the
24Department of Revenue may adopt, amend, or repeal rules as
25necessary to carry out the intent and provisions of this Act,



HB1143- 25 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1including rules necessary to protect public health and safety.
2    (b) The Department of Public Health, the Department of
3Agriculture, the Department of Financial and Professional
4Regulation, the Illinois State Police, and the Department of
5Revenue shall enter into intergovernmental agreements, as
6necessary, to carry out the provisions of this Act, including,
7but not limited to, the provisions relating to the
8registration and oversight of any person who produces,
9possesses, transports, delivers, sells, or purchases a
10psilocybin product in this State or who provides a psilocybin
11service in this State. There shall be no requirement that a
12client be diagnosed with or have any particular medical
13condition as a prerequisite to being provided psilocybin
15    (c) The Department of Public Health, the Department of
16Agriculture, and the Department of Financial and Professional
17Regulation may suspend, revoke, or impose other penalties upon
18a person licensed under this Act for violations of this Act and
19any rules adopted in accordance with this Act. The suspension
20or revocation of a license or imposition of any other penalty
21upon a licensee is a final Agency action subject to judicial
22review. Jurisdiction and venue for judicial review are vested
23in the circuit court.
24    (d) The Department of Public Health shall examine,
25publish, and distribute to the public available medical,
26psychological, and scientific studies, research, and other



HB1143- 26 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1information relating to the safety and efficacy of psilocybin
2in treating mental health conditions, including, but not
3limited to, addiction, depression, anxiety disorders, headache
4disorders, and end-of-life psychological distress.
5    (e) The Department of Agriculture shall issue, renew,
6suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew licenses for the
7manufacturing and testing of psilocybin products and to
8permit, at the Department of Agriculture's discretion, the
9transfer of licenses. There shall be no requirement that a
10psilocybin product be manufactured by means of chemical
12    (f) The Department of Financial and Professional
13Regulation shall issue, renew, suspend, revoke, or refuse to
14issue or renew licenses for the sale of psilocybin products,
15the provision of psilocybin services, or other licenses
16related to the consumption of psilocybin products, and to
17permit, at the Department's discretion, the transfer of a
18license between persons.
19    (g) Any fees collected pursuant to this Section shall be
20deposited into the Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund.
21    Section 40. Authority to purchase, possess, seize,
22transfer to a licensee, or dispose of psilocybin products.
23Subject to any applicable provision of State law, the
24Department of Public Health, the Department of Agriculture,
25the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, the



HB1143- 27 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Illinois State Police, and the Department of Revenue may
2purchase, possess, seize, transfer to a licensee, or dispose
3of psilocybin products as is necessary to ensure compliance
4with and enforce the provisions of this Act and any rule
5adopted under this Act.
6    Section 45. Program development period; dates.
7    (a) Unless the General Assembly provides otherwise, the
8Department may not issue any licenses under this Act during
9the program development period.
10    (b) On or before February 28 of the year following the
11effective date of this Act, the Governor, the Senate
12President, and the Speaker of the House shall appoint the
13individuals specified in subsection (b) of Section 25 to the
14Advisory Board.
15    (c) On or before March 31 of the year following the
16effective date of this Act, the Advisory Board shall hold its
17first meeting at a time and place specified by the Governor.
18    (d) On or before June 30 of the year following the
19effective date of this Act, and on a regular basis after that
20date, the Advisory Board shall submit its findings and
21recommendations to the Department of Public Health, the
22Department of Agriculture, the Department of Financial and
23Professional Regulation, the Illinois State Police, and the
24Department of Revenue on available medical, psychological, and
25scientific studies, research, and other information relating



HB1143- 28 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1to the safety and efficacy of psilocybin and other entheogens
2in treating mental health conditions, including, but not
3limited to, addiction, depression, anxiety disorders, headache
4disorders, and end-of-life psychological distress.
5    (e) On or before June 30 of the year 2 years after the
6effective date of this Act, the Advisory Board shall submit
7its findings and recommendations concerning the following:
8        (1) rules and regulations for the implementation of
9    this Act;
10        (2) a long-term strategic plan for ensuring that
11    psilocybin services will become and remain a safe,
12    accessible, and affordable therapeutic option for all
13    persons 21 years of age and older in this State for whom
14    psilocybin may be appropriate; and
15        (3) with respect to federal laws, regulations, and
16    policies regarding psilocybin and other entheogens.
17    (f) On or before July 31 of the year 2 years after the
18effective date of this Act, and on a regular basis after that
19date, the Department of Public Health shall publish and
20distribute to the public available medical, psychological, and
21scientific studies, research, and other information relating
22to the safety and efficacy of psilocybin and other entheogens
23in treating mental health conditions, including, but not
24limited to, addiction, depression, anxiety disorders, headache
25disorders, and end-of-life psychological distress.
26    (g) On or before before June 30 of the year 3 years after



HB1143- 29 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1the effective date of this Act, the Department of Public
2Health, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of
3Revenue, and the Department of Financial and Professional
4Regulation shall prescribe forms and adopt such rules as the
5Departments deem necessary for the implementation of this Act.
6The Department of Public Health, the Department of
7Agriculture, the Department of Revenue, the Illinois State
8Police, and the Department of Financial and Professional
9Regulation shall hold at least one public hearing regarding
10this rulemaking. The public hearing may be held jointly or the
11Departments may hold individual hearings.
12    Section 50. Licensing.
13    (a) On or before July 1 of the year 3 years after the
14effective date of this Act:
15        (1) The Department of Financial and Professional
16    Regulation shall begin receiving applications for the
17    licensing of persons to:
18            (A) operate a service center; and
19            (B) facilitate psilocybin services.
20        (2) The Department of Agriculture shall begin
21    receiving applications for the licensing of persons to:
22            (A) manufacture psilocybin products; and
23            (B) test psilocybin products.
24    (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), an applicant for
25a license or renewal of a license issued under this Act shall



HB1143- 30 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1apply to the appropriate Department in the form required by
2that Department, by rule, showing the name and address of the
3applicant, the location of the facility that is to be operated
4under the license, and other pertinent information required by
5the Department. The Department may not issue or renew a
6license until the applicant has complied with the provisions
7of this Act and rules adopted under this Act.
8    (b-5) If an application does not meet the technical
9standards set forth by the applicable Department, the
10Department must notify the applicant and provide the applicant
11with at least 30 days after the applicant receives notice of
12the deficiency to rectify the application materials.
13    (c) A Department may reject any application that is not
14submitted in the form required by the Department by rule. The
15approval or denial of any application is a final decision of
16the Department subject to judicial review. Jurisdiction and
17venue are vested in the circuit court.
18    (d) Except as provided in subsection (c), a revocation of
19or refusal to issue or renew a license issued under this Act is
20a final decision of the Department subject to judicial review.
21Jurisdiction and venue are vested in the circuit court.
22    (e) An applicant for a facilitator license or renewal of a
23facilitator license issued under Section 105 need not show the
24location of any premises.
25    (f) The Department of Financial and Professional
26Regulation or the Department of Agriculture shall not license



HB1143- 31 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1an applicant under the provisions of this Act if the applicant
2is under 21 years of age.
3    (g) The Department of Financial or Professional Regulation
4or the Department of Agriculture shall refuse to issue a
5license or may issue a restricted license to an applicant
6under the provisions of this Act if the Department finds that
7the applicant meets any of the following conditions:
8        (1) has failed to complete any of the education or
9    training required by the provisions of this Act or rules
10    adopted under this Act;
11        (2) has failed to complete any of the examinations
12    required by the provisions of this Act or rules adopted
13    under this Act;
14        (3) is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages,
15    habit-forming drugs, or controlled substances to excess as
16    determined by the Department;
17        (4) has made false statements to the Department;
18        (5) is incompetent or physically unable to carry on
19    the management of the establishment proposed to be
20    licensed as determined by the Department;
21        (6) has been convicted of violating a federal law,
22    State law, or local ordinance if the conviction is
23    substantially related to the fitness and ability of the
24    applicant to lawfully carry out activities under the
25    license;
26        (7) is not of good repute and moral character as



HB1143- 32 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    determined by the Department;
2        (8) does not have a good record of compliance with
3    this Act or any rule adopted under this Act;
4        (9) is not the legitimate owner of the premises
5    proposed to be licensed or has not disclosed that any
6    other person has an ownership interest in the premises
7    proposed to be licensed;
8        (10) has not demonstrated financial responsibility
9    sufficient to adequately meet the requirements of the
10    premises proposed to be licensed; or
11        (11) is unable to understand the laws of this State
12    relating to psilocybin products, psilocybin services, or
13    the rules adopted under this Act.
14    (h) Notwithstanding paragraph (6) of subsection (g), in
15determining whether to issue a license or a restricted license
16to an applicant, the Department of Financial and Professional
17Regulation or the Department of Agriculture shall not consider
18the prior conviction of the applicant or any owner, director,
19officer, manager, employee, agent, or other representative of
20the applicant for the following:
21        (1) The manufacture of psilocybin or the manufacture
22    of cannabis, as defined under Section 1-10 of the Cannabis
23    Regulation and Tax Act, or cannabis product if any of the
24    following apply:
25            (A) The date of the conviction is 2 or more years
26        before the date of the application.



HB1143- 33 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1            (B) The person has not been convicted more than
2        once for the manufacture of psilocybin.
3        (2) The possession of a controlled substance, as
4    defined in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, if any
5    of the following apply:
6            (A) The date of the conviction is 2 or more years
7        before the date of the application.
8            (B) The person has not been convicted more than
9        once for the possession of a controlled substance.
10    (i) The Department of Financial and Professional
11Regulation and the Department of Agriculture shall not issue a
12license pursuant to this Act if the licensee, principal
13officer, board member, or person having a financial or voting
14interest of 5% or greater in the licensee or applicant, or the
15agent thereof is delinquent in filing any required tax returns
16or paying any amounts owed to the State.
17    Section 55. Authority to require fingerprints. The
18Department of Agriculture or the Department of Financial and
19Professional Regulation, through the Illinois State Police,
20may require the fingerprints of any individual listed on an
21application to perform any of the functions listed in
22subsection (a) of Section 50 for purposes of conducting a
23background check. The Department of Agriculture or the
24Department of Financial and Professional Regulation may
25require fingerprints to be submitted for a background check



HB1143- 34 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1prior to or after the submission of an application. The
2Illinois State Police shall charge a fee for conducting the
3criminal history record check, which shall be deposited in the
4State Police Services Fund and shall not exceed the actual
5cost of the record check. In order to carry out this provision,
6each person applying to perform one of the functions listed in
7subsection (a) of Section 50 may be required to submit a full
8set of fingerprints to the Illinois State Police for the
9purpose of obtaining a State and federal criminal records
10check. These fingerprints shall be checked against the
11fingerprint records now and hereafter, to the extent allowed
12by law, filed in the Illinois State Police and Federal Bureau
13of Investigation criminal history records databases. The
14Illinois State Police shall furnish, following positive
15identification, all Illinois conviction information to the
16Department of Agriculture or the Department of Financial and
17Professional Regulation. The Department of Agriculture or the
18Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, through
19the Illinois State Police, may require the fingerprints of the
20following persons:
21        (1) If the applicant is a limited partnership, each
22    general partner of the limited partnership.
23        (2) If the applicant is a manager-managed limited
24    liability company, each manager of the limited liability
25    company.
26        (3) If the applicant is a member-managed limited



HB1143- 35 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    liability company, each voting member of the limited
2    liability company.
3        (4) If the applicant is a corporation, each director
4    and officer of the corporation.
5        (5) Any individual who holds a financial interest of
6    10% or more in the person applying for the license.
7    Section 60. Properties of license. A license issued under
8this Act is all of the following:
9        (1) a personal privilege;
10        (2) renewable in the manner provided under Section 50,
11    except for a cause that would be grounds for refusal to
12    issue the license under Section 50;
13        (3) subject to revocation or suspension as provided in
14    Section 185;
15        (4) except for a license issued to a facilitator under
16    Section 105, transferable from the premises for which the
17    license was originally issued to another premises subject
18    to the provisions of this Act, applicable rules adopted
19    under this Act, and applicable local ordinances;
20        (5) subject to expiration upon the death of the
21    licensee, if the license was issued to an individual
22    except as provided under subsection (p) of Section 155;
23        (6) not considered property;
24        (7) not alienable;
25        (8) not subject to attachment or execution; and



HB1143- 36 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (9) not subject to descent by the laws of testate or
2    intestate succession.
3    Section 65. Duties of the Departments with respect to
4issuing licenses.
5    (a) The Department of Financial and Professional
6Regulation or the Department of Agriculture shall approve or
7deny an application to be licensed under this Act. Upon
8receiving an application under Section 50, the Department may
9not unreasonably delay processing, approving, or denying the
10application or, if the application is approved, issuing the
12    (b) The licenses described in this Act must be issued by
13the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation or the
14Department of Agriculture subject to the provisions of this
15Act and rules adopted under this Act.
16    (c) The Department of Financial and Professional
17Regulation may not license premises that do not have defined
18boundaries. Premises do not need to be enclosed by a wall,
19fence, or other structure, but the Department of Financial and
20Professional Regulation may require premises to be enclosed as
21a condition of issuing or renewing a license. The Department
22of Financial and Professional Regulation may not license
23mobile premises.
24    Section 70. Lawful manufacture, delivery, and possession



HB1143- 37 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1of psilocybin products. A licensee or licensee representative
2may manufacture, deliver, or possess a psilocybin product
3subject to the provisions of this Act and rules adopted under
4this Act. The manufacture, delivery, or possession of a
5psilocybin product by a licensee or a licensee representative
6in compliance with this Act and rules adopted under this Act
7does not constitute a criminal or civil offense under the laws
8of this State.
9    Section 75. Restriction on financial interests in multiple
11    (a) An individual may not have a financial interest in
12either of the following:
13        (1) More than one psilocybin product manufacturer.
14        (2) More than 5 service center operators.
15    (b) Subject to subsection (a), a person may hold multiple
16service center operator licenses under Section 95 and may hold
17both a manufacturer license under Section 80 and a service
18center operator license under Section 95 at the same or
19different premises.
20    Section 80. License to manufacture psilocybin products.
21    (a) The manufacture of psilocybin products is subject to
22regulation by the Department of Agriculture.
23    (b) A psilocybin product manufacturer must have a
24manufacturer license issued by the Department of Agriculture



HB1143- 38 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1for the premises at which the psilocybin products are
2manufactured. To hold a manufacturer license issued under this
3Section, a psilocybin product manufacturer must comply with
4the following:
5        (1) apply for a license in the manner described in
6    Section 50; and
7        (2) provide proof that the applicant is 21 years of
8    age or older.
9    (c) If the applicant is not the owner of the premises at
10which the psilocybin is to be manufactured, the applicant
11shall submit to the Department of Agriculture signed informed
12consent from the owner of the premises to manufacture
13psilocybin at the premises. The Department of Agriculture may
14adopt rules regarding the informed consent described in this
16    (d) The Department of Agriculture shall adopt rules that
17comply with the following:
18        (1) require a psilocybin product manufacturer to
19    annually renew a license issued under this Section;
20        (2) establish application, licensure, and renewal of
21    licensure fees for psilocybin product manufacturers; and
22        (3) require psilocybin products manufactured by
23    psilocybin product manufacturers to be tested in
24    accordance with Section 270.
25    (e) Fees adopted under paragraph (2) of subsection (d) may
26not exceed, together with other fees collected under this Act,



HB1143- 39 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1the cost of administering this Act and shall be deposited into
2the Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund.
3    Section 85. Psilocybin product manufacturers;
5    (a) The Department of Agriculture shall adopt rules that
6designate different types of manufacturing activities. A
7psilocybin product manufacturer may only engage in a type of
8manufacturing activity if the psilocybin product manufacturer
9has received an endorsement from the Department for that type
10of manufacturing activity.
11    (b) An applicant must request an endorsement upon
12submission of an initial application but may also request an
13endorsement at any time following licensure.
14    (c) Only one application and license fee is required
15regardless of how many endorsements an applicant or licensee
16requests or at what time the request is made.
17    (d) A psilocybin product manufacturer licensee may hold
18multiple endorsements.
19    (e) The Department of Agriculture may deny a psilocybin
20product manufacturer's request for an endorsement or revoke an
21existing endorsement if the psilocybin product manufacturer
22cannot or does not meet the requirements for the endorsement
23that is requested.
24    Section 90. Psilocybin product quantities; rules. The



HB1143- 40 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Department of Agriculture shall adopt rules restricting the
2quantities of psilocybin products at premises for which a
3license has been issued under Section 80. In adopting rules
4under this Section, the Department shall take into
5consideration the demand for psilocybin services in this
6State, the number of psilocybin product manufacturers applying
7for a license under Section 80, the number of psilocybin
8product manufacturers that hold a license issued under Section
980, and whether the availability of psilocybin products in
10this State is commensurate with the demand for psilocybin
12    Section 95. License to operate a service center.
13    (a) The operation of a service center is subject to
14regulation by the Department of Financial and Professional
16    (b) A service center operator must have a service center
17operator license issued by the Department of Financial and
18Professional Regulation for the premises at which psilocybin
19services are provided. To hold a service center operator
20license under this Section, a service center operator must
21comply with the following:
22        (1) apply for a license in the manner described in
23    Section 50;
24        (2) provide proof that the applicant is 21 years of
25    age or older;



HB1143- 41 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (3) ensure that the service center is located in an
2    area that is not within the limits of an area zoned
3    exclusively for residential use;
4        (4) ensure that the service center is not located
5    within 1,000 feet of a public, private, or parochial
6    school; and
7        (5) meet the requirements of any rule adopted by the
8    Department of Financial and Professional Regulation under
9    subsection (c).
10    (c) The Department of Financial and Professional
11Regulation shall adopt rules that comply with the following:
12        (1) require a service center operator to annually
13    renew a license issued under this Section;
14        (2) establish application, licensure, and renewal of
15    licensure fees for service center operators;
16        (3) require psilocybin products sold by a service
17    center operator to be tested in accordance with Section
18    270; and
19        (4) require a service center operator to meet any
20    public health and safety standards and industry best
21    practices established by the Department by rule.
22    Fees adopted under paragraph (2) of this subsection may
23not exceed, together with other fees collected under this Act,
24the cost of administering this Act and shall be deposited into
25the Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund established under
26Section 190.



HB1143- 42 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    Section 100. Establishment of schools after issuance of
3    (a) If a school described under paragraph (5) of
4subsection (b) of Section 95 that has not previously been
5attended by children is established within 1,000 feet of
6premises for which a license has been issued under Section 95,
7the service center operator located at that premises may
8remain at that location unless the Department of Financial and
9Professional Regulation revokes the license of the service
10center operator under Section 175.
11    (b) The Department of Financial and Professional
12Regulation may adopt rules establishing the circumstances
13under which the Department may require a service center
14operator that holds a license issued under Section 95 to use an
15age verification scanner or any other equipment used to verify
16a person's age for the purpose of ensuring that the service
17center operator does not sell psilocybin products to a person
18under 21 years of age. Information obtained under this
19subsection may not be retained after verifying a person's age
20and may not be used for any purpose other than verifying a
21person's age.
22    Section 105. License to facilitate psilocybin services.
23    (a) The facilitation of psilocybin services is subject to
24regulation by the Department of Financial and Professional



HB1143- 43 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

2    (b) A facilitator must have a facilitator license issued
3by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. To
4hold a facilitator license issued under this Section, a
5facilitator must comply with the following:
6        (1) apply for a license in the manner described in
7    Section 50;
8        (2) provide proof that the applicant is 21 years of
9    age or older;
10        (3) have either:
11            (i) a baccalaureate degree from an accredited
12        university or college;
13            (ii) a high school diploma or its equivalent and
14        demonstrable experience administering psilocybin in a
15        manner of cultural significance as part of a
16        tradition, ceremony, or rite that is more than merely
17        recreational use; or
18            (iii) a high school diploma or its equivalent and
19        be licensed or certified as at least one of the
20        following in good standing in Illinois:
21                (A) licensed behavior analyst as defined under
22            the Behavior Analyst Licensing Act;
23                (B) clinical psychologist or prescribing
24            psychologist as defined under the Clinical
25            Psychologist Licensing Act;
26                (C) licensed clinical social worker or



HB1143- 44 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1            licensed social worker as defined under the
2            Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act;
3                (D) licensed marriage and family therapist as
4            defined under the Marriage and Family Therapy
5            Licensing Act;
6                (E) licensed professional music therapist as
7            defined under the Music Therapy Licensing and
8            Practice Act;
9                (F) physician as defined under the Medical
10            Practice Act of 1987;
11                (G) certified nurse midwife or licensed
12            certified professional midwife as defined under
13            the Licensed Certified Professional Midwife
14            Practice Act;
15                (H) advanced practice registered nurse,
16            license-pending registered nurse, licensed
17            practical nurse, or registered nurse as defined
18            under the Nurse Practice Act;
19                (I) occupational therapist as defined under
20            the Illinois Occupational Therapy Practice Act;
21                (J) licensed pharmacist under the Pharmacy
22            Practice Act;
23                (K) physician assistant as defined under the
24            Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987;
25                (L) licensed professional counselor or
26            licensed clinical professional counselor as



HB1143- 45 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1            defined under the Professional Counselor and
2            Clinical Professional Counselor Licensing and
3            Practice Act;
4                (M) naprapath as defined under the Naprapathic
5            Practice Act;
6                (N) licensed orthoptist, licensed pedorthist,
7            a licensed podiatric physician, or a licensed
8            prosthetist as defined under the Orthotics,
9            Prosthetics, and Pedorthics Practice Act;
10                (O) certified Recovery Support Specialist
11            certified by the Illinois Certification Board;
12                (P) certified Peer Recovery Specialist; or
13                (Q) certified alcohol and drug counselor.
14        (4) submit evidence of completion of education and
15    training prescribed and approved by the Department;
16        (5) have passed an examination approved, administered,
17    or recognized by the Department; and
18        (6) meet the requirements of any rule adopted by the
19    Department under subsection (d).
20    (c) The Department of Financial and Professional
21Regulation shall adopt rules that comply with the following:
22        (1) require a facilitator to annually renew a license
23    issued under this Section;
24        (2) establish application, licensure, and renewal of
25    licensure fees for facilitators;
26        (3) require a facilitator to meet any public health



HB1143- 46 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    and safety standards and industry best practices
2    established by the Department by rule.
3    (d) Fees adopted under paragraph (2) of subsection (d) may
4not exceed, together with other fees collected under this Act,
5the cost of administering this Act and shall be deposited into
6the Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund.
7    (e) A facilitator may be, but need not be, an employee,
8manager, director, officer, partner, member, shareholder, or
9direct or indirect owner of one or more service center
11    (f) A license issued to a facilitator under this Section
12is not limited to any one or more premises.
13    Section 110. License examinations; rules. The Department
14of Financial and Professional Regulation shall offer an
15examination for applicants for licenses to facilitate
16psilocybin services at least twice a year. An applicant who
17fails any part of the examination may retake the failed
18section in accordance with rules adopted by the Department.
19The rules adopted by the Department in accordance with this
20Section shall require that applicants for facilitator licenses
21retake any training program required for licensure by the
22Department if the applicant has failed an examination twice in
23a row prior to being permitted to retake the test for a third
24time. Such retraining shall be required after any subsequent
25instances of an applicant failing the examination twice in a



HB1143- 47 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

2    Section 115. Age verification. The Department of
3Financial and Professional Regulation may adopt rules
4establishing the circumstances under which the Department may
5require a facilitator that holds a license issued under
6Section 105 to use an age verification scanner or any other
7equipment used to verify a person's age for the purpose of
8ensuring that the facilitator does not provide psilocybin
9services to a person under 21 years of age. Information
10obtained under this Section may not be retained after
11verifying a person's age and may not be used for any purpose
12other than verifying a person's age.
13    Section 120. Psilocybin services. The Department of
14Financial and Professional Regulation shall adopt by rule the
15requirements, specifications, and guidelines for the
17        (1) providing psilocybin services to a client;
18        (2) holding and verifying the completion of a
19    preparation session;
20        (3) having a client complete, sign, and deliver a
21    client information form to a service center operator and a
22    facilitator;
23        (4) holding and verifying the completion of an
24    administration session; and



HB1143- 48 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (5) holding and verifying the completion of an
2    integration session.
3    Section 125. Preparation session.
4    (a) Before a client participates in an administration
5session, the client must attend a preparation session with a
6facilitator. A preparation session is intended to provide
7individuals with comprehensive information about the potential
8risks and benefits of the use of psilocybin.
9    (b) A preparation session may be, but need not be, held at
10a service center. During the preparation session, the client
11must complete a client intake form, develop a transportation
12plan, and a safety and support plan.
13    (c) If a preparation session is completed in accordance
14with all applicable requirements, specifications, and
15guidelines, as determined by the Department, the facilitator
16must certify, in a form and manner prescribed by the
17Department, that the client completed the preparation session.
18This certification shall be collected for the limited purpose
19of ensuring the facilitator adheres to all applicable
20requirements, specifications, and guidelines. The Department,
21facilitator, and service center operator shall maintain such
22certifications in a manner that ensures confidentiality and
23shall not sell, disclose, or otherwise transfer any personally
24identifiable information of the client without the client's
25express written consent. The Department, facilitator, and



HB1143- 49 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1service center shall only maintain personally identifiable
2information of the client to the extent necessary to transact
3business and ensure compliance with all laws and rules.
4    Section 130. Client information form.
5    (a) Before a client participates in an administration
6session, the following must occur:
7        (1) The client must complete and sign a client
8    information form in a form and manner prescribed by the
9    Department.
10        (2) A copy of the completed and signed client
11    information form must be delivered to the service center
12    operator that operates the service center at which the
13    administration session is to be held and to the
14    facilitator that will supervise the administration
15    session.
16        (3) Enable the service center operator to confirm the
17    client has obtained a referral from a licensed physician,
18    psychiatrist, professional counselor, clinical
19    professional counselor, prescribing psychologist, or
20    clinical psychologist for psilocybin service.
21    (b) The client information form must comply with the
23        (1) Solicit from the client such information as may be
24    necessary: (i) to enable a service center operator and a
25    facilitator to determine whether the client should



HB1143- 50 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    participate in an administration session, including
2    information that may identify risk factors and
3    contraindications, and (ii) to assist the service center
4    operator and the facilitator in meeting any public health
5    and safety standards and industry best practices during
6    the administration session.
7        (2) Contain such health and safety warnings and other
8    disclosures to the client as the Department may require.
9    (c) The service center operator shall maintain the client
10information form in a manner that ensures confidentiality and
11shall not sell, disclose, or otherwise transfer any personally
12identifiable information of the client without the client's
13express written consent.
14    (d) The service center operator shall require proof of a
15referral for psilocybin service prior to the preparation
17    Section 131. Safety and support plans.
18    (a) A facilitator must work with every client who will
19participate in an administration session to draft a safety and
20support plan that identifies risks and challenges specific to
21the client's circumstances and resources available to mitigate
22those risks and challenges, including the client's existing
23support network and appropriate external resources.
24    (b) Safety and support plans must include contact
25information for a person to be contacted if the client



HB1143- 51 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1experiences a medical or other emergency.
2    (c) Safety and support plans may not be changed during an
3administration session.
4    (d) Client records described by this Act must be available
5to the facilitator at the service center where the client
6participates or intends to participate in an administration
8    Section 132. Transportation plans.
9    (a) A facilitator must create and record a transportation
10plan for every client that receives psilocybin services.
11    (b) Transportation plans must be signed by the client and
12describe how the client will access safe transportation away
13from the service center at the conclusion of an administration
15    (c) Transportation plans shall advise a client not to
16operate a motor vehicle directly following an administration
17session. Facilitators shall make reasonable efforts to prevent
18clients from operating a motor vehicle at the conclusion of an
19administration session. If a client's failure to follow the
20client's transportation plan creates a danger to the client's
21safety or the safety of others, a facilitator must make
22reasonable efforts to resolve the safety issue.
23    (d) If a facilitator is unable to resolve safety issues
24caused by a client's failure to follow the client's
25transportation plan after making reasonable efforts required



HB1143- 52 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1by subsection (c), a facilitator must contact appropriate
2emergency services.
3    (e) If a client is unable to follow the client's
4transportation plan, a facilitator must make reasonable
5efforts to arrange for alternative transportation.
6    (f) A facilitator must document in writing and retain
7documentation for all instances in which a client does not
8follow the client's transportation plan.
9    (g) All client records, including any copies of client
10records, described by this Act must be available to the
11facilitator at the service center where the client
12participates or intends to participate in an administration
14    Section 135. Administration session.
15    (a) After a client completes a preparation session and
16completes and signs a client information form, the client may
17participate in an administration session.
18    (b) An administration session must be held under the
19supervision of a licensed facilitator at a service center. A
20facilitator or service center shall not permit a client to
21consume psilocybin at any time other than during an
22administration session at the service center.
23    (c) If an administration session is completed in
24accordance with all applicable requirements, specifications,
25and guidelines, as determined by the Department, the



HB1143- 53 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1facilitator must certify, in a form and manner prescribed by
2the Department, that the client completed the administration
3session. This certification shall be collected for the limited
4purpose of ensuring the facilitator adheres to all applicable
5requirements, specifications, and guidelines. The Department,
6facilitator, and service center operator shall maintain such
7certifications in a manner that ensures confidentiality and
8shall not sell, disclose, or otherwise transfer any personally
9identifiable information of the client without the client's
10express written consent. The Department, facilitator, and
11service center shall only maintain personally identifiable
12information of the client to the extent necessary to transact
13business and ensure compliance with all laws and rules.
14    Section 136. Post-administration evaluation session. All
15clients are required to participate in a post-administration
16evaluation session prior to leaving a service center after
17completing an administration session. After a client completes
18an administration session, the facilitator must conduct a
19post-administration evaluation session. During the session,
20the facilitator will engage with the client to ensure there
21are no medical emergencies that arose from the administration
22session and also ensure that the client is no longer under the
23hallucinogenic effects of psilocybin prior to releasing the
24client from the service center. The facilitator shall consider
25the client's physical attributes as well as the quantity



HB1143- 54 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1psilocybin administered in conducting the post-administration
3    Section 140. Integration session.
4    (a) After a client completes an administration session and
5a post-administration evaluation session, a facilitator must
6conduct an integration session with the client. However, the
7integration session requirement may be waived if the client
8has produced a written letter from the client's referring
9licensed professional that states the licensed professional
10will discuss the psilocybin service at a future appointment.
11Integration sessions are intended to promote psychological
12well-being and reduce the risk of adverse reactions by
13ensuring individuals are not left to process potentially
14overwhelming experiences alone.
15    (b) An integration session shall be held at a service
17    (c) If an integration session is completed in accordance
18with all applicable requirements, specifications, and
19guidelines, as determined by the Department, the facilitator
20shall certify in a form and manner prescribed by the
21Department that the client completed the integration session
22or otherwise provided the appropriate waiver materials. This
23certification shall be collected for the limited purpose of
24ensuring the facilitator adheres to all applicable
25requirements, specifications, and guidelines. The Department,



HB1143- 55 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1facilitator, and service center operator shall maintain such
2certifications in a manner that ensures confidentiality and
3shall not sell, disclose, or otherwise transfer any personally
4identifiable information of the client without the client's
5express written consent. The Department, facilitator, and
6service center shall only maintain personally identifiable
7information of the client to the extent necessary to transact
8business and ensure compliance with all laws and rules.
9    Section 145. Reliance on client information form.
10    (a) If a client information form is offered as evidence in
11any administrative or criminal prosecution of a licensee or
12licensee representative for sale or service of a psilocybin
13product to a client, the licensee or licensee representative
14is not guilty of any offense prohibiting a person from selling
15or serving a psilocybin product to a client unless it is
16demonstrated that a reasonable person would have determined
17that the responses provided by the client on the client
18information form were incorrect or altered.
19    (b) A licensee or licensee representative shall be
20entitled to rely upon all statements, declarations, and
21representations made by a client in a client information form
22unless it is demonstrated that either:
23        (1) a reasonable person would have determined that one
24    or more of the statements, declarations, or
25    representations made by the client in the client



HB1143- 56 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    information form were incorrect or altered; or
2        (2) the licensee or licensee representative violated a
3    provision of this Act or a rule adopted under this Act
4    relative to the client information form.
5    (c) Except as provided in subsection (b), no licensee or
6licensee representative shall incur legal liability by virtue
7of any untrue statement, declaration, or representation so
8relied upon in good faith by the licensee or licensee
10    (d) The Department of Financial and Professional
11Regulation shall adopt rules for recordkeeping, privacy, and
12confidentiality requirements of service centers. However, the
13recordkeeping shall not result in disclosure to the public or
14any governmental agency of any participant's personally
15identifiable information.
16    Section 150. Refusal to provide psilocybin services to a
18    (a) Subject to applicable State law, a licensee or
19licensee representative may refuse to provide psilocybin
20services to a potential client for any or no reason.
21    (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), and subject to
22applicable State law, a licensee or licensee representative
23may cease providing psilocybin services to a client for any or
24no reason.
25    (c) A service center operator and a facilitator may not



HB1143- 57 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1cease providing psilocybin services to a client during an
2administration session after the client has consumed a
3psilocybin product, except as authorized by the Department of
4Financial and Professional Regulation by rule or as necessary
5in an emergency.
6    (d) A service center operator and a facilitator must
7refuse to provide psilocybin service to a potential client
9        (1) does not provide a referral for psilocybin
10    service;
11        (2) voluntarily discloses that the potential client
12    possesses certain risk factors indicating psilocybin
13    service is inappropriate or harmful as determined by the
14    Advisory Board under subsection (a) of Section 30 or by
15    rules adopted by the Department; or
16        (3) a reasonable person would believe, based on the
17    statements, conduct, or other behavior of the potential
18    client, that the potential client possesses certain risk
19    factors indicating psilocybin service is inappropriate or
20    harmful as determined by the Advisory Board under
21    subsection (a) of Section 30 or by rules adopted by the
22    Department.
23    Section 155. Department powers and duties relating to
25    (a) The Department of Financial and Professional



HB1143- 58 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Regulation shall perform the following:
2        (1) Determine the qualifications, training, education,
3    and fitness of applicants for licenses to facilitate
4    psilocybin services, giving particular consideration to
5    the following:
6            (A) facilitation skills that are affirming,
7        nonjudgmental, culturally competent, trauma-informed,
8        rooted in informed consent, and nondirective;
9            (B) support skills for clients during an
10        administration session, including specialized skills
11        for the following:
12                (i) client safety; and
13                (ii) clients who may have a mental health
14            condition;
15             (C) the environment in which psilocybin services
16        should occur; and
17             (D) social and cultural considerations.
18        (2) Formulate a code of professional conduct for
19    facilitators, giving particular consideration to a code of
20    ethics.
21        (3) Establish standards of practice and professional
22    responsibility for individuals licensed by the Department
23    to facilitate psilocybin services.
24        (4) Select licensing examinations for licenses to
25    facilitate psilocybin services.
26        (5) Provide for waivers of examinations, as



HB1143- 59 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    appropriate.
2        (6) Appoint representatives to conduct or supervise
3    examinations of applicants for licenses to facilitate
4    psilocybin services.
5    (b) The Department of Financial and Professional
6Regulation shall adopt by rule minimum standards of education
7and training requirements for facilitators. These rules must
8establish minimum standards for first-aid treatment and
9training on CPR/AED and any other emergency medical response
10training the Department deems appropriate for the safe
11administration of psilocybin services.
12    (c) The Department of Financial and Professional
13Regulation shall approve courses for facilitators. To obtain
14approval of a course, the provider of a course must submit an
15outline of instruction to the Department. The outline must
16include the proposed courses, total hours of instruction,
17hours of lectures in theory, and the hours of instruction in
18application of practical skills.
19    (d) The Department of Financial and Professional
20Regulation may, after 72 hours' notice, make an examination of
21the books of a licensee for the purpose of determining
22compliance with this Act and rules adopted under this Act.
23    (e) The Department of Financial and Professional
24Regulation or the Department of Agriculture may at any time
25make an examination of premises for which a license has been
26issued under this Act for the purpose of determining



HB1143- 60 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1compliance with this Act and rules adopted under this Act.
2    (f) The Department of Financial and Professional
3Regulation may not require the books of a licensee to be
4maintained on the premises of the licensee.
5    (g) If a licensee holds more than one license issued under
6this Act for the same premises, the Department of Financial
7and Professional Regulation or the Department of Agriculture
8may require the premises to be segregated into separate areas
9for conducting the activities permitted under each license as
10is necessary to protect the public health and safety.
11    (h) As is necessary to protect the public health and
12safety, the Department of Financial and Professional
13Regulation or the Department of Agriculture may require a
14licensee to maintain general liability insurance in an amount
15that the Department determines is reasonably affordable and
16available for the purpose of protecting the licensee against
17damages resulting from a cause of action related to activities
18undertaken pursuant to the license held by the licensee.
19    (i) The Department of Financial and Professional
20Regulation and the Department of Agriculture shall develop and
21maintain a system for tracking the transfer of psilocybin
22products between premises for which licenses have been issued
23under this Act. The purposes of the system include, but are not
24limited to, the following:
25        (1) preventing the diversion of psilocybin products to
26    other states;



HB1143- 61 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (2) preventing persons from substituting or tampering
2    with psilocybin products;
3        (3) ensuring an accurate accounting of the production,
4    processing, and sale of psilocybin products;
5        (4) ensuring that laboratory testing results are
6    accurately reported; and
7        (5) ensuring compliance with this Act, rules adopted
8    under this Act, and any other law of this State that
9    charges the Department with a duty, function, or power
10    related to psilocybin.
11    (j) The system developed under subsection (i) must be
12capable of tracking, at a minimum, the following:
13        (1) the manufacturing of psilocybin products;
14        (2) the sale of psilocybin products by a service
15    center operator to a client;
16        (3) the sale and purchase of psilocybin products
17    between licensees, as permitted by this Act;
18        (4) the transfer of psilocybin products between
19    premises for which licenses have been issued under this
20    Act; and
21        (5) any other information that the Department
22    determines is reasonably necessary to accomplish the
23    duties, functions, and powers of the Department under this
24    Act.
25    (k) Except as otherwise provided by law, the Department of
26Financial and Professional Regulation and the Department of



HB1143- 62 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Agriculture have any power, and may perform any function,
2necessary for the Departments to prevent the diversion of
3psilocybin products from licensees to a source that is not
4operating legally under the laws of this State.
5    (l) In addition to any other disciplinary action available
6to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation and
7the Department of Agriculture under this Act, either
8Department may immediately restrict, suspend, or refuse to
9renew a license issued under this Act if circumstances create
10probable cause for the Department to conclude that a licensee
11has purchased or received a psilocybin product from an
12unlicensed source or that a licensee has sold, stored, or
13transferred a psilocybin product in a manner that is not
14permitted by the licensee's license.
15    (m) The Department of Financial and Professional
16Regulation or the Department of Agriculture may require a
17licensee or applicant for a license under this Act to submit,
18in a form and manner prescribed by the Department, to the
19Department a sworn statement showing the following:
20        (1) The name and address of each person who has a
21    financial interest in the business operating or to be
22    operated under the license.
23        (2) The nature and extent of the financial interest of
24    each person who has a financial interest in the business
25    operating or to be operated under the license.
26        (3) The Department of Financial and Professional



HB1143- 63 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    Regulation or the Department of Agriculture may refuse to
2    issue, or may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew, a
3    license issued under this Act if the Department determines
4    that a person who has a financial interest in the business
5    operating or to be operated under the license committed or
6    failed to commit an act that would constitute grounds for
7    the Department to refuse to issue, or to suspend, revoke,
8    or refuse to renew, the license if the person is the
9    licensee or applicant for the license.
10    (n) Notwithstanding the lapse, suspension, or revocation
11of a license issued under this Act, the Department of
12Financial and Professional Regulation and the Department of
13Agriculture may perform the following:
14        (1) proceed with any investigation of, or any action
15    or disciplinary proceeding against, the person who held
16    the license;
17        (2) revise or render void an order suspending or
18    revoking the license; and
19        (3) in cases involving the proposed denial of a
20    license applied for under this Act, the applicant for
21    licensure may not withdraw the applicant's application.
22    (o) Notwithstanding the lapse, suspension, or revocation
23of a permit issued under Section 180, the Department of
24Financial and Professional Regulation and the Department of
25Agriculture may perform the following:
26        (1) proceed with any investigation of, or any action



HB1143- 64 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    or disciplinary proceeding against, the person who held
2    the permit;
3        (2) revise or render void an order suspending or
4    revoking the permit; and
5        (3) in cases involving the proposed denial of a permit
6    applied for under Section 180, the applicant may not
7    withdraw the applicant's application.
8    (p) The Department of Financial and Professional
9Regulation and the Department of Agriculture may, by rule or
10order, provide for the manner and conditions under which the
11following occur:
12        (1) psilocybin products left by a deceased, insolvent,
13    or bankrupt person or licensee, or subject to a security
14    interest, may be foreclosed, sold under execution, or
15    otherwise disposed of;
16        (2) the business of a deceased, insolvent, or bankrupt
17    licensee may be operated for a reasonable period following
18    the death, insolvency, or bankruptcy; and
19        (3) a secured party may continue to operate at the
20    premises for which a license has been issued under this
21    Act for a reasonable period after default on the
22    indebtedness by the debtor.
23    Section 160. Conduct of licensees; prohibitions.
24    (a) A psilocybin product manufacturer that holds a license
25under Section 80 may not manufacture psilocybin products



HB1143- 65 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

2    (b) A psilocybin product manufacturer that holds a license
3under Section 80 may deliver psilocybin products only to or on
4premises for which a license has been issued under Section 80
5or Section 95 and may receive psilocybin products only from a
6psilocybin product manufacturer that holds a license under
7Section 80.
8    (c) A service center operator that holds a license under
9Section 95 may deliver psilocybin products only to or on
10premises for which a license has been issued under Section 95
11and may receive psilocybin products only from a psilocybin
12product manufacturer that holds a license under Section 80 or
13a service center operator that holds a license under Section
15    (d) The sale and administration of psilocybin products to
16a client by a service center operator that holds a license
17issued under Section 95 must be restricted to the premises for
18which the license has been issued.
19    (e) The Department of Financial and Professional
20Regulation or the Department of Agriculture may by order waive
21the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) to ensure
22compliance with this Act or a rule adopted under this Act. An
23order issued under this subsection does not constitute a
24waiver of any other requirement of this Act or any other rule
25adopted under this Act.
26    (f) A licensee or licensee representative may not sell or



HB1143- 66 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1deliver a psilocybin product to a person under 21 years of age.
2    (g) Subject to subsection (h), a licensee or licensee
3representative, before selling or providing a psilocybin
4product to another person, must require the person to produce
5one of the following pieces of identification:
6        (1) The person's passport.
7        (2) The person's driver's license, issued by the State
8    or another state of the United States.
9        (3) An identification card issued by the State.
10        (4) A United States military identification card.
11        (5) An identification card issued by a federally
12    recognized Indian tribe.
13        (6) Any other identification card issued by a state or
14    territory of the United States that bears a picture of the
15    person, the name of the person, the person's date of
16    birth, and a physical description of the person.
17    (h) The Department may adopt rules exempting a licensee or
18licensee representative from the provisions of subsection (g).
19    (i) A client may not be required to procure for the purpose
20of acquiring or purchasing a psilocybin product a piece of
21identification other than a piece of identification described
22in subsection (g).
23    (j) A service center operator, a facilitator, or any
24employee of a service center operator or facilitator may not
25disclose any information that may be used to identify a client
26or any communication made by a client during the course of



HB1143- 67 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1providing psilocybin services or selling psilocybin products
2to the client, except for the following:
3        (1) When the client or a person authorized to act on
4    behalf of the client gives consent to the disclosure.
5        (2) When the client initiates legal action or makes a
6    complaint against the service center operator, the
7    facilitator, or the employee.
8        (3) When the communication reveals the intent to
9    commit a crime harmful to the client or others.
10        (4) When the communication reveals that a minor may
11    have been a victim of a crime or physical, sexual, or
12    emotional abuse or neglect.
13        (5) When responding to an inquiry by the Department
14    made during the course of an investigation into the
15    conduct of the service center operator, the facilitator,
16    or the employee under this Act.
17    (k) A client may only purchase a psilocybin product at a
18service center and may only consume such product during an
19administration session on the premises of a service center.
20    (l) A licensee may not employ a person under 21 years of
21age at premises for which a license has been issued under this
23    (m) During an inspection of premises for which a license
24has been issued under this Act, the Department of Financial
25and Professional Regulation or the Department of Agriculture
26may require proof that a person performing work at the



HB1143- 68 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1premises is 21 years of age or older. If the person does not
2provide the Department with acceptable proof of age upon
3request, the Department may require the person to immediately
4cease any activity and leave the premises until the Department
5receives acceptable proof of age. This subsection does not
6apply to a person temporarily at the premises to make a
7service, maintenance, or repair call or for other purposes
8independent of the premises operations.
9    (n) If a person performing work has not provided proof of
10age requested by the Department of Financial and Professional
11Regulation or the Department of Agriculture under subsection
12(m), the Department may request that the licensee provide
13proof that the person is 21 years of age or older. Failure of
14the licensee to respond to a request made under this
15subsection by providing acceptable proof of age for a person
16is prima facie evidence that the licensee has allowed the
17person to perform work at the premises for which a license has
18been issued under this Act in violation of the minimum age
20    (o) A licensee may not use or allow the use of a mark or
21label on the container of a psilocybin product that is kept for
22sale if the mark or label does not precisely and clearly
23indicate the nature of the container's contents or if the mark
24or label in any way might deceive a person about the nature,
25composition, quantity, age, or quality of the container's



HB1143- 69 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    (p) The Department of Financial and Professional
2Regulation or the Department of Agriculture may prohibit a
3licensee from selling any psilocybin product that, in the
4Department's judgment, is deceptively labeled or contains
5injurious or adulterated ingredients.
6    Section 165. Psilocybin product prohibitions.
7    (a) A psilocybin product may not be sold or offered for
8sale within this State unless the psilocybin product complies
9with the minimum standards under the laws of this State.
10    (b) The Department of Financial and Professional
11Regulation or the Department of Agriculture may prohibit the
12sale of a psilocybin product by a service center operator for a
13reasonable period of time, not exceeding 90 days, for the
14purpose of determining whether the psilocybin product complies
15with the minimum standards prescribed by the laws of this
17    (c) A person may not make false representations or
18statements to the Department of Financial and Professional
19Regulation or the Department of Agriculture in order to induce
20or prevent action by the Department.
21    (d) A licensee may not maintain a noisy, lewd, unsafe, or
22unsanitary establishment or supply impure or otherwise
23deleterious psilocybin products.
24    (e) A licensee may not misrepresent to a person or to the
25public any psilocybin products.



HB1143- 70 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    Section 170. Purpose of licenses issued under this Act. A
2license issued under this Act serves the purpose of exempting
3the person who holds the license from the criminal laws of this
4State for possession, delivery, or manufacture of psilocybin
5products if the person complies with all State laws and rules
6applicable to the licensee.
7    Section 171. Investigations.
8    (a) Manufacturers, service centers, and laboratories that
9conduct testing of psilocybin products are subject to random
10and unannounced dispensary inspections and psilocybin testing
11by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation,
12the Department of Agriculture, the Illinois State Police,
13local law enforcement, or as provided by rule.
14    (b) The Department of Financial and Professional
15Regulation, the Department of Agriculture, and their
16authorized representatives may enter any place, including a
17vehicle, in which psilocybin is held, stored, dispensed, sold,
18produced, delivered, transported, manufactured, or disposed of
19and inspect, in a reasonable manner, the place and all
20pertinent equipment, containers and labeling, and all things
21including records, files, financial data, sales data, shipping
22data, pricing data, personnel data, research, papers,
23processes, controls, and facility, and inventory any stock of
24psilocybin and obtain samples of any psilocybin or



HB1143- 71 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1psilocybin-infused product, any labels or containers for
2psilocybin, or paraphernalia.
3    (c) The Department of Financial and Professional
4Regulation or the Department of Agriculture may conduct an
5investigation of an applicant, application, service center,
6manufacturer, manufacturer agent, licensed laboratory that
7conducts testing of a psilocybin product, principal officer,
8facilitator, service center agent, third party vendor, or any
9other party associated with a service center, facilitator,
10manufacturer, or laboratory that conducts testing of
11psilocybin for an alleged violation of this Act or rules or to
12determine qualifications to be granted a registration by the
13Department of Financial and Professional Regulation or the
14Department of Agriculture.
15    (d) The Department of Financial or Professional Regulation
16or the Department of Agriculture may require an applicant or
17holder of any license issued pursuant to this Article to
18produce documents, records, or any other material pertinent to
19the investigation of an application or alleged violations of
20this Act or rules. Failure to provide the required material
21may be grounds for denial or discipline.
22    (e) Every person charged with preparation, obtaining, or
23keeping records, logs, reports, or other documents in
24connection with this Act and rules and every person in charge,
25or having custody, of those documents shall, upon request by
26the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation or the



HB1143- 72 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Department of Agriculture, make the documents immediately
2available for inspection and copying by either Department,
3either Department's authorized representative, or others
4authorized by law to review the documents.
5    Section 172. Citations. The Department of Financial or
6Professional Regulation or the Department of Agriculture may
7issue nondisciplinary citations for minor violations. Any such
8citation issued by the Department of Financial or Professional
9Regulation or the Department of Agriculture may be accompanied
10by a fee. The fee shall not exceed $20,000 per violation. The
11citation shall be issued to the licensee and shall contain the
12licensee's name and address, the licensee's license number, a
13brief factual statement, the Sections of the law allegedly
14violated, and the fee, if any, imposed. The citation must
15clearly state that the licensee may choose, in lieu of
16accepting the citation, to request a hearing. If the licensee
17does not dispute the matter in the citation with the
18Department of Financial or Professional Regulation or the
19Department of Agriculture within 30 days after the citation is
20served, then the citation shall become final and not subject
21to appeal. The penalty shall be a fee or other conditions as
22established by rule.
23    Section 173. Grounds for discipline.
24    (a) The Department of Financial or Professional Regulation



HB1143- 73 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1or the Department of Agriculture may deny issuance, refuse to
2renew or restore, or may reprimand, place on probation,
3suspend, revoke, or take other disciplinary or nondisciplinary
4action against any license or may impose a fine for any of the
6        (1) material misstatement in furnishing information to
7    the Department;
8        (2) violations of this Act or rules;
9        (3) obtaining an authorization or license by fraud or
10    misrepresentation;
11        (4) a pattern of conduct that demonstrates
12    incompetence or that the applicant has engaged in conduct
13    or actions that would constitute grounds for discipline
14    under this Act;
15        (5) aiding or assisting another person in violating
16    any provision of this Act or rules;
17        (6) failing to respond to a written request for
18    information by the Department within 30 days;
19        (7) engaging in unprofessional, dishonorable, or
20    unethical conduct of a character likely to deceive,
21    defraud, or harm the public;
22        (8) adverse action by another United States
23    jurisdiction or foreign nation;
24        (9) a finding by the Department that the licensee,
25    after having his or her license placed on suspended or
26    probationary status, has violated the terms of the



HB1143- 74 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    suspension or probation;
2        (10) conviction, entry of a plea of guilty, nolo
3    contendere, or the equivalent in a State or federal court
4    of a principal officer or agent-in-charge of a felony
5    offense in accordance with Sections 2105-131, 2105-135,
6    and 2105-205 of the Department of Professional Regulation
7    Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois;
8        (11) excessive use of or addiction to alcohol,
9    narcotics, stimulants, or any other chemical agent or
10    drug;
11        (12) a finding by the Department of a discrepancy in a
12    Department audit of psilocybin;
13        (13) a finding by the Department of a discrepancy in a
14    Department audit of capital or funds;
15        (14) a finding by the Department of acceptance of
16    psilocybin from a source other than a manufacturer
17    licensed by the Department of Agriculture, or a service
18    center licensed by the Department;
19        (15) an inability to operate using reasonable
20    judgment, skill, or safety due to physical or mental
21    illness or other impairment or disability, including,
22    without limitation, deterioration through the aging
23    process or loss of motor skills or mental incompetence;
24        (16) failing to report to the Department within the
25    time frames established, or if not identified, no later
26    than 14 days after an adverse action, of any adverse



HB1143- 75 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    action taken against the dispensing organization or an
2    agent by a licensing jurisdiction in any state or any
3    territory of the United States or any foreign
4    jurisdiction, any governmental agency, any law enforcement
5    agency or any court defined in this Section;
6        (17) any violation of the dispensing organization's
7    policies and procedures submitted to the Department
8    annually as a condition for licensure;
9        (18) failure to inform the Department of any change of
10    address no later than 10 business days after the change of
11    address occurs;
12        (19) disclosing customer names, personal information,
13    or protected health information in violation of any State
14    or federal law;
15        (20) operating a service center or manufacturing
16    psilocybin before obtaining a license from the appropriate
17    Department;
18        (21) performing duties authorized by this Act prior to
19    receiving a license to perform such duties;
20        (22) dispensing psilocybin when prohibited by this Act
21    or rules;
22        (23) any fact or condition that, if it had existed at
23    the time of the original application for the license,
24    would have warranted the denial of the license;
25        (24) permitting a person without a valid license to
26    perform licensed activities under this Act;



HB1143- 76 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (25) failure to assign an agent-in-charge as required
2    by this Article;
3        (26) failure to provide any training required by the
4    Department within the provided timeframe;
5        (27) personnel insufficient in number or unqualified
6    in training or experience to properly operate the service
7    center or manufacturer;
8        (28) any pattern of activity that causes a harmful
9    impact on the community; and
10        (29) failing to prevent diversion, theft, or loss of
11    psilocybin.
12    (b) All fines and fees imposed under this Section shall be
13paid no later than 60 days after the effective date of the
14order imposing the fine or as otherwise specified in the
16    (c) A circuit court order establishing that facilitator,
17service center operator, or principal officer of a service
18center, manufacturer, or laboratory conducting psilocybin
19testing is subject to involuntary admission as that term is
20defined in Section 1-119 or 1-119.1 of the Mental Health and
21Developmental Disabilities Code shall operate as a suspension
22of that license.
23    Section 174. Temporary suspension, service center and
25    (a) The Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation



HB1143- 77 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1may temporarily suspend a service center or facilitator
2license without a hearing if the Secretary finds that a
3licensee has violated Section 206 public safety or welfare
4requires emergency action. The Secretary shall cause the
5temporary suspension by issuing a suspension notice in
6connection with the institution of proceedings for a hearing.
7    (b) If the Secretary temporarily suspends a license
8without a hearing, the licensee or its agent is entitled to a
9hearing within 45 days after the suspension notice has been
10issued. The hearing shall be limited to the issues cited in the
11suspension notice, unless all parties agree otherwise.
12    (c) If the Department does not hold a hearing within 45
13days after the date the suspension notice was issued, then the
14suspended license shall be automatically reinstated and the
15suspension vacated.
16    (d) The suspended licensee or its agent may seek a
17continuance of the hearing date, during which time the
18suspension remains in effect and the license shall not be
19automatically reinstated.
20    (e) Subsequently discovered causes of action by the
21Department after the issuance of the suspension notice may be
22filed as a separate notice of violation. The Department is not
23precluded from filing a separate action against the suspended
24licensee or its agent.
25    (f) If the Department of Financial or Professional
26Regulation determines a licensee has violated Section 206, the



HB1143- 78 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation shall
2suspend the licensee for a period of no less than 6 months and
3may enact whatever additional penalties the Secretary of
4Financial and Professional Regulation may deem necessary and
5appropriate in accordance with the provisions of this Act or
6adopted rules.
7    Section 175. Temporary suspension; manufacturer or
9    (a) The Director of Agriculture may temporarily suspend a
10manufacturing or laboratory testing license without a hearing
11if the Secretary finds that public safety or welfare requires
12emergency action. The Secretary shall cause the temporary
13suspension by issuing a suspension notice in connection with
14the institution of proceedings for a hearing.
15    (b) If the Secretary temporarily suspends a license
16without a hearing, the licensee or its agent is entitled to a
17hearing within 45 days after the suspension notice has been
18issued. The hearing shall be limited to the issues cited in the
19suspension notice, unless all parties agree otherwise.
20    (c) If the Department does not hold a hearing within 45
21days after the date the suspension notice was issued, then the
22suspended license shall be automatically reinstated and the
23suspension vacated.
24    (d) The suspended licensee or its agent may seek a
25continuance of the hearing date, during which time the



HB1143- 79 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1suspension remains in effect and the license shall not be
2automatically reinstated.
3    (e) Subsequently discovered causes of action by the
4Department after the issuance of the suspension notice may be
5filed as a separate notice of violation. The Department is not
6precluded from filing a separate action against the suspended
7licensee or agent.
8    Section 176. Unlicensed practice; violation; civil
10    (a) In addition to any other penalty provided by law, any
11person who practices, offers to practice, attempts to
12practice, or holds oneself out to practice as a licensed
13service center, facilitator, manufacturer, or laboratory
14licensed to test psilocybin without being licensed under this
15Act shall, in addition to any other penalty provided by law,
16pay a civil penalty to the appropriate Department authorized
17to issue such license in an amount not to exceed $10,000 for
18each offense as determined by that Department. The civil
19penalty shall be assessed by the appropriate Department after
20a hearing is held in accordance with the provisions set forth
21in this Act regarding the provision of a hearing for the
22discipline of a licensee.
23    (b) The Department of Financial and Professional
24Regulation and the Department of Agriculture have the
25authority and power to investigate any and all unlicensed



HB1143- 80 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

2    (c) The civil penalty shall be paid within 60 days after
3the effective date of the order imposing the civil penalty or
4in accordance with the order imposing the civil penalty. The
5order shall constitute a judgment and may be filed and
6execution had thereon in the same manner as any judgment from
7any court of this State.
8    Section 177. Notice; hearing.
9    (a) The Department conducting the disciplinary action
10shall, before disciplining an applicant or licensee, at least
1130 days before the date set for the hearing: (i) notify the
12accused in writing of the charges made and the time and place
13for the hearing on the charges; (ii) direct him or her to file
14a written answer to the charges under oath no later than 20
15days after service; and (iii) inform the applicant or licensee
16that failure to answer will result in a default being entered
17against the applicant or licensee.
18    (b) At the time and place fixed in the notice, the hearing
19officer appointed by the Secretary or Director of such
20Department shall proceed to hear the charges, and the parties
21or their counsel shall be accorded ample opportunity to
22present any pertinent statements, testimony, evidence, and
23arguments. The hearing officer may continue the hearing from
24time to time. In case the person, after receiving the notice,
25fails to file an answer, the person's license may, in the



HB1143- 81 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1discretion of the Secretary or Director, having first received
2the recommendation of the hearing officer, be suspended,
3revoked, or placed on probationary status, or be subject to
4whatever disciplinary action the Secretary considers proper,
5including a fine, without hearing, if that act or acts charged
6constitute sufficient grounds for that action under this Act.
7    (c) The written notice and any notice in the subsequent
8proceeding may be served by regular mail or email to the
9licensee's or applicant's address of record.
10    Section 178. Subpoenas; oaths. The Department of Financial
11and Professional Regulation and the Department of Agriculture
12shall have the power to subpoena and bring before it any person
13and to take testimony either orally or by deposition, or both,
14with the same fees and mileage and in the same manner as
15prescribed by law in judicial proceedings in civil cases in
16courts in this State. The Secretary, Director, or the hearing
17officer shall each have the power to administer oaths to
18witnesses at any hearings that the Departments are authorized
19to conduct.
20    Section 179. Hearing; motion for rehearing.
21    (a) The hearing officer shall hear evidence in support of
22the formal charges and evidence produced by the licensee. At
23the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer shall
24present to the Secretary a written report of the hearing



HB1143- 82 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1officer's findings of fact, conclusions of law, and
3    (b) At the conclusion of the hearing, a copy of the hearing
4officer's report shall be served upon the applicant or
5licensee by the Department of Financial and Professional
6Regulation or the Department of Agriculture, either personally
7or as provided in this Act for the service of a notice of
8hearing. No later than 20 calendar days after service, the
9applicant or licensee may present to the applicable Department
10a motion in writing for rehearing, which shall specify the
11particular grounds for rehearing. The applicable Department
12may respond to the motion for rehearing within 20 calendar
13days after its service on such Department. If no motion for
14rehearing is filed, then, upon the expiration of the time
15specified for filing such motion or upon denial of a motion for
16rehearing, the Secretary or Director may enter an order in
17accordance with the recommendation of the hearing officer. If
18the applicant or licensee orders from the reporting service
19and pays for a transcript of the record within the time for
20filing a motion for rehearing, the 20-day period within which
21a motion may be filed shall commence upon the delivery of the
22transcript to the applicant or licensee.
23    (c) If the Secretary or Director disagrees in any regard
24with the report of the hearing officer, the Secretary or
25Director may issue an order contrary to the report.
26    (d) Whenever the Secretary or Director is not satisfied



HB1143- 83 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1that substantial justice has been done, the Secretary or
2Director may order a rehearing by the same or another hearing
4    (e) At any point in any investigation or disciplinary
5proceeding under this Act, both parties may agree to a
6negotiated consent order. The consent order shall be final
7upon signature of the Secretary or Director, as applicable.
8    Section 180. Issuing and renewing permits; fees; rules.
9    (a) The Department shall issue permits to qualified
10applicants to perform work described in Section 175. The
11Department shall adopt rules establishing the following:
12        (1) The qualifications for performing work described
13    in Section 175.
14        (2) The term of a permit issued under this Section.
15        (3) Procedures for applying for and renewing a permit
16    issued under this Section.
17        (4) Reasonable application, issuance, and renewal fees
18    for a permit issued under this Section.
19    (b) The Department of Financial and Professional
20Regulation or the Department of Agriculture may require an
21individual applying for a permit under this Section to
22successfully complete a course, made available by or through
23that Department, through which the individual receives
24training on the following:
25        (1) checking identification;



HB1143- 84 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (2) detecting intoxication;
2        (3) handling psilocybin products;
3        (4) if applicable, the manufacturing of psilocybin
4    products;
5        (5) the content of this Act and rules adopted under
6    this Act; and
7        (6) any matter deemed necessary by the Department to
8    protect the public health and safety.
9    (c) A Department or other provider of a course may charge a
10reasonable fee for the course described under subsection (b).
11    (d) The Department of Financial and Professional
12Regulation or the Department of Agriculture may not require an
13individual to successfully complete a course described under
14subsection (b) more than once, except for the following:
15        (1) As part of a final order suspending a permit
16    issued under this Section, the Department may require a
17    permit holder to successfully complete the course as a
18    condition of lifting the suspension.
19        (2) As part of a final order revoking a permit issued
20    under this Section, the Department shall require an
21    individual to successfully complete the course prior to
22    applying for a new permit.
23    (e) The Department shall conduct a criminal records check
24on an individual applying for a permit under this Section.
25    (f) Subject to applicable provisions of State law, the
26Department of Financial and Professional Regulation or the



HB1143- 85 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Department of Agriculture may suspend, revoke, or refuse to
2issue or renew a permit if the individual who is applying for
3or who holds the permit meets any of the following:
4        (1) Is convicted of a felony, or is convicted of an
5    offense under this Act, except that the Department may not
6    consider a conviction for an offense under this Act if the
7    date of the conviction is 2 or more years before the date
8    of the application or renewal.
9        (2) Violates any provision of this Act or any rule
10    adopted under this Act.
11        (3) Makes a false statement to the Department.
12    (g) A permit issued under this Section is a personal
13privilege and permits work described under Section 175 only
14for the individual who holds the permit.
15    Section 185. Authority to require fingerprints. The
16Department of Agriculture or the Department of Financial and
17Professional Regulation, through the Illinois State Police,
18may require the fingerprints of any individual listed on an
19application submitted under Section 180 for purposes of
20conducting a background check. The Department of Agriculture
21or the Department of Financial Professional Regulation may
22require fingerprints to be submitted for a background check
23prior to or after the submission of an application. The
24Illinois State Police shall charge a fee for conducting the
25criminal history record check, which shall be deposited into



HB1143- 86 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1the State Police Services Fund and shall not exceed the actual
2cost of the record check. In order to carry out this provision,
3an individual listed on an application submitted under Section
4180 may be required to submit a full set of fingerprints to the
5Illinois State Police for the purpose of obtaining a State and
6federal criminal records check. These fingerprints shall be
7checked against the fingerprint records now and hereafter, to
8the extent allowed by law, filed in the Illinois State Police
9and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history records
10databases. The Illinois State Police shall furnish, following
11positive identification, all Illinois conviction information
12to the Department of Agriculture or the Department of
13Financial and Professional Regulation.
14    Section 190. Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund. The
15Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund is established as a
16special fund in the State treasury. Interest earned by the
17Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund shall be credited to
18the Fund.
19    Section 195. Prohibited conduct.
20    (a) Except as authorized by rule, or as necessary in an
21emergency, a person under 21 years of age may not enter or
22attempt to enter any portion of premises posted or otherwise
23identified as being prohibited to the use of persons under 21
24years of age.



HB1143- 87 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    (b) A person who violates subsection (a) commits a Class B
3    (c) The prohibitions of this Section do not apply to a
4person under 21 years of age who is acting under the direction
5of the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation or
6the Department of Agriculture or under the direction of a
7State or local law enforcement agency for the purpose of
8investigating the possible violation of a law prohibiting the
9sale of a psilocybin product to a person who is under 18 years
10of age.
11    (d) The prohibitions of this Section do not apply to a
12person under 21 years of age who is acting under the direction
13of a licensee for the purpose of investigating possible
14violations by employees of the licensee of laws prohibiting
15sales of psilocybin products to persons who are under 18 years
16of age.
17    (e) A person under 21 years of age is not in violation of,
18and is immune from prosecution under, this Section if either
19of the following occurred:
20        (1) The person contacted emergency medical services or
21    a law enforcement agency in order to obtain medical
22    assistance for another person who was in need of medical
23    assistance because that person consumed a psilocybin
24    product and the evidence of the violation was obtained as
25    a result of the person having contacted emergency medical
26    services or a law enforcement agency.



HB1143- 88 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (2) The person was in need of medical assistance
2    because the person consumed a psilocybin product and the
3    evidence of the violation was obtained as a result of the
4    person having sought or obtained the medical assistance.
5    (f) Subsection (e) does not exclude the use of evidence
6obtained as a result of a person having sought medical
7assistance in proceedings for crimes or offenses other than a
8violation of this Section.
9    Section 200. Prohibition against giving psilocybin
10products to a person who is visibly intoxicated; penalty.
11    (a) A person may not sell, give, or otherwise make
12available a psilocybin product to a person who is visibly
14    (b) Violation of this Section is a Class A misdemeanor.
15    Section 205. Prohibition against giving psilocybin product
16as prize; penalty.
17    (a) A psilocybin product may not be given as a prize,
18premium, or consideration for a lottery, contest, game of
19chance, game of skill, or competition of any kind.
20    (b) Violation of this Section is a Class A misdemeanor.
21    Section 206. Prohibition against giving psilocybin
22products to a person for off-site consumption.
23    (a) A person may not sell, give, or otherwise make



HB1143- 89 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1available a psilocybin product to a person to be consumed
2outside of the premises of a service center or otherwise
3outside of an administration session.
4    (b) Violation of this Section will result in the loss of
5license of a facilitator or service center operator as well as
6any applicable criminal penalties for tax fraud or tax
8    Section 210. Civil enforcement. In addition to any other
9liability or penalty provided by law, the Department of
10Financial and Professional Regulation or the Department of
11Agriculture may impose for each violation of a provision of
12this Act or a rule adopted under this Act a civil penalty that
13does not exceed $5,000 for each violation. Moneys collected
14under this Section shall be deposited into the Psilocybin
15Control and Regulation Fund.
16    Section 215. Criminal enforcement.
17    (a) The law enforcement officers of this State may enforce
18this Act and assist the Department of Financial and
19Professional Regulation or the Department of Agriculture in
20detecting violations of this Act and apprehending offenders. A
21law enforcement officer who has notice, knowledge, or
22reasonable grounds for suspicion of a violation of this Act
23shall immediately notify the State's Attorney who has
24jurisdiction over the violation and furnish the State's



HB1143- 90 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Attorney who has jurisdiction over the violation with the name
2and address of any witnesses to the violation or other
3information related to the violation.
4    (b) A county court, State's Attorney, or municipal
5authority, immediately upon the conviction of a licensee of a
6violation of this Act or of a violation of any other law of
7this State or ordinance of a city or county located in this
8State, an element of which is the possession, delivery, or
9manufacture of a psilocybin product, shall notify the
10Department of the conviction.
11    (c) Violation of a rule adopted under paragraph (3) of
12subsection (b) of Section 35 is a Class C misdemeanor.
13    Section 220. Home rule; licensure. The authority to
14require a license for the manufacturing or sale of psilocybin
15products in this State or for the provision of psilocybin
16services in this State is an exclusive power and function of
17the State. A home rule unit may not license the manufacture,
18sale, or provision of psilocybin products. This Section is a
19denial and limitation of home rule powers and functions under
20subsection (h) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois
21Constitution. However, nothing in this Section shall be
22construed as to restrict, deny, or otherwise limit a home rule
23unit from adopting ordinances or other rules or regulations on
24location siting or permissible signage and advertising used by
25those licensed under this Act.



HB1143- 91 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    Section 225. Local tax or fee prohibited.
2    (a) The authority to impose a tax or fee on the
3manufacturing, sale, or provision of psilocybin products in
4this State or on the provision of psilocybin services in this
5State is an exclusive power and function of the State. A home
6rule unit may not impose a tax or fee on the manufacture, sale,
7or provision of psilocybin products. This Section is a denial
8and limitation of home rule powers and functions under
9subsection (g) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois
11    (b) A county, municipality, or unit of local government
12may not adopt or enact ordinances imposing a tax or fee on the
13manufacturing or sale of psilocybin products in this State or
14on the provision of psilocybin services in this State.
15    Section 230. Prohibition against refusing to perform
16certain duties.
17    (a) The Department of Public Health, the Department of
18Agriculture, the Department of Financial and Professional
19Regulation, the Illinois State Police, and the Department of
20Revenue may not refuse to perform any duty under this Act on
21the basis that manufacturing, distributing, dispensing,
22possessing, or using psilocybin products is prohibited by
23federal law.
24    (b) The Department of Financial and Professional



HB1143- 92 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Regulation or the Department of Agriculture may not revoke,
2refuse to issue, or renew a license or permit under this Act on
3the basis that manufacturing, distributing, dispensing,
4possessing, or using psilocybin products is prohibited by
5federal law.
6    Section 235. Authority to purchase, possess, seize, or
7dispose of psilocybin products. Subject to any applicable
8provision of State law, any State officer, board, commission,
9corporation, institution, department, or other State body, and
10any local officer, board, commission, institution, department,
11or other local government body, that is authorized by the laws
12of this State to perform a duty, function, or power with
13respect to a psilocybin product may purchase, possess, seize,
14or dispose of the psilocybin product as the State officer,
15board, commission, corporation, institution, department, or
16other State body or the local officer, board, commission,
17institution, department, or other local government body
18considers necessary to ensure compliance with and enforce the
19applicable State law or any rule adopted under the applicable
20State law.
21    Section 240. Suspension of a license or permit without
22notice. In the case of an invasion, disaster, insurrection,
23riot, or imminent danger of invasion, disaster, insurrection,
24or riot, the Governor may, for the duration of the invasion,



HB1143- 93 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1disaster, insurrection, riot, or imminent danger, immediately
2and without notice, suspend, in the area involved, any license
3or permit issued under this Act.
4    Section 245. Psilocybin-producing fungi as a crop.
5    (a) In this Section, "psilocybin-producing fungi" means:
6        (1) a crop for the purposes of agricultural use;
7        (2) a crop for purposes of a farm or agricultural
8    practice;
9        (3) a product of farm use; and
10        (4) the product of an agricultural activity.
11    (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the
12contrary, the following are not permitted uses on land
13designated for exclusive agriculture use:
14        (1) a new dwelling used in conjunction with a
15    psilocybin-producing fungi crop; and
16        (2) a produce stand used in conjunction with a
17    psilocybin-producing fungi crop.
18    (c) The operation of a service center may be carried on in
19conjunction with a psilocybin-producing fungi crop.
20    (d) A county may allow the manufacture of psilocybin
21products as an agricultural use on land zoned for agricultural
22and rural land use in the same manner as the manufacture of
23psilocybin products is allowed in exclusive agricultural use
24zones under this Section or any other applicable State law.
25    (e) This Section applies to psilocybin product



HB1143- 94 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1manufacturers that hold a license under Section 80.
2    Section 250. Regulation of psilocybin products as food or
3other commodity.
4    (a) Notwithstanding the authority granted to the
5Department of Agriculture under the provisions of any law to
6the contrary, the Department of Agriculture may not exercise
7authority over a psilocybin product or a licensee except as
8provided in this Act.
9    (b) In exercising its authority under this Act, the
10Department of Agriculture may not:
11        (1) establish standards for psilocybin products as a
12    food additive; or
13        (2) consider psilocybin products to be an adulterant
14    unless the concentration of a psilocybin product exceeds
15    acceptable levels established by the Department by rule.
16    Section 255. Enforceability of contracts. A contract is
17not unenforceable on the basis that manufacturing,
18distributing, dispensing, possessing, or using psilocybin
19products is prohibited by federal law.
20    Section 260. Department database for verification of
21license. The Department of Financial and Professional
22Regulation and the Department of Agriculture shall maintain an
23online database for people to inquire if an address is the



HB1143- 95 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1location of a premises for which a license has been issued
2under this Act or is the location of a premises for which an
3application for licensure has been submitted under Section 50.
4    Section 265. Information related to licensure that is
5exempt from disclosure.
6    (a) Subject to subsection (b), information is exempt from
7public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act if the
8information is any of the following:
9        (1) Personally identifiable information.
10        (2) The address of premises for which a license has
11    been issued or for which an applicant has proposed
12    licensure under Section 80, 95, or 275.
13        (3) Related to the security plan or the operational
14    plan for premises for which a license has been issued or
15    for which an applicant has proposed licensure under
16    Section 80, 95, or 275.
17        (4) Related to any record that the Department of
18    Financial and Professional Regulation or the Department of
19    Agriculture determines contains proprietary information of
20    a licensee.
21    (b) The exemption from public disclosure as provided by
22this Section does not apply to the following:
23        (1) the name of an individual listed on an application
24    if the individual is a direct owner of the business
25    operating or to be operated under the license; or



HB1143- 96 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (2) a request for information if the request is made
2    by a law enforcement agency.
3    (c) For purposes of paragraph (1) of subsection (b), an
4individual is not a direct owner of the business operating or
5to be operated under the license if the individual is either of
6the following:
7        (1) the direct owner of the business operating or to
8    be operated under the license is a legal entity; or
9        (2) merely a general partner, limited partner, member,
10    shareholder, or other direct or indirect owner of the
11    legal entity.
12    Section 270. Testing standards and processes; rules.
13    (a) As is necessary to protect the public health and
14safety, the Department of Agriculture shall adopt rules that
15achieve the following:
16        (1) Establish standards for testing psilocybin
17    products.
18        (2) Identify appropriate tests for psilocybin
19    products, depending on the type of psilocybin product and
20    the manner in which the psilocybin product was
21    manufactured, that are necessary to protect the public
22    health and safety, which may include, but are not limited
23    to, tests for the following:
24            (A) microbiological contaminants;
25            (B) pesticides;



HB1143- 97 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1            (C) other contaminants;
2            (D) solvents or residual solvents;
3            (E) psilocybin concentration;
4            (F) psilocin concentration; and
5            (G) total tryptamine concentration.
6        (3) Establish procedures for determining batch sizes
7    and for sampling psilocybin products.
8        (4) Establish different minimum standards for
9    different varieties of psilocybin products.
10    (b) In addition to the testing requirements established
11under subsection (a), the Department may require psilocybin
12products to be tested in accordance with any applicable law of
13this State, or any applicable rule adopted under a law of this
14State, related to the production and processing of food
15products or commodities.
16    (c) In adopting rules under this Act, the Department may
17require a psilocybin product manufacturer that holds a license
18under Section 80 to test psilocybin products before selling or
19transferring the psilocybin products.
20    (d) The Department may conduct random testing of
21psilocybin products for the purpose of determining whether a
22licensee subject to testing under subsection (c) is in
23compliance with this Section.
24    (e) In adopting rules to implement this Section, the
25Department may not require a psilocybin product to undergo the
26same test more than once unless the psilocybin product is



HB1143- 98 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1processed into a different type of psilocybin product or the
2condition of the psilocybin product has fundamentally changed.
3    (f) The testing of psilocybin products as required by this
4Section must be conducted by a laboratory licensed by the
5Department under Section 275 and accredited by the Department
6under Section 290.
7    (g) In adopting rules under subsection (a), the Department
8shall consider the cost of a potential testing procedure and
9how that cost will affect the cost to the ultimate client and
10may not adopt rules that are more restrictive than is
11reasonably necessary to protect the public health and safety.
12    Section 275. Laboratory licensure; qualifications; fees;
14    (a) A laboratory that conducts testing of psilocybin
15products as required by Section 270 must have a license to
16operate at the premises at which the psilocybin products are
18    (b) For purposes of this Section, the Department of
19Agriculture shall adopt rules establishing the following:
20        (1) Qualifications to be licensed under this Section,
21    including that an applicant for licensure under this
22    Section must be accredited by the Department as described
23    in Section 290.
24        (2) Processes for applying for and renewing a license
25    under this Section.



HB1143- 99 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (3) Fees for applying for, receiving, and renewing a
2    license under this Section.
3        (4) Procedures for the following:
4            (A) tracking psilocybin products to be tested;
5            (B) documenting and reporting test results; and
6            (C) disposing of samples of psilocybin products
7        that have been tested.
8    (c) A license issued under this Section must be renewed
10    (d) The Department may inspect premises licensed under
11this Section to ensure compliance with Sections 270 through
12310 and rules adopted under those Sections.
13    (e) Subject to applicable provisions of State law, the
14Department may refuse to issue or renew, or may suspend or
15revoke, a license issued under this Section for violation of a
16provision of this Act or a rule adopted under a provision of
17this Act.
18    (f) Fees adopted under paragraph (3) of subsection (b)
19must be reasonably calculated to pay the expenses incurred by
20the Department under this Act.
21    (g) Fees collected under this Section shall be deposited
22into the Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund and are
23continuously appropriated to the Department for the purpose of
24carrying out the duties, functions, and powers of the
25Department under this Act.



HB1143- 100 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    Section 280. Authority to require fingerprints. The
2Department of Agriculture, through the Illinois State Police,
3may require the fingerprints of any individual listed on an
4application submitted under Section 275 for purposes of
5conducting a background check. The Department of Agriculture
6may require fingerprints to be submitted for a background
7check prior to or after the submission of an application. The
8Illinois State Police shall charge a fee for conducting the
9criminal history record check, which shall be deposited into
10the State Police Services Fund and shall not exceed the actual
11cost of the record check. In order to carry out this provision,
12an individual listed on an application submitted under Section
13275 may be required to submit a full set of fingerprints to the
14Illinois State Police for the purpose of obtaining a State and
15federal criminal records check. These fingerprints shall be
16checked against the fingerprint records now and hereafter, to
17the extent allowed by law, filed in the Illinois State Police
18and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history records
19databases. The Illinois State Police shall furnish, following
20positive identification, all Illinois conviction information
21to the Department of Agriculture. The powers conferred on the
22Department under this Section include the power to require the
23fingerprints of the following persons:
24        (1) If the applicant is a limited partnership, each
25    general partner of the limited partnership.
26        (2) If the applicant is a manager-managed limited



HB1143- 101 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    liability company, each manager of the limited liability
2    company.
3        (3) If the applicant is a member-managed limited
4    liability company, each voting member of the limited
5    liability company.
6        (4) If the applicant is a corporation, each director
7    and officer of the corporation.
8        (5) Any individual who holds a financial interest of
9    10% or more in the person applying for the license.
10    Section 285. Statement of applicant for laboratory
11licensure. The Department of Agriculture may require a
12licensee or applicant for a license under Section 275 to
13submit, in a form and manner prescribed by the Department, to
14the Department a sworn statement showing the following:
15        (1) The name and address of each person who has a
16    financial interest in the business operating or to be
17    operated under the license.
18        (2) The nature and extent of the financial interest of
19    each person who has a financial interest in the business
20    operating or to be operated under the license.
21        (3) The Department may refuse to issue, or may
22    suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew, a license issued
23    under Section 275 if the Department determines that a
24    person who has a financial interest in the business
25    operating or to be operated under the license committed or



HB1143- 102 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    failed to commit an act that would constitute grounds for
2    the Department to refuse to issue, or to suspend, revoke,
3    or refuse to renew, the license if the person were the
4    licensee or applicant for the license.
5    Section 290. Laboratory accreditation.
6    (a) A laboratory that conducts testing of a psilocybin
7product as required by Section 275 must be accredited and meet
8other qualifications as established by the Department of
9Agriculture under this Section.
10    (b) In addition to other qualifications required pursuant
11to applicable law, the Department shall require an applicant
12for accreditation for purposes related to the testing of
13psilocybin products to:
14        (1) complete an application;
15        (2) undergo an onsite inspection; and
16        (3) meet other applicable requirements,
17    specifications, and guidelines for testing psilocybin
18    products as determined to be appropriate by the Department
19    by rule.
20    (c) The Department may inspect premises licensed under
21Section 275 to ensure compliance with Sections 270 through 310
22and rules adopted under those Sections.
23    (d) Subject to applicable provisions of State law, the
24Department may refuse to issue or renew, or may suspend or
25revoke, a laboratory's accreditation granted under this



HB1143- 103 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Section for violation of a provision of this Act or a rule
2adopted under this Act.
3    (e) In establishing fees under this Section for
4laboratories that test psilocybin products, the Department
5shall establish fees that are reasonably calculated to pay the
6expenses incurred by the Department under this Section in
7accrediting laboratories that test psilocybin products.
8    Section 295. Authority to discipline licensees. Subject to
9applicable provisions of State law, if an applicant or
10licensee violates a provision of Sections 270 through 310 or a
11rule adopted under those Sections, the Department of
12Agriculture may refuse to issue or renew, or may suspend or
13revoke, a license issued under Section 80, 95, 105, or 275.
14    Section 300. Authority of the Department of Agriculture
15over certain persons; license actions.
16    (a) Notwithstanding the lapse, suspension, or revocation
17of a license issued under Section 275, the Department of
18Agriculture may do either of the following:
19        (1) Proceed with any investigation of, or any action
20    or disciplinary proceeding against, the person who held
21    the license.
22        (2) Revise or render void an order suspending or
23    revoking the license.
24    (b) In cases involving the proposed denial of a license



HB1143- 104 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1applied for under this Act, the applicant for licensure may
2not withdraw the applicant's application.
3    Section 305. Civil penalty for certain violations.
4    (a) In addition to any other liability or penalty provided
5by law, the Department of Agriculture may impose for each
6violation of a provision of Sections 270 through 310 or a rule
7adopted under those Sections a civil penalty that does not
8exceed $500 for each day that the violation occurs.
9    (b) The Department of Agriculture shall impose civil
10penalties under this Section in the manner provided by
11applicable Illinois law.
12    (c) Moneys collected under this Section shall be deposited
13into the Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund and are
14continuously appropriated to the Department for the purpose of
15carrying out the duties, functions, and powers of the
16Department under this Act.
17    Section 310. Exemption from criminal liability. A person
18who holds a license under Section 275, and an employee of or
19other person who performs work for a person who holds a license
20under Section 275, is exempt from the criminal laws of this
21State for possession, delivery, or manufacture of psilocybin,
22aiding and abetting another in the possession, delivery, or
23manufacture of psilocybin, or any other criminal offense in
24which possession, delivery, or manufacture of psilocybin is an



HB1143- 105 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1element, while performing activities related to testing as
2described in Sections 270 through this Section.
3    Section 315. Labeling requirements; rules.
4    (a) As is necessary to protect the public health and
5safety, the Department of Agriculture shall adopt rules
6establishing standards for the labeling of psilocybin
7products, including, but not limited to, the following:
8        (1) Ensuring that psilocybin products have labeling
9    that communicates the following:
10            (A) Health and safety warnings.
11            (B) If applicable, activation time.
12            (C) Potency.
13            (D) If applicable, serving size and the number of
14        servings included in a psilocybin product.
15            (E) Content of the psilocybin product.
16        (2) Labeling that is in accordance with applicable
17    State food labeling requirements for the same type of food
18    product or potable liquid when the food product or potable
19    liquid does not contain psilocybin.
20    (b) In adopting rules under this Act, the Department shall
21require all psilocybin products sold or transferred by a
22service center that holds a license issued under Section 95 to
23be labeled in accordance with subsection (a) and rules adopted
24under subsection (a).
25    (c) In adopting rules under subsection (a), the



HB1143- 106 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

2        (1) may establish different labeling standards for
3    different varieties and types of psilocybin products;
4        (2) shall consider the cost of a potential requirement
5    and how that cost will affect the cost to the ultimate
6    client; and
7        (3) may not adopt rules that are more restrictive than
8    is reasonably necessary to protect the public health and
9    safety.
10    Section 320. Preapproval of labels.
11    (a) The Department of Agriculture may by rule require a
12licensee to submit a label intended for use on a psilocybin
13product for preapproval by the Department before the licensee
14may sell or transfer a psilocybin product bearing the label.
15The Department shall determine whether a label submitted under
16this Section complies with Section 315 and any rule adopted
17under Section 315.
18    (b) The Department of Agriculture may impose a fee for
19submitting a label for preapproval under this Section that is
20reasonably calculated to not exceed the cost of administering
21this Section.
22    Section 325. Packaging requirements; rules.
23    (a) As is necessary to protect the public health and
24safety, the Department of Agriculture shall adopt rules



HB1143- 107 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1establishing standards for the packaging of psilocybin
2products, including, but not limited to, ensuring that
3psilocybin products are not marketed in a manner that is
4either untruthful or misleading, or otherwise creates a
5significant risk of harm to public health and safety.
6    (b) In adopting rules under this Act, the Department shall
7require all psilocybin products sold or transferred by a
8service center that holds a license issued under Section 95 to
9be packaged in accordance with subsection (a) and rules
10adopted under subsection (a).
11    (c) In adopting rules under subsection (a), the
13        (1) may establish different packaging standards for
14    different varieties and types of psilocybin products;
15        (2) may consider the effect on the environment of
16    requiring certain packaging;
17        (3) shall consider the cost of a potential requirement
18    and how that cost will affect the cost to the ultimate
19    client; and
20        (4) may not adopt rules that are more restrictive than
21    is reasonably necessary to protect the public health and
22    safety.
23    Section 330. Preapproval of packaging.
24    (a) The Department of Agriculture may by rule require a
25licensee to submit packaging intended for a psilocybin product



HB1143- 108 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1for preapproval by the Department before the licensee may sell
2or transfer a psilocybin product packaged in the packaging.
3The Department shall determine whether packaging submitted
4under this Section complies with Section 325 and any rule
5adopted under Section 325.
6    (b) The Department of Agriculture may impose a fee for
7submitting packaging for preapproval under this Section that
8is reasonably calculated to not exceed the cost of
9administering this Section.
10    Section 335. Dosage requirements; rules.
11    (a) The Department of Agriculture shall adopt rules
12establishing the following:
13        (1) The maximum concentration of psilocybin that is
14    permitted in a single serving of a psilocybin product.
15        (2) The number of servings that are permitted in a
16    psilocybin product package.
17    (b) In adopting rules under this Act, the Department shall
18require all psilocybin products sold or transferred by a
19service center that holds a license under Section 95 to meet
20the concentration standards and packaging standards adopted by
21rule pursuant to this Section.
22    Section 340. Inspections. To ensure compliance with
23Sections 315 through 350 and any rule adopted under those
24Sections, the Department of Agriculture or the Department of



HB1143- 109 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Financial and Professional Regulation may inspect the premises
2of a person that holds a license under Section 80 or 95.
3    Section 341. Violation of tax Acts; refusal, revocation,
4or suspension of license.
5    (a) In addition to other grounds specified in this Act,
6the Department of Agriculture and Department of Financial and
7Professional Regulation, upon notification by the Department
8of Revenue, shall refuse the issuance or renewal of a license
9or suspend or revoke the license of any person, for any of the
10following violations of any tax Act administered by the
11Department of Revenue:
12        (1) failure to file a tax return;
13        (2) the filing of a fraudulent return;
14        (3) failure to pay all or part of any tax or penalty
15    finally determined to be due;
16        (4) failure to keep books and records;
17        (5) failure to secure and display a certificate or
18    sub-certificate of registration, if required; or
19        (6) willful violation of any rule or regulation of the
20    Department relating to the administration and enforcement
21    of tax liability.
22    (b) After all violations of any of items (1) through (6) of
23subsection (a) have been corrected or resolved, the Department
24shall, upon request of the applicant or, if not requested, may
25notify the entities listed in subsection (a) that the



HB1143- 110 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1violations have been corrected or resolved. Upon receiving
2notice from the Department that a violation of any of items (1)
3through (6) of subsection (a) have been corrected or otherwise
4resolved to the Department of Revenue's satisfaction, the
5Department of Agriculture and the Department of Financial and
6Professional Regulation may issue or renew the license or
7vacate an order of suspension or revocation.
8    Section 345. Discipline of licensees. Subject to
9applicable provisions of law, if an applicant or licensee
10violates a provision of Sections 315 through 350 or a rule
11adopted under those Sections, the Department of Agriculture or
12the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation may
13refuse to issue or renew, or may suspend or revoke, a license
14issued under Section 80, 95, or 105.
15    Section 350. Civil penalties.
16    (a) In addition to any other liability or penalty provided
17by law, the Department of Agriculture may impose for each
18violation of a provision of Sections 315 through 350 or a rule
19adopted under those Sections, a civil penalty that does not
20exceed $500 for each day that the violation occurs.
21    (b) The Department of Agriculture shall impose civil
22penalties under this Section in the manner provided under
23applicable Illinois law.
24    (c) Moneys collected under this Section shall be deposited



HB1143- 111 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1into the Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund and are
2continuously appropriated to the Department for the purpose of
3carrying out the duties, functions, and powers of the
4Department under this Act.
5    Section 355. Definitions. In this Section through Section
7    "Psilocybin retailer" means a service center operator that
8sells psilocybin for use and not for resale.
9    "Retail sale" means any transfer or exchange of a
10psilocybin product by any person to a client.
11    "Retail sales price" means the price paid for a psilocybin
12product, excluding tax, to a service center operator by or on
13behalf of a client.
14    Section 360. Tax imposed.
15    (a) Beginning January 1, 2027, a tax is imposed upon
16purchasers for the privilege of using psilocybin at a rate of
1715% of the purchase price.
18    (b) The purchase of any product that contains any amount
19of psilocybin or any derivative thereof is subject to the tax
20under subsection (a) of this Section on the full purchase
21price of the product.
22    (c) The tax imposed by this Section is not imposed with
23respect to any transaction in interstate commerce, to the
24extent the transaction may not, under the Constitution and



HB1143- 112 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1statutes of the United States, be made the subject of taxation
2by this State.
3    (d) The tax imposed under this Article shall be in
4addition to all other occupation, privilege, or excise taxes
5imposed by the State or by any municipal corporation or
6political subdivision thereof.
7    (e) The tax imposed under this Article shall not be
8imposed on any purchase by a purchaser if the psilocybin
9retailer is prohibited by federal or State Constitution,
10treaty, convention, statute, or court decision from collecting
11the tax from the purchaser.
12    Section 365. Bundling of taxable and nontaxable items;
13prohibition; taxation. If a psilocybin retailer sells
14psilocybin or psilocybin-infused products in combination or
15bundled with items that are not subject to tax under this Act
16for one price, then the tax under this Act is imposed on the
17purchase price of the entire bundled product.
18    Section 370. Collection of tax.
19    (a) The tax imposed by this Article shall be collected
20from the purchaser by the psilocybin retailer at the rate
21stated in Section 360 with respect to psilocybin sold by the
22psilocybin retailer to the purchaser, and shall be remitted to
23the Department as provided in Section 385. Psilocybin
24retailers shall collect the tax from purchasers by adding the



HB1143- 113 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1tax to the amount of the purchase price received from the
2purchaser for selling psilocybin to the purchaser. The tax
3imposed by this Article shall, when collected, be stated as a
4distinct item separate and apart from the purchase price of
5the psilocybin.
6    (b) If a psilocybin retailer collects the tax imposed
7pursuant to Section 360 measured by a purchase price that is
8not subject to Section 360, or if a psilocybin retailer, in
9collecting the tax pursuant to Section 360 measured by a
10purchase price that is subject to tax under this Act, collects
11more from the purchaser than the required amount on the
12transaction, the purchaser shall have a legal right to claim a
13refund of that amount from the psilocybin retailer. If,
14however, that amount is not refunded to the purchaser for any
15reason, the psilocybin retailer is liable to pay that amount
16to the Department.
17    (c) Any person purchasing psilocybin subject to tax under
18this Article as to which there has been no charge made to the
19purchaser of the tax imposed by Section 360 shall make payment
20of the tax imposed by Section 360 in the form and manner
21provided by the Department not later than the 20th day of the
22month following the month of purchase of the psilocybin.
23    Section 375. Registration of psilocybin retailers. Every
24psilocybin retailer required to collect the tax under this
25Article shall apply to the Department for a certificate of



HB1143- 114 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1registration under this Article. All applications for
2registration under this Article shall be made by electronic
3means in the form and manner required by the Department. For
4that purpose, the provisions of Section 2a of the Retailers'
5Occupation Tax Act are incorporated into this Article to the
6extent not inconsistent with this Article. In addition, no
7certificate of registration shall be issued under this Article
8unless the applicant is licensed under this Act.
9    Section 380. Tax collected as debt owed to the State. Any
10psilocybin retailer required to collect the tax imposed by
11this Article shall be liable to the Department for the tax,
12whether or not the tax has been collected by the psilocybin
13retailer, and any such tax shall constitute a debt owed by the
14psilocybin retailer to this State. To the extent that a
15psilocybin retailer required to collect the tax imposed by
16this Act has actually collected that tax, the tax is held in
17trust for the benefit of the Department.
18    Section 385. Return and payment of tax by the psilocybin
19retailer. Each psilocybin retailer that is required or
20authorized to collect the tax imposed by this Article shall
21make a return to the Department, by electronic means, on or
22before the 20th day of each month for the preceding calendar
23month stating the following:
24        (1) the psilocybin retailer's name;



HB1143- 115 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (2) the address of the psilocybin retailer's principal
2    place of business and the address of the principal place
3    of business (if that is a different address) from which
4    the psilocybin retailer engaged in the business of selling
5    psilocybin subject to tax under this Article;
6        (3) the total purchase price received by the
7    psilocybin retailer for psilocybin subject to tax under
8    this Article;
9        (4) the amount of tax due at each rate;
10        (5) the signature of the psilocybin retailer; and
11        (6) any other information as the Department may
12    reasonably require.
13    All returns required to be filed and payments required to
14be made under this Article shall be by electronic means.
15Psilocybin retailers who demonstrate hardship in paying
16electronically may petition the Department to waive the
17electronic payment requirement.
18    Any amount that is required to be shown or reported on any
19return or other document under this Article shall, if the
20amount is not a whole-dollar amount, be increased to the
21nearest whole-dollar amount if the fractional part of a dollar
22is $0.50 or more and decreased to the nearest whole-dollar
23amount if the fractional part of a dollar is less than $0.50.
24If a total amount of less than $1 is payable, refundable, or
25creditable, the amount shall be disregarded if it is less than
26$0.50 and shall be increased to $1 if it is $0.50 or more.



HB1143- 116 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    The psilocybin retailer making the return provided for in
2this Section shall also pay to the Department, in accordance
3with this Section, the amount of tax imposed by this Article,
4less a discount of 2% per return period, which is allowed to
5reimburse the psilocybin retailer for the expenses incurred in
6keeping records, collecting tax, preparing and filing returns,
7remitting the tax, and supplying data to the Department upon
8request. No discount may be claimed by a psilocybin retailer
9on returns not timely filed and for taxes not timely remitted.
10No discount may be claimed by a taxpayer for any return that is
11not filed electronically. No discount may be claimed by a
12taxpayer for any payment that is not made electronically,
13unless a waiver has been granted under this Section.
14    Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article
15concerning the time within which a psilocybin retailer may
16file a return, any such psilocybin retailer who ceases to
17engage in the kind of business that makes the person
18responsible for filing returns under this Article shall file a
19final return under this Article with the Department within one
20month after discontinuing the business.
21    Each psilocybin retailer shall make estimated payments to
22the Department on or before the 7th, 15th, 22nd, and last day
23of the month during which tax liability to the Department is
24incurred. The payments shall be in an amount not less than the
25lower of either 22.5% of the psilocybin retailer's actual tax
26liability for the month or 25% of the psilocybin retailer's



HB1143- 117 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1actual tax liability for the same calendar month of the
2preceding year. The amount of the quarter-monthly payments
3shall be credited against the final tax liability of the
4psilocybin retailer's return for that month. If any such
5quarter-monthly payment is not paid at the time or in the
6amount required by this Section, then the psilocybin retailer
7shall be liable for penalties and interest on the difference
8between the minimum amount due as a payment and the amount of
9the quarter-monthly payment actually and timely paid, except
10insofar as the psilocybin retailer has previously made
11payments for that month to the Department in excess of the
12minimum payments previously due as provided in this Section.
13    If any payment provided for in this Section exceeds the
14taxpayer's liabilities under this Article, as shown on an
15original monthly return, the Department shall, if requested by
16the taxpayer, issue to the taxpayer a credit memorandum no
17later than 30 days after the date of payment. The credit
18evidenced by the credit memorandum may be assigned by the
19taxpayer to a similar taxpayer under this Article, in
20accordance with reasonable rules to be prescribed by the
21Department. If no such request is made, the taxpayer may
22credit the excess payment against tax liability subsequently
23to be remitted to the Department under this Article, in
24accordance with reasonable rules prescribed by the Department.
25If the Department subsequently determines that all or any part
26of the credit taken was not actually due to the taxpayer, the



HB1143- 118 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1taxpayer's discount shall be reduced, if necessary, to reflect
2the difference between the credit taken and that actually due,
3and that taxpayer shall be liable for penalties and interest
4on the difference. If a psilocybin retailer fails to sign a
5return within 30 days after the proper notice and demand for
6signature by the Department is received by the psilocybin
7retailer, the return shall be considered valid and any amount
8shown to be due on the return shall be deemed assessed.
9    Section 390. Deposit of proceeds. All moneys received by
10the Department under this Article shall be paid into the
11Illinois Psilocybin Fund.
12    Section 395. Recordkeeping; books and records.
13    (a) Every retailer of psilocybin, whether or not the
14retailer has obtained a certificate of registration under
15Section 375, shall keep complete and accurate records of
16psilocybin held, purchased, sold, or otherwise disposed of,
17and shall preserve and keep all invoices, bills of lading,
18sales records, and copies of bills of sale, returns, and other
19pertinent papers and documents relating to the purchase, sale,
20or disposition of psilocybin. Such records need not be
21maintained on the licensed premises but must be maintained in
22the State. However, all original invoices or copies thereof
23covering purchases of psilocybin must be retained on the
24licensed premises for a period of 90 days after such purchase,



HB1143- 119 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1unless the Department has granted a waiver in response to a
2written request in cases where records are kept at a central
3business location within the State. The Department shall adopt
4rules regarding the eligibility for a waiver, revocation of a
5waiver, and requirements and standards for maintenance and
6accessibility of records located at a central location under a
7waiver provided under this Section.
8    (b) Books, records, papers, and documents that are
9required by this Article to be kept shall, at all times during
10the usual business hours of the day, be subject to inspection
11by the Department or its duly authorized agents and employees.
12The books, records, papers, and documents for any period with
13respect to which the Department is authorized to issue a
14notice of tax liability shall be preserved until the
15expiration of that period.
16    Section 400. Violations and penalties.
17    (a) When the amount due is under $300, any retailer of
18psilocybin who fails to file a return, willfully fails or
19refuses to make any payment to the Department of the tax
20imposed by this Article, or files a fraudulent return, or any
21officer or agent of a corporation engaged in the business of
22selling psilocybin to purchasers located in this State who
23signs a fraudulent return filed on behalf of the corporation,
24or any accountant or other agent who knowingly enters false
25information on the return of any taxpayer under this Article



HB1143- 120 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1is guilty of a Class 4 felony.
2    (b) When the amount due is $300 or more, any retailer of
3psilocybin who files, or causes to be filed, a fraudulent
4return, or any officer or agent of a corporation engaged in the
5business of selling psilocybin to purchasers located in this
6State who files or causes to be filed or signs or causes to be
7signed a fraudulent return filed on behalf of the corporation,
8or any accountant or other agent who knowingly enters false
9information on the return of any taxpayer under this Article
10is guilty of a Class 3 felony.
11    (c) Any person who violates any provision of Section 375,
12fails to keep books and records as required under this
13Article, or willfully violates a rule of the Department for
14the administration and enforcement of this Article is guilty
15of a Class 4 felony. A person commits a separate offense on
16each day that he or she engages in business in violation of
17Section 375 or a rule of the Department for the administration
18and enforcement of this Article. If a person fails to produce
19the books and records for inspection by the Department upon
20request, a prima facie presumption shall arise that the person
21has failed to keep books and records as required under this
22Article. A person who is unable to rebut this presumption is in
23violation of this Article and is subject to the penalties
24provided in this Section.
25    (d) Any person who violates any provision of Sections 375,
26fails to keep books and records as required under this



HB1143- 121 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Article, or willfully violates a rule of the Department for
2the administration and enforcement of this Article, is guilty
3of a business offense and may be fined up to $5,000. If a
4person fails to produce books and records for inspection by
5the Department upon request, a prima facie presumption shall
6arise that the person has failed to keep books and records as
7required under this Article. A person who is unable to rebut
8this presumption is in violation of this Article and is
9subject to the penalties provided in this Section. A person
10commits a separate offense on each day that he or she engages
11in business in violation of Section 375.
12    (e) Any taxpayer or agent of a taxpayer who with the intent
13to defraud purports to make a payment due to the Department by
14issuing or delivering a check or other order upon a real or
15fictitious depository for the payment of money, knowing that
16it will not be paid by the depository, is guilty of a deceptive
17practice in violation of Section 17-1 of the Criminal Code of
19    (f) Any person who fails to keep books and records or fails
20to produce books and records for inspection, as required by
21Section 65-36, is liable to pay to the Department, for deposit
22in the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund, a penalty of
23$1,000 for the first failure to keep books and records or
24failure to produce books and records for inspection, as
25required by Section 65-36, and $3,000 for each subsequent
26failure to keep books and records or failure to produce books



HB1143- 122 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1and records for inspection, as required by Section 395.
2    (g) Any person who knowingly acts as a retailer of
3psilocybin in this State without first having obtained a
4certificate of registration to do so in compliance with this
5Article shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony.
6    (h) A person commits the offense of tax evasion under this
7Article when the person knowingly attempts in any manner to
8evade or defeat the tax imposed on the person or on any other
9person, or the payment thereof, and the person commits an
10affirmative act in furtherance of the evasion. As used in this
11Section, "affirmative act in furtherance of the evasion" means
12an act designed in whole or in part to (i) conceal,
13misrepresent, falsify, or manipulate any material fact or (ii)
14tamper with or destroy documents or materials related to a
15person's tax liability under this Article. 2 or more acts of
16sales tax evasion may be charged as a single count in any
17indictment, information, or complaint and the amount of tax
18deficiency may be aggregated for purposes of determining the
19amount of tax that is attempted to be or is evaded and the
20period between the first and last acts may be alleged as the
21date of the offense.
22        (1) When the amount of tax, the assessment or payment
23    of which is attempted to be or is evaded is less than $500,
24    a person is guilty of a Class 4 felony.
25        (2) When the amount of tax, the assessment or payment
26    of which is attempted to be or is evaded is $500 or more



HB1143- 123 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    but less than $10,000, a person is guilty of a Class 3
2    felony.
3        (3) When the amount of tax, the assessment or payment
4    of which is attempted to be or is evaded is $10,000 or more
5    but less than $100,000, a person is guilty of a Class 2
6    felony.
7        (4) When the amount of tax, the assessment or payment
8    of which is attempted to be or is evaded is $100,000 or
9    more, a person is guilty of a Class 1 felony.
10    Any person who knowingly sells, purchases, installs,
11transfers, possesses, uses, or accesses any automated sales
12suppression device, zapper, or phantom-ware in this State is
13guilty of a Class 3 felony.
14    As used in this Section:
15    "Automated sales suppression device" or "zapper" means a
16software program that falsifies the electronic records of an
17electronic cash register or other point-of-sale system,
18including, but not limited to, transaction data and
19transaction reports. The term includes the software program,
20any device that carries the software program, or an Internet
21link to the software program.
22    "Phantom-ware" means a hidden programming option embedded
23in the operating system of an electronic cash register or
24hardwired into an electronic cash register that can be used to
25create a second set of records or that can eliminate or
26manipulate transaction records in an electronic cash register.



HB1143- 124 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    "Electronic cash register" means a device that keeps a
2register or supporting documents through the use of an
3electronic device or computer system designed to record
4transaction data for the purpose of computing, compiling, or
5processing retail sales transaction data in any manner.
6    "Transaction data" includes: items purchased by a
7purchaser; the price of each item; a taxability determination
8for each item; a segregated tax amount for each taxed item; the
9amount of cash or credit tendered; the net amount returned to
10the customer in change; the date and time of the purchase; the
11name, address, and identification number of the vendor; and
12the receipt or invoice number of the transaction.
13    "Transaction report" means a report that documents,
14without limitation, the sales, taxes, or fees collected, media
15totals, and discount voids at an electronic cash register and
16that is printed on a cash register tape at the end of a day or
17shift, or a report that documents every action at an
18electronic cash register and is stored electronically.
19    A prosecution for any act in violation of this Section may
20be commenced at any time within 5 years of the commission of
21that act.
22    (i) The Department may adopt rules to administer the
23penalties under this Section.
24    (j) Any person whose principal place of business is in
25this State and who is charged with a violation under this
26Section shall be tried in the county where his or her principal



HB1143- 125 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1place of business is located unless he or she asserts a right
2to be tried in another venue.
3    (k) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (h), a
4prosecution for a violation described in this Section may be
5commenced within 3 years after the commission of the act
6constituting the violation.
7    Section 405. Arrest; search and seizure without warrant.
8Any duly authorized employee of the Department: (i) may arrest
9without warrant any person committing in the employee's
10presence a violation of any of the provisions of this Article;
11(ii) may without a search warrant inspect all psilocybin
12located in any place of business; (iii) may seize any
13psilocybin in the possession of the retailer in violation of
14this Act; and (iv) may seize any psilocybin on which the tax
15imposed by this Act has not been paid. The psilocybin seized is
16subject to confiscation and forfeiture as provided in Sections
17415 and 416.
18    Section 410. Seizure and forfeiture. After seizing any
19psilocybin as provided in this Article, the Department must
20hold a hearing and determine whether the retailer was properly
21registered to sell the psilocybin at the time of its seizure by
22the Department. The Department shall give not less than 20
23days' notice of the time and place of the hearing to the owner
24of the psilocybin, if the owner is known, and also to the



HB1143- 126 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1person in whose possession the psilocybin was found, if that
2person is known and if the person in possession is not the
3owner of the psilocybin. If neither the owner nor the person in
4possession of the psilocybin is known, the Department must
5cause publication of the time and place of the hearing to be
6made at least once in each week for 3 weeks successively in a
7newspaper of general circulation in the county where the
8hearing is to be held.
9    If, as the result of the hearing, the Department
10determines that the retailer was not properly registered at
11the time the psilocybin was seized, the Department must enter
12an order declaring the psilocybin confiscated and forfeited to
13the State, to be held by the Department for disposal by it as
14provided in Section 416. The Department must give notice of
15the order to the owner of the psilocybin, if the owner is
16known, and also to the person in whose possession the
17psilocybin was found, if that person is known and if the person
18in possession is not the owner of the psilocybin. If neither
19the owner nor the person in possession of the psilocybin is
20known, the Department must cause publication of the order to
21be made at least once in each week for 3 weeks successively in
22a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the
23hearing was held.
24    Section 415. Search warrant; issuance and return; process;
25confiscation of psilocybin; forfeitures.



HB1143- 127 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    (a) If a peace officer of this State or any duly authorized
2officer or employee of the Department has reason to believe
3that any violation of this Article or a rule of the Department
4for the administration and enforcement of this Article has
5occurred and that the person violating this Article or rule
6has in that person's possession any psilocybin in violation of
7this Article or a rule of the Department for the
8administration and enforcement of this Article, that peace
9officer, or officer or employee of the Department, may file or
10cause to be filed his or her complaint in writing, verified by
11affidavit, with any court within whose jurisdiction the
12premises to be searched are situated, stating the facts upon
13which the belief is founded, the premises to be searched, and
14the property to be seized, and procure a search warrant and
15execute that warrant. Upon the execution of the search
16warrant, the peace officer, or officer or employee of the
17Department, executing the search warrant shall make due return
18of the warrant to the court issuing the warrant, together with
19an inventory of the property taken under the warrant. The
20court must then issue process against the owner of the
21property if the owner is known; otherwise, process must be
22issued against the person in whose possession the property is
23found, if that person is known. In case of inability to serve
24process upon the owner or the person in possession of the
25property at the time of its seizure, notice of the proceedings
26before the court must be given in the same manner as required



HB1143- 128 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1by the law governing cases of attachment. Upon the return of
2the process duly served or upon the posting or publishing of
3notice made, as appropriate, the court or jury, if a jury is
4demanded, shall proceed to determine whether the property
5seized was held or possessed in violation of this Article or a
6rule of the Department for the administration and enforcement
7of this Article. If a violation is found, judgment shall be
8entered confiscating the property and forfeiting it to the
9State and ordering its delivery to the Department. In
10addition, the court may tax and assess the costs of the
12    (b) When any psilocybin has been declared forfeited to the
13State by the Department, as provided in Section III and this
14Section, and when all proceedings for the judicial review of
15the Department's decision have terminated, the Department
16shall, to the extent that its decision is sustained on review,
17destroy or maintain and use such psilocybin in an undercover
19    (c) The Department may, before any destruction of
20psilocybin, permit the true holder of trademark rights in the
21psilocybin to inspect such psilocybin in order to assist the
22Department in any investigation regarding such psilocybin.
23    Section 416. Psilocybin retailers; purchase and possession
24of psilocybin. Psilocybin retailers shall purchase psilocybin
25for resale only from manufacturers as authorized by this Act.



HB1143- 129 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    Section 417. Rulemaking. The Department may adopt rules in
2accordance with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act and
3prescribe forms relating to the administration and enforcement
4of this Article as it deems appropriate.
5    Section 420. Illinois Psilocybin Fund. The Illinois
6Psilocybin Fund is created as a special fund in the State
7treasury. The Fund shall consist of moneys transferred to the
8Fund under Section 425. The Department of Revenue shall
9certify quarterly the amount of moneys available in the
10Illinois Psilocybin Fund. The Department of Revenue shall
11transfer quarterly the moneys in the Illinois Psilocybin Fund
12to the Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund.
13    Section 425. Illinois Psilocybin Fund; payment of
14expenses. All moneys received by the Department of Revenue
15under Sections 355 through this Section shall be deposited
16into the Illinois Psilocybin Fund. The Department of Revenue
17may pay expenses for the administration and enforcement of
18Sections 355 through this Section out of moneys received from
19the tax imposed under Section 360. Amounts necessary to pay
20administrative and enforcement expenses are continuously
21appropriated to the Department of Revenue from the Illinois
22Psilocybin Fund.



HB1143- 130 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    Section 430. Incorporation by reference. All of the
2provisions of Sections 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h,
35i, 5j, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11a, and 12 of the
4Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, and all applicable provisions
5of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act that are not
6inconsistent with this Act, apply to clients, legal entities,
7licensees, licensee representatives, psilocybin product
8manufacturers, service centers, service center operators, and
9facilitators to the same extent as if those provisions were
10included in this Act. References in the incorporated Sections
11of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act to retailers, to sellers,
12or to persons engaged in the business of selling tangible
13personal property mean distributors when used in this Act.
14References in the incorporated Sections to sales of tangible
15personal property mean sales of tobacco products when used in
16this Act.
17    Section 435. Registration under the Retailers' Occupation
18Tax Act. A retailer maintaining a place of business in this
19State, if required to register under the Retailers' Occupation
20Tax Act, need not obtain an additional certificate of
21registration under this Act, but shall be deemed to be
22sufficiently registered by virtue of his being registered
23under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. Every retailer
24maintaining a place of business in this State, if not required
25to register under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, shall



HB1143- 131 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1apply to the Department of Revenue (upon a form prescribed and
2furnished by the Department of Revenue) for a certificate of
3registration under this Act. In completing such application,
4the applicant shall furnish such information as the Department
5of Revenue may reasonably require. Upon approval of an
6application for certificate of registration, the Department of
7Revenue shall issue, without charge, a certificate of
8registration to the applicant. Such certificate of
9registration shall be displayed at the address which the
10applicant states in his or her application to be the principal
11place of business or location from which he or she will act as
12a retailer in this State. If the applicant will act as a
13retailer in this State from other places of business or
14locations, he shall list the addresses of such additional
15places of business or locations in this application for
16certificate of registration, and the Department of Revenue
17shall issue a sub-certificate of registration to the applicant
18for each such additional place of business or location. Each
19sub-certificate of registration shall be conspicuously
20displayed at the place for which it is issued. Such
21sub-certificate of registration shall bear the same
22registration number as that appearing upon the certificate of
23registration to which such sub-certificates of registration
24relate. Where a retailer operates more than one place of
25business which is subject to registration under this Section
26and such businesses are substantially different in character



HB1143- 132 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1or are engaged in under different trade names or are engaged in
2under other substantially dissimilar circumstances (so that it
3is more practicable, from an accounting, auditing, or
4bookkeeping standpoint, for such businesses to be separately
5registered), the Department of Revenue may require or permit
6such person to apply for and obtain a separate certificate of
7registration for each such business or for any of such
8businesses instead of registering such person, as to all such
9businesses, under a single certificate of registration
10supplemented by related sub-certificates of registration. No
11certificate of registration shall be issued to any person who
12is in default to the State for moneys due hereunder.
13    The Department of Revenue may, in its discretion, upon
14application, authorize the collection of the tax herein
15imposed by any retailer not maintaining a place of business
16within this State, who, to the satisfaction of the Department
17of Revenue, furnishes adequate security to insure collection
18and payment of the tax. Such retailer shall be issued, without
19charge, a permit to collect such tax. When so authorized, it
20shall be the duty of such retailer to collect the tax upon all
21tangible personal property sold to his knowledge for use
22within this State, in the same manner and subject to the same
23requirements, including the furnishing of a receipt to the
24purchaser (if demanded by the purchaser), as a retailer
25maintaining a place of business within this State. The receipt
26given to the purchaser shall be sufficient to relieve him or



HB1143- 133 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1her from further liability for the tax to which such receipt
2may refer. Such permit may be revoked by the Department as
3provided herein.
4    Section 440. Severability. The provisions of this Act are
5severable under Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes.
6    Section 900. The Freedom of Information Act is amended by
7changing Section 7 as follows:
8    (5 ILCS 140/7)
9    Sec. 7. Exemptions.
10    (1) When a request is made to inspect or copy a public
11record that contains information that is exempt from
12disclosure under this Section, but also contains information
13that is not exempt from disclosure, the public body may elect
14to redact the information that is exempt. The public body
15shall make the remaining information available for inspection
16and copying. Subject to this requirement, the following shall
17be exempt from inspection and copying:
18        (a) Information specifically prohibited from
19    disclosure by federal or State law or rules and
20    regulations implementing federal or State law.
21        (b) Private information, unless disclosure is required
22    by another provision of this Act, a State or federal law,
23    or a court order.



HB1143- 134 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (b-5) Files, documents, and other data or databases
2    maintained by one or more law enforcement agencies and
3    specifically designed to provide information to one or
4    more law enforcement agencies regarding the physical or
5    mental status of one or more individual subjects.
6        (c) Personal information contained within public
7    records, the disclosure of which would constitute a
8    clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, unless
9    the disclosure is consented to in writing by the
10    individual subjects of the information. "Unwarranted
11    invasion of personal privacy" means the disclosure of
12    information that is highly personal or objectionable to a
13    reasonable person and in which the subject's right to
14    privacy outweighs any legitimate public interest in
15    obtaining the information. The disclosure of information
16    that bears on the public duties of public employees and
17    officials shall not be considered an invasion of personal
18    privacy.
19        (d) Records in the possession of any public body
20    created in the course of administrative enforcement
21    proceedings, and any law enforcement or correctional
22    agency for law enforcement purposes, but only to the
23    extent that disclosure would:
24            (i) interfere with pending or actually and
25        reasonably contemplated law enforcement proceedings
26        conducted by any law enforcement or correctional



HB1143- 135 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        agency that is the recipient of the request;
2            (ii) interfere with active administrative
3        enforcement proceedings conducted by the public body
4        that is the recipient of the request;
5            (iii) create a substantial likelihood that a
6        person will be deprived of a fair trial or an impartial
7        hearing;
8            (iv) unavoidably disclose the identity of a
9        confidential source, confidential information
10        furnished only by the confidential source, or persons
11        who file complaints with or provide information to
12        administrative, investigative, law enforcement, or
13        penal agencies; except that the identities of
14        witnesses to traffic crashes, traffic crash reports,
15        and rescue reports shall be provided by agencies of
16        local government, except when disclosure would
17        interfere with an active criminal investigation
18        conducted by the agency that is the recipient of the
19        request;
20            (v) disclose unique or specialized investigative
21        techniques other than those generally used and known
22        or disclose internal documents of correctional
23        agencies related to detection, observation, or
24        investigation of incidents of crime or misconduct, and
25        disclosure would result in demonstrable harm to the
26        agency or public body that is the recipient of the



HB1143- 136 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        request;
2            (vi) endanger the life or physical safety of law
3        enforcement personnel or any other person; or
4            (vii) obstruct an ongoing criminal investigation
5        by the agency that is the recipient of the request.
6        (d-5) A law enforcement record created for law
7    enforcement purposes and contained in a shared electronic
8    record management system if the law enforcement agency
9    that is the recipient of the request did not create the
10    record, did not participate in or have a role in any of the
11    events which are the subject of the record, and only has
12    access to the record through the shared electronic record
13    management system.
14        (d-6) Records contained in the Officer Professional
15    Conduct Database under Section 9.2 of the Illinois Police
16    Training Act, except to the extent authorized under that
17    Section. This includes the documents supplied to the
18    Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board from the
19    Illinois State Police and Illinois State Police Merit
20    Board.
21        (d-7) Information gathered or records created from the
22    use of automatic license plate readers in connection with
23    Section 2-130 of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
24        (e) Records that relate to or affect the security of
25    correctional institutions and detention facilities.
26        (e-5) Records requested by persons committed to the



HB1143- 137 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    Department of Corrections, Department of Human Services
2    Division of Mental Health, or a county jail if those
3    materials are available in the library of the correctional
4    institution or facility or jail where the inmate is
5    confined.
6        (e-6) Records requested by persons committed to the
7    Department of Corrections, Department of Human Services
8    Division of Mental Health, or a county jail if those
9    materials include records from staff members' personnel
10    files, staff rosters, or other staffing assignment
11    information.
12        (e-7) Records requested by persons committed to the
13    Department of Corrections or Department of Human Services
14    Division of Mental Health if those materials are available
15    through an administrative request to the Department of
16    Corrections or Department of Human Services Division of
17    Mental Health.
18        (e-8) Records requested by a person committed to the
19    Department of Corrections, Department of Human Services
20    Division of Mental Health, or a county jail, the
21    disclosure of which would result in the risk of harm to any
22    person or the risk of an escape from a jail or correctional
23    institution or facility.
24        (e-9) Records requested by a person in a county jail
25    or committed to the Department of Corrections or
26    Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health,



HB1143- 138 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    containing personal information pertaining to the person's
2    victim or the victim's family, including, but not limited
3    to, a victim's home address, home telephone number, work
4    or school address, work telephone number, social security
5    number, or any other identifying information, except as
6    may be relevant to a requester's current or potential case
7    or claim.
8        (e-10) Law enforcement records of other persons
9    requested by a person committed to the Department of
10    Corrections, Department of Human Services Division of
11    Mental Health, or a county jail, including, but not
12    limited to, arrest and booking records, mug shots, and
13    crime scene photographs, except as these records may be
14    relevant to the requester's current or potential case or
15    claim.
16        (f) Preliminary drafts, notes, recommendations,
17    memoranda, and other records in which opinions are
18    expressed, or policies or actions are formulated, except
19    that a specific record or relevant portion of a record
20    shall not be exempt when the record is publicly cited and
21    identified by the head of the public body. The exemption
22    provided in this paragraph (f) extends to all those
23    records of officers and agencies of the General Assembly
24    that pertain to the preparation of legislative documents.
25        (g) Trade secrets and commercial or financial
26    information obtained from a person or business where the



HB1143- 139 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    trade secrets or commercial or financial information are
2    furnished under a claim that they are proprietary,
3    privileged, or confidential, and that disclosure of the
4    trade secrets or commercial or financial information would
5    cause competitive harm to the person or business, and only
6    insofar as the claim directly applies to the records
7    requested.
8        The information included under this exemption includes
9    all trade secrets and commercial or financial information
10    obtained by a public body, including a public pension
11    fund, from a private equity fund or a privately held
12    company within the investment portfolio of a private
13    equity fund as a result of either investing or evaluating
14    a potential investment of public funds in a private equity
15    fund. The exemption contained in this item does not apply
16    to the aggregate financial performance information of a
17    private equity fund, nor to the identity of the fund's
18    managers or general partners. The exemption contained in
19    this item does not apply to the identity of a privately
20    held company within the investment portfolio of a private
21    equity fund, unless the disclosure of the identity of a
22    privately held company may cause competitive harm.
23        Nothing contained in this paragraph (g) shall be
24    construed to prevent a person or business from consenting
25    to disclosure.
26        (h) Proposals and bids for any contract, grant, or



HB1143- 140 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    agreement, including information which if it were
2    disclosed would frustrate procurement or give an advantage
3    to any person proposing to enter into a contractor
4    agreement with the body, until an award or final selection
5    is made. Information prepared by or for the body in
6    preparation of a bid solicitation shall be exempt until an
7    award or final selection is made.
8        (i) Valuable formulae, computer geographic systems,
9    designs, drawings, and research data obtained or produced
10    by any public body when disclosure could reasonably be
11    expected to produce private gain or public loss. The
12    exemption for "computer geographic systems" provided in
13    this paragraph (i) does not extend to requests made by
14    news media as defined in Section 2 of this Act when the
15    requested information is not otherwise exempt and the only
16    purpose of the request is to access and disseminate
17    information regarding the health, safety, welfare, or
18    legal rights of the general public.
19        (j) The following information pertaining to
20    educational matters:
21            (i) test questions, scoring keys, and other
22        examination data used to administer an academic
23        examination;
24            (ii) information received by a primary or
25        secondary school, college, or university under its
26        procedures for the evaluation of faculty members by



HB1143- 141 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        their academic peers;
2            (iii) information concerning a school or
3        university's adjudication of student disciplinary
4        cases, but only to the extent that disclosure would
5        unavoidably reveal the identity of the student; and
6            (iv) course materials or research materials used
7        by faculty members.
8        (k) Architects' plans, engineers' technical
9    submissions, and other construction related technical
10    documents for projects not constructed or developed in
11    whole or in part with public funds and the same for
12    projects constructed or developed with public funds,
13    including, but not limited to, power generating and
14    distribution stations and other transmission and
15    distribution facilities, water treatment facilities,
16    airport facilities, sport stadiums, convention centers,
17    and all government owned, operated, or occupied buildings,
18    but only to the extent that disclosure would compromise
19    security.
20        (l) Minutes of meetings of public bodies closed to the
21    public as provided in the Open Meetings Act until the
22    public body makes the minutes available to the public
23    under Section 2.06 of the Open Meetings Act.
24        (m) Communications between a public body and an
25    attorney or auditor representing the public body that
26    would not be subject to discovery in litigation, and



HB1143- 142 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    materials prepared or compiled by or for a public body in
2    anticipation of a criminal, civil, or administrative
3    proceeding upon the request of an attorney advising the
4    public body, and materials prepared or compiled with
5    respect to internal audits of public bodies.
6        (n) Records relating to a public body's adjudication
7    of employee grievances or disciplinary cases; however,
8    this exemption shall not extend to the final outcome of
9    cases in which discipline is imposed.
10        (o) Administrative or technical information associated
11    with automated data processing operations, including, but
12    not limited to, software, operating protocols, computer
13    program abstracts, file layouts, source listings, object
14    modules, load modules, user guides, documentation
15    pertaining to all logical and physical design of
16    computerized systems, employee manuals, and any other
17    information that, if disclosed, would jeopardize the
18    security of the system or its data or the security of
19    materials exempt under this Section.
20        (p) Records relating to collective negotiating matters
21    between public bodies and their employees or
22    representatives, except that any final contract or
23    agreement shall be subject to inspection and copying.
24        (q) Test questions, scoring keys, and other
25    examination data used to determine the qualifications of
26    an applicant for a license or employment.



HB1143- 143 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (r) The records, documents, and information relating
2    to real estate purchase negotiations until those
3    negotiations have been completed or otherwise terminated.
4    With regard to a parcel involved in a pending or actually
5    and reasonably contemplated eminent domain proceeding
6    under the Eminent Domain Act, records, documents, and
7    information relating to that parcel shall be exempt except
8    as may be allowed under discovery rules adopted by the
9    Illinois Supreme Court. The records, documents, and
10    information relating to a real estate sale shall be exempt
11    until a sale is consummated.
12        (s) Any and all proprietary information and records
13    related to the operation of an intergovernmental risk
14    management association or self-insurance pool or jointly
15    self-administered health and accident cooperative or pool.
16    Insurance or self-insurance (including any
17    intergovernmental risk management association or
18    self-insurance pool) claims, loss or risk management
19    information, records, data, advice, or communications.
20        (t) Information contained in or related to
21    examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by,
22    on behalf of, or for the use of a public body responsible
23    for the regulation or supervision of financial
24    institutions, insurance companies, or pharmacy benefit
25    managers, unless disclosure is otherwise required by State
26    law.



HB1143- 144 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (u) Information that would disclose or might lead to
2    the disclosure of secret or confidential information,
3    codes, algorithms, programs, or private keys intended to
4    be used to create electronic signatures under the Uniform
5    Electronic Transactions Act.
6        (v) Vulnerability assessments, security measures, and
7    response policies or plans that are designed to identify,
8    prevent, or respond to potential attacks upon a
9    community's population or systems, facilities, or
10    installations, but only to the extent that disclosure
11    could reasonably be expected to expose the vulnerability
12    or jeopardize the effectiveness of the measures, policies,
13    or plans, or the safety of the personnel who implement
14    them or the public. Information exempt under this item may
15    include such things as details pertaining to the
16    mobilization or deployment of personnel or equipment, to
17    the operation of communication systems or protocols, to
18    cybersecurity vulnerabilities, or to tactical operations.
19        (w) (Blank).
20        (x) Maps and other records regarding the location or
21    security of generation, transmission, distribution,
22    storage, gathering, treatment, or switching facilities
23    owned by a utility, by a power generator, or by the
24    Illinois Power Agency.
25        (y) Information contained in or related to proposals,
26    bids, or negotiations related to electric power



HB1143- 145 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    procurement under Section 1-75 of the Illinois Power
2    Agency Act and Section 16-111.5 of the Public Utilities
3    Act that is determined to be confidential and proprietary
4    by the Illinois Power Agency or by the Illinois Commerce
5    Commission.
6        (z) Information about students exempted from
7    disclosure under Section 10-20.38 or 34-18.29 of the
8    School Code, and information about undergraduate students
9    enrolled at an institution of higher education exempted
10    from disclosure under Section 25 of the Illinois Credit
11    Card Marketing Act of 2009.
12        (aa) Information the disclosure of which is exempted
13    under the Viatical Settlements Act of 2009.
14        (bb) Records and information provided to a mortality
15    review team and records maintained by a mortality review
16    team appointed under the Department of Juvenile Justice
17    Mortality Review Team Act.
18        (cc) Information regarding interments, entombments, or
19    inurnments of human remains that are submitted to the
20    Cemetery Oversight Database under the Cemetery Care Act or
21    the Cemetery Oversight Act, whichever is applicable.
22        (dd) Correspondence and records (i) that may not be
23    disclosed under Section 11-9 of the Illinois Public Aid
24    Code or (ii) that pertain to appeals under Section 11-8 of
25    the Illinois Public Aid Code.
26        (ee) The names, addresses, or other personal



HB1143- 146 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    information of persons who are minors and are also
2    participants and registrants in programs of park
3    districts, forest preserve districts, conservation
4    districts, recreation agencies, and special recreation
5    associations.
6        (ff) The names, addresses, or other personal
7    information of participants and registrants in programs of
8    park districts, forest preserve districts, conservation
9    districts, recreation agencies, and special recreation
10    associations where such programs are targeted primarily to
11    minors.
12        (gg) Confidential information described in Section
13    1-100 of the Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal Act of
14    2012.
15        (hh) The report submitted to the State Board of
16    Education by the School Security and Standards Task Force
17    under item (8) of subsection (d) of Section 2-3.160 of the
18    School Code and any information contained in that report.
19        (ii) Records requested by persons committed to or
20    detained by the Department of Human Services under the
21    Sexually Violent Persons Commitment Act or committed to
22    the Department of Corrections under the Sexually Dangerous
23    Persons Act if those materials: (i) are available in the
24    library of the facility where the individual is confined;
25    (ii) include records from staff members' personnel files,
26    staff rosters, or other staffing assignment information;



HB1143- 147 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    or (iii) are available through an administrative request
2    to the Department of Human Services or the Department of
3    Corrections.
4        (jj) Confidential information described in Section
5    5-535 of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.
6        (kk) The public body's credit card numbers, debit card
7    numbers, bank account numbers, Federal Employer
8    Identification Number, security code numbers, passwords,
9    and similar account information, the disclosure of which
10    could result in identity theft or impression or defrauding
11    of a governmental entity or a person.
12        (ll) Records concerning the work of the threat
13    assessment team of a school district, including, but not
14    limited to, any threat assessment procedure under the
15    School Safety Drill Act and any information contained in
16    the procedure.
17        (mm) Information prohibited from being disclosed under
18    subsections (a) and (b) of Section 15 of the Student
19    Confidential Reporting Act.
20        (nn) Proprietary information submitted to the
21    Environmental Protection Agency under the Drug Take-Back
22    Act.
23        (oo) Records described in subsection (f) of Section
24    3-5-1 of the Unified Code of Corrections.
25        (pp) Any and all information regarding burials,
26    interments, or entombments of human remains as required to



HB1143- 148 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    be reported to the Department of Natural Resources
2    pursuant either to the Archaeological and Paleontological
3    Resources Protection Act or the Human Remains Protection
4    Act.
5        (qq) Reports described in subsection (e) of Section
6    16-15 of the Abortion Care Clinical Training Program Act.
7        (rr) Information obtained by a certified local health
8    department under the Access to Public Health Data Act.
9        (ss) For a request directed to a public body that is
10    also a HIPAA-covered entity, all information that is
11    protected health information, including demographic
12    information, that may be contained within or extracted
13    from any record held by the public body in compliance with
14    State and federal medical privacy laws and regulations,
15    including, but not limited to, the Health Insurance
16    Portability and Accountability Act and its regulations, 45
17    CFR Parts 160 and 164. As used in this paragraph,
18    "HIPAA-covered entity" has the meaning given to the term
19    "covered entity" in 45 CFR 160.103 and "protected health
20    information" has the meaning given to that term in 45 CFR
21    160.103.
22        (tt) Proposals or bids submitted by engineering
23    consultants in response to requests for proposal or other
24    competitive bidding requests by the Department of
25    Transportation or the Illinois Toll Highway Authority.
26        (uu) Correspondence and records that may not be



HB1143- 149 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    disclosed under Section 265 of the Compassionate Use and
2    Research of Entheogens Act.
3    (1.5) Any information exempt from disclosure under the
4Judicial Privacy Act shall be redacted from public records
5prior to disclosure under this Act.
6    (2) A public record that is not in the possession of a
7public body but is in the possession of a party with whom the
8agency has contracted to perform a governmental function on
9behalf of the public body, and that directly relates to the
10governmental function and is not otherwise exempt under this
11Act, shall be considered a public record of the public body,
12for purposes of this Act.
13    (3) This Section does not authorize withholding of
14information or limit the availability of records to the
15public, except as stated in this Section or otherwise provided
16in this Act.
17(Source: P.A. 102-38, eff. 6-25-21; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21;
18102-694, eff. 1-7-22; 102-752, eff. 5-6-22; 102-753, eff.
191-1-23; 102-776, eff. 1-1-23; 102-791, eff. 5-13-22; 102-982,
20eff. 7-1-23; 102-1055, eff. 6-10-22; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23;
21103-423, eff. 1-1-24; 103-446, eff. 8-4-23; 103-462, eff.
228-4-23; 103-540, eff. 1-1-24; 103-554, eff. 1-1-24; 103-605,
23eff. 7-1-24; 103-865, eff. 1-1-25.)
24    Section 905. The State Finance Act is amended by adding
25Sections 5.1030 and 5.1031 as follows:



HB1143- 150 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    (30 ILCS 105/5.1030 new)
2    Sec. 5.1030. The Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund.
3    (30 ILCS 105/5.1031 new)
4    Sec. 5.1031. The Illinois Psilocybin Fund.
5    Section 910. The Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal Act of
62012 is amended by changing Section 1-45 as follows:
7    (35 ILCS 1010/1-45)
8    Sec. 1-45. Jurisdiction of the Tax Tribunal.
9    (a) Except as provided by the Constitution of the United
10States, the Constitution of the State of Illinois, or any
11statutes of this State, including, but not limited to, the
12State Officers and Employees Money Disposition Act, the Tax
13Tribunal shall have original jurisdiction over all
14determinations of the Department reflected on a Notice of
15Deficiency, Notice of Tax Liability, Notice of Claim Denial,
16or Notice of Penalty Liability issued under the Illinois
17Income Tax Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, the
18Service Occupation Tax Act, the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act,
19the Cigarette Tax Act, the Cigarette Use Tax Act, the Tobacco
20Products Tax Act of 1995, the Hotel Operators' Occupation Tax
21Act, the Motor Fuel Tax Law, the Automobile Renting Occupation
22and Use Tax Act, the Coin-Operated Amusement Device and



HB1143- 151 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Redemption Machine Tax Act, the Gas Revenue Tax Act, the Water
2Company Invested Capital Tax Act, the Telecommunications
3Excise Tax Act, the Telecommunications Infrastructure
4Maintenance Fee Act, the Public Utilities Revenue Act, the
5Electricity Excise Tax Law, the Aircraft Use Tax Law, the
6Watercraft Use Tax Law, the Gas Use Tax Law, or the Uniform
7Penalty and Interest Act, or the Compassionate Use and
8Research of Entheogens Act. Jurisdiction of the Tax Tribunal
9is limited to Notices of Tax Liability, Notices of Deficiency,
10Notices of Claim Denial, and Notices of Penalty Liability
11where the amount at issue in a notice, or the aggregate amount
12at issue in multiple notices issued for the same tax year or
13audit period, exceeds $15,000, exclusive of penalties and
14interest. In notices solely asserting either an interest or
15penalty assessment, or both, the Tax Tribunal shall have
16jurisdiction over cases where the combined total of all
17penalties or interest assessed exceeds $15,000.
18    (b) Except as otherwise permitted by this Act and by the
19Constitution of the State of Illinois or otherwise by State
20law, including, but not limited to, the State Officers and
21Employees Money Disposition Act, no person shall contest any
22matter within the jurisdiction of the Tax Tribunal in any
23action, suit, or proceeding in the circuit court or any other
24court of the State. If a person attempts to do so, then such
25action, suit, or proceeding shall be dismissed without
26prejudice. The improper commencement of any action, suit, or



HB1143- 152 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1proceeding does not extend the time period for commencing a
2proceeding in the Tax Tribunal.
3    (c) The Tax Tribunal may require the taxpayer to post a
4bond equal to 25% of the liability at issue (1) upon motion of
5the Department and a showing that (A) the taxpayer's action is
6frivolous or legally insufficient or (B) the taxpayer is
7acting primarily for the purpose of delaying the collection of
8tax or prejudicing the ability ultimately to collect the tax,
9or (2) if, at any time during the proceedings, it is determined
10by the Tax Tribunal that the taxpayer is not pursuing the
11resolution of the case with due diligence. If the Tax Tribunal
12finds in a particular case that the taxpayer cannot procure
13and furnish a satisfactory surety or sureties for the kind of
14bond required herein, the Tax Tribunal may relieve the
15taxpayer of the obligation of filing such bond, if, upon the
16timely application for a lien in lieu thereof and accompanying
17proof therein submitted, the Tax Tribunal is satisfied that
18any such lien imposed would operate to secure the assessment
19in the manner and to the degree as would a bond. The Tax
20Tribunal shall adopt rules for the procedures to be used in
21securing a bond or lien under this Section.
22    (d) If, with or after the filing of a timely petition, the
23taxpayer pays all or part of the tax or other amount in issue
24before the Tax Tribunal has rendered a decision, the Tax
25Tribunal shall treat the taxpayer's petition as a protest of a
26denial of claim for refund of the amount so paid upon a written



HB1143- 153 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1motion filed by the taxpayer.
2    (e) The Tax Tribunal shall not have jurisdiction to
4        (1) any assessment made under the Property Tax Code;
5        (2) any decisions relating to the issuance or denial
6    of an exemption ruling for any entity claiming exemption
7    from any tax imposed under the Property Tax Code or any
8    State tax administered by the Department;
9        (3) a notice of proposed tax liability, notice of
10    proposed deficiency, or any other notice of proposed
11    assessment or notice of intent to take some action;
12        (4) any action or determination of the Department
13    regarding tax liabilities that have become finalized by
14    law, including but not limited to the issuance of liens,
15    levies, and revocations, suspensions, or denials of
16    licenses or certificates of registration or any other
17    collection activities;
18        (5) any proceedings of the Department's informal
19    administrative appeals function; and
20        (6) any challenge to an administrative subpoena issued
21    by the Department.
22    (f) The Tax Tribunal shall decide questions regarding the
23constitutionality of statutes and rules adopted by the
24Department as applied to the taxpayer, but shall not have the
25power to declare a statute or rule unconstitutional or
26otherwise invalid on its face. A taxpayer challenging the



HB1143- 154 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1constitutionality of a statute or rule on its face may present
2such challenge to the Tax Tribunal for the sole purpose of
3making a record for review by the Illinois Appellate Court.
4Failure to raise a constitutional issue regarding the
5application of a statute or regulations to the taxpayer shall
6not preclude the taxpayer or the Department from raising those
7issues at the appellate court level.
8(Source: P.A. 97-1129, eff. 8-28-12; 98-463, eff. 8-16-13.)
9    Section 914. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by
10changing Section 11-501 as follows:
11    (625 ILCS 5/11-501)  (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-501)
12    Sec. 11-501. Driving while under the influence of alcohol,
13other drug or drugs, intoxicating compound or compounds or any
14combination thereof.
15    (a) A person shall not drive or be in actual physical
16control of any vehicle within this State while:
17        (1) the alcohol concentration in the person's blood,
18    other bodily substance, or breath is 0.08 or more based on
19    the definition of blood and breath units in Section
20    11-501.2;
21        (2) under the influence of alcohol;
22        (3) under the influence of any intoxicating compound
23    or combination of intoxicating compounds to a degree that
24    renders the person incapable of driving safely;



HB1143- 155 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (4) under the influence of any other drug or
2    combination of drugs to a degree that renders the person
3    incapable of safely driving;
4        (5) under the combined influence of alcohol, other
5    drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or compounds to a
6    degree that renders the person incapable of safely
7    driving;
8        (6) there is any amount of a drug, substance, or
9    compound in the person's breath, blood, other bodily
10    substance, or urine resulting from the unlawful use or
11    consumption of a controlled substance listed in the
12    Illinois Controlled Substances Act, an intoxicating
13    compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act,
14    or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine
15    Control and Community Protection Act, or psilocybin or
16    psilocin as defined in the Compassionate Use and Research
17    of Entheogens Act; or
18        (7) the person has, within 2 hours of driving or being
19    in actual physical control of a vehicle, a
20    tetrahydrocannabinol concentration in the person's whole
21    blood or other bodily substance as defined in paragraph 6
22    of subsection (a) of Section 11-501.2 of this Code.
23    Subject to all other requirements and provisions under
24    this Section, this paragraph (7) does not apply to the
25    lawful consumption of cannabis by a qualifying patient
26    licensed under the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis



HB1143- 156 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    Program Act who is in possession of a valid registry card
2    issued under that Act, unless that person is impaired by
3    the use of cannabis.
4    (b) The fact that any person charged with violating this
5Section is or has been legally entitled to use alcohol,
6cannabis under the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis
7Program Act, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or
8compounds, or any combination thereof, shall not constitute a
9defense against any charge of violating this Section.
10    (c) Penalties.
11        (1) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, any
12    person convicted of violating subsection (a) of this
13    Section is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
14        (2) A person who violates subsection (a) or a similar
15    provision a second time shall be sentenced to a mandatory
16    minimum term of either 5 days of imprisonment or 240 hours
17    of community service in addition to any other criminal or
18    administrative sanction.
19        (3) A person who violates subsection (a) is subject to
20    6 months of imprisonment, an additional mandatory minimum
21    fine of $1,000, and 25 days of community service in a
22    program benefiting children if the person was transporting
23    a person under the age of 16 at the time of the violation.
24        (4) A person who violates subsection (a) a first time,
25    if the alcohol concentration in his or her blood, breath,
26    other bodily substance, or urine was 0.16 or more based on



HB1143- 157 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    the definition of blood, breath, other bodily substance,
2    or urine units in Section 11-501.2, shall be subject, in
3    addition to any other penalty that may be imposed, to a
4    mandatory minimum of 100 hours of community service and a
5    mandatory minimum fine of $500.
6        (5) A person who violates subsection (a) a second
7    time, if at the time of the second violation the alcohol
8    concentration in his or her blood, breath, other bodily
9    substance, or urine was 0.16 or more based on the
10    definition of blood, breath, other bodily substance, or
11    urine units in Section 11-501.2, shall be subject, in
12    addition to any other penalty that may be imposed, to a
13    mandatory minimum of 2 days of imprisonment and a
14    mandatory minimum fine of $1,250.
15    (d) Aggravated driving under the influence of alcohol,
16other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or compounds, or
17any combination thereof.
18        (1) Every person convicted of committing a violation
19    of this Section shall be guilty of aggravated driving
20    under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, or
21    intoxicating compound or compounds, or any combination
22    thereof if:
23            (A) the person committed a violation of subsection
24        (a) or a similar provision for the third or subsequent
25        time;
26            (B) the person committed a violation of subsection



HB1143- 158 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (a) while driving a school bus with one or more
2        passengers on board;
3            (C) the person in committing a violation of
4        subsection (a) was involved in a motor vehicle crash
5        that resulted in great bodily harm or permanent
6        disability or disfigurement to another, when the
7        violation was a proximate cause of the injuries;
8            (D) the person committed a violation of subsection
9        (a) and has been previously convicted of violating
10        Section 9-3 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the
11        Criminal Code of 2012 or a similar provision of a law
12        of another state relating to reckless homicide in
13        which the person was determined to have been under the
14        influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, or
15        intoxicating compound or compounds as an element of
16        the offense or the person has previously been
17        convicted under subparagraph (C) or subparagraph (F)
18        of this paragraph (1);
19            (E) the person, in committing a violation of
20        subsection (a) while driving at any speed in a school
21        speed zone at a time when a speed limit of 20 miles per
22        hour was in effect under subsection (a) of Section
23        11-605 of this Code, was involved in a motor vehicle
24        crash that resulted in bodily harm, other than great
25        bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement,
26        to another person, when the violation of subsection



HB1143- 159 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (a) was a proximate cause of the bodily harm;
2            (F) the person, in committing a violation of
3        subsection (a), was involved in a motor vehicle crash
4        or snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle, or watercraft
5        accident that resulted in the death of another person,
6        when the violation of subsection (a) was a proximate
7        cause of the death;
8            (G) the person committed a violation of subsection
9        (a) during a period in which the defendant's driving
10        privileges are revoked or suspended, where the
11        revocation or suspension was for a violation of
12        subsection (a) or a similar provision, Section
13        11-501.1, paragraph (b) of Section 11-401, or for
14        reckless homicide as defined in Section 9-3 of the
15        Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012;
16            (H) the person committed the violation while he or
17        she did not possess a driver's license or permit or a
18        restricted driving permit or a judicial driving permit
19        or a monitoring device driving permit;
20            (I) the person committed the violation while he or
21        she knew or should have known that the vehicle he or
22        she was driving was not covered by a liability
23        insurance policy;
24            (J) the person in committing a violation of
25        subsection (a) was involved in a motor vehicle crash
26        that resulted in bodily harm, but not great bodily



HB1143- 160 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        harm, to the child under the age of 16 being
2        transported by the person, if the violation was the
3        proximate cause of the injury;
4            (K) the person in committing a second violation of
5        subsection (a) or a similar provision was transporting
6        a person under the age of 16; or
7            (L) the person committed a violation of subsection
8        (a) of this Section while transporting one or more
9        passengers in a vehicle for-hire.
10        (2)(A) Except as provided otherwise, a person
11    convicted of aggravated driving under the influence of
12    alcohol, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or
13    compounds, or any combination thereof is guilty of a Class
14    4 felony.
15        (B) A third violation of this Section or a similar
16    provision is a Class 2 felony. If at the time of the third
17    violation the alcohol concentration in his or her blood,
18    breath, other bodily substance, or urine was 0.16 or more
19    based on the definition of blood, breath, other bodily
20    substance, or urine units in Section 11-501.2, a mandatory
21    minimum of 90 days of imprisonment and a mandatory minimum
22    fine of $2,500 shall be imposed in addition to any other
23    criminal or administrative sanction. If at the time of the
24    third violation, the defendant was transporting a person
25    under the age of 16, a mandatory fine of $25,000 and 25
26    days of community service in a program benefiting children



HB1143- 161 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    shall be imposed in addition to any other criminal or
2    administrative sanction.
3        (C) A fourth violation of this Section or a similar
4    provision is a Class 2 felony, for which a sentence of
5    probation or conditional discharge may not be imposed. If
6    at the time of the violation, the alcohol concentration in
7    the defendant's blood, breath, other bodily substance, or
8    urine was 0.16 or more based on the definition of blood,
9    breath, other bodily substance, or urine units in Section
10    11-501.2, a mandatory minimum fine of $5,000 shall be
11    imposed in addition to any other criminal or
12    administrative sanction. If at the time of the fourth
13    violation, the defendant was transporting a person under
14    the age of 16 a mandatory fine of $25,000 and 25 days of
15    community service in a program benefiting children shall
16    be imposed in addition to any other criminal or
17    administrative sanction.
18        (D) A fifth violation of this Section or a similar
19    provision is a Class 1 felony, for which a sentence of
20    probation or conditional discharge may not be imposed. If
21    at the time of the violation, the alcohol concentration in
22    the defendant's blood, breath, other bodily substance, or
23    urine was 0.16 or more based on the definition of blood,
24    breath, other bodily substance, or urine units in Section
25    11-501.2, a mandatory minimum fine of $5,000 shall be
26    imposed in addition to any other criminal or



HB1143- 162 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    administrative sanction. If at the time of the fifth
2    violation, the defendant was transporting a person under
3    the age of 16, a mandatory fine of $25,000, and 25 days of
4    community service in a program benefiting children shall
5    be imposed in addition to any other criminal or
6    administrative sanction.
7        (E) A sixth or subsequent violation of this Section or
8    similar provision is a Class X felony. If at the time of
9    the violation, the alcohol concentration in the
10    defendant's blood, breath, other bodily substance, or
11    urine was 0.16 or more based on the definition of blood,
12    breath, other bodily substance, or urine units in Section
13    11-501.2, a mandatory minimum fine of $5,000 shall be
14    imposed in addition to any other criminal or
15    administrative sanction. If at the time of the violation,
16    the defendant was transporting a person under the age of
17    16, a mandatory fine of $25,000 and 25 days of community
18    service in a program benefiting children shall be imposed
19    in addition to any other criminal or administrative
20    sanction.
21        (F) For a violation of subparagraph (C) of paragraph
22    (1) of this subsection (d), the defendant, if sentenced to
23    a term of imprisonment, shall be sentenced to not less
24    than one year nor more than 12 years.
25        (G) A violation of subparagraph (F) of paragraph (1)
26    of this subsection (d) is a Class 2 felony, for which the



HB1143- 163 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    defendant, unless the court determines that extraordinary
2    circumstances exist and require probation, shall be
3    sentenced to: (i) a term of imprisonment of not less than 3
4    years and not more than 14 years if the violation resulted
5    in the death of one person; or (ii) a term of imprisonment
6    of not less than 6 years and not more than 28 years if the
7    violation resulted in the deaths of 2 or more persons.
8        (H) For a violation of subparagraph (J) of paragraph
9    (1) of this subsection (d), a mandatory fine of $2,500,
10    and 25 days of community service in a program benefiting
11    children shall be imposed in addition to any other
12    criminal or administrative sanction.
13        (I) A violation of subparagraph (K) of paragraph (1)
14    of this subsection (d), is a Class 2 felony and a mandatory
15    fine of $2,500, and 25 days of community service in a
16    program benefiting children shall be imposed in addition
17    to any other criminal or administrative sanction. If the
18    child being transported suffered bodily harm, but not
19    great bodily harm, in a motor vehicle crash, and the
20    violation was the proximate cause of that injury, a
21    mandatory fine of $5,000 and 25 days of community service
22    in a program benefiting children shall be imposed in
23    addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction.
24        (J) A violation of subparagraph (D) of paragraph (1)
25    of this subsection (d) is a Class 3 felony, for which a
26    sentence of probation or conditional discharge may not be



HB1143- 164 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    imposed.
2        (3) Any person sentenced under this subsection (d) who
3    receives a term of probation or conditional discharge must
4    serve a minimum term of either 480 hours of community
5    service or 10 days of imprisonment as a condition of the
6    probation or conditional discharge in addition to any
7    other criminal or administrative sanction.
8    (e) Any reference to a prior violation of subsection (a)
9or a similar provision includes any violation of a provision
10of a local ordinance or a provision of a law of another state
11or an offense committed on a military installation that is
12similar to a violation of subsection (a) of this Section.
13    (f) The imposition of a mandatory term of imprisonment or
14assignment of community service for a violation of this
15Section shall not be suspended or reduced by the court.
16    (g) Any penalty imposed for driving with a license that
17has been revoked for a previous violation of subsection (a) of
18this Section shall be in addition to the penalty imposed for
19any subsequent violation of subsection (a).
20    (h) For any prosecution under this Section, a certified
21copy of the driving abstract of the defendant shall be
22admitted as proof of any prior conviction.
23(Source: P.A. 101-363, eff. 8-9-19; 102-982, eff. 7-1-23.)
24    Section 915. The Illinois Controlled Substances Act is
25amended by changing Sections 102 and 204 as follows:



HB1143- 165 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    (720 ILCS 570/102)  (from Ch. 56 1/2, par. 1102)
2    Sec. 102. Definitions. As used in this Act, unless the
3context otherwise requires:
4    (a) "Person with a substance use disorder" means any
5person who has a substance use disorder diagnosis defined as a
6spectrum of persistent and recurring problematic behavior that
7encompasses 10 separate classes of drugs: alcohol; caffeine;
8cannabis; hallucinogens; inhalants; opioids; sedatives,
9hypnotics and anxiolytics; stimulants; and tobacco; and other
10unknown substances leading to clinically significant
11impairment or distress.
12    (b) "Administer" means the direct application of a
13controlled substance, whether by injection, inhalation,
14ingestion, or any other means, to the body of a patient,
15research subject, or animal (as defined by the Humane
16Euthanasia in Animal Shelters Act) by:
17        (1) a practitioner (or, in his or her presence, by his
18    or her authorized agent),
19        (2) the patient or research subject pursuant to an
20    order, or
21        (3) a euthanasia technician as defined by the Humane
22    Euthanasia in Animal Shelters Act.
23    (c) "Agent" means an authorized person who acts on behalf
24of or at the direction of a manufacturer, distributor,
25dispenser, prescriber, or practitioner. It does not include a



HB1143- 166 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1common or contract carrier, public warehouseman or employee of
2the carrier or warehouseman.
3    (c-1) "Anabolic Steroids" means any drug or hormonal
4substance, chemically and pharmacologically related to
5testosterone (other than estrogens, progestins,
6corticosteroids, and dehydroepiandrosterone), and includes:
7    (i) 3[beta],17-dihydroxy-5a-androstane, 
8    (ii) 3[alpha],17[beta]-dihydroxy-5a-androstane, 
9    (iii) 5[alpha]-androstan-3,17-dione, 
10    (iv) 1-androstenediol (3[beta], 
11        17[beta]-dihydroxy-5[alpha]-androst-1-ene), 
12    (v) 1-androstenediol (3[alpha], 
13        17[beta]-dihydroxy-5[alpha]-androst-1-ene), 
14    (vi) 4-androstenediol  
15        (3[beta],17[beta]-dihydroxy-androst-4-ene), 
16    (vii) 5-androstenediol  
17        (3[beta],17[beta]-dihydroxy-androst-5-ene), 
18    (viii) 1-androstenedione  
19        ([5alpha]-androst-1-en-3,17-dione), 
20    (ix) 4-androstenedione  
21        (androst-4-en-3,17-dione), 
22    (x) 5-androstenedione  
23        (androst-5-en-3,17-dione), 
24    (xi) bolasterone (7[alpha],17a-dimethyl-17[beta]- 
25        hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one), 
26    (xii) boldenone (17[beta]-hydroxyandrost- 



HB1143- 167 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        1,4,-diene-3-one), 
2    (xiii) boldione (androsta-1,4- 
3        diene-3,17-dione), 
4    (xiv) calusterone (7[beta],17[alpha]-dimethyl-17 
5        [beta]-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one), 
6    (xv) clostebol (4-chloro-17[beta]- 
7        hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one), 
8    (xvi) dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (4-chloro- 
9        17[beta]-hydroxy-17[alpha]-methyl- 
10        androst-1,4-dien-3-one), 
11    (xvii) desoxymethyltestosterone 
12    (17[alpha]-methyl-5[alpha] 
13        -androst-2-en-17[beta]-ol)(a.k.a., madol), 
14    (xviii) [delta]1-dihydrotestosterone (a.k.a.  
15        '1-testosterone') (17[beta]-hydroxy- 
16        5[alpha]-androst-1-en-3-one), 
17    (xix) 4-dihydrotestosterone (17[beta]-hydroxy- 
18        androstan-3-one), 
19    (xx) drostanolone (17[beta]-hydroxy-2[alpha]-methyl- 
20        5[alpha]-androstan-3-one), 
21    (xxi) ethylestrenol (17[alpha]-ethyl-17[beta]- 
22        hydroxyestr-4-ene), 
23    (xxii) fluoxymesterone (9-fluoro-17[alpha]-methyl- 
24        1[beta],17[beta]-dihydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one), 
25    (xxiii) formebolone (2-formyl-17[alpha]-methyl-11[alpha], 
26        17[beta]-dihydroxyandrost-1,4-dien-3-one), 



HB1143- 168 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    (xxiv) furazabol (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]- 
2        hydroxyandrostano[2,3-c]-furazan), 
3    (xxv) 13[beta]-ethyl-17[beta]-hydroxygon-4-en-3-one, 
4    (xxvi) 4-hydroxytestosterone (4,17[beta]-dihydroxy- 
5        androst-4-en-3-one), 
6    (xxvii) 4-hydroxy-19-nortestosterone (4,17[beta]- 
7        dihydroxy-estr-4-en-3-one), 
8    (xxviii) mestanolone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]- 
9        hydroxy-5-androstan-3-one), 
10    (xxix) mesterolone (1amethyl-17[beta]-hydroxy- 
11        [5a]-androstan-3-one), 
12    (xxx) methandienone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]- 
13        hydroxyandrost-1,4-dien-3-one), 
14    (xxxi) methandriol (17[alpha]-methyl-3[beta],17[beta]- 
15        dihydroxyandrost-5-ene), 
16    (xxxii) methenolone (1-methyl-17[beta]-hydroxy- 
17        5[alpha]-androst-1-en-3-one), 
18    (xxxiii) 17[alpha]-methyl-3[beta], 17[beta]- 
19        dihydroxy-5a-androstane, 
20    (xxxiv) 17[alpha]-methyl-3[alpha],17[beta]-dihydroxy 
21        -5a-androstane, 
22    (xxxv) 17[alpha]-methyl-3[beta],17[beta]- 
23        dihydroxyandrost-4-ene), 
24    (xxxvi) 17[alpha]-methyl-4-hydroxynandrolone (17[alpha]- 
25        methyl-4-hydroxy-17[beta]-hydroxyestr-4-en-3-one), 
26    (xxxvii) methyldienolone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]- 



HB1143- 169 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        hydroxyestra-4,9(10)-dien-3-one), 
2    (xxxviii) methyltrienolone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]- 
3        hydroxyestra-4,9-11-trien-3-one), 
4    (xxxix) methyltestosterone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]- 
5        hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one), 
6    (xl) mibolerone (7[alpha],17a-dimethyl-17[beta]- 
7        hydroxyestr-4-en-3-one), 
8    (xli) 17[alpha]-methyl-[delta]1-dihydrotestosterone  
9        (17b[beta]-hydroxy-17[alpha]-methyl-5[alpha]- 
10        androst-1-en-3-one)(a.k.a. '17-[alpha]-methyl- 
11        1-testosterone'), 
12    (xlii) nandrolone (17[beta]-hydroxyestr-4-en-3-one), 
13    (xliii) 19-nor-4-androstenediol (3[beta], 17[beta]- 
14        dihydroxyestr-4-ene), 
15    (xliv) 19-nor-4-androstenediol (3[alpha], 17[beta]- 
16        dihydroxyestr-4-ene), 
17    (xlv) 19-nor-5-androstenediol (3[beta], 17[beta]- 
18        dihydroxyestr-5-ene), 
19    (xlvi) 19-nor-5-androstenediol (3[alpha], 17[beta]- 
20        dihydroxyestr-5-ene), 
21    (xlvii) 19-nor-4,9(10)-androstadienedione  
22        (estra-4,9(10)-diene-3,17-dione), 
23    (xlviii) 19-nor-4-androstenedione (estr-4- 
24        en-3,17-dione), 
25    (xlix) 19-nor-5-androstenedione (estr-5- 
26        en-3,17-dione), 



HB1143- 170 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    (l) norbolethone (13[beta], 17a-diethyl-17[beta]- 
2        hydroxygon-4-en-3-one), 
3    (li) norclostebol (4-chloro-17[beta]- 
4        hydroxyestr-4-en-3-one), 
5    (lii) norethandrolone (17[alpha]-ethyl-17[beta]- 
6        hydroxyestr-4-en-3-one), 
7    (liii) normethandrolone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]- 
8        hydroxyestr-4-en-3-one), 
9    (liv) oxandrolone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]-hydroxy- 
10        2-oxa-5[alpha]-androstan-3-one), 
11    (lv) oxymesterone (17[alpha]-methyl-4,17[beta]- 
12        dihydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one), 
13    (lvi) oxymetholone (17[alpha]-methyl-2-hydroxymethylene- 
14        17[beta]-hydroxy-(5[alpha]-androstan-3-one), 
15    (lvii) stanozolol (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]-hydroxy- 
16        (5[alpha]-androst-2-eno[3,2-c]-pyrazole), 
17    (lviii) stenbolone (17[beta]-hydroxy-2-methyl- 
18        (5[alpha]-androst-1-en-3-one), 
19    (lix) testolactone (13-hydroxy-3-oxo-13,17- 
20        secoandrosta-1,4-dien-17-oic 
21        acid lactone), 
22    (lx) testosterone (17[beta]-hydroxyandrost- 
23        4-en-3-one), 
24    (lxi) tetrahydrogestrinone (13[beta], 17[alpha]- 
25        diethyl-17[beta]-hydroxygon- 
26        4,9,11-trien-3-one), 



HB1143- 171 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    (lxii) trenbolone (17[beta]-hydroxyestr-4,9, 
2        11-trien-3-one). 
3    Any person who is otherwise lawfully in possession of an
4anabolic steroid, or who otherwise lawfully manufactures,
5distributes, dispenses, delivers, or possesses with intent to
6deliver an anabolic steroid, which anabolic steroid is
7expressly intended for and lawfully allowed to be administered
8through implants to livestock or other nonhuman species, and
9which is approved by the Secretary of Health and Human
10Services for such administration, and which the person intends
11to administer or have administered through such implants,
12shall not be considered to be in unauthorized possession or to
13unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, or
14possess with intent to deliver such anabolic steroid for
15purposes of this Act.
16    (d) "Administration" means the Drug Enforcement
17Administration, United States Department of Justice, or its
18successor agency.
19    (d-5) "Clinical Director, Prescription Monitoring Program"
20means a Department of Human Services administrative employee
21licensed to either prescribe or dispense controlled substances
22who shall run the clinical aspects of the Department of Human
23Services Prescription Monitoring Program and its Prescription
24Information Library.
25    (d-10) "Compounding" means the preparation and mixing of
26components, excluding flavorings, (1) as the result of a



HB1143- 172 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1prescriber's prescription drug order or initiative based on
2the prescriber-patient-pharmacist relationship in the course
3of professional practice or (2) for the purpose of, or
4incident to, research, teaching, or chemical analysis and not
5for sale or dispensing. "Compounding" includes the preparation
6of drugs or devices in anticipation of receiving prescription
7drug orders based on routine, regularly observed dispensing
8patterns. Commercially available products may be compounded
9for dispensing to individual patients only if both of the
10following conditions are met: (i) the commercial product is
11not reasonably available from normal distribution channels in
12a timely manner to meet the patient's needs and (ii) the
13prescribing practitioner has requested that the drug be
15    (e) "Control" means to add a drug or other substance, or
16immediate precursor, to a Schedule whether by transfer from
17another Schedule or otherwise.
18    (f) "Controlled Substance" means (i) a drug, substance,
19immediate precursor, or synthetic drug in the Schedules of
20Article II of this Act or (ii) a drug or other substance, or
21immediate precursor, designated as a controlled substance by
22the Department through administrative rule. The term does not
23include: distilled spirits, wine, malt beverages, or tobacco,
24as those terms are defined or used in the Liquor Control Act of
251934 and the Tobacco Products Tax Act of 1995; or psilocybin or
26a psilocybin product, as those terms are defined or used in the



HB1143- 173 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Compassionate Use and Research of Entheogens Act.
2    (f-5) "Controlled substance analog" means a substance:
3        (1) the chemical structure of which is substantially
4    similar to the chemical structure of a controlled
5    substance in Schedule I or II;
6        (2) which has a stimulant, depressant, or
7    hallucinogenic effect on the central nervous system that
8    is substantially similar to or greater than the stimulant,
9    depressant, or hallucinogenic effect on the central
10    nervous system of a controlled substance in Schedule I or
11    II; or
12        (3) with respect to a particular person, which such
13    person represents or intends to have a stimulant,
14    depressant, or hallucinogenic effect on the central
15    nervous system that is substantially similar to or greater
16    than the stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effect
17    on the central nervous system of a controlled substance in
18    Schedule I or II.
19    (g) "Counterfeit substance" means a controlled substance,
20which, or the container or labeling of which, without
21authorization bears the trademark, trade name, or other
22identifying mark, imprint, number or device, or any likeness
23thereof, of a manufacturer, distributor, or dispenser other
24than the person who in fact manufactured, distributed, or
25dispensed the substance.
26    (h) "Deliver" or "delivery" means the actual, constructive



HB1143- 174 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1or attempted transfer of possession of a controlled substance,
2with or without consideration, whether or not there is an
3agency relationship. "Deliver" or "delivery" does not include
4the donation of drugs to the extent permitted under the
5Illinois Drug Reuse Opportunity Program Act.
6    (i) "Department" means the Illinois Department of Human
7Services (as successor to the Department of Alcoholism and
8Substance Abuse) or its successor agency.
9    (j) (Blank).
10    (k) "Department of Corrections" means the Department of
11Corrections of the State of Illinois or its successor agency.
12    (l) "Department of Financial and Professional Regulation"
13means the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
14of the State of Illinois or its successor agency.
15    (m) "Depressant" means any drug that (i) causes an overall
16depression of central nervous system functions, (ii) causes
17impaired consciousness and awareness, and (iii) can be
18habit-forming or lead to a substance misuse or substance use
19disorder, including, but not limited to, alcohol, cannabis and
20its active principles and their analogs, benzodiazepines and
21their analogs, barbiturates and their analogs, opioids
22(natural and synthetic) and their analogs, and chloral hydrate
23and similar sedative hypnotics.
24    (n) (Blank).
25    (o) "Director" means the Director of the Illinois State
26Police or his or her designated agents.



HB1143- 175 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    (p) "Dispense" means to deliver a controlled substance to
2an ultimate user or research subject by or pursuant to the
3lawful order of a prescriber, including the prescribing,
4administering, packaging, labeling, or compounding necessary
5to prepare the substance for that delivery.
6    (q) "Dispenser" means a practitioner who dispenses.
7    (r) "Distribute" means to deliver, other than by
8administering or dispensing, a controlled substance.
9    (s) "Distributor" means a person who distributes.
10    (t) "Drug" means (1) substances recognized as drugs in the
11official United States Pharmacopoeia, Official Homeopathic
12Pharmacopoeia of the United States, or official National
13Formulary, or any supplement to any of them; (2) substances
14intended for use in diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or
15prevention of disease in man or animals; (3) substances (other
16than food) intended to affect the structure of any function of
17the body of man or animals and (4) substances intended for use
18as a component of any article specified in clause (1), (2), or
19(3) of this subsection. It does not include devices or their
20components, parts, or accessories.
21    (t-3) "Electronic health record" or "EHR" means an
22electronic record of health-related information on an
23individual that is created, gathered, managed, and consulted
24by authorized health care clinicians and staff.
25    (t-3.5) "Electronic health record system" or "EHR system"
26means any computer-based system or combination of federally



HB1143- 176 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1certified Health IT Modules (defined at 42 CFR 170.102 or its
2successor) used as a repository for electronic health records
3and accessed or updated by a prescriber or authorized
4surrogate in the ordinary course of his or her medical
5practice. For purposes of connecting to the Prescription
6Information Library maintained by the Bureau of Pharmacy and
7Clinical Support Systems or its successor, an EHR system may
8connect to the Prescription Information Library directly or
9through all or part of a computer program or system that is a
10federally certified Health IT Module maintained by a third
11party and used by the EHR system to secure access to the
13    (t-4) "Emergency medical services personnel" has the
14meaning ascribed to it in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
15Systems Act.
16    (t-5) "Euthanasia agency" means an entity certified by the
17Department of Financial and Professional Regulation for the
18purpose of animal euthanasia that holds an animal control
19facility license or animal shelter license under the Animal
20Welfare Act. A euthanasia agency is authorized to purchase,
21store, possess, and utilize Schedule II nonnarcotic and
22Schedule III nonnarcotic drugs for the sole purpose of animal
24    (t-10) "Euthanasia drugs" means Schedule II or Schedule
25III substances (nonnarcotic controlled substances) that are
26used by a euthanasia agency for the purpose of animal



HB1143- 177 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

2    (u) "Good faith" means the prescribing or dispensing of a
3controlled substance by a practitioner in the regular course
4of professional treatment to or for any person who is under his
5or her treatment for a pathology or condition other than that
6individual's physical or psychological dependence upon a
7controlled substance, except as provided herein: and
8application of the term to a pharmacist shall mean the
9dispensing of a controlled substance pursuant to the
10prescriber's order which in the professional judgment of the
11pharmacist is lawful. The pharmacist shall be guided by
12accepted professional standards, including, but not limited
13to, the following, in making the judgment:
14        (1) lack of consistency of prescriber-patient
15    relationship,
16        (2) frequency of prescriptions for same drug by one
17    prescriber for large numbers of patients,
18        (3) quantities beyond those normally prescribed,
19        (4) unusual dosages (recognizing that there may be
20    clinical circumstances where more or less than the usual
21    dose may be used legitimately),
22        (5) unusual geographic distances between patient,
23    pharmacist and prescriber,
24        (6) consistent prescribing of habit-forming drugs.
25    (u-0.5) "Hallucinogen" means a drug that causes markedly
26altered sensory perception leading to hallucinations of any



HB1143- 178 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

2    (u-1) "Home infusion services" means services provided by
3a pharmacy in compounding solutions for direct administration
4to a patient in a private residence, long-term care facility,
5or hospice setting by means of parenteral, intravenous,
6intramuscular, subcutaneous, or intraspinal infusion.
7    (u-5) "Illinois State Police" means the Illinois State
8Police or its successor agency.
9    (v) "Immediate precursor" means a substance:
10        (1) which the Department has found to be and by rule
11    designated as being a principal compound used, or produced
12    primarily for use, in the manufacture of a controlled
13    substance;
14        (2) which is an immediate chemical intermediary used
15    or likely to be used in the manufacture of such controlled
16    substance; and
17        (3) the control of which is necessary to prevent,
18    curtail or limit the manufacture of such controlled
19    substance.
20    (w) "Instructional activities" means the acts of teaching,
21educating or instructing by practitioners using controlled
22substances within educational facilities approved by the State
23Board of Education or its successor agency.
24    (x) "Local authorities" means a duly organized State,
25County or Municipal peace unit or police force.
26    (y) "Look-alike substance" means a substance, other than a



HB1143- 179 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1controlled substance which (1) by overall dosage unit
2appearance, including shape, color, size, markings or lack
3thereof, taste, consistency, or any other identifying physical
4characteristic of the substance, would lead a reasonable
5person to believe that the substance is a controlled
6substance, or (2) is expressly or impliedly represented to be
7a controlled substance or is distributed under circumstances
8which would lead a reasonable person to believe that the
9substance is a controlled substance. For the purpose of
10determining whether the representations made or the
11circumstances of the distribution would lead a reasonable
12person to believe the substance to be a controlled substance
13under this clause (2) of subsection (y), the court or other
14authority may consider the following factors in addition to
15any other factor that may be relevant:
16        (a) statements made by the owner or person in control
17    of the substance concerning its nature, use or effect;
18        (b) statements made to the buyer or recipient that the
19    substance may be resold for profit;
20        (c) whether the substance is packaged in a manner
21    normally used for the illegal distribution of controlled
22    substances;
23        (d) whether the distribution or attempted distribution
24    included an exchange of or demand for money or other
25    property as consideration, and whether the amount of the
26    consideration was substantially greater than the



HB1143- 180 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    reasonable retail market value of the substance.
2    Clause (1) of this subsection (y) shall not apply to a
3noncontrolled substance in its finished dosage form that was
4initially introduced into commerce prior to the initial
5introduction into commerce of a controlled substance in its
6finished dosage form which it may substantially resemble.
7    Nothing in this subsection (y) prohibits the dispensing or
8distributing of noncontrolled substances by persons authorized
9to dispense and distribute controlled substances under this
10Act, provided that such action would be deemed to be carried
11out in good faith under subsection (u) if the substances
12involved were controlled substances.
13    Nothing in this subsection (y) or in this Act prohibits
14the manufacture, preparation, propagation, compounding,
15processing, packaging, advertising or distribution of a drug
16or drugs by any person registered pursuant to Section 510 of
17the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360).
18    (y-1) "Mail-order pharmacy" means a pharmacy that is
19located in a state of the United States that delivers,
20dispenses or distributes, through the United States Postal
21Service or other common carrier, to Illinois residents, any
22substance which requires a prescription.
23    (z) "Manufacture" means the production, preparation,
24propagation, compounding, conversion or processing of a
25controlled substance other than methamphetamine, either
26directly or indirectly, by extraction from substances of



HB1143- 181 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1natural origin, or independently by means of chemical
2synthesis, or by a combination of extraction and chemical
3synthesis, and includes any packaging or repackaging of the
4substance or labeling of its container, except that this term
5does not include:
6        (1) by an ultimate user, the preparation or
7    compounding of a controlled substance for his or her own
8    use;
9        (2) by a practitioner, or his or her authorized agent
10    under his or her supervision, the preparation,
11    compounding, packaging, or labeling of a controlled
12    substance:
13            (a) as an incident to his or her administering or
14        dispensing of a controlled substance in the course of
15        his or her professional practice; or
16            (b) as an incident to lawful research, teaching or
17        chemical analysis and not for sale; or
18        (3) the packaging, repackaging, or labeling of drugs
19    only to the extent permitted under the Illinois Drug Reuse
20    Opportunity Program Act.
21    (z-1) (Blank).
22    (z-5) "Medication shopping" means the conduct prohibited
23under subsection (a) of Section 314.5 of this Act.
24    (z-10) "Mid-level practitioner" means (i) a physician
25assistant who has been delegated authority to prescribe
26through a written delegation of authority by a physician



HB1143- 182 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches, in
2accordance with Section 7.5 of the Physician Assistant
3Practice Act of 1987, (ii) an advanced practice registered
4nurse who has been delegated authority to prescribe through a
5written delegation of authority by a physician licensed to
6practice medicine in all of its branches or by a podiatric
7physician, in accordance with Section 65-40 of the Nurse
8Practice Act, (iii) an advanced practice registered nurse
9certified as a nurse practitioner, nurse midwife, or clinical
10nurse specialist who has been granted authority to prescribe
11by a hospital affiliate in accordance with Section 65-45 of
12the Nurse Practice Act, (iv) an animal euthanasia agency, or
13(v) a prescribing psychologist.
14    (aa) "Narcotic drug" means any of the following, whether
15produced directly or indirectly by extraction from substances
16of vegetable origin, or independently by means of chemical
17synthesis, or by a combination of extraction and chemical
19        (1) opium, opiates, derivatives of opium and opiates,
20    including their isomers, esters, ethers, salts, and salts
21    of isomers, esters, and ethers, whenever the existence of
22    such isomers, esters, ethers, and salts is possible within
23    the specific chemical designation; however the term
24    "narcotic drug" does not include the isoquinoline
25    alkaloids of opium;
26        (2) (blank);



HB1143- 183 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (3) opium poppy and poppy straw;
2        (4) coca leaves, except coca leaves and extracts of
3    coca leaves from which substantially all of the cocaine
4    and ecgonine, and their isomers, derivatives and salts,
5    have been removed;
6        (5) cocaine, its salts, optical and geometric isomers,
7    and salts of isomers;
8        (6) ecgonine, its derivatives, their salts, isomers,
9    and salts of isomers;
10        (7) any compound, mixture, or preparation which
11    contains any quantity of any of the substances referred to
12    in subparagraphs (1) through (6).
13    (bb) "Nurse" means a registered nurse licensed under the
14Nurse Practice Act.
15    (cc) (Blank).
16    (dd) "Opiate" means a drug derived from or related to
18    (ee) "Opium poppy" means the plant of the species Papaver
19somniferum L., except its seeds.
20    (ee-5) "Oral dosage" means a tablet, capsule, elixir, or
21solution or other liquid form of medication intended for
22administration by mouth, but the term does not include a form
23of medication intended for buccal, sublingual, or transmucosal
25    (ff) "Parole and Pardon Board" means the Parole and Pardon
26Board of the State of Illinois or its successor agency.



HB1143- 184 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    (gg) "Person" means any individual, corporation,
2mail-order pharmacy, government or governmental subdivision or
3agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or
4association, or any other entity.
5    (hh) "Pharmacist" means any person who holds a license or
6certificate of registration as a registered pharmacist, a
7local registered pharmacist or a registered assistant
8pharmacist under the Pharmacy Practice Act.
9    (ii) "Pharmacy" means any store, ship or other place in
10which pharmacy is authorized to be practiced under the
11Pharmacy Practice Act.
12    (ii-5) "Pharmacy shopping" means the conduct prohibited
13under subsection (b) of Section 314.5 of this Act.
14    (ii-10) "Physician" (except when the context otherwise
15requires) means a person licensed to practice medicine in all
16of its branches.
17    (jj) "Poppy straw" means all parts, except the seeds, of
18the opium poppy, after mowing.
19    (kk) "Practitioner" means a physician licensed to practice
20medicine in all its branches, dentist, optometrist, podiatric
21physician, veterinarian, scientific investigator, pharmacist,
22physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse,
23licensed practical nurse, registered nurse, emergency medical
24services personnel, hospital, laboratory, or pharmacy, or
25other person licensed, registered, or otherwise lawfully
26permitted by the United States or this State to distribute,



HB1143- 185 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1dispense, conduct research with respect to, administer or use
2in teaching or chemical analysis, a controlled substance in
3the course of professional practice or research.
4    (ll) "Pre-printed prescription" means a written
5prescription upon which the designated drug has been indicated
6prior to the time of issuance; the term does not mean a written
7prescription that is individually generated by machine or
8computer in the prescriber's office.
9    (mm) "Prescriber" means a physician licensed to practice
10medicine in all its branches, dentist, optometrist,
11prescribing psychologist licensed under Section 4.2 of the
12Clinical Psychologist Licensing Act with prescriptive
13authority delegated under Section 4.3 of the Clinical
14Psychologist Licensing Act, podiatric physician, or
15veterinarian who issues a prescription, a physician assistant
16who issues a prescription for a controlled substance in
17accordance with Section 303.05, a written delegation, and a
18written collaborative agreement required under Section 7.5 of
19the Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987, an advanced
20practice registered nurse with prescriptive authority
21delegated under Section 65-40 of the Nurse Practice Act and in
22accordance with Section 303.05, a written delegation, and a
23written collaborative agreement under Section 65-35 of the
24Nurse Practice Act, an advanced practice registered nurse
25certified as a nurse practitioner, nurse midwife, or clinical
26nurse specialist who has been granted authority to prescribe



HB1143- 186 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1by a hospital affiliate in accordance with Section 65-45 of
2the Nurse Practice Act and in accordance with Section 303.05,
3or an advanced practice registered nurse certified as a nurse
4practitioner, nurse midwife, or clinical nurse specialist who
5has full practice authority pursuant to Section 65-43 of the
6Nurse Practice Act.
7    (nn) "Prescription" means a written, facsimile, or oral
8order, or an electronic order that complies with applicable
9federal requirements, of a physician licensed to practice
10medicine in all its branches, dentist, podiatric physician or
11veterinarian for any controlled substance, of an optometrist
12in accordance with Section 15.1 of the Illinois Optometric
13Practice Act of 1987, of a prescribing psychologist licensed
14under Section 4.2 of the Clinical Psychologist Licensing Act
15with prescriptive authority delegated under Section 4.3 of the
16Clinical Psychologist Licensing Act, of a physician assistant
17for a controlled substance in accordance with Section 303.05,
18a written delegation, and a written collaborative agreement
19required under Section 7.5 of the Physician Assistant Practice
20Act of 1987, of an advanced practice registered nurse with
21prescriptive authority delegated under Section 65-40 of the
22Nurse Practice Act who issues a prescription for a controlled
23substance in accordance with Section 303.05, a written
24delegation, and a written collaborative agreement under
25Section 65-35 of the Nurse Practice Act, of an advanced
26practice registered nurse certified as a nurse practitioner,



HB1143- 187 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1nurse midwife, or clinical nurse specialist who has been
2granted authority to prescribe by a hospital affiliate in
3accordance with Section 65-45 of the Nurse Practice Act and in
4accordance with Section 303.05 when required by law, or of an
5advanced practice registered nurse certified as a nurse
6practitioner, nurse midwife, or clinical nurse specialist who
7has full practice authority pursuant to Section 65-43 of the
8Nurse Practice Act.
9    (nn-5) "Prescription Information Library" (PIL) means an
10electronic library that contains reported controlled substance
12    (nn-10) "Prescription Monitoring Program" (PMP) means the
13entity that collects, tracks, and stores reported data on
14controlled substances and select drugs pursuant to Section
16    (oo) "Production" or "produce" means manufacture,
17planting, cultivating, growing, or harvesting of a controlled
18substance other than methamphetamine.
19    (pp) "Registrant" means every person who is required to
20register under Section 302 of this Act.
21    (qq) "Registry number" means the number assigned to each
22person authorized to handle controlled substances under the
23laws of the United States and of this State.
24    (qq-5) "Secretary" means, as the context requires, either
25the Secretary of the Department or the Secretary of the
26Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, and the



HB1143- 188 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1Secretary's designated agents.
2    (rr) "State" includes the State of Illinois and any state,
3district, commonwealth, territory, insular possession thereof,
4and any area subject to the legal authority of the United
5States of America.
6    (rr-5) "Stimulant" means any drug that (i) causes an
7overall excitation of central nervous system functions, (ii)
8causes impaired consciousness and awareness, and (iii) can be
9habit-forming or lead to a substance use disorder, including,
10but not limited to, amphetamines and their analogs,
11methylphenidate and its analogs, cocaine, and phencyclidine
12and its analogs.
13    (rr-10) "Synthetic drug" includes, but is not limited to,
14any synthetic cannabinoids or piperazines or any synthetic
15cathinones as provided for in Schedule I.
16    (ss) "Ultimate user" means a person who lawfully possesses
17a controlled substance for his or her own use or for the use of
18a member of his or her household or for administering to an
19animal owned by him or her or by a member of his or her
21(Source: P.A. 102-389, eff. 1-1-22; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21;
22102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 103-881, eff. 1-1-25.)
23    (720 ILCS 570/204)  (from Ch. 56 1/2, par. 1204)
24    Sec. 204. (a) The controlled substances listed in this
25Section are included in Schedule I.



HB1143- 189 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    (b) Unless specifically excepted or unless listed in
2another schedule, any of the following opiates, including
3their isomers, esters, ethers, salts, and salts of isomers,
4esters, and ethers, whenever the existence of such isomers,
5esters, ethers and salts is possible within the specific
6chemical designation:
7        (1) Acetylmethadol;
8        (1.1) Acetyl-alpha-methylfentanyl
9    (N-[1-(1-methyl-2-phenethyl)-
10    4-piperidinyl]-N-phenylacetamide);
11        (2) Allylprodine;
12        (3) Alphacetylmethadol, except
13    levo-alphacetylmethadol (also known as levo-alpha-
14    acetylmethadol, levomethadyl acetate, or LAAM);
15        (4) Alphameprodine;
16        (5) Alphamethadol;
17        (6) Alpha-methylfentanyl
18    (N-(1-alpha-methyl-beta-phenyl) ethyl-4-piperidyl)
19    propionanilide;  1-(1-methyl-2-phenylethyl)-4-(N-
20    propanilido) piperidine;
21        (6.1) Alpha-methylthiofentanyl
22    (N-[1-methyl-2-(2-thienyl)ethyl-
23    4-piperidinyl]-N-phenylpropanamide);
24        (7) 1-methyl-4-phenyl-4-propionoxypiperidine (MPPP);
25        (7.1) PEPAP
26    (1-(2-phenethyl)-4-phenyl-4-acetoxypiperidine);



HB1143- 190 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (8) Benzethidine;
2        (9) Betacetylmethadol;
3        (9.1) Beta-hydroxyfentanyl
4    (N-[1-(2-hydroxy-2-phenethyl)-
5    4-piperidinyl]-N-phenylpropanamide);
6        (10) Betameprodine;
7        (11) Betamethadol;
8        (12) Betaprodine;
9        (13) Clonitazene;
10        (14) Dextromoramide;
11        (15) Diampromide;
12        (16) Diethylthiambutene;
13        (17) Difenoxin;
14        (18) Dimenoxadol;
15        (19) Dimepheptanol;
16        (20) Dimethylthiambutene;
17        (21) Dioxaphetylbutyrate;
18        (22) Dipipanone;
19        (23) Ethylmethylthiambutene;
20        (24) Etonitazene;
21        (25) Etoxeridine;
22        (26) Furethidine;
23        (27) Hydroxpethidine;
24        (28) Ketobemidone;
25        (29) Levomoramide;
26        (30) Levophenacylmorphan;



HB1143- 191 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (31) 3-Methylfentanyl
2    (N-[3-methyl-1-(2-phenylethyl)-
3    4-piperidyl]-N-phenylpropanamide);
4        (31.1) 3-Methylthiofentanyl
5    (N-[(3-methyl-1-(2-thienyl)ethyl-
6    4-piperidinyl]-N-phenylpropanamide);
7        (32) Morpheridine;
8        (33) Noracymethadol;
9        (34) Norlevorphanol;
10        (35) Normethadone;
11        (36) Norpipanone;
12        (36.1) Para-fluorofentanyl
13    (N-(4-fluorophenyl)-N-[1-(2-phenethyl)-
14    4-piperidinyl]propanamide);
15        (37) Phenadoxone;
16        (38) Phenampromide;
17        (39) Phenomorphan;
18        (40) Phenoperidine;
19        (41) Piritramide;
20        (42) Proheptazine;
21        (43) Properidine;
22        (44) Propiram;
23        (45) Racemoramide;
24        (45.1) Thiofentanyl
25    (N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-thienyl)ethyl-
26    4-piperidinyl]-propanamide);



HB1143- 192 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (46) Tilidine;
2        (47) Trimeperidine;
3        (48) Beta-hydroxy-3-methylfentanyl (other name:
4    N-[1-(2-hydroxy-2-phenethyl)-3-methyl-4-piperidinyl]-
5    N-phenylpropanamide);
6        (49) Furanyl fentanyl (FU-F);
7        (50) Butyryl fentanyl;
8        (51) Valeryl fentanyl;
9        (52) Acetyl fentanyl;
10        (53) Beta-hydroxy-thiofentanyl;
11        (54) 3,4-dichloro-N-[2-
12    (dimethylamino)cyclohexyl]-N-
13    methylbenzamide (U-47700); 
14        (55) 4-chloro-N-[1-[2-
15    (4-nitrophenyl)ethyl]-2-piperidinylidene]-
16    benzenesulfonamide (W-18); 
17        (56) 4-chloro-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)
18    -2-piperidinylidene]-benzenesulfonamide (W-15); 
19        (57) acrylfentanyl (acryloylfentanyl). 
20    (c) Unless specifically excepted or unless listed in
21another schedule, any of the following opium derivatives, its
22salts, isomers and salts of isomers, whenever the existence of
23such salts, isomers and salts of isomers is possible within
24the specific chemical designation:
25        (1) Acetorphine;
26        (2) Acetyldihydrocodeine;



HB1143- 193 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (3) Benzylmorphine;
2        (4) Codeine methylbromide;
3        (5) Codeine-N-Oxide;
4        (6) Cyprenorphine;
5        (7) Desomorphine;
6        (8) Diacetyldihydromorphine (Dihydroheroin);
7        (9) Dihydromorphine;
8        (10) Drotebanol;
9        (11) Etorphine (except hydrochloride salt);
10        (12) Heroin;
11        (13) Hydromorphinol;
12        (14) Methyldesorphine;
13        (15) Methyldihydromorphine;
14        (16) Morphine methylbromide;
15        (17) Morphine methylsulfonate;
16        (18) Morphine-N-Oxide;
17        (19) Myrophine;
18        (20) Nicocodeine;
19        (21) Nicomorphine;
20        (22) Normorphine;
21        (23) Pholcodine;
22        (24) Thebacon.
23    (d) Unless specifically excepted or unless listed in
24another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or
25preparation which contains any quantity of the following
26hallucinogenic substances, or which contains any of its salts,



HB1143- 194 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1isomers and salts of isomers, whenever the existence of such
2salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the
3specific chemical designation (for the purposes of this
4paragraph only, the term "isomer" includes the optical,
5position and geometric isomers):
6        (1) 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine
7    (alpha-methyl,3,4-methylenedioxyphenethylamine,
8    methylenedioxyamphetamine, MDA);
9        (1.1) Alpha-ethyltryptamine
10    (some trade or other names: etryptamine;
11    MONASE; alpha-ethyl-1H-indole-3-ethanamine;
12    3-(2-aminobutyl)indole; a-ET; and AET);
13        (2) 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA);
14        (2.1) 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-ethylamphetamine
15    (also known as: N-ethyl-alpha-methyl-
16    3,4(methylenedioxy) Phenethylamine, N-ethyl MDA, MDE,
17    and MDEA);
18        (2.2) N-Benzylpiperazine (BZP);
19        (2.2-1) Trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine (TFMPP);
20        (3) 3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxyamphetamine, (MMDA);
21        (4) 3,4,5-trimethoxyamphetamine (TMA);
22        (5) (Blank);
23        (6) Diethyltryptamine (DET);
24        (7) Dimethyltryptamine (DMT);
25        (7.1) 5-Methoxy-diallyltryptamine;
26        (8) 4-methyl-2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine (DOM, STP);



HB1143- 195 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (9) Ibogaine  (some trade and other names:
2    7-ethyl-6,6,beta,7,8,9,10,12,13-octahydro-2-methoxy-
3    6,9-methano-5H-pyrido [1',2':1,2] azepino [5,4-b]
4    indole; Tabernanthe iboga);
5        (10) Lysergic acid diethylamide;
6        (10.1) Salvinorin A;
7        (10.5) Salvia divinorum (meaning all parts of the
8    plant presently classified botanically as Salvia
9    divinorum, whether growing or not, the seeds thereof, any
10    extract from any part of that plant, and every compound,
11    manufacture, salts, isomers, and salts of isomers whenever
12    the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers
13    is possible within the specific chemical designation,
14    derivative, mixture, or preparation of that plant, its
15    seeds or extracts);
16        (11) 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine (Mescaline);
17        (12) Peyote (meaning all parts of the plant presently
18    classified botanically as Lophophora williamsii Lemaire,
19    whether growing or not, the seeds thereof, any extract
20    from any part of that plant, and every compound,
21    manufacture, salts, derivative, mixture, or preparation of
22    that plant, its seeds or extracts);
23        (13) N-ethyl-3-piperidyl benzilate (JB 318);
24        (14) N-methyl-3-piperidyl benzilate;
25        (14.1) N-hydroxy-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine
26    (also known as N-hydroxy-alpha-methyl-



HB1143- 196 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    3,4(methylenedioxy)phenethylamine and N-hydroxy MDA);
2        (15) Parahexyl; some trade or other names:
3    3-hexyl-1-hydroxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydro-6,6,9-trimethyl-6H-
4    dibenzo (b,d) pyran; Synhexyl;
5        (16) (Blank); Psilocybin;
6        (17) (Blank); Psilocyn;
7        (18) Alpha-methyltryptamine (AMT);
8        (19) 2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine
9    (2,5-dimethoxy-alpha-methylphenethylamine; 2,5-DMA);
10        (20) 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine
11    (4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxy-alpha-methylphenethylamine;
12    4-bromo-2,5-DMA);
13        (20.1) 4-Bromo-2,5 dimethoxyphenethylamine.
14    Some trade or other names: 2-(4-bromo-
15    2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-aminoethane;
16    alpha-desmethyl DOB, 2CB, Nexus;
17        (21) 4-methoxyamphetamine
18    (4-methoxy-alpha-methylphenethylamine;
19    paramethoxyamphetamine; PMA);
20        (22) (Blank);
21        (23) Ethylamine analog of phencyclidine.
22    Some trade or other names:
23    N-ethyl-1-phenylcyclohexylamine,
24    (1-phenylcyclohexyl) ethylamine,
25    N-(1-phenylcyclohexyl) ethylamine, cyclohexamine, PCE;
26        (24) Pyrrolidine analog of phencyclidine. Some trade



HB1143- 197 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    or other names: 1-(1-phenylcyclohexyl) pyrrolidine, PCPy,
2    PHP;
3        (25) 5-methoxy-3,4-methylenedioxy-amphetamine;
4        (26) 2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethylamphetamine
5    (another name: DOET);
6        (27) 1-[1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl] pyrrolidine
7    (another name: TCPy);
8        (28) (Blank);
9        (29) Thiophene analog of phencyclidine (some trade
10    or other names: 1-[1-(2-thienyl)-cyclohexyl]-piperidine;
11    2-thienyl analog of phencyclidine; TPCP; TCP);
12        (29.1) Benzothiophene analog of phencyclidine. Some
13    trade or other names: BTCP or benocyclidine;
14        (29.2) 3-Methoxyphencyclidine (3-MeO-PCP);
15        (30) Bufotenine (some trade or other names:
16    3-(Beta-Dimethylaminoethyl)-5-hydroxyindole;
17    3-(2-dimethylaminoethyl)-5-indolol;
18    5-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine;
19    N,N-dimethylserotonin; mappine);
20        (31) (Blank);  
21        (32) (Blank);  
22        (33) (Blank);  
23        (34) (Blank); 
24        (34.5) (Blank);  
25        (35) (6aR,10aR)-9-(hydroxymethyl)-6,6-dimethyl-3-
26    (2-methyloctan-2-yl)-6a,7, 



HB1143- 198 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    10,10a-tetrahydrobenzo[c]chromen-1-ol
2    Some trade or other names: HU-210; 
3        (35.5)  (6aS,10aS)-9-(hydroxymethyl)-6,6- 
4    dimethyl-3-(2-methyloctan-2-yl)-6a,7,10,10a- 
5    tetrahydrobenzo[c]chromen-1-ol, its isomers,  
6    salts, and salts of isomers; Some trade or other  
7    names: HU-210, Dexanabinol; 
8        (36) Dexanabinol, (6aS,10aS)-9-(hydroxymethyl)-
9    6,6-dimethyl-3-(2-methyloctan-2-yl)- 
10    6a,7,10,10a-tetrahydrobenzo[c]chromen-1-ol
11    Some trade or other names: HU-211;
12        (37) (Blank);
13        (38) (Blank);
14        (39) (Blank);
15        (40) (Blank);
16        (41) (Blank);
17        (42) Any compound structurally derived from
18    3-(1-naphthoyl)indole or
19    1H-indol-3-yl-(1-naphthyl)methane by substitution at the
20    nitrogen atom of the indole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl,
21    alkenyl, cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide,
22    alkyl aryl halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
23    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl whether or not further substituted
24    in the indole ring to any extent, whether or not
25    substituted in the naphthyl ring to any extent. Examples
26    of this structural class include, but are not limited to,



HB1143- 199 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    JWH-018, AM-2201, JWH-175, JWH-184, and JWH-185;
2        (43) Any compound structurally derived from
3    3-(1-naphthoyl)pyrrole by substitution at the nitrogen
4    atom of the pyrrole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl,
5    cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl
6    halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
7    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
8    in the pyrrole ring to any extent, whether or not
9    substituted in the naphthyl ring to any extent. Examples
10    of this structural class include, but are not limited to,
11    JWH-030, JWH-145, JWH-146, JWH-307, and JWH-368;
12        (44) Any compound structurally derived from
13    1-(1-naphthylmethyl)indene by substitution at the
14    3-position of the indene ring by alkyl, haloalkyl,
15    alkenyl, cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide,
16    alkyl aryl halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
17    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl whether or not further substituted
18    in the indene ring to any extent, whether or not
19    substituted in the naphthyl ring to any extent. Examples
20    of this structural class include, but are not limited to,
21    JWH-176;
22        (45) Any compound structurally derived from
23    3-phenylacetylindole by substitution at the nitrogen atom
24    of the indole ring with alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl,
25    cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl
26    halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or



HB1143- 200 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
2    in the indole ring to any extent, whether or not
3    substituted in the phenyl ring to any extent. Examples of
4    this structural class include, but are not limited to,
5    JWH-167, JWH-250, JWH-251, and RCS-8;
6        (46) Any compound structurally derived from
7    2-(3-hydroxycyclohexyl)phenol by substitution at the
8    5-position of the phenolic ring by alkyl, haloalkyl,
9    alkenyl, cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide,
10    alkyl aryl halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
11    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not substituted in the
12    cyclohexyl ring to any extent. Examples of this structural
13    class include, but are not limited to, CP 47, 497 and its
14    C8 homologue (cannabicyclohexanol);
15        (46.1) Any compound structurally derived from
16    3-(benzoyl) indole with substitution at the nitrogen atom
17    of the indole ring by an alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl,
18    cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl
19    halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
20    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl group whether or not further
21    substituted in the indole ring to any extent and whether
22    or not substituted in the phenyl ring to any extent.
23    Examples of this structural class include, but are not
24    limited to, AM-630, AM-2233, AM-694, Pravadoline (WIN
25    48,098), and RCS-4;
26        (47) (Blank);



HB1143- 201 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (48) (Blank);
2        (49) (Blank);
3        (50) (Blank);
4        (51) (Blank);
5        (52) (Blank);
6        (53) 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-(n)-propylthio-phenethylamine.
7    Some trade or other names: 2C-T-7;
8        (53.1) 4-ethyl-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine. Some
9    trade or other names: 2C-E;
10        (53.2) 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylphenethylamine. Some
11    trade or other names: 2C-D;
12        (53.3) 4-chloro-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine. Some
13    trade or other names: 2C-C;
14        (53.4) 4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine. Some trade
15    or other names: 2C-I;
16        (53.5) 4-ethylthio-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine. Some
17    trade or other names: 2C-T-2;
18        (53.6) 2,5-dimethoxy-4-isopropylthio-phenethylamine.
19    Some trade or other names: 2C-T-4;
20        (53.7) 2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine. Some trade or
21    other names: 2C-H;
22        (53.8) 2,5-dimethoxy-4-nitrophenethylamine. Some
23    trade or other names: 2C-N;
24        (53.9) 2,5-dimethoxy-4-(n)-propylphenethylamine. Some
25    trade or other names: 2C-P;
26        (53.10) 2,5-dimethoxy-3,4-dimethylphenethylamine.



HB1143- 202 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    Some trade or other names: 2C-G;
2        (53.11) The N-(2-methoxybenzyl) derivative of any 2C
3    phenethylamine referred to in subparagraphs (20.1), (53),
4    (53.1), (53.2), (53.3), (53.4), (53.5), (53.6), (53.7),
5    (53.8), (53.9), and (53.10) including, but not limited to,
6    25I-NBOMe and 25C-NBOMe;
7        (54) 5-Methoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine;
8        (55) (Blank);
9        (56) (Blank);
10        (57) (Blank);
11        (58) (Blank);
12        (59) 3-cyclopropoylindole with substitution at the
13    nitrogen atom of the indole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl,
14    alkenyl, cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide,
15    alkyl aryl halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
16    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
17    on the indole ring to any extent, whether or not
18    substituted on the cyclopropyl ring to any extent:
19    including, but not limited to, XLR11, UR144, FUB-144;
20        (60) 3-adamantoylindole with substitution at the
21    nitrogen atom of the indole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl,
22    alkenyl, cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide,
23    alkyl aryl halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
24    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
25    on the indole ring to any extent, whether or not
26    substituted on the adamantyl ring to any extent:



HB1143- 203 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    including, but not limited to, AB-001;
2        (61) N-(adamantyl)-indole-3-carboxamide with
3    substitution at the nitrogen atom of the indole ring by
4    alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl, cycloalkylmethyl,
5    cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl halide,
6    1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
7    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
8    on the indole ring to any extent, whether or not
9    substituted on the adamantyl ring to any extent:
10    including, but not limited to, APICA/2NE-1, STS-135;
11        (62) N-(adamantyl)-indazole-3-carboxamide with
12    substitution at a nitrogen atom of the indazole ring by
13    alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl, cycloalkylmethyl,
14    cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl halide,
15    1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
16    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
17    on the indazole ring to any extent, whether or not
18    substituted on the adamantyl ring to any extent:
19    including, but not limited to, AKB48, 5F-AKB48;
20        (63) 1H-indole-3-carboxylic acid 8-quinolinyl ester
21    with substitution at the nitrogen atom of the indole ring
22    by alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl, cycloalkylmethyl,
23    cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl halide,
24    1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
25    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
26    on the indole ring to any extent, whether or not



HB1143- 204 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    substituted on the quinoline ring to any extent:
2    including, but not limited to, PB22, 5F-PB22, FUB-PB-22;
3        (64) 3-(1-naphthoyl)indazole with substitution at the
4    nitrogen atom of the indazole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl,
5    alkenyl, cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide,
6    alkyl aryl halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
7    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
8    on the indazole ring to any extent, whether or not
9    substituted on the naphthyl ring to any extent: including,
10    but not limited to, THJ-018, THJ-2201;
11        (65) 2-(1-naphthoyl)benzimidazole with substitution
12    at the nitrogen atom of the benzimidazole ring by alkyl,
13    haloalkyl, alkenyl, cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl,
14    aryl halide, alkyl aryl halide,
15    1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
16    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
17    on the benzimidazole ring to any extent, whether or not
18    substituted on the naphthyl ring to any extent: including,
19    but not limited to, FUBIMINA;
20        (66)
21    N-(1-amino-3-methyl-1-oxobutan-2-yl)-1H-indazole-
22    3-carboxamide with substitution on the nitrogen atom of
23    the indazole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl,
24    cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl
25    halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
26    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted



HB1143- 205 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    on the indazole ring to any extent: including, but not
3        (67) N-(1-amino-3,3-dimethyl-1-oxobutan-2-yl)-1H-
4    indazole-3-carboxamide with substitution on the nitrogen
5    atom of the indazole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl,
6    cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl
7    halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
8    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
9    on the indazole ring to any extent: including, but not
10    limited to, ADB-PINACA, ADB-FUBINACA;
11        (68) N-(1-amino-3,3-dimethyl-1-oxobutan-2-yl)-1H-
12    indole-3-carboxamide with substitution on the nitrogen
13    atom of the indole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl,
14    cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl
15    halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
16    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
17    on the indole ring to any extent: including, but not
18    limited to, ADBICA, 5F-ADBICA;
19        (69) N-(1-amino-3-methyl-1-oxobutan-2-yl)-1H-indole-
20    3-carboxamide with substitution on the nitrogen atom of
21    the indole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl,
22    cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl
23    halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
24    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
25    on the indole ring to any extent: including, but not
26    limited to, ABICA, 5F-ABICA;



HB1143- 206 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (70) Methyl 2-(1H-indazole-3-carboxamido)-3-
2    methylbutanoate with substitution on the nitrogen atom of
3    the indazole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl,
4    cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl
5    halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
6    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
7    on the indazole ring to any extent: including, but not
8    limited to, AMB, 5F-AMB;
9        (71) Methyl 2-(1H-indazole-3-carboxamido)-3,3-
10    dimethylbutanoate with substitution on the nitrogen atom
11    of the indazole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl,
12    cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl
13    halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
14    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
15    on the indazole ring to any extent: including, but not
16    limited to, 5-fluoro-MDMB-PINACA, MDMB-FUBINACA;
17        (72) Methyl 2-(1H-indole-3-carboxamido)-3-
18    methylbutanoate with substitution on the nitrogen atom of
19    the indole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl,
20    cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl
21    halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
22    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
23    on the indazole ring to any extent: including, but not
24    limited to, MMB018, MMB2201, and AMB-CHMICA;
25        (73) Methyl 2-(1H-indole-3-carboxamido)-3,3-
26    dimethylbutanoate with substitution on the nitrogen atom



HB1143- 207 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    of the indole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl,
2    cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl
3    halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
4    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
5    on the indazole ring to any extent: including, but not
6    limited to, MDMB-CHMICA;
7        (74) N-(1-Amino-1-oxo-3-phenylpropan-2-yl)-1H-
8    indazole-3-carboxamide with substitution on the nitrogen
9    atom of the indazole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl,
10    cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl
11    halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
12    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
13    on the indazole ring to any     extent: including, but not
14    limited to, APP-CHMINACA, 5-fluoro-APP-PINACA;
15        (75) N-(1-Amino-1-oxo-3-phenylpropan-2-yl)-1H-indole-
16    3-carboxamide with substitution on the nitrogen atom of
17    the indole ring by alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl,
18    cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl, aryl halide, alkyl aryl
19    halide, 1-(N-methyl-2-piperidinyl)methyl, or
20    2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl, whether or not further substituted
21    on the indazole ring to any extent: including, but not
22    limited to, APP-PICA and 5-fluoro-APP-PICA;
23        (76) 4-Acetoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine: trade name
24    4-AcO-DMT;
25        (77) 5-Methoxy-N-methyl-N-isopropyltryptamine: trade
26    name 5-MeO-MIPT;



HB1143- 208 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (78) 4-hydroxy Diethyltryptamine (4-HO-DET);
2        (79) 4-hydroxy-N-methyl-N-ethyltryptamine (4-HO-MET);
3        (80) 4-hydroxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine (4-HO-DiPT);
4        (81) 4-hydroxy-N-methyl-N-isopropyltryptamine
5    (4-HO-MiPT);
6        (82) Fluorophenylpiperazine;
7        (83) Methoxetamine;
8        (84) 1-(Ethylamino)-2-phenylpropan-2-one (iso-
9    ethcathinone).
10    (e) Unless specifically excepted or unless listed in
11another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or
12preparation which contains any quantity of the following
13substances having a depressant effect on the central nervous
14system, including its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers
15whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of
16isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation:
17        (1) mecloqualone;
18        (2) methaqualone; and
19        (3) gamma hydroxybutyric acid.
20    (f) Unless specifically excepted or unless listed in
21another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or
22preparation which contains any quantity of the following
23substances having a stimulant effect on the central nervous
24system, including its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers:
25        (1) Fenethylline;
26        (2) N-ethylamphetamine;



HB1143- 209 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1        (3) Aminorex (some other names:
2    2-amino-5-phenyl-2-oxazoline; aminoxaphen;
3    4-5-dihydro-5-phenyl-2-oxazolamine) and its
4    salts, optical isomers, and salts of optical isomers;
5        (4) Methcathinone (some other names:
6    2-methylamino-1-phenylpropan-1-one;
7    Ephedrone; 2-(methylamino)-propiophenone;
8    alpha-(methylamino)propiophenone; N-methylcathinone;
9    methycathinone; Monomethylpropion; UR 1431) and its
10    salts, optical isomers, and salts of optical isomers;
11        (5) Cathinone (some trade or other names:
12    2-aminopropiophenone; alpha-aminopropiophenone;
13    2-amino-1-phenyl-propanone; norephedrone);
14        (6) N,N-dimethylamphetamine (also known as:
15    N,N-alpha-trimethyl-benzeneethanamine;
16    N,N-alpha-trimethylphenethylamine);
17        (7) (+ or -) cis-4-methylaminorex  ((+ or -) cis-
18    4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-4-5-phenyl-2-oxazolamine);
19        (8) 3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV);
20        (9) Halogenated amphetamines and
21    methamphetamines - any compound derived from either
22    amphetamine or methamphetamine through the substitution
23    of a halogen on the phenyl ring, including, but not
24    limited to, 2-fluoroamphetamine, 3-
25    fluoroamphetamine and 4-fluoroamphetamine; 
26        (10) Aminopropylbenzofuran (APB):



HB1143- 210 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1    including 4-(2-Aminopropyl) benzofuran, 5-
2    (2-Aminopropyl)benzofuran, 6-(2-Aminopropyl)
3    benzofuran, and 7-(2-Aminopropyl) benzofuran; 
4        (11) Aminopropyldihydrobenzofuran (APDB):
5    including 4-(2-Aminopropyl)-2,3- dihydrobenzofuran,
6    5-(2-Aminopropyl)-2, 3-dihydrobenzofuran,
7    6-(2-Aminopropyl)-2,3-dihydrobenzofuran,
8    and 7-(2-Aminopropyl)-2,3-dihydrobenzofuran; 
9        (12) Methylaminopropylbenzofuran
10    (MAPB): including 4-(2-methylaminopropyl)
11    benzofuran, 5-(2-methylaminopropyl)benzofuran,
12    6-(2-methylaminopropyl)benzofuran
13    and 7-(2-methylaminopropyl)benzofuran. 
14    (g) Temporary listing of substances subject to emergency
15scheduling. Any material, compound, mixture, or preparation
16that contains any quantity of the following substances:
17        (1) N-[1-benzyl-4-piperidyl]-N-phenylpropanamide
18    (benzylfentanyl), its optical isomers, isomers, salts, and
19    salts of isomers;
20        (2) N-[1(2-thienyl) methyl-4-piperidyl]-N-
21    phenylpropanamide (thenylfentanyl), its optical isomers,
22    salts, and salts of isomers.
23    (h) Synthetic cathinones. Unless specifically excepted,
24any chemical compound which is not approved by the United
25States Food and Drug Administration or, if approved, is not
26dispensed or possessed in accordance with State or federal



HB1143- 211 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1law, not including bupropion, structurally derived from
22-aminopropan-1-one by substitution at the 1-position with
3either phenyl, naphthyl, or thiophene ring systems, whether or
4not the compound is further modified in one or more of the
5following ways:
6        (1) by substitution in the ring system to any extent
7    with alkyl, alkylenedioxy, alkoxy, haloalkyl, hydroxyl, or
8    halide substituents, whether or not further substituted in
9    the ring system by one or more other univalent
10    substituents. Examples of this class include, but are not
11    limited to, 3,4-Methylenedioxycathinone (bk-MDA);
12        (2) by substitution at the 3-position with an acyclic
13    alkyl substituent. Examples of this class include, but are
14    not limited to, 2-methylamino-1-phenylbutan-1-one
15    (buphedrone); or
16        (3) by substitution at the 2-amino nitrogen atom with
17    alkyl, dialkyl, benzyl, or methoxybenzyl groups, or by
18    inclusion of the 2-amino nitrogen atom in a cyclic
19    structure. Examples of this class include, but are not
20    limited to, Dimethylcathinone, Ethcathinone, and
21    a-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP); or
22    Any other synthetic cathinone which is not approved by the
23United States Food and Drug Administration or, if approved, is
24not dispensed or possessed in accordance with State or federal
26    (i) Synthetic cannabinoids or piperazines. Any synthetic



HB1143- 212 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1cannabinoid or piperazine which is not approved by the United
2States Food and Drug Administration or, if approved, which is
3not dispensed or possessed in accordance with State and
4federal law.
5    (j) Unless specifically excepted or listed in another
6schedule, any chemical compound which is not approved by the
7United States Food and Drug Administration or, if approved, is
8not dispensed or possessed in accordance with State or federal
9law, and is derived from the following structural classes and
10their salts:
11        (1) Benzodiazepine class: A fused 1,4-diazepine and
12    benzene ring structure with a phenyl connected to the
13    1,4-diazepine ring, with any substitution(s) or
14    replacement(s) on the 1,4-diazepine or benzene ring, any
15    substitution(s) on the phenyl ring, or any combination
16    thereof. Examples of this class include but are not
17    limited to: Clonazolam, Flualprazolam; or
18        (2) Thienodiazepine class: A fused 1,4-diazepine and
19    thiophene ring structure with a phenyl connected to the
20    1,4-diazepine ring, with any substitution(s) or
21    replacement(s) on the 1,4-diazepine or thiophene ring, any
22    substitution(s) on the phenyl ring, or any combination
23    thereof. Examples of this class include but are not
24    limited to: Etizolam.
25(Source: P.A. 103-245, eff. 1-1-24.)
26    Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon



HB1143- 213 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

1becoming law.



HB1143- 214 -LRB104 05971 BDA 16004 b

2 Statutes amended in order of appearance
3    New Act
4    5 ILCS 140/7
5    30 ILCS 105/5.1030 new
6    30 ILCS 105/5.1031 new
7    35 ILCS 1010/1-45
8    625 ILCS 5/11-501from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-501
9    720 ILCS 570/102from Ch. 56 1/2, par. 1102
10    720 ILCS 570/204from Ch. 56 1/2, par. 1204