State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/9/2025, by Rep. Jed Davis


105 ILCS 5/21A-5
105 ILCS 5/21B-20
110 ILCS 148/10
110 ILCS 148/15
110 ILCS 148/80

    Amends the School Code. Allows a METT Educator District License for teaching a course in manufacturing, engineering, technology, or a trade (METT) to be issued to an applicant who has at least 10,000 working hours in a trade. Provides that a METT Educator District License may be issued to qualified individuals who have not obtained a bachelor's degree or an equivalent number of hours in an educational program at an institution of higher education. Provides that a METT Educator District License is valid until June 30 immediately following 5 years of the license being issued and may be renewed. Provides that a METT Educator District License is valid only for the teaching of a course that the State Board of Education has identified as related to the work experience of the licensee. Sets forth other provisions regarding the license. Amends the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act. Provides that the State Board of Education, in conjunction with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity or the Department of Labor, shall expand a database to identify METT labor shortages. Provides that by July 1, 2028, school districts in identified regions shall be notified by the State Board and shall participate in a College and Career Pathway Endorsement program and offer a METT endorsement. Makes other changes.

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1    AN ACT concerning education.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Sections
521A-5 and 21B-20 as follows:
6    (105 ILCS 5/21A-5)
7    Sec. 21A-5. Definitions. In this Article:
8    "New teacher" means the holder of a professional educator
9license or METT educator district license, as set forth in
10Section 21B-20 of this Code, who is employed by a public school
11and who has not previously participated in a new teacher
12induction and mentoring program required by this Article,
13except as provided in Section 21A-25 of this Code.
14    "Eligible applicant" or "eligible entity" means a regional
15office of education, an intermediate service center, an
16Illinois institution of higher education, a statewide
17organization representing teachers, a local education agency,
18or a public or private not-for-profit entity with experience
19providing professional learning, including mentoring, to early
20childhood educators.
21    "Public school" means any school operating pursuant to the
22authority of this Code, including without limitation a school
23district, a charter school, a cooperative or joint agreement



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1with a governing body or board of control, and a school
2operated by a regional office of education or State agency.
3(Source: P.A. 101-643, eff. 6-18-20; 102-521, eff. 8-20-21.)
4    (105 ILCS 5/21B-20)
5    Sec. 21B-20. Types of licenses. The State Board of
6Education shall implement a system of educator licensure,
7whereby individuals employed in school districts who are
8required to be licensed must have one of the following
9licenses: (i) a professional educator license; (ii) an
10educator license with stipulations; (iii) a substitute
11teaching license; or (iv) until June 30, 2028, a short-term
12substitute teaching license, or (v) a METT educator district
13license. References in law regarding individuals certified or
14certificated or required to be certified or certificated under
15Article 21 of this Code shall also include individuals
16licensed or required to be licensed under this Article. The
17first year of all licenses ends on June 30 following one full
18year of the license being issued.
19    The State Board of Education, in consultation with the
20State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board, may adopt such
21rules as may be necessary to govern the requirements for
22licenses and endorsements under this Section.
23        (1) Professional Educator License. Persons who (i)
24    have successfully completed an approved educator
25    preparation program and are recommended for licensure by



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1    the Illinois institution offering the educator preparation
2    program, (ii) have successfully completed the required
3    testing under Section 21B-30 of this Code, (iii) have
4    successfully completed coursework on the psychology of,
5    the identification of, and the methods of instruction for
6    the exceptional child, including, without limitation,
7    children with learning disabilities, (iv) have
8    successfully completed coursework in methods of reading
9    and reading in the content area, and (v) have met all other
10    criteria established by rule of the State Board of
11    Education shall be issued a Professional Educator License.
12    All Professional Educator Licenses are valid until June 30
13    immediately following 5 years of the license being issued.
14    The Professional Educator License shall be endorsed with
15    specific areas and grade levels in which the individual is
16    eligible to practice. For an early childhood education
17    endorsement, an individual may satisfy the student
18    teaching requirement of his or her early childhood teacher
19    preparation program through placement in a setting with
20    children from birth through grade 2, and the individual
21    may be paid and receive credit while student teaching. The
22    student teaching experience must meet the requirements of
23    and be approved by the individual's early childhood
24    teacher preparation program.
25        Individuals can receive subsequent endorsements on the
26    Professional Educator License. Subsequent endorsements



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1    shall require a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework
2    in the endorsement area and passage of the applicable
3    content area test, unless otherwise specified by rule.
4        (2) Educator License with Stipulations. An Educator
5    License with Stipulations shall be issued an endorsement
6    that limits the license holder to one particular position
7    or does not require completion of an approved educator
8    program or both.
9        An individual with an Educator License with
10    Stipulations must not be employed by a school district or
11    any other entity to replace any presently employed teacher
12    who otherwise would not be replaced for any reason.
13        An Educator License with Stipulations may be issued
14    with the following endorsements:
15            (A) (Blank).
16            (B) Alternative provisional educator. An
17        alternative provisional educator endorsement on an
18        Educator License with Stipulations may be issued to an
19        applicant who, at the time of applying for the
20        endorsement, has done all of the following:
21                (i) Graduated from a regionally accredited
22            college or university with a minimum of a
23            bachelor's degree.
24                (ii) Successfully completed the first phase of
25            the Alternative Educator Licensure Program for
26            Teachers, as described in Section 21B-50 of this



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1            Code.
2                (iii) Passed a content area test, as required
3            under Section 21B-30 of this Code.
4        The alternative provisional educator endorsement is
5    valid for 2 years of teaching and may be renewed for a
6    third year by an individual meeting the requirements set
7    forth in Section 21B-50 of this Code.
8            (C) Alternative provisional superintendent. An
9        alternative provisional superintendent endorsement on
10        an Educator License with Stipulations entitles the
11        holder to serve only as a superintendent or assistant
12        superintendent in a school district's central office.
13        This endorsement may only be issued to an applicant
14        who, at the time of applying for the endorsement, has
15        done all of the following:
16                (i) Graduated from a regionally accredited
17            college or university with a minimum of a master's
18            degree in a management field other than education.
19                (ii) Been employed for a period of at least 5
20            years in a management level position in a field
21            other than education.
22                (iii) Successfully completed the first phase
23            of an alternative route to superintendent
24            endorsement program, as provided in Section 21B-55
25            of this Code.
26                (iv) Passed a content area test required under



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1            Section 21B-30 of this Code.
2            The endorsement is valid for 2 fiscal years in
3        order to complete one full year of serving as a
4        superintendent or assistant superintendent.
5            (D) (Blank).
6            (E) Career and technical educator. A career and
7        technical educator endorsement on an Educator License
8        with Stipulations may be issued to an applicant who
9        has a minimum of 60 semester hours of coursework from a
10        regionally accredited institution of higher education
11        or an accredited trade and technical institution and
12        has a minimum of 2,000 hours of experience outside of
13        education in each area to be taught.
14            The career and technical educator endorsement on
15        an Educator License with Stipulations is valid until
16        June 30 immediately following 5 years of the
17        endorsement being issued and may be renewed.
18            An individual who holds a valid career and
19        technical educator endorsement on an Educator License
20        with Stipulations but does not hold a bachelor's
21        degree may substitute teach in career and technical
22        education classrooms.
23            An individual who holds a valid career and
24        technical educator endorsement on an Educator License
25        with Stipulations is entitled to all of the rights and
26        privileges granted to a holder of a Professional



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1        Educator License.
2            (F) (Blank).
3            (G) Transitional bilingual educator. A
4        transitional bilingual educator endorsement on an
5        Educator License with Stipulations may be issued for
6        the purpose of providing instruction in accordance
7        with Article 14C of this Code to an applicant who
8        provides satisfactory evidence that he or she meets
9        all of the following requirements:
10                (i) Possesses adequate speaking, reading, and
11            writing ability in the language other than English
12            in which transitional bilingual education is
13            offered.
14                (ii) Has the ability to successfully
15            communicate in English.
16                (iii) Either possessed, within 5 years
17            previous to his or her applying for a transitional
18            bilingual educator endorsement, a valid and
19            comparable teaching certificate or comparable
20            authorization issued by a foreign country or holds
21            a degree from an institution of higher learning in
22            a foreign country that the State Educator
23            Preparation and Licensure Board determines to be
24            the equivalent of a bachelor's degree from a
25            regionally accredited institution of higher
26            learning in the United States.



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1            A transitional bilingual educator endorsement
2        shall be valid for prekindergarten through grade 12,
3        is valid until June 30 immediately following 5 years
4        of the endorsement being issued, and shall not be
5        renewed.
6            Persons holding a transitional bilingual educator
7        endorsement shall not be employed to replace any
8        presently employed teacher who otherwise would not be
9        replaced for any reason.
10            (H) Language endorsement. In an effort to
11        alleviate the shortage of teachers speaking a language
12        other than English in the public schools, an
13        individual who holds an Educator License with
14        Stipulations may also apply for a language
15        endorsement, provided that the applicant provides
16        satisfactory evidence that he or she meets all of the
17        following requirements:
18                (i) Holds a transitional bilingual
19            endorsement.
20                (ii) Has demonstrated proficiency in the
21            language for which the endorsement is to be issued
22            by passing the applicable language content test
23            required by the State Board of Education.
24                (iii) Holds a bachelor's degree or higher from
25            a regionally accredited institution of higher
26            education or, for individuals educated in a



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1            country other than the United States, holds a
2            degree from an institution of higher learning in a
3            foreign country that the State Educator
4            Preparation and Licensure Board determines to be
5            the equivalent of a bachelor's degree from a
6            regionally accredited institution of higher
7            learning in the United States.
8                (iv) (Blank).
9            A language endorsement on an Educator License with
10        Stipulations is valid for prekindergarten through
11        grade 12 for the same validity period as the
12        individual's transitional bilingual educator
13        endorsement on the Educator License with Stipulations
14        and shall not be renewed.
15            (I) Visiting international educator. A visiting
16        international educator endorsement on an Educator
17        License with Stipulations may be issued to an
18        individual who is being recruited by a particular
19        school district that conducts formal recruitment
20        programs outside of the United States to secure the
21        services of qualified teachers and who meets all of
22        the following requirements:
23                (i) Holds the equivalent of a minimum of a
24            bachelor's degree issued in the United States.
25                (ii) Has been prepared as a teacher at the
26            grade level for which he or she will be employed.



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1                (iii) Has adequate content knowledge in the
2            subject to be taught.
3                (iv) Has an adequate command of the English
4            language.
5            A holder of a visiting international educator
6        endorsement on an Educator License with Stipulations
7        shall be permitted to teach in bilingual education
8        programs in the language that was the medium of
9        instruction in his or her teacher preparation program,
10        provided that he or she passes the English Language
11        Proficiency Examination or another test of writing
12        skills in English identified by the State Board of
13        Education, in consultation with the State Educator
14        Preparation and Licensure Board.
15            A visiting international educator endorsement on
16        an Educator License with Stipulations is valid for 5
17        years and shall not be renewed.
18            (J) Paraprofessional educator. A paraprofessional
19        educator endorsement on an Educator License with
20        Stipulations may be issued to an applicant who holds a
21        high school diploma or its recognized equivalent and
22        (i) holds an associate's degree or a minimum of 60
23        semester hours of credit from a regionally accredited
24        institution of higher education; (ii) has passed a
25        paraprofessional competency test under subsection
26        (c-5) of Section 21B-30; or (iii) is at least 18 years



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1        of age and will be using the Educator License with
2        Stipulations exclusively for grades prekindergarten
3        through grade 8, until the individual reaches the age
4        of 19 years and otherwise meets the criteria for a
5        paraprofessional educator endorsement pursuant to this
6        subparagraph (J). The paraprofessional educator
7        endorsement is valid until June 30 immediately
8        following 5 years of the endorsement being issued and
9        may be renewed through application and payment of the
10        appropriate fee, as required under Section 21B-40 of
11        this Code. An individual who holds only a
12        paraprofessional educator endorsement is not subject
13        to additional requirements in order to renew the
14        endorsement.
15            (K) Chief school business official. A chief school
16        business official endorsement on an Educator License
17        with Stipulations may be issued to an applicant who
18        qualifies by having a master's degree or higher, 2
19        years of full-time administrative experience in school
20        business management or 2 years of university-approved
21        practical experience, and a minimum of 24 semester
22        hours of graduate credit in a program approved by the
23        State Board of Education for the preparation of school
24        business administrators and by passage of the
25        applicable State tests, including an applicable
26        content area test.



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1            The chief school business official endorsement may
2        also be affixed to the Educator License with
3        Stipulations of any holder who qualifies by having a
4        master's degree in business administration, finance,
5        accounting, or public administration and who completes
6        an additional 6 semester hours of internship in school
7        business management from a regionally accredited
8        institution of higher education and passes the
9        applicable State tests, including an applicable
10        content area test. This endorsement shall be required
11        for any individual employed as a chief school business
12        official.
13            The chief school business official endorsement on
14        an Educator License with Stipulations is valid until
15        June 30 immediately following 5 years of the
16        endorsement being issued and may be renewed if the
17        license holder completes renewal requirements as
18        required for individuals who hold a Professional
19        Educator License endorsed for chief school business
20        official under Section 21B-45 of this Code and such
21        rules as may be adopted by the State Board of
22        Education.
23            The State Board of Education shall adopt any rules
24        necessary to implement Public Act 100-288.
25            (L) Provisional in-state educator. A provisional
26        in-state educator endorsement on an Educator License



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1        with Stipulations may be issued to a candidate who has
2        completed an Illinois-approved educator preparation
3        program at an Illinois institution of higher education
4        and who has not successfully completed an
5        evidence-based assessment of teacher effectiveness but
6        who meets all of the following requirements:
7                (i) Holds at least a bachelor's degree.
8                (ii) Has completed an approved educator
9            preparation program at an Illinois institution.
10                (iii) Has passed an applicable content area
11            test, as required by Section 21B-30 of this Code.
12                (iv) Has attempted an evidence-based
13            assessment of teacher effectiveness and received a
14            minimum score on that assessment, as established
15            by the State Board of Education in consultation
16            with the State Educator Preparation and Licensure
17            Board.
18            A provisional in-state educator endorsement on an
19        Educator License with Stipulations is valid for one
20        full fiscal year after the date of issuance and may not
21        be renewed.
22            (M) (Blank).
23            (N) Specialized services. A specialized services
24        endorsement on an Educator License with Stipulations
25        may be issued as defined and specified by rule.
26            (O) Provisional career and technical educator. A



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1        provisional career and technical educator endorsement
2        on an Educator License with Stipulations may be issued
3        to an applicant who has a minimum of 8,000 hours of
4        work experience in the skill for which the applicant
5        is seeking the endorsement. Each employing school
6        board and regional office of education shall provide
7        verification, in writing, to the State Superintendent
8        of Education at the time the application is submitted
9        that no qualified teacher holding a Professional
10        Educator License or an Educator License with
11        Stipulations with a career and technical educator
12        endorsement is available to teach and that actual
13        circumstances require such issuance.
14            A provisional career and technical educator
15        endorsement on an Educator License with Stipulations
16        is valid until June 30 immediately following 5 years
17        of the endorsement being issued and may be renewed.
18            An individual who holds a provisional career and
19        technical educator endorsement on an Educator License
20        with Stipulations may teach as a substitute teacher in
21        career and technical education classrooms.
22            An individual who holds a provisional career and
23        technical educator endorsement on an Educator License
24        with Stipulations is entitled to all of the rights and
25        privileges granted to a holder of a Professional
26        Educator License.



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1        (3) Substitute Teaching License. A Substitute Teaching
2    License may be issued to qualified applicants for
3    substitute teaching in all grades of the public schools,
4    prekindergarten through grade 12. Substitute Teaching
5    Licenses are not eligible for endorsements. Applicants for
6    a Substitute Teaching License must hold a bachelor's
7    degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution
8    of higher education or must be enrolled in an approved
9    educator preparation program in this State and have earned
10    at least 90 credit hours.
11        Substitute Teaching Licenses are valid for 5 years.
12        Substitute Teaching Licenses are valid for substitute
13    teaching in every county of this State. If an individual
14    has had his or her Professional Educator License or
15    Educator License with Stipulations suspended or revoked,
16    then that individual is not eligible to obtain a
17    Substitute Teaching License.
18        A substitute teacher may only teach in the place of a
19    licensed teacher who is under contract with the employing
20    board. If, however, there is no licensed teacher under
21    contract because of an emergency situation, then a
22    district may employ a substitute teacher for no longer
23    than 30 calendar days per each vacant position in the
24    district if the district notifies the appropriate regional
25    office of education within 5 business days after the
26    employment of the substitute teacher in that vacant



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1    position. A district may continue to employ that same
2    substitute teacher in that same vacant position for 90
3    calendar days or until the end of the semester, whichever
4    is greater, if, prior to the expiration of the
5    30-calendar-day period then current, the district files a
6    written request with the appropriate regional office of
7    education for a 30-calendar-day extension on the basis
8    that the position remains vacant and the district
9    continues to actively seek qualified candidates and
10    provides documentation that it has provided training
11    specific to the position, including training on meeting
12    the needs of students with disabilities and English
13    learners if applicable. Each extension request shall be
14    granted in writing by the regional office of education. An
15    emergency situation is one in which an unforeseen vacancy
16    has occurred and (i) a teacher is unexpectedly unable to
17    fulfill his or her contractual duties or (ii) teacher
18    capacity needs of the district exceed previous indications
19    or vacancies are unfilled due to a lack of qualified
20    candidates, and the district is actively engaged in
21    advertising to hire a fully licensed teacher for the
22    vacant position.
23        There is no limit on the number of days that a
24    substitute teacher may teach in a single school district,
25    provided that no substitute teacher may teach for longer
26    than 120 days beginning with the 2021-2022 school year



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1    through the 2022-2023 school year, otherwise 90 school
2    days for any one licensed teacher under contract in the
3    same school year. A substitute teacher who holds a
4    Professional Educator License or Educator License with
5    Stipulations shall not teach for more than 120 school days
6    for any one licensed teacher under contract in the same
7    school year. The limitations in this paragraph (3) on the
8    number of days a substitute teacher may be employed do not
9    apply to any school district operating under Article 34 of
10    this Code.
11        A school district may not require an individual who
12    holds a valid Professional Educator License or Educator
13    License with Stipulations to seek or hold a Substitute
14    Teaching License to teach as a substitute teacher.
15        (4) Short-Term Substitute Teaching License. Beginning
16    on July 1, 2018 and until June 30, 2028, applicants may
17    apply to the State Board of Education for issuance of a
18    Short-Term Substitute Teaching License. A Short-Term
19    Substitute Teaching License may be issued to a qualified
20    applicant for substitute teaching in all grades of the
21    public schools, prekindergarten through grade 12.
22    Short-Term Substitute Teaching Licenses are not eligible
23    for endorsements. Applicants for a Short-Term Substitute
24    Teaching License must hold an associate's degree or have
25    completed at least 60 credit hours from a regionally
26    accredited institution of higher education.



HB1112- 18 -LRB104 03912 LNS 13936 b

1        Short-Term Substitute Teaching Licenses are valid for
2    substitute teaching in every county of this State. If an
3    individual has had his or her Professional Educator
4    License or Educator License with Stipulations suspended or
5    revoked, then that individual is not eligible to obtain a
6    Short-Term Substitute Teaching License.
7        The provisions of Sections 10-21.9 and 34-18.5 of this
8    Code apply to short-term substitute teachers.
9        An individual holding a Short-Term Substitute Teaching
10    License may teach no more than 15 consecutive days per
11    licensed teacher who is under contract. For teacher
12    absences lasting 6 or more days per licensed teacher who
13    is under contract, a school district may not hire an
14    individual holding a Short-Term Substitute Teaching
15    License, unless the Governor has declared a disaster due
16    to a public health emergency pursuant to Section 7 of the
17    Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act. An individual
18    holding a Short-Term Substitute Teaching License must
19    complete the training program under Section 10-20.67 or
20    34-18.60 of this Code to be eligible to teach at a public
21    school. Short-Term Substitute Teaching Licenses under this
22    Section are valid for 5 years.
23        (5) METT Educator District License. A METT Educator
24    District License for teaching a course in manufacturing,
25    engineering, technology, or a trade may be issued to an
26    applicant who has at least 10,000 working hours in a



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1    trade, including, but not limited to, any of the
2    following:
3            (A) Manufacturing.
4            (B) Fabrication.
5            (C) Welding.
6            (D) Vehicle mechanics.
7            (E) Carpentry.
8            (F) Masonry.
9            (G) Plumbing.
10        A METT Educator District License may be issued to
11    qualified individuals who have not obtained a bachelor's
12    degree or an equivalent number of hours in an educational
13    program at an institution of higher education.
14        A METT Educator District License is valid until June
15    30 immediately following 5 years of the license being
16    issued and may be renewed.
17        A METT Educator District License is valid only for the
18    teaching of a course that the State Board of Education has
19    identified as related to the work experience of the
20    licensee. A METT Educator District License is valid only
21    for teaching in the school district where the licensee was
22    teaching immediately after the METT Educator District
23    License was issued. However, the licensee may transfer to
24    another district to teach without having to apply for a
25    new license upon approval of the State Board of Education,
26    the sending district, and the receiving district.



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1        A license holder who does not hold a bachelor's degree
2    or has not completed at least 60 hours of coursework at an
3    institution of higher education shall successfully
4    complete at least one course in teacher education outside
5    of the school year as directed by the State Board of
6    Education, in conjunction with the Illinois Community
7    College Board, to ensure that the license holder is
8    continuing to learn proper teaching methods, lesson
9    planning, and other classroom-essential knowledge.
10(Source: P.A. 102-711, eff. 1-1-23; 102-712, eff. 4-27-22;
11102-713, eff. 1-1-23; 102-717, eff. 4-29-22; 102-894, eff.
125-20-22; 103-111, eff. 6-29-23; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23;
13103-193, eff. 1-1-24; 103-564, eff. 11-17-23; 103-617, eff.
15    Section 10. The Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act
16is amended by changing Sections 10, 15, and 80 as follows:
17    (110 ILCS 148/10)
18    Sec. 10. Definitions. In this Act:
19    "Adaptive Competencies" means foundational skills needed
20for success in college, careers, and life, such as, but not
21limited to, work ethic, professionalism, communication,
22collaboration and interpersonal skills, and problem-solving.
23    "Career Exploration Activity" means an activity such as a
24job shadow, attendance at a career exposition, or employer



HB1112- 21 -LRB104 03912 LNS 13936 b

1site visit providing a student with the ability to engage
2directly with employers for the purpose of gaining knowledge
3of one or more industry sectors or occupations.
4    "College-level mathematics course" means a mathematics
5course that bears credit leading to a baccalaureate degree, a
6certificate, or an associate degree from a postsecondary
8    "Community college" means a public community college
9organized under the Public Community College Act.
10    "DCEO" means the Department of Commerce and Economic
12    "Early college credit course" means a course through which
13a high school student can receive postsecondary institution
14course credit and includes dual credit courses, dual
15enrollment courses, International Baccalaureate courses,
16Advanced Placement courses, and courses with articulated
17credit with a postsecondary institution.
18    "Eligible School District" means a school district that
19has satisfied the requirements set forth in Section 80 of this
20Act and is eligible to award one or more College and Career
21Pathway Endorsements.
22    "Endorsement Area" means an industry sector or grouping of
23sectors as organized and established pursuant to Section 80 of
24this Act.
25    "GECC" means the General Education Core Curriculum
26developed by the IAI and adopted by IBHE and ICCB.



HB1112- 22 -LRB104 03912 LNS 13936 b

1    "IAI" means the Illinois Articulation Initiative.
2    "IBHE" means the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
3    "ICCB" means the Illinois Community College Board.
4    "IMACC" means the Illinois Mathematics Association of
5Community Colleges.
6    "Integrated courses" means courses that include
7substantial instruction focused on both academic and
8career-oriented competencies.
9    "Intensive Career Exploration Experience" means a
10structured, multi-day student experience, such as a career
11exploration camp, that provides students with the opportunity
12to explore various occupations relating to an Endorsement Area
13with hands-on training and orientation activities.
14    "IPIC" means the Illinois Pathways Interagency Committee
15formed by intergovernmental agreement among at least the
16following agencies: ISBE, ICCB, IBHE, ISAC, DCEO, and the
17Department of Employment Security.
18    "IPIC Agency" means a State agency participating in the
20    "ISAC" means the Illinois Student Assistance Commission.
21    "ISBE" means the Illinois State Board of Education.
22    "Local Community College" means, with respect to an
23Eligible School District, a community college whose district
24territory includes all or any portion of the district
25territory of the Eligible School District.
26    "Local school district" means, with respect to a



HB1112- 23 -LRB104 03912 LNS 13936 b

1partnership agreement with a community college for
2transitional mathematics instruction, a school district whose
3district territory includes all or any portion of the district
4territory of the community college.
5    "Local Workforce Board" means the governing board of a
6local workforce development area established pursuant to the
7federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (Public Law
9    "METT" means manufacturing, engineering, technology, and
10the trades.
11    "METT endorsement" means a College and Career Pathway
12Endorsement in manufacturing, engineering, technology, and the
13trades based on the successful completion of METT courses as
14determined by ISBE.
15    "Postsecondary institution" means a community college or
16public university.
17    "Professional Skills Assessment" means an observational
18assessment of a student's performance in a Supervised Career
19Development Experience given by an adult supervisor that
20addresses, at minimum, the Adaptive Competencies of work
21ethic, professionalism, communication, collaboration and
22interpersonal skills, and problem-solving. The Professional
23Skills Assessment is to be used as a feedback tool and student
24development strategy and not for a grade or credit
26    "Public university" means a public university listed in



HB1112- 24 -LRB104 03912 LNS 13936 b

1the definition of "public institutions of higher education"
2under the Board of Higher Education Act.
3    "School district" means a public school district organized
4and operating pursuant to the provisions of the School Code.
5    "Statewide portability" means, with respect to
6transitional mathematics instruction, all community colleges
7other than the community college transcripting credit for
8successful completion of the instruction provide the same
9completion recognition for college-level mathematics course
10placement purposes as the transcripting community college
12    "Supervised Career Development Experience" means an
13experience in which students obtain authentic and relevant
14work experience relating to an Endorsement Area, such as an
15internship, a school-based enterprise, a supervised
16agricultural experience, cooperative education, or a research
17apprenticeship, where the student either receives compensation
18from an employer or credit by the school district and that
19involves a Professional Skills Assessment.
20    "Team-based Challenge" means a group problem-based
21learning project relating to a student's Endorsement Area that
22involves a problem relevant to employers within that
23Endorsement Area, including mentoring from adults with
24expertise in that Endorsement Area, and requires student
25presentation of the outcomes of the project.
26    "Transitional mathematics instruction" means instruction



HB1112- 25 -LRB104 03912 LNS 13936 b

1delivered to a student during 12th grade for the purpose of
2enabling the student to attain the transitional mathematics
3competencies associated with the student's postsecondary
4institution mathematics pathway and demonstrate readiness for
5a college-level mathematics course. Transitional mathematics
6instruction may be delivered through a mathematics course or
7an integrated course or through a competency-based learning
8system that includes a set of transitional mathematics
10(Source: P.A. 99-674, eff. 7-29-16.)
11    (110 ILCS 148/15)
12    Sec. 15. Postsecondary and career expectations.
13    (a) By no later than July 1, 2017, ISBE, ICCB, IBHE, and
14ISAC, in consultation with appropriate stakeholders, shall
15jointly adopt and publicize model postsecondary and career
16expectations for public school students in grades 8 through
1712. The model postsecondary and career expectations shall
18define activities that school districts, parents, and
19community-based organizations should support students in
20completing and related knowledge students should possess by no
21later than the end of each grade level. The model
22postsecondary and career expectations must address the
23following categories:
24        (1) career exploration and development;
25        (2) postsecondary institution exploration,



HB1112- 26 -LRB104 03912 LNS 13936 b

1    preparation, and selection; and
2        (3) financial aid and financial literacy.
3    (b) By July 1, 2023, ISBE, ICCB, IBHE, and ISAC, in
4consultation with appropriate stakeholders, shall jointly
5adopt and publicize an update to the model postsecondary and
6career expectations that extends the expectations to grade 6
7and includes such other revisions and updates as the agencies
8deem appropriate.
9    (c) By July 1, 2024, ISBE shall consult with a statewide
10organization representing businesses and manufacturing. After
11consultation, ISBE shall publish and maintain on its website a
12current database, organized by region, of employer champions
13for work-based learning and career readiness systems and
14programs. Each employer must consent to its designation as a
15champion and its information being published in the database.
16In addition, ISBE shall publish and maintain on its website an
17inventory of resources available to support school districts
18in implementing College and Career Pathway Endorsements,
19including sector-specific resources and applications for State
20funding for career and technical education as it relates to
21METT courses.
22    By July 1, 2027, ISBE, in conjunction with DCEO or the
23Department of Labor, shall expand the database to include the
24regions of this State that are facing METT labor shortages and
25update this information at least once every 2 years



HB1112- 27 -LRB104 03912 LNS 13936 b

1    By July 1, 2028, ISBE shall, in conjunction with DCEO or
2the Department of Labor, use the data collected under this
3subsection (c) to identify regions of this State where there
4is a shortage of METT professionals and notify school
5districts in those regions that they must participate in a
6College and Career Pathway Endorsement program and offer a
7METT endorsement as required under Section 80 of this Act.
8(Source: P.A. 102-917, eff. 1-1-23.)
9    (110 ILCS 148/80)
10    Sec. 80. College and Career Pathway Endorsements.
11    (a) College and Career Pathway Endorsements are
12established to recognize public high school graduates who
13complete the requirements set forth in subsection (d) of this
15    (b) School district participation in this program is
16voluntary. However, if a school district is in a region of this
17State that has been identified by ISBE under subsection (c) of
18Section 15 of this Act as experiencing a shortage of METT
19professionals, the district must participate in the program
20and must offer a METT endorsement.
21    (c) As of the 2019-2020 school year, Eligible School
22Districts may award one or more College and Career Pathway
23Endorsements on high school diplomas in Endorsement Areas
24established by ISBE in consultation with the other IPIC
25Agencies and appropriate stakeholders, including postsecondary



HB1112- 28 -LRB104 03912 LNS 13936 b

1institutions and employers. When establishing the Endorsement
2Areas, the agencies shall consider the Illinois career cluster
3framework, prevalent models for comprehensive pathway systems
4in Illinois high schools that articulate to postsecondary
5institutions and career training programs, prevalent models
6for guided pathway systems at postsecondary institutions, and
7the postsecondary institution mathematics pathways established
8pursuant to this Act. The Endorsement Areas shall also provide
9for a multidisciplinary endorsement for students that change
10career pathways during high school while meeting the
11individualized plan, professional learning, and academic
12readiness requirements set forth in subsection (d) of this
14    ISBE shall establish a METT endorsement to be awarded
15beginning with the 2028-2029 school year.
16    (d) To earn a College and Career Pathway Endorsement, a
17student shall satisfy all of the following requirements:
18        (1) Develop and periodically update an individualized
19    plan for postsecondary education or training, careers, and
20    financial aid. This individualized plan shall also include
21    student development of a resume and personal statement
22    with student reflection on attainment of Adaptive
23    Competencies. The Eligible School District shall certify
24    to ISBE that its individualized planning process spans
25    grades 9 through 12 and includes an annual process for
26    updating the plan.



HB1112- 29 -LRB104 03912 LNS 13936 b

1        (2) Complete a career-focused instructional sequence,
2    including at least 2 years of coursework or equivalent
3    competencies within an Endorsement Area or, for students
4    attaining a multidisciplinary endorsement, multiple
5    Endorsement Areas. An Eligible School District must
6    consult with its regional education for employment
7    director on the establishment of the career-focused
8    instructional sequence. For all areas other than for
9    multidisciplinary endorsements, the Eligible School
10    District and a Local Community College shall certify to
11    ISBE and ICCB that the career-focused instructional
12    sequence is articulated to a certificate or degree program
13    with labor market value, with opportunities for ongoing
14    student advancement. ISBE and ICCB may adopt requirements
15    for certifying that the instructional sequence meets the
16    requirements of this paragraph (2). This certification
17    must be re-certified at least once every 5 years
18    thereafter. Commencing in the 2022-2023 school year,
19    students must earn at least 6 hours of credit through
20    early college credit courses within the career-focused
21    instructional sequence.
22        (3) Complete a minimum of 2 Career Exploration
23    Activities or one Intensive Career Exploration Experience,
24    a minimum of 2 Team-based Challenges, and at least 60
25    cumulative hours of participation in one or more
26    Supervised Career Development Experiences.



HB1112- 30 -LRB104 03912 LNS 13936 b

1        (4) Demonstrate readiness for non-remedial coursework
2    in reading and mathematics by high school graduation
3    through criteria certified by the Eligible School District
4    and a Local Community College to ISBE and ICCB. The
5    criteria shall align to any local partnership agreement
6    established pursuant to Section 55 of this Act and may
7    allow the demonstration of readiness through various
8    methods, including assessment scores, grade point average,
9    course completions, or other locally adopted criteria.
10    (e) To become an Eligible School District and award
11College and Careers Pathway Endorsements, a school district
12shall submit information in a form determined by ISBE and ICCB
13that indicates the school district's intent to award College
14and Career Pathway Endorsements in one or more Endorsement
15Areas and includes the certifications described in subsection
16(d) of this Section. Either ISBE or ICCB may require
17supporting evidence for any certification made by the school
18district in the submission. An Eligible School District must
19participate in any quality review process adopted by ISBE for
20College and Career Pathway Endorsement systems, provided that
21the quality review process is at no cost to the Eligible School
23(Source: P.A. 99-674, eff. 7-29-16.)