State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/9/2025, by Rep. Jed Davis


New Act

    Creates the Gun-Free Zone Liability Act. Provides that the State is liable for harm or damage suffered by a concealed carry licensee or any individual otherwise legally entitled to carry a firearm if the harm or damage occurs in a gun-free zone, as defined by State law, and the harm or damage could have been reasonably avoided if the individual had been allowed to carry his or her concealed firearm in that gun-free zone. Provides that liability includes, but is not limited to, medical expenses, compensation for pain and suffering, loss of income, property damage, and wrongful death claims brought by the victim's estate. Provides that the plaintiff must establish by a preponderance of the evidence that the harm or damage suffered could have been reasonably avoided or mitigated if the plaintiff had been permitted to carry a concealed firearm, and that the plaintiff is otherwise in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations regarding firearm possession and use. Provides exceptions. Provides that any individual who is harmed, if the harm or damage occurred in a gun-free zone, may bring a civil action against the State of Illinois in the circuit court of the county of the plaintiff's residence. Provides that if the plaintiff prevails, he or she is entitled to full compensatory damages, court costs, and reasonable attorney's fees, and any other relief the court deems just and equitable. Contains a severability provision. Defines terms. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning civil law.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Gun-Free Zone Liability Act.
6    Section 5. Findings.
7    (a) The General Assembly finds as follows:
8        (1) the Second Amendment to the United States
9    Constitution guarantees the right of individuals to keep
10    and bear arms for self-defense;
11        (2) the State of Illinois permits individuals to carry
12    firearms under the Firearm Concealed Carry Act;
13        (3) certain areas are designated as gun-free zones
14    under Illinois law, where the possession of firearms is
15    prohibited regardless of a person's concealed carry
16    license status; and
17        (4) individuals who are prohibited from carrying
18    firearms in gun-free zones may be unable to defend
19    themselves effectively, which could result in harm or
20    damage that may have been avoidable if they were allowed
21    to carry a firearm.
22    (b) It is in the public interest to hold the State of
23Illinois accountable for harm or damages suffered in such



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1circumstances to ensure fairness and personal safety.
2    Section 10. Definitions. In this Act:
3    "Concealed carry licensee" means a person who holds a
4valid concealed carry license under the Firearm Concealed
5Carry Act.
6    "Gun-free zone" means any location or premises where the
7possession of firearms is prohibited by State law, including,
8but not limited to, areas identified under section 65 of the
9Firearm Concealed Carry Act.
10    "Harm" means any physical injury, emotional distress, loss
11of life, or property damage incurred as a direct result of an
12incident in a gun-free zone that could have been reasonably
13avoided if the individual were permitted to carry a firearm.
14    Section 15. Liability for avoidable harm in gun-free
15zones. The State of Illinois is liable for harm or damage
16suffered by a concealed carry licensee or any individual
17otherwise legally entitled to carry a firearm if the harm or
18damage occurs in a gun-free zone, as defined by State law, and
19the harm or damage could have been reasonably avoided if the
20individual had been allowed to carry his or her concealed
21firearm in that gun-free zone. Liability includes, but is not
22limited to, medical expenses, compensation for pain and
23suffering, loss of income, property damage, and wrongful death
24claims brought by the victim's estate.



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1    Section 20. Burden of proof. The plaintiff must establish
2by a preponderance of the evidence that the harm or damage
3suffered could have been reasonably avoided or mitigated if
4the plaintiff had been permitted to carry a concealed firearm,
5and that the plaintiff is otherwise in compliance with all
6applicable laws and regulations regarding firearm possession
7and use.
8    Section 25. Exceptions. The State of Illinois is not
10    (1) if the harm or damage occurred as a result of the
11individual's unlawful conduct;
12    (2) the individual failed to comply with other applicable
13State or federal firearm laws;
14    (3) the harm was caused by an act of God or a third party
15not under the control of the State; or
16    (4) the individual was not lawfully entitled to carry a
17firearm at the time of the incident.
18    Section 30. Damages and remedies. Any individual described
19in Section 15 who is harmed may bring a civil action against
20the State of Illinois in the circuit court of the county of the
21plaintiff's residence. If the plaintiff prevails, he or she is
22entitled to full compensatory damages, court costs, and
23reasonable attorney's fees, and any other relief the court



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1deems just and equitable.
2    Section 35. Severability. If any provision of this Act or
3its application is held invalid, that invalidity shall not
4affect other provisions or applications of this Act that can
5be given effect without the invalid provision or application,
6and to this end, the provisions of this Act are severable.
7    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
8becoming law.