State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/9/2025, by Rep. Daniel Didech


405 ILCS 20/1  from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 301
405 ILCS 20/2  from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 302
405 ILCS 20/3  from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 303
405 ILCS 20/3a  from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 303a
405 ILCS 20/8  from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 308

    Amends the Community Mental Health Act. Authorizes any public library district to construct, repair, operate, maintain, and regulate community mental health facilities. Provides that a public library district authorized to levy an annual tax under the Act shall establish a community mental health board whose members are appointed by the president of the public library district's board of trustees.

LRB104 05883 KTG 15914 b





HB1064LRB104 05883 KTG 15914 b

1    AN ACT concerning mental health.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Community Mental Health Act is amended by
5changing Sections 1, 2, 3, 3a, and 8 as follows:
6    (405 ILCS 20/1)  (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 301)
7    Sec. 1. As used in this Act:
8    "Direct recipient services" means only those services
9required to carry out a completed individualized treatment
10plan that is signed by a service recipient or legal guardian.
11Crisis assessment and stabilization services are excluded,
12although these services may be anticipated in a treatment
14    "Governmental unit" means any public library district,
15county, city, village, incorporated town, or township.
16    "Person with a developmental disability" means any person
17or persons so diagnosed and as defined in the Mental Health and
18Developmental Disabilities Code. Community mental health
19boards operating under this Act may in their jurisdiction, by
20a majority vote, add to the definition of "person with a
21developmental disability".
22    "Mental illness" has the meaning ascribed to that term in
23the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code.



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1Community mental health boards operating under this Act may in
2their jurisdiction, by a majority vote, add to the definition
3of "mental illness".
4    "Substance use disorder" encompasses substance abuse,
5dependence, and addiction, not inconsistent with federal or
6State definitions.
7(Source: P.A. 97-813, eff. 7-13-12.)
8    (405 ILCS 20/2)  (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 302)
9    Sec. 2. Any public library district, county, city,
10village, incorporated town, township, public health district,
11county health department, multiple-county health department,
12school district or any combination thereof, in consultation
13with and being advised by the Department of Human Services,
14shall have the power to construct, repair, operate, maintain
15and regulate community mental health facilities to provide
16mental health services as defined by the local community
17mental health board, including services for, persons with a
18developmental disability or substance use disorder, for
19residents thereof and/or to contract therefor with any private
20or public entity which provides such facilities and services,
21either in or without such county, city, village, incorporated
22town, township, public health district, county health
23department, multiple-county health department, school district
24or any combination thereof.
25(Source: P.A. 95-336, eff. 8-21-07.)



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1    (405 ILCS 20/3)  (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 303)
2    Sec. 3. Any such public library district, county, city,
3village, incorporated town, township, public health district,
4county health department, multiple-county health department,
5school district, community mental health board or any
6combination thereof, may accept donations of property and
7funds for the purposes specified in this Act.
8(Source: P.A. 81-898.)
9    (405 ILCS 20/3a)  (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 303a)
10    Sec. 3a. Every governmental unit authorized to levy an
11annual tax under any of the provisions of this Act shall,
12before it may levy such tax, establish a 7 member community
13mental health board who shall administer this Act. Such board
14shall be appointed by the president of the public library
15district's board of trustees, the chairman of the governing
16body of a county, the mayor of a city, the president of a
17village, the president of an incorporated town, or the
18supervisor of a township, as the case may be, with the advice
19and consent of the governing body of such public library
20district, county, city, village, incorporated town or the town
21board of trustees of any township, except in any county with a
22county executive form of government, if applicable, the county
23executive shall appoint the board with the advice and consent
24of the county board. Members of the community mental health



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1board shall be residents of the government unit and, as nearly
2as possible, be representative of interested groups of the
3community such as local health departments, local
4comprehensive health planning agencies, hospital boards, lay
5associations concerned with mental health, developmental
6disabilities and substance abuse, and individuals with
7professional or lived expertise in mental health,
8developmental disabilities, and substance abuse. General
9public representation may also be considered for appointment
10when there are gaps in board duties and qualifications that
11cannot be filled from the above stated categories. Only one
12member shall be a member of the governing body, with the term
13of membership on the board to run concurrently with the
14elected term of the member. The chairman of the governing body
15may, upon the request of the community mental health board,
16appoint 2 additional members to the community mental health
17board. No member of the community mental health board may be a
18full-time or part-time employee of the Department of Human
19Services or a board member, employee or any other individual
20receiving compensation from any facility or service operating
21under contract to the board. If a successful referendum is
22held under Section 5 of this Act, all members of such board
23shall be appointed within 60 days after the local election
24authority certifies the passage of the referendum. If a
25community mental health board has been established by a county
26with a population of less than 500,000 and the community



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1mental health board is funded in whole or in part by a special
2mental health sales tax described in paragraph (4) of
3subsection (a) of Section 5-1006.5 of the Counties Code, the
4largest municipality in the county with at least 125,000
5residents may appoint 2 additional members to the board. The
6members shall be appointed by the mayor of the municipality
7with the advice and consent of the municipality's governing
9    Home rule units are exempt from this Act. However, they
10may, by ordinance, adopt the provisions of this Act, or any
11portion thereof, that they may deem advisable.
12    The tax rate set forth in Section 4 may be levied by any
13non-home rule unit only pursuant to the approval by the voters
14at a referendum. Such referendum may have been held at any time
15subsequent to the effective date of the Community Mental
16Health Act.
17(Source: P.A. 103-274, eff. 1-1-24; 103-565, eff. 11-17-23;
18103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)
19    (405 ILCS 20/8)  (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 308)
20    Sec. 8. The Secretary of Human Services may make
21grants-in-aid to such public library district, county, city,
22village, incorporated town, township, public health district,
23county health department, multiple-county health department,
24school district or any combination thereof in accordance with
25the provisions of Section 34 of the Mental Health and



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1Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act. However, no
2such grants shall be made without first considering the review
3and comments made by the board as set forth in Section 3e and
4responding thereto. The Department shall make all rules
5necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Section,
6including the setting of standards of eligibility for state
8(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)