State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/9/2025, by Rep. Sonya M. Harper


410 ILCS 620/21  from Ch. 56 1/2, par. 521
505 ILCS 89/5
505 ILCS 89/10
505 ILCS 89/15
505 ILCS 89/20

    Amends the Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Provides that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, a food, food ingredient, dietary supplement, cosmetic, or other consumer product shall not be considered adulterated solely because it contains hemp, hemp-derived cannabinoids, including, but not limited to, Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Delta-8 THC, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCa), or any hemp product, provided that the hemp used in the product complies with the definition of "hemp" as specified in federal law. Amends the Industrial Hemp Act. Conforms several provisions in the Act to federal regulations under the Domestic Hemp Production Program, including (i) definitions, (ii) requirements for the application for a license to cultivate hemp, and (iii) rulemaking requirements for the Department of Agriculture. Provides that the Department of Agriculture shall adopt rules for the distribution and retail sale of hemp products under conditions in specified provisions of the Act. Provides that hemp products that contain cannabinoids, that are intended for human consumption, and that are designated for retail sale within Illinois (i) must meet specified requirements, including federal requirements and rules adopted by the Department of Public Health, and (ii) must be distributed or sold in a container that includes specified information. Provides that hemp products that are intended for inhalation or ingestion and contain detectable amounts of hemp cannabinoids may not be sold in this State to a person who is under 21 years of age. Provides that hemp products distributed or sold in violation of specified provisions in the Act shall be considered adulterated or misbranded pursuant to the Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and all other applicable State laws. Defines terms. Makes technical changes.

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1    AN ACT concerning hemp.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act is
5amended by changing Section 21 as follows:
6    (410 ILCS 620/21)  (from Ch. 56 1/2, par. 521)
7    Sec. 21. Rulemaking; enforcement; federal regulations.
8    (a) The authority to adopt rules promulgate regulations
9for the efficient enforcement of this Act is vested in the
10Director. The Director is authorized to make the rules adopted
11regulations promulgated under this Act conform, in so far as
12practicable, with those promulgated under the Federal Act.
13    (b) Hearings authorized or required by this Act shall be
14conducted by the Director or an officer, agent, or employee
15designated by the Director him.
16    (c) All pesticide chemical regulations and supplements
17thereto or revisions to those regulations that are thereof
18adopted under authority of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic
19Act are the pesticide chemical regulations in this State,
20except insofar as modified or rejected by rules regulations
21for finished foods adopted promulgated by the Director.
22    (d) All food additive regulations and supplements thereto
23or revisions to those regulations that are thereof adopted



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1under authority of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act are
2the food additive regulations in this State, except insofar as
3modified or rejected by rules adopted regulations promulgated
4by the Director.
5    (e) All color additive regulations and supplements thereto
6or revisions to those regulations that are thereof adopted
7under authority of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act are
8the color additive regulations in this State, except insofar
9as modified or rejected by rules adopted regulations
10promulgated by the Director.
11    (f) All special dietary use regulations and supplements
12thereto or revisions to those regulations that are thereof
13adopted under authority of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic
14Act are the special dietary use regulations in this State,
15except insofar as modified or rejected by rules adopted
16regulations promulgated by the Director.
17    (g) All bottled water and vended water device regulations
18and supplements thereto or revisions to those regulations that
19are thereof adopted under the authority of the Federal Food,
20Drug and Cosmetic Act are the bottled water and vended water
21device regulations in this State, except insofar as modified
22or rejected by rules adopted regulations promulgated by the
24    (h) All infant formula regulations and supplements thereto
25or revisions to those regulations that are thereof adopted
26under the authority of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act



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1are the infant formula regulations in this State, except
2insofar as modified or rejected by rules adopted regulations
3promulgated by the Director.
4    (i) All food, drug, device, and cosmetic Good
5Manufacturing Practices Regulations and supplements thereto or
6revisions to those regulations that are thereof adopted under
7the authority of Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act are the
8food, drug, device and cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices
9Regulations in this State, except insofar as modified or
10rejected by rules adopted regulations promulgated by the
12    (j) A federal regulation automatically adopted pursuant to
13this Act takes effect in this State on the date it becomes
14effective as a Federal regulation. No publication or hearing
15is required. The Director shall adopt promulgate all other
16proposed rules regulations in compliance with the requirements
17of the The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
18    (k) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a food,
19food ingredient, dietary supplement, cosmetic, or other
20consumer product shall not be considered adulterated solely
21because it contains hemp, hemp-derived cannabinoids,
22including, but not limited to, Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol
23(THC), Delta-8 THC, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCa), or any
24hemp product, provided that the hemp used in the product
25complies with the definition of "hemp" as specified in 7
26U.S.C. 1639o.



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1(Source: P.A. 84-891.)
2    Section 10. The Industrial Hemp Act is amended by changing
3Sections 5, 10, 15, and 20 as follows:
4    (505 ILCS 89/5)
5    Sec. 5. Definitions. In this Act:
6    "Department" means the Department of Agriculture.
7    "Director" means the Director of Agriculture.
8    "Hemp" or "industrial hemp" means the plant Cannabis
9sativa L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds
10thereof and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers,
11acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not,
12with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more
13than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis and includes any
14intermediate or finished product made or derived from
15industrial hemp.
16    "Hemp product" means a product that contains hemp.
17    "Hemp production plan" means a plan submitted by the
18Department to the Secretary of the United States Department of
19Agriculture pursuant to the federal Agriculture Improvement
20Act of 2018, Public Law 115-334, and consistent with the
21Domestic Hemp Production Program pursuant to 7 CFR Part 990
22wherein the Department establishes its desire to have primary
23regulatory authority over the production of hemp.
24    "Industrial hemp" means hemp or any intermediate or



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1finished product made or derived from hemp.
2    "Lot" has the meaning ascribed to that term in 7 CFR 990.1.
3    "Land area" means a farm as defined in Section 1-60 of the
4Property Tax Code in this State or land or facilities under the
5control of an institution of higher education.
6    "Person" means any individual, partnership, firm,
7corporation, company, society, association, the State or any
8department, agency, or subdivision thereof, or any other
10    "Process" means the conversion of raw industrial hemp
11plant material into a form that is presently legal to import
12from outside the United States under federal law.
13    "THC" means delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol.
14(Source: P.A. 102-690, eff. 12-17-21.)
15    (505 ILCS 89/10)
16    Sec. 10. Licenses and registration.
17    (a) No person shall cultivate industrial hemp in this
18State without a license issued by the Department.
19    (b) The application for a license shall include:
20        (1) the name and address of the applicant;
21        (2) a legal description of the land that contains the
22    lots where hemp is to be produced, including, to the
23    extent practicable, any geospatial locations consistent
24    with the Domestic Hemp Production Program under 7 CFR Part
25    990 the legal description of the land area, including



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1    Global Positioning System coordinates, to be used to
2    cultivate industrial hemp; and
3        (3) if federal law requires a research purpose for the
4    cultivation of industrial hemp, a description of one or
5    more research purposes planned for the cultivation of
6    industrial hemp which may include the study of the growth,
7    cultivation, or marketing of industrial hemp; however, the
8    research purpose requirement shall not be construed to
9    limit the commercial sale of industrial hemp.
10    (b-5) A person shall not process industrial hemp in this
11State without registering with the Department on a form
12prescribed by the Department.
13    (c) The Department may determine, by rule, the duration of
14a license or registration; application, registration, and
15license fees; and the requirements for license or registration
17(Source: P.A. 102-690, eff. 12-17-21.)
18    (505 ILCS 89/15)
19    Sec. 15. Rules.
20    (a) The Department shall submit to the Secretary of the
21United States Department of Agriculture a hemp production plan
22under which the Department monitors and regulates the
23production of industrial hemp in this State. The Department
24shall adopt rules incorporating the hemp production plan,
25including application and licensing requirements.



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1    (b) The rules adopted set by the Department shall include
2annual inspections of, at a minimum, a random group of
3producers to verify that hemp is produced in compliance with
4this Act and the Domestic Hemp Production Program established
5under 7 CFR Part 990 one yearly inspection of a licensed
6industrial hemp cultivation operation and allow for additional
7unannounced inspections of a licensed industrial hemp
8cultivation operation at the Department's discretion.
9    (c) The Department shall adopt rules necessary for the
10administration and enforcement of this Act in accordance with
11all applicable State and federal laws and regulations,
12including rules concerning standards and criteria for
13licensure and registration, for the payment of applicable
14fees, signage, and for forms required for the administration
15of this Act.
16    (d) The Department shall adopt rules for the testing of
17the industrial hemp THC levels and for remediation or the
18disposal of plant matter exceeding lawful THC levels,
19including an option for a cultivator to retest for a minor
20violation consistent with the Domestic Hemp Production Program
21under 7 CFR Part 990. , with the retest threshold determined by
22the Department and set in rule. Those rules may provide for the
23use of seed certified to meet the THC levels mandated by this
24Act as an alternative to testing
25    (e) The Department shall adopt rules for the distribution
26and retail sale of hemp products that meet all conditions



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1specified in Section 20 of this Act.
2(Source: P.A. 102-690, eff. 12-17-21.)
3    (505 ILCS 89/20)
4    Sec. 20. Hemp products.
5    (a) Nothing in this Act shall alter the legality of hemp or
6hemp products that are presently legal to possess or own,
7except as otherwise provided in this Section.
8    (b) Hemp products that contain cannabinoids, that are
9intended for human consumption, and that are designated for
10retail sale within Illinois must meet the following
12        (1) The hemp used in the hemp products must comply
13    with the definition of "hemp" specified in 7 U.S.C. 1639o.
14        (2) The hemp products must not contain contaminants
15    unsafe for human consumption, including, but not limited
16    to, any microbe, fungus, yeast, mildew, herbicide,
17    pesticide, fungicide, residual solvent, metal, or other
18    contaminant found in any amount that exceeds any of the
19    accepted limitations as determined by rules adopted by the
20    Department of Public Health for a food, food ingredient,
21    dietary supplement, cosmetic, or other consumer product,
22    or other limitation pursuant to the laws of this State,
23    whichever amount is less.
24    (c) Hemp products that contain cannabinoids, that are
25intended for human consumption, and that are designated for



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1retail sale within Illinois must be distributed or sold in a
2container that includes:
3        (1) a scannable barcode or quick response code linked
4    to a certificate of analysis prepared by an approved
5    testing laboratory prominently displaying the
6    concentration of all detectable cannabinoids in the
7    product as well as any detectable contaminants under
8    paragraph (2) of subsection (b) of this Section or rules
9    adopted under that paragraph;
10        (2) the expiration date of the product;
11        (3) the number of milligrams of each marketed
12    cannabinoid per serving; and
13        (4) a disclaimer, which shall state: "These statements
14    have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug
15    Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
16    treat, cure, or prevent any disease.".
17    (d) Hemp products that are intended for inhalation or
18ingestion and contain detectable amounts of hemp cannabinoids
19may not be sold in this State to a person who is under 21 years
20of age.
21    (e) Hemp products distributed or sold in violation of this
22Section shall be considered adulterated or misbranded under
23the Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and all other
24applicable State laws.
25(Source: P.A. 100-1091, eff. 8-26-18.)