Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Rates Article of the Public Utilities Act. Requires the Illinois Commerce Commission to authorize a surcharge or surcharges upon petition by a public utility that provides water or sewer service, independent of any other matters related to the utility's revenue requirements, which adjusts rates and charges to provide for recovery of costs or capital investments associated with any environmental compliance requirements under an environmental statute, rule, regulation, permit term, or a condition related to, but not limited to, perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, cyanotoxins, lead and copper, or any other emerging chemical contaminants that are known or suspected to pose a risk to human health or the environment. Requires, on a periodic basis, the Commission to initiate hearings to reconcile amounts collected under the surcharges with the actual prudently incurred costs recoverable for each annual period during which the surcharge was in effect. Requires the Commission to adopt certain rules to implement the collection of the surcharges. Repeals the provisions on January 1, 2031. Effective immediately.