Synopsis As Introduced Creates the Dignity for Aborted Children Act. Provides that, notwithstanding any State law or administrative rule to the contrary, any physician after performing an abortion shall provide the patient with an informed consent form, provided by the Department of Public Health, offering the patient specified options for disposal of the human fetal tissue from the abortion. Provides that it is unlawful for any physician, after performing an abortion in which the patient elects to release the human fetal tissue to the physician, to fail to provide for the final disposition of the human fetal tissue through interment or cremation, consistent with State law regarding the disposal of human remains, not later than 7 days after the date on which the abortion procedure was performed. Requires physicians who perform abortions and persons, not including patients, to whom human fetal tissue are transferred to submit annual reports to the Department containing specified information. Contains provisions specifying civil penalties, criminal designations, and consideration of action by the Illinois State Medical Board. Provides that a patient upon whom an abortion is performed or attempted in violation of the Act may not be prosecuted under the Act or for a conspiracy to violate the Act. Provides that the Department shall submit to the General Assembly an annual report on the number of abortions, procedure type, and method of disposal of human fetal tissue under the Act.