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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to
3congratulate Elizabeth Holleb on her retirement from the
4Illinois Police Officers' Pension Investment Fund (IPOPIF);
6    WHEREAS, The Illinois Police Officers' Pension Investment
7Fund implemented the consolidation of investment assets held
8locally by the 357 suburban and downstate police pension funds
9in order to ultimately create a stronger and better funded
10pension system; and
11    WHEREAS, Elizabeth Holleb was appointed to serve a term
12with the IPOPIF Transition Board of Trustees from January 2020
13through December 2020; she was elected to the permanent board
14of trustees, representing municipalities, to serve a term from
15January 2021 through December 2024; and
16    WHEREAS, Elizabeth Holleb participated in 70 meetings of
17the board of trustees during her five-year term of office with
18the IPOPIF; and
19    WHEREAS, Elizabeth Holleb was appointed to the Audit and
20Budget Committee, where she served as chairperson from 2020 to
212021; she was elected as the treasurer of the board for 2020 to



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12022; and
2    WHEREAS, Elizabeth Holleb was appointed to the Contract
3Committee, where she served as chairperson from 2022 to 2024;
5    WHEREAS, Elizabeth Holleb is a certified public accountant
6and has over 20 years of work experience in municipal finance,
7which includes the Government Finance Officers Association,
8the Village of Northbrook, the Village of Oak Park, and the
9City of Highland Park; currently, she oversees the Finance and
10Information Technology activities for the City of Lake Forest,
11including development of the annual budget, coordination of
12the annual independent financial audit, serving as staff
13liaison to the Finance Committee and the Audit Committee, and
14administration of a five-year IT Master Plan that guides the
15city's technology initiatives; she also served as president of
16the Illinois Government Finance Officers' Association (IGFOA)
17from 2023 to 2024; and
18    WHEREAS, Elizabeth Holleb has a Bachelor of Science in
19Accounting from Ball State University, where she was a cum
20laude graduate of the Honors College; therefore, be it
22ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate



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1Elizabeth Holleb on her retirement from the Illinois Police
2Officers' Pension Investment Fund, and we wish her the best in
3all her future endeavors; and be it further
4    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
5presented to Elizabeth Holleb as a symbol of our respect and