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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to
3congratulate St. Mary Immaculate Parish School of Plainfield
4on the occasion of its 70th anniversary; and
5    WHEREAS, St. Mary Immaculate Parish School's teachers,
6parents, and pupils are part of a growing institution of
7spiritual life and education; and
8    WHEREAS, For many years, Catholic parishioners in
9Plainfield had hoped that a school could be founded to teach
10and provide guidance for their children and youth, and this
11dream began to become a reality during the period of peace that
12followed the end of the Korean War with the purchase of a
13six-acre tract of land in October 1953, which was followed by a
14groundbreaking in November 1954; and
15    WHEREAS, A six-room school building with a student body of
16167 and a faculty of four teachers opened as St. Mary's School
17and commenced operations in September 1955; it was officially
18dedicated by Bishop Martin D. McNamara on May 13, 1956; and
19    WHEREAS, Amidst St. Mary Immaculate Parish School's rich
20history, there lies a day never to be forgotten, August 28,
211990, when a category F5 tornado struck Plainfield, killing a



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1total of 29 people, including three of the school's own,
2Principal Sr. Mary Keenan, music teacher Gloria Sanchez, and
3an usher and the son of the rectory cook, Howard Hawes Jr.; and
4    WHEREAS, In line with the historic commitment of Catholic
5parishes and schools to community service, St. Mary Immaculate
6Parish School came together in the wake of this tragedy to
7provide a base of support for the stricken community; and
8    WHEREAS, St. Mary Immaculate Parish School and Church were
9subsequently rebuilt through the efforts and dedication of
10parishioners, with the former reopening in the fall of 1993;
12    WHEREAS, Following this devastating event, St. Mary
13Immaculate Parish School experienced a period of spiritual and
14physical growth, with many new families coming to the
15Plainfield area in pursuit of spiritual life and education,
16and the school has continued to see the effects of this moment
17of change; and
18    WHEREAS, Catholic schools of Illinois currently provide
19students with an education that emphasizes the formation of
20moral values and commitment to community service and will
21celebrate National Catholic Schools Week from January 26 to
22February 1, 2025; therefore, be it



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2ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate St.
3Mary Immaculate Parish School on its 70th anniversary, and we
4wish the institution continued success; and be it further
5    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
6presented to Principal Jennifer Errthum of St. Mary Immaculate
7Parish School.