SR1318LRB103 43165 MST 76427 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Susan "Sue" Sandvoss of Oak Park, who
4passed away on October 14, 2024 at the age of 87; and
5    WHEREAS, Sue Sandvoss was born to Erwin and Mona
6(Kinsella) Raasch on December 23, 1936; and
7    WHEREAS, Sue Sandvoss graduated from Trinity High School
8in River Forest and continued her education at Northern
9Illinois University, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Speech
10Correction in 1958; and
11    WHEREAS, Sue Sandvoss had a lifelong commitment to
12education; she began her teaching career in Wasco and then
13taught in Westchester; later in life, she earned a medical
14technology degree from Triton College, which she put to use in
15chemistry labs in local hospitals; and
16    WHEREAS, Sue Sandvoss met her husband, Tim Sandvoss, on a
17blind date and married him on June 18, 1960; and
18    WHEREAS, Sue Sandvoss and Tim welcomed their first child,
19Tim Jr., into the world in 1963 in Chicago and their second
20child, Steve, in 1966, later settling in Oak Park after a brief



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1stint in Kalamazoo, Michigan; they lived in their Oak Park
2home for the next 56 years, welcoming their third child,
3Karen, into the family in 1970; and
4    WHEREAS, Sue Sandvoss was committed to improving her
5community; she and her neighbor, Carla Lind, collaborated on
6the Frank Lloyd Wright restoration project, and she served as
7an election judge in Oak Park for 20 years; and
8    WHEREAS, Sue Sandvoss had a spirit of curiosity and
9adventure; she grew up sailing a small Penguin sailboat in
10Long Lake and crewed larger boats during racing season; she
11broadened her horizons as she and Tim traveled the world
12together, reaching all seven continents; and
13    WHEREAS, Sue Sandvoss was preceded in death by her
14brothers-in-law, Keith Sandvoss and William Thorne; and
15    WHEREAS, Sue Sandvoss is survived by her husband, Tim; her
16sons, Tim Jr. (Cherish) and Steven (Rhonda); her daughter,
17Karen; her grandchildren, Sean, Kim (Chris) Bridges, Kayla,
18Bret (Cierra), Brittany (Matt) Rutkowski, and Joe; seven
19great-grandchildren; her sister, Nancy Thorne; her nieces,
20Allison (Jason) Brown, Susan (Chris) Seaman, and Adrianne
21(Ryan) Morrow; her sister-in-law, Brenda; her nephews, Ken
22(Sharell) and Mark (Cheryl); and 10 great-nieces and



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1great-nephews; therefore, be it
3ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
4Susan "Sue" Sandvoss and extend our sincere condolences to her
5family, friends, and all who knew and loved her; and be it
7    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
8presented to the family of Sue Sandvoss as an expression of our
9deepest sympathy.