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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate Mark Walker on his
4distinguished service in the Illinois House and extend best
5wishes as he continues his service in the Illinois Senate; and
6    WHEREAS, Rep. Walker served the people of Illinois with
7dedication, integrity, and leadership throughout his tenure in
8the Illinois House of Representatives; and
9    WHEREAS, A respected community leader, business executive,
10and decorated veteran of the United States Army during the
11Vietnam War, Rep. Walker was first elected to the Illinois
12House of Representatives in 2009, serving portions of
13Arlington Heights, Palatine, Prospect Heights, and Rolling
14Meadows; and
15    WHEREAS, During his time in the House, Rep. Walker
16championed legislation promoting economic development,
17veterans' affairs, and public safety, including the passage of
18the Illinois Small Business Recovery Act and the Veterans'
19Access to Education Act; and
20    WHEREAS, Rep. Walker relied on his decades of experience
21in finance and business management to develop landmark



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1legislation supporting small businesses, expanding job
2training programs, and securing critical infrastructure
3investments that have strengthened Illinois' economy and
4improved the lives of its residents, including advocating for
5strategic investments in Illinois' quantum computing sector to
6position the State as a national leader in advanced technology
7research and development; and
8    WHEREAS, As a veteran of the Vietnam War and a Bronze Star
9recipient, Rep. Walker worked to honor, support, and care for
10his fellow veterans; he worked in his Arlington Heights
11community to revive and modernize Memorial Park as a tribute
12to service members; as a lawmaker, he led efforts to enhance
13support resources for returning service members, improve
14access to healthcare, and expand opportunities and securities
15for veterans and their families; and
16    WHEREAS, Rep. Walker's legislative accomplishments also
17include advancing measures to bolster public safety, such as
18sponsoring the Community Safety and Support Act and securing
19funding for local police departments to enhance community
20outreach and crime prevention efforts; and
21    WHEREAS, Rep. Walker consistently supported all members of
22his community through legislation designed to promote social
23equity, protect vulnerable populations, protect indigenous



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1peoples, and ensure equal opportunities for economic and
2educational advancement; and
3    WHEREAS, Rep. Walker was also a steadfast advocate for
4responsible fiscal stewardship, working diligently to ensure
5that Democratic priorities in Illinois are pursued with
6financial prudence and long-term economic sustainability; and
7    WHEREAS, Beyond his legislative work, Rep. Walker was an
8active member of his community, volunteering with
9organizations such as the Illinois Food Bank and the Veterans
10Assistance Foundation, as well as participating in numerous
11civic initiatives aimed at supporting underserved communities;
13    WHEREAS, As former Representative Walker begins a new
14chapter of public service in the Illinois Senate, his
15leadership and experience will undoubtedly continue to benefit
16the people of Illinois; therefore, be it
19we congratulate Sen. Mark Walker on his outstanding service in
20the Illinois House of Representatives, commend his many
21legislative accomplishments, and extend our best wishes for
22his continued success in the Illinois State Senate; and be it



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2    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
3presented to Sen. Mark Walker as a symbol of our esteem and