State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 1/4/2025, by Rep. Dan Ugaste, David Friess, Jeff Keicher, Jennifer Sanalitro, Brandun Schweizer, et al.


New Act

    Creates the Local Government Elected Official Recall Act. Provides that local officeholders who were elected during a general or consolidated election may be recalled under the Act. Establishes petition requirements for recall elections. Limits home rule powers.

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1    AN ACT concerning elections.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Local
5Government Elected Official Recall Act.
6    Section 5. Local government recall elections.
7    (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, local
8officeholders who were elected during a general or
9consolidated election may be recalled under this Act.
10    (b) The recall of a local government official may be
11proposed by a petition signed by a number of electors equal to
12a percentage of the total votes cast for Governor in the
13preceding gubernatorial election as determined by the
14population of the unit of local government that the local
15government official represents: for a jurisdiction of not more
16than 1,000 qualified electors, 30%; for a jurisdiction of more
17than 1,000 qualified electors but not more than 10,000
18qualified electors, 25%; for a jurisdiction of more than
1910,000 qualified electors but not more than 50,000 qualified
20electors, 20%; for a jurisdiction of more than 50,000
21qualified electors but not more than 100,000 qualified
22electors, 15%; for a jurisdiction of more than 100,000
23qualified electors, 10%. A petition shall have been signed by



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1the petitioning electors not more than 90 days after an
2affidavit has been filed with the State Board of Elections
3providing notice of intent to circulate a petition to recall
4the local government official. The petition shall include the
5signature of the petitioning elector and a general statement
6of not more than 200 words enumerating the individual whose
7recall is sought and providing the grounds for which recall is
8sought. The affidavit may be filed no sooner than 6 months
9after the beginning of the local government official's term of
10office. If the State Board of Elections determines the
11petition is valid, the local government official whose recall
12is sought may file a response of not more than 200 words with
13the State Board of Elections. The petitioning elector's
14general statement and the local government official's response
15shall appear on the recall ballot.
16    (c) The local government officials who serve on a public
17body must be recalled individually.
18    (d) The form of the affidavit, petition, circulation, and
19procedure for determining the validity and sufficiency of a
20petition shall be as provided in this Act. If the petition is
21valid and sufficient, the State Board of Elections shall
22certify the petition not more than 100 days after the date the
23petition was filed, and the following question must be
24submitted to the electors at the next general election or
25consolidated election after certification of the petition:
26    "Should (elected official) be recalled from (his or her)



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1    positions as (title of position)? (YES/NO)
2    If (elected official) is recalled, who do you support to
3    replace (him or her)?
4    (Elected official).
5    (Candidate).
6    (Candidate)."
7    (e) The local government official is immediately removed
8upon certification of the recall election results if a
9three-fifths majority of the electors voting on the question
10vote to recall the local government official.
11    (f) Replacement candidates wishing to be listed on the
12recall ballot shall be certified under the same procedures as
13if the candidate was running for the applicable office in a
14standard election, except the petition circulation and filing
15of petitions shall only be between the time the intent to
16recall is filed and 90 days before the election. Candidates
17running to replace the recalled officeholder shall state
18clearly on the candidate's petitions which officeholder they
19are seeking to replace.
20    (g) There shall be no primary or runoff election after a
21recall election. The top vote-getter or vote-getters in the
22recall election shall replace the elected official or
23officials who were recalled.
24    (h) The procedure to be certified to run in the recall
25election shall be the same as the procedure for being
26nominated and certified in the standard election for the



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1office to be filled. Challenges to recall petitions shall
2follow the same procedures as challenges to petitions under
3the Election Code.
4    (i) If multiple officeholders from the same public office
5or district are being recalled, each recall question must be
6asked separately. All candidates running as replacements for
7that office and the current officeholder shall be on the
8ballot beneath the recall question.
9    (j) If the local government official is removed from a
10unit of government over 1,000,000 persons, the vacancy shall
11be filled as provided by law.
12    (k) A local government official recalled under this
13Section is ineligible to serve in public office (or specified
14non-elected office) for 10 years following certification of
15the recall election.
16    (l) The procedure and manner of recalling a local
17government official shall be in addition to and not excluding
18any other method of removing an elected official as provided
19by law.
20    Section 10. Home rule. A home rule unit may not regulate
21the recall of local officeholders who were elected during a
22general or consolidated election in a manner inconsistent with
23this Act. This Act is a limitation under subsection (i) of
24Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the
25concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and functions



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1exercised by the State.