State of Illinois
Introduced 2/22/2024, by Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth
Makes appropriations for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, as follows:
General Funds $ 9,383,302,800
Other State Funds $29,694,280,200
Federal Funds $ 400,000,000
Total $39,477,583,000
AN ACT concerning appropriations.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for the purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 19,368,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 1,481,700
For Contractual Services......................... 1,760,100
For Travel........................................ 101,200
For Commodities......................................... 0
For Printing............................................ 0
For Equipment........................................... 0
For Electronic Data Processing.................. 13,165,000
For Telecommunications Services......................... 0
For Operation of Auto Equipment..................... 34,000
For Deposit into the Public Aid
Recoveries Trust Fund......................... 14,899,100
Total $50,809,400
Payable from the HFS Technology Initiative Fund:
For Costs Associated with the Illinois
Health and Human Services Innovation
Incubator Program, including Operational
and Administrative Costs....................... 15,000,000
Payable from Public Aid Recoveries Trust Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 2,810,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 1,438,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 215,000
For Group Insurance............................... 845,100
For Contractual Services......................... 5,029,700
For Commodities................................... 229,700
For Printing...................................... 354,800
For Equipment................................... 1,044,200
For Electronic Data Processing................... 2,620,800
For Telecommunications Services.................. 1,165,100
For Costs Associated with Information
Technology Infrastructure...................... 54,754,000
For State Prompt Payment Act Interest Costs......... 25,000
Total $70,532,500
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 6,452,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 493,600
For Contractual Services................................ 0
For Travel......................................... 40,000
For Equipment.......................................... 0
Total $6,986,500
Payable from Long-Term Care Provider Fund:
For Administrative Expenses........................ 282,000
Payable from Public Aid Recoveries Trust Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 11,174,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 5,719,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 854,800
For Group Insurance............................. 3,539,700
For Contractual Services......................... 6,418,500
For Travel........................................ 108,800
For Commodities......................................... 0
For Printing............................................ 0
For Equipment........................................... 0
For Telecommunications Services........................ 0
Total $27,815,300
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Deposit into the Child Support
Administrative Fund........................... 83,800,000
Payable from Child Support Administrative Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 60,877,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 31,157,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 4,657,100
For Group Insurance............................ 25,094,000
For Contractual Services........................ 87,442,700
For Travel........................................ 140,700
For Commodities................................... 292,000
For Printing...................................... 360,000
For Equipment................................... 1,553,100
For Electronic Data Processing.................. 15,447,200
For Telecommunications Services.................. 1,900,000
For Child Support Enforcement
Demonstration Projects........................... 500,000
For Administrative Costs Related to
Enhanced Collection Efforts including
Paternity Adjudication Demonstration............ 7,500,000
For Costs Related to the State
Disbursement Unit.............................. 9,000,000
For State Prompt Payment Act Interest Costs......... 50,000
Total $245,971,300
Payable from Public Aid Recoveries Trust Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 10,399,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 5,322,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 795,600
For Group Insurance............................. 3,536,300
For Contractual Services........................ 12,898,600
For Travel........................................ 107,200
For Commodities......................................... 0
For Printing............................................ 0
For Equipment........................................... 0
For Telecommunications Services........................ 0
Total $33,059,500
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Deposit into the Medicaid Technical
Assistance Center Fund........................... 500,000
For Costs Associated with the Critical
Access Care Pharmacy Program................... 10,000,000
Total $10,500,000
Payable from Public Aid Recoveries Trust Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 13,394,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 6,855,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 1,024,800
For Group Insurance............................. 4,691,900
For Contractual Services........................ 45,746,800
For Commodities......................................... 0
For Printing............................................ 0
For Equipment........................................... 0
For Telecommunications Services......................... 0
For Costs Associated with the
Development, Implementation and
Operation of a Data Warehouse.................. 21,368,200
Total $93,081,100
Payable from Healthcare Provider Relief Fund:
For Operational Expenses........................ 57,967,700
For Payments in Support of the
Operation of the Illinois
Poison Center.................................. 4,000,000
Section 10. The amount of $2,220,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the General Revenue Fund for deposit into the Healthcare Provider Relief Fund.
Section 15. The amount of $440,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the General Revenue Fund for deposit into the Healthcare Provider Relief Fund for Medical Assistance pursuant to subsections (a-5), (a-6), and (a-7) of Section 12-4.35 of the Illinois Public Aid Code.
Section 20. In addition to any amounts heretofore appropriated, the following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for Medical Assistance and Administrative Expenditures:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Medical Assistance Providers and
Related Operating and Administrative
Costs..................................... $6,516,206,900
In addition to any amounts heretofore appropriated, the following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for Medical Assistance for reimbursement or coverage of prescribed drugs, other pharmacy products, and payments to managed care organizations including related administrative and operation costs:
Payable from Drug Rebate Fund.................. 2,700,000,000
In addition to any amounts heretofore appropriated, the following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for costs related to the operation of the Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities Program:
Payable from Medicaid Buy-In Program
Revolving Fund..................................... 820,700
Section 25. In addition to any amount heretofore appropriated, the amount of $50,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the Medical Interagency Program Fund for i) Medical Assistance payments on behalf of individuals eligible for Medical Assistance programs administered by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, and ii) pursuant to an interagency agreement, medical services and other costs associated with programs administered by another agency of state government, including operating and administrative costs.
Section 30. In addition to any amounts heretofore appropriated, the following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for Medical Assistance and Administrative Expenditures:
Payable from Care Provider Fund for Persons
with a Developmental Disability:
For Administrative Expenditures.................... 300,000
Payable from Long-Term Care Provider Fund:
For Skilled, Intermediate, and Other Related
Long-Term Care Services and Payments
to Managed Care Organizations................. 875,000,000
For Administrative Expenditures.................. 6,109,600
Total $881,109,600
Payable from Hospital Provider Fund:
For Hospitals, Capitated Managed Care
Organizations as necessary to comply
with Article V-A of the
Illinois Public Aid Code, and Related
Operating and Administrative Costs.......... 4,500,000,000
Payable from Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund:
For Medical Assistance Providers............... 800,000,000
Payable from Healthcare Provider Relief Fund:
For Medical Assistance Providers
and Related Operating and
Administrative Costs....................... 15,676,800,000
For Medical Assistance Pursuant to
subsections (a-5), (a-6), and (a-7) of
Section 12-4.35 of the
Illinois Public Aid Code...................... 628,700,000
Section 35. In addition to any amounts heretofore appropriated, the following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for Medical Assistance and Administrative Expenditures:
Payable from County Provider Trust Fund:
For Medical Services........................ 3,400,000,000
For Administrative Expenditures Including
Pass-through of Federal Matching Funds......... 25,000,000
Total $3,425,000,000
Section 40. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for refunds of overpayments of assessments or inter-governmental transfers made by providers during the period from July 1, 1991 through June 30, 2024:
Payable from:
Care Provider Fund for Persons
with a Developmental Disability................. 1,000,000
Long-Term Care Provider Fund..................... 2,750,000
Hospital Provider Fund.......................... 5,000,000
County Provider Trust Fund....................... 1,000,000
Total $9,750,000
Section 45. The amount of $10,200,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the Trauma Center Fund for adjustment payments to certain Level I and Level II trauma centers.
Section 50. The amount of $375,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the University of Illinois Hospital Services Fund to reimburse the University of Illinois Hospital for medical services.
Section 55. The amount of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the Juvenile Rehabilitation Services Medicaid Matching Fund for payments to the Department of Juvenile Justice and counties for court-ordered juvenile behavioral health services.
Section 60. The amount of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the Medical Special Purposes Trust Fund for medical demonstration projects and costs associated with the implementation of federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act mandates.
Section 65. The amount of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the Medicaid Technical Assistance Center Fund for all costs, including grants and related operating and administrative costs, associated with the establishment, administration, and operations of the Medicaid Technical Assistance Center.
Section 70. The amount of $400,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the Special Education Medicaid Matching Fund for payments to local education agencies for medical services and other costs eligible for federal reimbursement under Title XIX or Title XXI of the federal Social Security Act.
Section 75. In addition to any amounts heretofore appropriated, the amount of $10,200,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the Money Follows the Person Budget Transfer Fund for costs associated with long-term care, including related operating and administrative costs. Such costs shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, those related to long-term care rebalancing efforts, institutional long-term care services, and pursuant to an interagency agreement, community-based services administered by another agency of state government.
Section 80. The sum of $6,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Fund for all costs, including but not limited to grants, outreach, operations, and administrative expenses associated with the establishment and operation of the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange and coordinating operations of the Exchange with State medical assistance programs.
Section 85. In addition to any amounts heretofore appropriated, the following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for State Prompt Payment Act interest costs:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............. 10,000,000
Payable from Long-Term Care Provider Fund:............ 10,000
Payable from the Hospital Provider Fund:............. 200,000
Payable from the Trauma Center Fund:.................. 10,000
Payable from the Money Follows the Person
Budget Transfer Fund:............................. 10,000
Payable from the Medical Interagency
Program Fund:.................................... 200,000
Payable from the Drug Rebate Fund:................... 200,000
Payable from the Tobacco Settlement
Recovery Fund:.................................... 10,000
Payable from the Medicaid Buy-In Program
Revolving Fund:...................................... 500
Payable from the Healthcare
Provider Relief Fund:.......................... 5,000,000
Payable from the Medical Special
Purposes Trust Fund:.............................. 50,000
Section 90. The amount of $25,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for the purpose of updating prospective payment system rates for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs).
Section 95. The amount of $60,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2024, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 62, Section 100 of Public Act 103-0006, as amended, is reappropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the Medical Special Purposes Trust Fund for a demonstration project for preventive health.
Section 100. The sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for the purpose of administering the Breakthrough Therapies for Veteran Suicide Prevention Program.
Section 105. The sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the General Revenue Fund for grants and administrative costs associated with health care telementoring.
Section 110. The sum of $10,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the General Revenue Fund for grants and administrative costs associated with a pilot program for the purchase of medical debt incurred by patients.
Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2024.