Sen. Celina Villanueva

Filed: 1/4/2025





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 2547 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4    "Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Warehouse Worker Protection Act.
6    Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
7    "Adverse employment action" means an action that a
8reasonable employee would find materially adverse.
9    "Aggregated work speed data" means a compilation of
10employee work speed data for multiple employees, in summary
11form, assembled in full or in another form such that the data
12cannot be identified with any individual.
13    "Controlled group of corporations" has the meaning given
14to that term under Section 1563 of the Internal Revenue Code,
1526 U.S.C. 1563, except that "fifty percent" shall be
16substituted for "eighty percent" where "eighty percent" is



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1specified in that definition.
2    "Defined time period" means any unit of time measurement
3equal to or less than the duration of an employee's shift,
4including hours, minutes, seconds, and any fraction thereof.
5    "Director" means the Director of Labor.
6    "Employee" means a nonadministrative employee who is not
7exempt from the overtime and minimum wage requirements of the
8federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, who
9works at a warehouse distribution center, and who is subject
10to a quota as defined in this Section. "Employee" does not
11include a driver or courier to or from a warehouse
12distribution center.
13    "Employee work speed data" means information an employer
14collects, stores, analyzes, or interprets relating to an
15individual employee's performance of a quota, including, but
16not limited to, quantities of tasks performed, quantities of
17items or materials handled or produced, rates or speeds of
18tasks performed, measurements or metrics of employee
19performance in relation to a quota, and time categorized as
20performing tasks or not performing tasks. "Employee work speed
21data" does not include itemized wage statements or data that
22does not relate to the performance of a quota, except for any
23content of those records that includes employee work speed
25    "Employer" means a person who directly or indirectly, or
26through an agent or any other person, including through the



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1services of a third-party employer, temporary services or
2staffing agency, independent contractor, or any similar
3entity, employs or exercises control over the wages, hours, or
4working conditions of 250 or more employees at a single
5warehouse distribution center in the State or 1,000 or more
6employees at one or more warehouse distribution centers in the
7State. For the purposes of this definition, all employees of a
8controlled group of corporations shall be counted in
9determining the number of employees employed at a single
10warehouse distribution center or at one or more warehouse
11distribution centers in the State.
12    "Person" means an individual, corporation, partnership,
13limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited
14liability company, business trust, estate, trust, association,
15joint venture, agency, instrumentality, or any other legal or
16commercial entity, whether domestic or foreign.
17    "Quota" means a work performance standard under which an
18employee is assigned or required to perform at a specified
19productivity speed or a quantified number of tasks or to
20handle or produce a quantified amount of material within a
21defined time period and under which the employee may suffer an
22adverse employment action if the employee fails to complete or
23meet the performance standard.
24    "Warehouse distribution center" means an establishment as
25defined by any of the following North American Industry
26Classification System (NAICS) codes, however such



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1establishment is denominated:
2        (1) 493 for Warehousing and Storage, but does not
3    include 493130 for Farm Product Warehousing and Storage;
4        (2) 423 for Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods;
5        (3) 424 for Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods,
6    but does not include 424510 for Grain and Field Bean
7    Merchant Wholesalers, 424520 for Livestock Merchant
8    Wholesalers, and 424590 for Other Farm Product Raw
9    Material Wholesalers; or
10        (4) 454110 for Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order
11    Houses.
12    Section 10. Disclosure of quotas. Each employer shall
13provide to each employee, upon hire or within 30 days after the
14effective date of this Act, whichever is later, a written
15description of each quota to which the employee is subject,
16including the quantified number of tasks to be performed or
17materials to be produced or handled within the defined time
18period, and any potential adverse employment action that could
19result from failure to meet the quota. Each time the quota
20changes thereafter, the employer shall provide an updated
21written description of each quota to which the employee is
22subject within 5 business days of the quota change. If an
23employer takes an adverse employment action against an
24employee based on a quota, the employee has a right to request,
25and the employer shall provide, a written explanation



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1regarding the manner in which the employee failed to perform,
2including the applicable quota and comparison of the
3employee's work performance in relation to that quota. If an
4employee requests a written description of the quotas to which
5the employee was subject and a copy of the employee's own
6personal work speed data pursuant to this Section, the
7employer shall comply with this request as soon as
8practicable, but no later than 7 calendar days after the date
9of the request.
10    Section 15. Protection from quotas. An employee shall not
11be required to meet a quota that prevents compliance with meal
12or rest periods or use of bathroom facilities, including
13reasonable travel time to and from bathroom facilities. An
14employer shall not take adverse employment action against an
15employee for failure to meet a quota that does not allow a
16worker to comply with meal and rest periods or for failure to
17meet a quota that has not been disclosed to the employee
18pursuant to Section 10.
19    Section 20. Time on task. Consistent with existing law,
20paid and unpaid breaks shall not be considered productive time
21for the purpose of any quota or monitoring system unless the
22employee is required to remain on call.
23    Section 25. Recordkeeping. Each employer shall establish,



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1maintain, and preserve for 3 years contemporaneous, true, and
2accurate records to ensure compliance with employee and
3Director requests for data. Nothing in this Section shall
4require an employer to keep such records if such employer does
5not use quotas or monitor work speed data as a performance
6standard that leads to an adverse employment action. An
7employer is not obligated to produce data that does not
8constitute employee work speed data.
9    Section 30. Employee's right to request records.
10    (a) A current employee has the right to request a written
11description of each quota to which the employee is subject. If
12a current or former employee believes that the current or
13former employee has received an adverse employment action as
14the result of failing to meet a quota, or that meeting a quota
15caused a violation of the employee's right to a meal or rest
16period or use of bathroom facilities, the current or former
17employee has the right to request, and the employer shall
18provide, a written description of each quota to which the
19employee is subject, a copy of the most recent 90 days of the
20employee's own personal work speed data, and a copy of the
21aggregated work speed data for similar employees at the same
22establishment for the same time period.
23    (b) Requested records under this Section shall be provided
24at no cost to the current or former employee.
25    (c) Nothing in this Section shall require an employer to



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1use quotas or monitor work speed data. An employer that does
2not monitor this data has no obligation to provide it.
3    (d) The rights afforded under this Section are independent
4of any other right afforded to an employee or former employee
5under any State or federal law, including, but not limited to,
6the Personnel Records Review Act, to access documents
7maintained by an employer.
8    Section 35. Unlawful retaliation. For purposes of this
9Act, there shall be a rebuttable presumption of unlawful
10retaliation if an employer takes any adverse employment action
11against an employee within 90 days of the employee doing
12either of the following:
13        (1) initiating the employee's first request in a
14    calendar year for information about a quota or personal
15    work speed data pursuant to Section 30 of this Act; or
16        (2) making a complaint related to a quota alleging any
17    violation of Sections 10, 15, or 20 of this Act,
18    inclusive, to the Director, the Department, or the
19    employer.
20    Section 40. Notice to employees. Every employer covered by
21this Act shall post and keep posted, in conspicuous places on
22the premises of the employer where notices to employees are
23customarily posted, a notice, to be prepared or approved by
24the Director of Labor, regarding employees' rights under this



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1Act, including what constitutes a permissible quota and
2employees' right to request quota and work speed data
3information, and making a complaint to various State
4authorities regarding a violation of an employee's quota
5rights under this Act.
6    Section 45. Enforcement. The Department of Labor shall
7adopt rules to implement and enforce this Act. The Director
8shall be authorized to enforce this Act and to assess damages
9payable to the employee and civil penalties.
10    Section 50. Workplace inspections. If a particular work
11site or employer that uses quotas as a performance standard to
12determine adverse employment actions and is subject to this
13Act is found to have an annual employee injury rate of at least
141.5 times as high as the warehousing industry's average annual
15injury rate as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics'
16most recent fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries and
17illnesses data, the Director shall determine whether an
18investigation of violations pursuant to this Act, if relevant
19to the Director's authority, is appropriate.
20    Section 55. Private right of action. A current or former
21employee may bring an action for injunctive relief to obtain
22compliance with Sections 10, 15, 20, and 30 and may, upon
23prevailing in the action, recover costs and reasonable



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1attorney's fees in such action. In any action involving a
2quota that prevented the compliance with applicable
3regulations on workplace safety and health or meal or rest
4break requirements, the injunctive relief shall be limited to
5suspension of the quota and any adverse action that resulted
6from its enforcement by the employer.
7    Section 60. Attorney General; powers. The Attorney
8General, pursuant to the authority under Section 6.3 of the
9Attorney General Act, may initiate or intervene in a civil
10action in the name of the People of the State in any circuit
11court to obtain all appropriate relief for violations
12established under this Act.
13    Section 97. Severability. The provisions of this Act are
14severable under Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes.
15    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January
161, 2026.".