Bill Status of SB 3491   103rd General Assembly


Senate Sponsors
Sen. Laura Fine

Last Action  View All Actions

DateChamber Action
  1/7/2025SenateSession Sine Die

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
720 ILCS 570/315.7 new
720 ILCS 570/318

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Illinois Controlled Substances Act. Provides that decisions regarding the treatment of patients experiencing chronic pain shall be made by the prescriber with dispensing by the pharmacist in accordance with the corresponding responsibility as described in federal regulations and State administrative rules. Provides that ordering, prescribing, dispensing, administering, or paying for controlled substances, including opioids, shall not be predetermined by specific morphine milligram equivalent guidelines. Provides that confidential information received from opioid treatment programs or confidential information otherwise protected under federal confidentiality of substance use disorder patient records shall not be included in the information shared to the central repository under the Prescription Monitoring Program. Provides that an applicant for this information must have a valid court order or subpoena for the confidential information requested. Defines "chronic pain" and "opiates". Effective immediately.

DateChamber Action
  2/9/2024SenateFiled with Secretary by Sen. Laura Fine
  2/9/2024SenateFirst Reading
  2/9/2024SenateReferred to Assignments
  1/7/2025SenateSession Sine Die

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