State of Illinois
Introduced 3/9/2018, by Sen. John J. Cullerton
Makes various FY19 appropriations to the Office of the Secretary of State. Effective July 1, 2018.
AN ACT making appropriations.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The following named sums, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State to meet the ordinary, contingent, and distributive expenses of the following organizational units of the Office of the Secretary of State:
For Personal Services:
For Regular Positions:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.......... 6,019,600
For Extra Help:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............. 66,600
For Employee Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 121,100
Payable from Road Fund .............................. 0
For State Contribution to
Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 424,300
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 470,400
For Travel Expenses:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 32,400
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 23,700
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 2,800
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 7,500
For Telecommunications:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 51,900
For Personal Services:
For Regular Positions:
Payable from General Revenue Fund........... 49,690,000
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund........ 534,200
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund..................... 84,300
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................ 4,279,700
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund..................... 6,107,400
For Extra Help:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 665,800
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................... 13,200
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund....................... 130,700
For Employee Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 1,005,500
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund......... 10,700
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund...................... 1,700
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................... 90,800
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund....................... 123,900
For State Contribution to
State Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund........ 275,700
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund..................... 43,500
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................ 2,215,700
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund..................... 3,219,700
For State Contribution to
Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 3,846,000
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund......... 43,900
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund...................... 6,200
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund.......................... 284,700
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund....................... 468,100
For Group Insurance:
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund........ 144,000
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund..................... 38,400
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................ 1,368,000
Payable from Department of Business
Services Special Operations Fund............ 1,913,300
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund........... 17,234,400
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund............. 1,300,000
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund........ 123,400
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund........................ 600
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................ 1,048,500
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund....................... 808,000
For Travel Expenses:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 133,000
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund.......... 4,500
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................ 4,700
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund......................... 1,000
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 857,900
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund.......... 2,200
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund........................ 900
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................... 10,900
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund........................ 11,000
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 405,900
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund.......... 5,500
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................ 5,000
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund......................... 40,000
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 357,100
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund.......... 7,000
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund.......................... 0
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund.......................... 100,000
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund........................ 15,000
For Electronic Data Processing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 4,600,000
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special Services Fund....................... 6,000,000
For Telecommunications:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 281,600
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund.......... 2,300
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund........................ 600
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................... 26,800
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund........................ 50,400
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 260,200
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund.......................... 192,500
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund........................ 95,000
For Refunds:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 10,000
Payable from Road Fund....................... 2,500,000
For Personal Services:
For Regular Positions:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.......... 109,407,800
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from CSLIS/AAMVAnet/NMVTIS Trust Fund.. 278,200
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund.................... 743,600
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund.................................... 145,000
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund......... 1,280,900
For Extra Help:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 7,012,200
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 43,200
For Employee Contribution to
State Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 2,369,000
Payable from CDLIS/AAMVAnet/NMVTIS Trust Fund.... 7,700
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund..................... 14,900
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review Board Fund..... 2,900
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 26,500
For State Contribution to
State Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from CDLIS/AAMVAnet/NMVTIS Trust Fund.. 143,600
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund.................... 383,800
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review Board Fund.... 74,800
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund........... 683,400
For State Contribution to
Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 8,300,800
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from CDLIS/AAMVAnet/NMVTIS Trust Fund.... 4,000
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund..................... 56,600
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund..................................... 11,100
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund........... 105,700
For Group Insurance:
Payable from CDLIS/AAMVAnet/NMVTIS Trust Fund.. 120,000
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund.................... 326,400
Payable From Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund.......................................... 0
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund........... 485,000
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund........... 16,415,300
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from CDLIS/AAMVAnet/NMVTIS
Trust Fund.................................. 1,346,000
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund.................... 646,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund..................................... 35,000
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund........... 945,600
For Travel Expenses:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 282,200
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from CDLIS/AAMVAnet/NMVTIS
Trust Fund...................................... 1,400
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund..................... 19,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund.......................................... 0
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund................. 0
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 220,800
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from CDLIS/AAMVAnet/NMVTIS
Trust Fund.................................. 3,020,000
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund.................. 1,000,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle
Review Board Fund................................... 0
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 25,000
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 1,312,500
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund.................. 1,200,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund.......................................... 0
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund................. 0
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 400,000
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from CDLIS/AAMVAnet/NMVTIS Trust Fund.. 112,000
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund.................... 100,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund.......................................... 0
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund................. 0
For Telecommunications:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 1,895,100
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund.................... 300,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund.......................................... 0
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 30,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 504,000
Payable from Road Fund............................... 0
Section 10. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for any operations, alterations, rehabilitation, and nonrecurring repairs and maintenance of the interior and exterior of the various buildings and facilities under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Secretary of State, including sidewalks, terraces, and grounds and all labor, materials, and other costs incidental to the above work:
From General Revenue Fund........................ 600,000
Section 15. The sum of $2,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for new construction and alterations, and maintenance of the interiors and exteriors of the various buildings and facilities under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Secretary of State.
Section 20. The sum of $2,672,074, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2018, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 96, Section 15 and Section 20 of Public Act 100-0021, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for new construction and alterations, and maintenance of the interiors and exteriors of the various buildings and facilities under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Secretary of State.
Section 25. The sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Parking Facility Maintenance Fund to the Secretary of State for the maintenance of parking facilities owned or operated by the Secretary of State.
Section 30. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for the following purposes:
For annual equalization grants, per capita and
area grants to library systems, and per
capita grants to public libraries, under
Section 8 of the Illinois Library System
Act. This amount is in addition to any
amount otherwise appropriated to the Office
of the Secretary of State:
From General Revenue Fund..................... 12,482,400
From Live and Learn Fund...................... 16,004,200
Section 35. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for library services for the blind and physically handicapped:
From General Revenue Fund........................ 865,400
From Live and Learn Fund......................... 300,000
From Accessible Electronic Information
Service Fund.......................................... 0
Section 40. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for the following purposes:
For annual per capita grants to all school
districts of the State for the establishment
and operation of qualified school libraries
or the additional support of existing
qualified school libraries under Section 8.4
of the Illinois Library System Act.
This amount is in addition to any
amount otherwise appropriated to the
Office of the Secretary of State:
From General Revenue Fund........................ 225,000
From Live and Learn Fund....................... 1,145,000
Section 45. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for grants to library systems for library computers and new technologies to promote and improve interlibrary cooperation and resource sharing programs among Illinois libraries:
From Live and Learn Fund............................... 0
From Secretary of State Special
Services Fund......................................... 0
Section 50. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for annual library technology grants and for direct purchase of equipment and services that support library development and technology advancement in libraries statewide:
From General Revenue Fund.............................. 0
From Live and Learn Fund......................... 580,000
From Secretary of State Special
Services Fund................................. 1,826,000
Total $2,406,000
Section 55. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Live and Learn Fund for the purpose of making grants to libraries for construction and renovation as provided in Section 8 of the Illinois Library System Act. This amount is in addition to any amount otherwise appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State:
From Live and Learn Fund......................... 870,800
Section 60. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for the following purposes: For library services under the Federal Library Services and Technology Act, P.L. 104-208, as amended; and the National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act of 1965, P.L. 89-209. These amounts are in addition to any amounts otherwise appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State:
From Federal Library Services Fund............. 6,000,000
Section 65. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for support and expansion of the Literacy Programs administered by education agencies, libraries, volunteers, or community based organizations or a coalition of any of the above:
From General Revenue Fund...................... 3,718,300
From Live and Learn Fund......................... 750,000
From Federal Library Services Fund:
From LSTA Title IA..................................... 0
From Secretary of State Special
Services Fund................................. 1,300,000
Section 70. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for tuition and fees and other expenses related to the program for Illinois Archival Depository System Interns:
From General Revenue Fund.............................. 0
Section 75. The sum of $0, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of Secretary of State for the Penny Severns Summer Family Literacy Grants.
Section 80. In addition to any other sums appropriated for such purposes, the sum of $1,288,800, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for a grant to the Chicago Public Library.
Section 85. The sum of $0, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for all expenditures and grants to libraries for the Project Next Generation Program.
Section 90. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Live and Learn Fund for the purpose of promotion of organ and tissue donations:
From Live and Learn Fund....................... 1,750,000
Section 95. The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for grants to benefit Illinois Veterans Home libraries.
Section 100. The sum of $43,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Master Mason Fund to provide grants to Illinois Masonic Charities Fund, a not-for-profit corporation, for charitable purposes.
Section 105. The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary of State from the Illinois Pan Hellenic Trust Fund to provide grants for charitable purposes sponsored by African-American fraternities and sororities.
Section 110. The sum of $27,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary of State from the Park District Youth Program Fund to provide grants for the Illinois Association of Park Districts: After School Programming.
Section 115. The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary of State from the Illinois Route 66 Heritage Project Fund to provide grants for the development of tourism, education, preservation and promotion of Route 66.
Section 120. The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Police Memorial Committee Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for grants to the Police Memorial Committee for maintaining a memorial statue, holding an annual memorial commemoration, and giving scholarships to children of police officers killed in the line of duty.
Section 125. The sum of $130,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Mammogram Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for grants to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer research, education, screening, and treatment.
Section 130. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for such purposes in Section 3-646 of the Illinois Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5), for grants to the Regional Organ Bank of Illinois and to Mid-America Transplant Services for the purpose of promotion of organ and tissue donation awareness. These amounts are in addition to any amounts otherwise appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State:
From Organ Donor Awareness Fund.................. 160,000
Section 135. The sum of $45,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary of State from the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation Fund for grants to the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation for maintenance of a memorial and park, holding an annual memorial commemoration, giving scholarships to children of police officers killed or catastrophically injured in the line of duty, providing financial assistance to police officers and their families when a police officer is killed or injured in the line of duty, and paying the insurance premiums for police officers who are terminally ill.
Section 140. The sum of $145,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary of State from the U.S. Marine Corps Scholarship Fund to provide grants for scholarships for Higher Education.
Section 145. The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the SOS Federal Projects Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for the payment of any operational expenses relating to the cost incident to augmenting the Illinois Commercial Motor Vehicle safety program by assuring and verifying the identity of drivers prior to licensure, including CDL operators; for improved security for Drivers Licenses and Personal Identification Cards; and any other related program deemed appropriate by the Office of the Secretary of State.
Section 150. The sum of $1,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Securities Investors Education Fund for any expenses used to promote public awareness of the dangers of securities fraud.
Section 155. The sum of $5,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Secretary of State Evidence Fund for the purchase of evidence, for the employment of persons to obtain evidence, and for the payment for any goods or services related to obtaining evidence.
Section 160. The sum of $225,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Alternate Fuels Fund to the Office of Secretary of State for the cost of administering the Alternate Fuels Act.
Section 165. The sum of $16,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State Special Services Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for office automation and technology.
Section 170. The sum of $16,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Motor Vehicle License Plate Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for the cost incident to providing new or replacement plates for motor vehicles.
Section 175. The sum of $2,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State DUI Administration Fund to the Office of Secretary of State for operation of the Department of Administrative Hearings of the Office of Secretary of State and for no other purpose.
Section 180. The sum of $15,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State Police DUI Fund to the Secretary of State for the payments of goods and services that will assist in the prevention of alcohol-related criminal violence throughout the State.
Section 185. The sum of $700,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State Police Services Fund to the Secretary of State for purposes as indicated by the grantor or contractor or, in the case of money bequeathed or granted for no specific purpose, for any purpose as deemed appropriate by the Director of Police, Secretary of State in administering the responsibilities of the Secretary of State Department of Police.
Section 190. The sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Office of the Secretary of State Grant Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State to be expended in accordance with the terms and conditions upon which such funds were received.
Section 195. The sum of $24,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the State Library Fund to increase the collection of books, records, and holdings; to hold public forums; to purchase equipment and resource materials for the State Library; and for the upkeep, repair, and maintenance of the State Library building and grounds.
Section 200. The following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for any operations, alterations, rehabilitations, new construction, and maintenance of the interior and exterior of the various buildings and facilities under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State to enhance security measures in the Capitol Complex:
From General Revenue Fund...................... 4,000,000
Section 205. The sum of $13,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State Identification Security and Theft Prevention Fund to the Office of Secretary of State for all costs related to implementing identification security and theft prevention measures.
Section 210. The sum of $2,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Driver Services Administration Fund for the payment of costs related to the issuance of temporary visitor’s driver’s licenses, and other operational costs, including personnel, facilities, computer programming, and data transmission.
Section 215. The sum of $2,200,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Monitoring Device Driving Permit Administration Fee Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for all Secretary of State costs associated with administering Monitoring Device Driving Permits per Public Act 95-0400.
Section 220. The sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Indigent BAIID Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State to reimburse ignition interlock device providers per Public Act 95-0400, including reimbursements submitted in prior years.
Section 225. The sum of $20,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention and Insurance Verification Trust Fund for awards, grants, and operational support to implement the Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention and Insurance Verification Act, and for operational expenses of the Office to implement the Act.
Section 230. The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary of State from the Illinois Professional Golfers Association Junior Golf Fund for grants to the Illinois Professional Golfers Association Foundation to help Association members expose Illinois youngsters to the game of golf.
Section 235. The sum of $110,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary of State from the Agriculture in the Classroom Fund for grants to support Agriculture in the Classroom programming for public and private schools within Illinois.
Section 240. The sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary of State from the Boy Scout and Girl Scout Fund for grants to the Illinois divisions of the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.
Section 245. The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary of State from the Support Our Troops Fund for grants to Illinois Support Our Troops, Inc. for charitable assistance to the troops and their families in accordance with its Articles of Incorporation.
Section 250. The sum of $4,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Rotary Club Fund for grants for charitable purposes sponsored by the Rotary Club.
Section 255. The sum of $15,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Ovarian Cancer Awareness Fund for grants to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, Inc. for ovarian cancer research, education, screening, and treatment.
Section 260. The sum of $6,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Sheet Metal Workers International Association of Illinois Fund for grants for charitable purposes sponsored by Illinois chapters of the Sheet Metal Workers International Association.
Section 265. The sum of $110,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Illinois Police Association Fund for providing death benefits for the families of police officers killed in the line of duty, and for providing scholarships, for graduate study, undergraduate study, or both, to children and spouses of police officers killed in the line of duty.
Section 270. The sum of $5,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary of State from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Fund for grants to the Teamsters Joint Council 25 Charitable Trust for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, and educational purposes.
Section 275. The sum of $20,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Fraternal Order of Police Fund for grants to the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police to increase the efficiency and professionalism of law enforcement officers in Illinois, to educate the public about law enforcement issues, to more firmly establish the public confidence in law enforcement, to create partnerships with the public, and to honor the service of law enforcement officers.
Section 280. The sum of $45,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary of State from the Share the Road Fund for grants to the League of Illinois Bicyclists, a not for profit corporation, for educational programs instructing bicyclists and motorists how to legally and more safely share the roadways.
Section 285. The sum of $3,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the St. Jude Children’s Research Fund for grants to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for pediatric treatment and research.
Section 290. The sum of $20,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Ducks Unlimited Fund for grants to Ducks Unlimited, Inc. to fund wetland protection, enhancement, and restoration projects in the State of Illinois, to fund education and outreach for media, volunteers, members, and the general public regarding waterfowl and wetlands conservation in the State of Illinois, and to cover reasonable cost for Ducks Unlimited plate advertising and administration of the wetland conservation projects and education program.
Section 295. The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary of State from the Family Responsibility Fund for all costs associated with enforcement of the Family Financial Responsibility Law.
Section 300. The sum of $20,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Illinois State Police Memorial Park Fund for grants to the Illinois State Police Heritage Foundation, Inc. for building and maintaining a memorial and park, holding an annual memorial commemoration, giving scholarships to children of State police officers killed or catastrophically injured in the line of duty, and providing financial assistance to police officers and their families when a police officer is killed or injured in the line of duty.
Section 305. The sum of $1,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Illinois Sheriffs' Association Scholarship and Training Fund for grants to the Illinois Sheriffs' Association for scholarships obtained in a competitive process to attend the Illinois Teen Institute or an accredited college or university, for programs designed to benefit the elderly and teens, and for law enforcement training.
Section 310. The sum of $15,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Alzheimer’s Awareness Fund for grants to the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association, Greater Illinois Chapter, for Alzheimer’s care, support, education, and awareness programs.
Section 315. The sum of $40,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Illinois Nurses Foundation Fund for grants to the Illinois Nurses Foundation, to promote the health of the public by advancing the nursing profession in this State.
Section 320. The sum of $5,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Hospice Fund for grants to a statewide organization whose primary membership consists of hospice programs.
Section 325. The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Octave Chanute Aerospace Heritage Fund for grants to the Rantoul Historical Society and Museum, or any other charitable foundation responsible for the former exhibits and collections of the Chanute Air Museum, for operational and program expenses of the Chanute Air Museum and any other structure housing exhibits and collections of the Chanute Air Museum.
Section 330. The sum of $1,200, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the National Wild Turkey Federation Fund for grants to fund turkey habitat protection enhancement and restoration projects in the State of Illinois, to fund education and outreach for media, volunteers, members and the general public regarding turkeys and turkey habitat conservation in the State of Illinois and to cover the reasonable cost for National Wild Turkey Federation special plate advertising and administration of the conservation projects and education programs.
Section 335. The sum of $5,800, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Curing Childhood Cancer Fund for grants in equal shares to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the Children’s Oncology Group for the purpose of making scientific research on cancer.
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2018.