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Section 1110.40 Grant Application Requirements
In order to be considered for an award of grant funds under this Part, applicants must, on or before the first Friday of March preceding the fiscal year for which funding is required, submit the following information on, or, when indicated, attached to, a properly completed grant application form provided by the Administrator:
a) Identification of the applicant, including:
1) Organization name and type, Federal Employer Identification Number, complete address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
2) The agency's Illinois Charitable Trust registration number or a statement that the agency is exempt;
3) The name and telephone number of the agency's chief executive officer or executive director;
4) The name, telephone number and e-mail address of the agency's contact person for purposes of the grant.
b) A description of the applicant and the services it provides, including:
1) A summary of the history and purpose of the applicant and the specific program for which funding is sought;
2) A detailed description of the services program for which funding is sought;
3) The number of clients served by applicant in the previous year;
4) Applicant's past experience in providing legal advocacy, legal assistance, or legal services to victims of domestic violence;
5) Applicant's current capacity to serve victims of domestic violence.
c) A description of existing needs of the community to be served in relation to legal advocacy, legal assistance, or legal services for victims of domestic violence, including descriptions of:
1) Community support for and involvement with the applicant;
2) Memberships in multidisciplinary organizations or coalitions;
3) Agencies with which applicant has networking agreements.
d) A proposal describing the legal advocacy, legal assistance, and legal services to be provided with grant funding. The proposal must include:
1) Identification of the types of civil proceedings for which services will be provided;
2) A description of direct services to be provided and of any programmatic service limitations or restrictions;
3) A description of the client population to be served;
4) A description of the geographic area to be served, including counties and legislative districts;
5) A statement of goals, objectives, and activities of the program for which funding is sought;
6) A description of any memoranda of intent in place for proposed networks of working relationships, including target dates for implementation.
e) A request for a specific dollar amount, along with a detailed budget showing income and expenses, on the forms prescribed by the Administrator, which will include the following elements:
1) A budget summary detailing expenses for personnel, operations (contractual services, supplies, printing, other), travel, trainings attended, trainings hosted, and any other expenses for which funding has been provided or is sought in the current fiscal year and the fiscal year for which funding is requested;
2) Itemized budgets for personnel, operations, and travel and training expenses to be funded by the grant, with a narrative description of each budget item requested;
3) A statement of income for the program to be funded by the grant that includes income received in the applicant's current fiscal year and anticipated to be received in the fiscal year for which funding is requested, in the following categories:
A) State or federal government;
B) Township or county government;
C) Administrator;
D) Private foundations and corporate contributions;
E) Local support;
F) Other contributions;
G) Fundraisers;
H) United Way;
I) Revenue sharing.
f) A signed certification that, with respect to each of the following items, the applicant has either put in place and is implementing written policies or that the requirement does not apply:
1) A reasonable accommodation policy for persons with disabilities;
2) Drug free workplace policies as required by law;
3) Non-discrimination;
4) Client intake;
5) Client rights;
6) Volunteer training;
7) Personnel policies and procedures;
8) Conflict of interest rules;
9) Fee schedule with details of charges for specific services, other than those funded by the grant (copy to be attached to the application).
g) A description of staffing, including the total number of applicant staff members, the numbers of full- and part-time employees, the number of program staff and:
1) Identification of all full- or part-time compensated program staff by name and title, designating those for whom funding is requested;
2) A copy of the current job description for the positions listed;
3) A description of the training provided to staff for whom funding is requested;
4) A listing of at least one goal for each funded staff person for the next year.
h) A description of the applicant's use of volunteers, including the numbers of full- and part-time volunteers, the job functions they perform in the operation of the program for which funding is sought, and the training provided to those who work directly with clients.
i) A copy of the most recent fiscal audit required by Section 1110.130 or a statement that the most recent audit has been filed with the Attorney General as part of another grant application identified in the statement.
j) At least one letter of support from a local domestic violence services agency dated no more than six months before the date of the application.
k) A list of the members of the applicant's governing board.
l) A certification that applicant will keep proper, complete, and accurate accounting records of all grant funds, as required by Section 11 of the Grant Funds Recovery Act [30 ILCS 705/11].
m) A certification, signed by the authorized official of the agency, that the statements in the application are true and correct and submitted in proper format.
(Source: Amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 14733, effective September 20, 2012) |