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Section 1327.110 Definitions
"9-1-1 Authority" means the ETSB, Joint ETSB, or qualified governmental entity that provides for the management and operation of a 9-1-1 system within the scope of those duties and powers prescribed by the Emergency Telephone System Act (ETSA) [50 ILCS 750].
"9-1-1 Network" means the network used for the delivery of 9-1-1 emergency calls over dedicated and redundant facilities, as required by 83 Ill. Adm. Code 725, to a PSAP or backup PSAP that meets the applicable grade of service.
"9-1-1 System" means the geographic area that has been granted an order of authority by the Administrator to use "9-1-1" as the primary emergency telephone number.
"9-1-1 System Provider" means any person, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, sole proprietorship, or entity of any description that acts as a 9-1-1 system provider within the meaning of ETSA Section 2 by contracting to provide 9-1-1 network and database services and that has been certified by the Commission pursuant to Section 13-900 of the Public Utilities Act [220 ILCS 5/13-900].
"Act" or "ETSA" means the Emergency Telephone System Act [50 ILCS 750].
"Administrator" means the Department's Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator.
"Adverse Action" means any action taken to deny, reject, reduce, suspend or terminate a grant application, request to materially amend a grant, or grant payment.
"Advisory Board" means the Statewide 9-1-1 Advisory Board.
"Backup PSAP" means a public safety answering point that serves as an alternate to the PSAP for enhanced systems and is at a different location and operates independently from the PSAP. A backup PSAP may accept overflow calls from the PSAP or be activated in the event that the PSAP is disabled.
"Busy day" means a consecutive 24-hour period during which the greatest volume of traffic is handled in the central office.
"Busy hour" means the two consecutive half-hours each day during which the greatest volume of traffic is handled in the central office.
"Commission" means the Illinois Commerce Commission.
"Consolidation" means a reduction of Emergency Telephone System Boards, Joint Emergency Telephone System Boards, qualified governmental entities, and PSAPs pursuant to ETSA Section 15.4a.
"Department" means the Department of State Police.
"Emergency Call" means any type of request for emergency assistance through the 9‑1-1 network, not limited to voice. This may include a session established by signaling with two-way, real-time media and involves a human making a request for help.
"Emergency Telephone System Board" or "ETSB" means a board appointed by the corporate authorities of any county or municipality that provides for the management and operation of a 9-1-1 system within the scope of the duties and powers prescribed by ETSA. The corporate authorities shall provide for the manner of appointment, provided that members of the board meet the requirements of the statute.
"Grade of Service" means P.01 for Basic 9-1-1 or Enhanced 9-1-1 services or NENA i3 Solution standard for NG9-1-1 services.
"Grant" means a distribution from the fund to a 9-1-1 Authority pursuant to ETSA Section 30.
"Grant Program" means the 9-1-1 System Consolidation Grant Program.
"Joint ETSB" means a Joint Emergency Telephone System Board established by intergovernmental agreement of two or more municipalities or counties, or a combination thereof, to provide for the management and operation of a 9-1-1 system.
"NENA i3 Solution standard" means the NENA 08-003 Detailed Functional and Interface Standard for NG9-1-1 (i3), published by the National Emergency Number Association, 1700 Diagonal Rd., Suite 500, Alexandria VA 22314 (www.NENA.org) (June 14, 2011). These standards are hereby incorporated by reference and do not include any later amendments or additions.
"NG9-1-1" or "Next Generation 9-1-1 Service" means a system comprised of managed IP-based networks, gateways, functional elements and databases that augment or replicate present day E9-1-1 features and functions and provide new capabilities. NG9‑1‑1 is designed to provide access to emergency services from all sources, and to provide multimedia data capabilities for PSAPs and other emergency service organizations.
"P.01" means the probability (P) expressed as a decimal fraction of an emergency call being blocked. P.01 is the grade of service reflecting the probability that one call out of 100 during the average busy hour of the average busy day will be blocked, or the number of 9-1-1 circuits or facilities from the 9-1-1 system provider's routing equipment to the primary PSAP or PSAPs that is sufficient to complete 99% of all requests for emergency service during the average busy hour of the average busy day.
"Public Safety Answering Point" or "PSAP" means the initial answering location of an emergency call.
"Waiver" means approval for exemption from consolidation, which shall be subject to review and renewal as determined by the Administrator, with recommendation from the Advisory Board. |