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Section 2060.305 Facility Requirements
a) At the time of application for initial or renewal licensure, all organizations, with the exception of Recovery Homes that are subject to the provisions specified in Section 2060.509 of this Part, shall, on a form supplied by the Department, document full compliance with all applicable provisions specified in this Section and, specifically, with the following:
1) all local and State health, safety, sanitation, building and zoning codes;
2) all applicable sections, as specified in this Section, of the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) Life Safety Code of 2000;
3) the facility requirements specified in the Environmental Barriers Act [410 ILCS 25] and the Illinois Accessibility Code (71 Ill. Adm. Code 400); and
4) the facility requirements specified in Section 12181 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 12181).
b) The days and hours of operation shall be posted at each facility where treatment or intervention services are provided. This information shall be displayed in a location that is visible to all persons.
c) Each facility shall also:
1) have a written emergency preparedness plan that ensures appropriate disaster preparedness and continuation of services, if possible, after a disaster. This plan shall contain provisions for a tornado and fire drill at least annually, identify the role of the facility in a community-wide disaster and have an emergency evacuation plan, including provisions for disabled persons; and
2) have areas for confidential interviewing, counseling, and administration and public reception and waiting areas.
d) Residential extended care facilities shall comply with the provisions specified in Chapter 26 (Lodging or Rooming Houses) of the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) Life Safety Code of 2000 for any building housing 16 or fewer residents and with the provisions specified in Chapter 29 (Existing Hotels and Dormitories) of the NFPA Life Safety Code of 2000 for any building housing 17 residents or more.
e) Inpatient treatment facilities shall comply with the provisions specified in Chapter 28 (New Hotels and Dormitories) of the NFPA Life Safety Code of 2000.
f) All existing outpatient treatment facilities shall comply with Chapter 39 (Existing Business Occupancies) of the NFPA Life Safety Code of 2000. Any outpatient treatment facility constructed after promulgation of this Part shall comply with Chapter 38 (New Business Occupancies) of the NFPA Life Safety Code of 2000.
g) Organizations shall also ensure, as applicable:
1) that each bedroom is kept clean and organized;
2) that each bedroom is occupied only by those of the same sex, except in situations where children are in residence with a parent in treatment;
3) a separate bedroom is provided for any 16 or 17 year old patient admitted to an adult inpatient service or any patient 17 years old or younger admitted to medically monitored detoxification services;
4) a minimum of 80 square feet is provided in a single bedroom and 60 square feet per bed in a multi-bed room with no more than four beds per room;
5) at least three feet of space is provided at the foot or head and one side of each bed and at least three feet between each bed;
6) that bunk beds will not be used for any detoxification patient and all other beds shall be non-folding, at least 36 inches wide and have flame retardant mattresses;
7) that each inpatient bedroom is an outside room with not less than the equivalent of ten percent of its floor area devoted to windows, which shall be covered with curtains, blinds, or shades;
8) that no inpatient bedroom opens into the kitchen or necessitates passing through the kitchen to reach any other part of the facility;
9) that no bedroom is in an attic or in an area with a floor more than three feet below the adjacent ground level;
10) that each inpatient has a wardrobe, locker, or closet;
11) that each bedroom has a swinging door no less than 32 inches in width that opens directly into a corridor or to the outside;
12) that doors in inpatient facilities that lead to corridors shall not be lockable from the inside;
13) that each bathroom contains a toilet and sink and that each tub or shower is enclosed with space for drying and dressing (the sink may be omitted from a bathroom that serves two adjacent bedrooms if each of these rooms contains a sink);
14) that a bathroom is accessible to each central bathing area and that a minimum of one toilet, one sink and one bathtub or shower for each sex shall be provided on each inpatient floor occupied by both sexes;
15) that one sink, one toilet and one bathtub or shower is provided for each eight beds on each floor where bathrooms are not adjacent to bedrooms;
16) that all bathrooms are well lighted and vented to the outside, either by means of a window that can be opened or by an exhaust fan; that no bathroom, other than for employees, shall open directly into a kitchen, pantry, food preparation area or food storage room;
17) that, in inpatient facilities with a capacity to serve more than 20 patients, a separate enclosed room is available for group counseling, other than the one used for recreation or dining;
18) that any facility that provides 24 hour care or that provides any meals shall do so under the direction, as an employee or through a contractual agreement, of a licensed dietician (LD) or a licensed nutrition counselor (LNC);
19) that the dietitian or licensed nutrition counselor shall develop a written plan for the provision of food services that describes either the organization of the food service and the delivery of food services or the arrangements for the provision of such services to patients;
20) that all nutritional aspects of patient care, including any specific dietary patient needs, shall be under the direction of the licensed dietitian, the licensed nutrition counselor or other persons who are supervised by the licensed dietitian or the licensed nutrition counselor;
21) that the dining area is supervised and staffed to provide assistance to the patients when needed, shall be sized and equipped to accommodate the age and number of patients served and shall be separate from the kitchen area;
22) that the preparation or cooking of regularly scheduled hot meals is restricted to kitchen areas that shall be designed and equipped to meet the requirements of the services provided, including provisions for food receiving, storage, and preparation, dish and pot washing, and waste disposal;
23) that there is access to a handwashing sink and toilet and that all equipment and appliances are installed to permit thorough cleaning of all equipment, walls, baseboards, and non-absorbent floor material and that each kitchen has an Underwriters Laboratories (U.L.) approved five pound class B:C dry chemical fire extinguisher; and
24) that if laundry is done at the facility, space for soiled linen sorting, laundry equipment, including washers and dryers, and clean linen storage space is provided. If laundry is done outside the facility, a soiled linen storage room or area shall be provided.
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. 16913, effective November 08, 2002) |