Section 330.4510  Day Care in Long-Term Care Facilities


a)         For a licensed long-term care facility to be approved for a day care program, it is necessary that the facility meet all licensing requirements for its level of care.


b)         In addition, the following criteria must also be met.


1)         Staff:

Sufficient and satisfactory personnel shall be on duty to provide services that meet the total needs of the day care residents, without detracting from the services given to the residents in the facility in accordance with the various staffing requirements of this Part.


2)         Space:


A)        Dining – Adequate space and equipment available to accommodate the additional residents in accordance with Subparts I and K and Section 330.2870 and 330.3030 of this Part.


B)        Activity Area – Large enough area to accommodate capacity of facility, plus additional "Day Care" residents.


C)        Rest Area – A definite area should be designated as an area available for the Day Care resident to nap or rest.  This area should be equipped with beds (roll-aways can be used) or cots and portable screens.  There should also be adequate space available for personal items storage for the number of Day Care residents being cared for.  Suggested areas which can be utilized for the Day Care resident could include:


i)          Facilities having more than one communal area (such as a lounge or sunporch) could designate one of these for rest areas;


ii)         Non-occupied rooms (no one assigned to these rooms);


iii)        Toilets - Adequate number to accommodate extra number of residents in accordance with Sections 330.2860 or 330.3070 of this Part.


3)         Records:


A)        A statement by a physician who has evaluated the resident within the last 30 days stating the resident is free of communicable and infectious disease, and indicating any medication or treatments and diet needed by the resident during the period of time in the facility.  Permission should also be granted in this statement for the resident to participate in activities with any contraindications or limitations.


B)        Medication and Treatment record – Required for any medications or treatments given during resident stay in the facility.  (Medications must be in original containers and properly labeled.)


C)        "Face" sheet or admission sheet – Containing all pertinent information necessary for the "safe keeping" of the resident such as complete name; address, telephone number, social security number, medicare number, and age of resident; name, business, and home address, and telephone number of person to notify in an emergency; name of family physician; name of physician to call in an emergency.


D)        Incident Report – in case of medication error or accident of any kind.


4)         There must be written policies covering "Day Care" Service in the facility which explain implementation of this section.


5)         Permission for a Day Care Program requires identifying the services of the facility that will be used in the program.  Examples:  Activity area, dining area, administering of medications by nursing staff, physical therapy, speech, and social services


6)         The maximum number of "Day Care" residents served shall be reported with the application under Section 330.160 of this Part.


7)         The facility should consider the following in developing and providing "Day Care Programs":


A)        Use of house or advisory physician for emergencies;


B)        Insurance coverage;


C)        Signed agreement with family or responsible individual;


D)        Permission to be involved in activities outside of the facility (in the community);


E)        Attendance record; and


F)         Facility should be aware of method and time of pick-up and delivery of the Day Care residents.


(Source:  Amended at 16 Ill. Reg. 14370, effective September 3, 1992)