Section 330.3160  Plumbing


a)         Every building shall meet the following plumbing requirements:


1)         Comply with the Department's rules entitled "Illinois Plumbing Code" (77 Ill. Adm. Code 890).  (A, B)


2)         All plumbing shall be of adequate size and so installed that fixtures receive water under good pressure and are satisfactorily drained.


3)         All plumbing fixtures having connections to the building water supply shall be connected or equipped so as to prevent any back flow of contaminated material to the water supply piping.  (A, B)


4)         Individual sewer connections shall be such that backflow cannot occur from the building sewer to the fixture.  (A, B)


5)         No physical connection shall be permitted between a safe and an unsafe water supply.  (A, B)


b)         The following standards shall be used as a guide to determine satisfactory compliance of individual fixtures:


1)         Lavatory faucets shall discharge at least one inch above the top rim of the lavatory bowl.  (B)


2)         Bathtub, sink, laundry, and tub faucets shall discharge at least two inches above the top rim of the sink.  (B)


3)         Flush tank type toilets shall be equipped with approved antisiphon ball cocks, so installed that the effective air openings of the vacuum breaker is at least one inch above the top of the overflow tube in the toilet flush tank.  (B)


4)         Flushometer type toilets shall be equipped with approved vacuum breakers, installed on the discharge side of the flush valve, and at least four inches above the top of the toilet bowl.  (B)


5)         Dishwashing machines, laundry machines, urinals, and drinking fountains shall be so installed as to provide backflow protection.  (B)


6)         All fixtures having, or capable of receiving, a hose shall have a vacuum breaker located at least six inches above the highest head that normally may be placed on the unit.  The height of the antisiphon unit should be sufficient to prevent any pressure on the unit, other than atmospheric pressure, when the control valve is closed.  (B)


7)         Potable water shall be protected from cross connections to sewage piping systems, boilers, and other sources of contaminated water.  (B)


8)         Hot water distribution systems shall be arranged to provide hot water of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit at each hot water outlet at all times.


9)         Hot water available to residents at shower, bathing and handwashing facilities shall not exceed 110 degrees Fahrenheit.  (A, B)


10)         Each hot water system serving resident areas shall include at least one of the following equipment requirements to insure that the water temperature does not exceed 110 degrees Fahrenheit:


A)        A thermostatically controlled mixing valve, or


B)        An aquastat which limits the water temperature in the water heater to a maximum temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit and a solenoid operated shut off valve activated by a sensing element in the water line which shuts off the water and activates an alarm at the nurses station when the water temperature exceeds 110 degrees Fahrenheit.  (A, B,)


(Source:  Amended at 14 Ill. Reg. 14928, effective October 1, 1990)