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Section 2610.60 Coordination Criteria
a) Establishment of Coordination Criteria In accordance with Section 121(b)(1) of the Act, the Governor, in conjunction with the Illinois Job Training Coordinating Council (IJTCC), has established coordination criteria in subsection (b) for coordinating JTPA activities. The criteria shall apply for coordinating activities under the Act (including Title III) with, at minimum, the following:
1) programs and services provided by state and local education and training agencies (including vocational education agencies);
2) public assistance agencies;
3) the employment service;
4) rehabilitation agencies;
5) post-secondary institutions;
6) economic development agencies; and
7) such other agencies as the Governor determines to have a direct interest in employment and training and human resource utilization within the state.
b) Coordination Agreement Criteria
1) SDA Title II administrative entities who are also Substate Area Grantees for Title III are required to have written coordination agreements with, at minimum, the Illinois Departments of Rehabilitation Services, Public Aid, Employment Security, Corrections, and the educational community (such as community colleges, Education for Employment Regional Delivery Systems, Regional Superintendents of Schools, and Area Planning Councils for Adult Education and Area Agencies on Aging (AAA)). Such administrative entities may, as an option, also have a coordination agreement with a not-for-profit agency administering Title V of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3001) in lieu of an agreement with the AAA, if deemed appropriate. Such administrative entities shall have a memorandum of understanding with the Displaced Homemakers Program (if applicable for the area) and the Department of Children and Family Services. Such administrative entities shall have an assurance statement that coordinates Substate Area (SSA) planning activities with the Private Industry Council/Local Elected Official(s) (PIC/LEO(s)) with the following provisions:
A) The PIC and LEO(s) shall approve the SSA's two-year local plan, and subsequent modifications, prior to submission to the State.
B) The SSA shall be provided the opportunity to present its two year plan and subsequent modifications, to the PIC and LEO(s) in its Substate Area.
C) The SSA shall provide the PIC with a list of proposed classroom training programs including those offered by its subcontractors for PIC approval.
D) There is a signed statement by the PIC chair, LEO(s), and SSA affirming compliance with subsections (b)(1)(A) through (C) above.
2) SDA Title II Administrative Entities who are not SSAs may ignore any language in the agency specific coordination criteria that assumes an SSA status but must have all the cited agreements and memorandum of understanding, in subsection (b)(1) above, at minimum. However, the assurance statement cited in subsection (b)(1) above is not required.
3) SSAs for Title III who are not SDA Title II Administrative Entities shall have coordination agreements, at minimum, with the SDA Title II Administrative Entity, Department of Employment Security, and the educational community. Such SSAs shall have memorandums of understanding, at a minimum, with the Area Agency on Aging (or as an option may have a memorandum of understanding with a not-for-profit agency administering Title V of the Older Americans Act of 1965, if deemed appropriate), Displaced Homemaker Program (if applicable for area), Department of Rehabilitation Services, and the Department of Public Aid.
4) SDA/SSA planning entities shall maintain current copies of all coordination agreements/memorandums of understanding/assurance statements and make copies available to the Department upon request.
5) Each coordination agreement shall contain the standard pages found in Section 2610.Appendix A. Each memorandum of understanding shall reflect general provisions found in the appropriate agency specific memorandums of understanding in Section 100.Appendix B.
c) Illinois Department of Public Aid (IDPA) Coordination Agreement - The IDPA and the JTPA SDAs shall establish a coordination agreement addressing specific requirements within the following topical areas:
1) Joint Planning - The coordinating agencies shall participate in joint planning activities which must be described in the agreement.
A) The joint planning of activities will be facilitated through the requirement for coordinating agencies to hold, at minimum, quarterly meetings to discuss the coordination agreement and any other matters pertinent locally.
i) The quarterly meetings must be based on a pre-established agenda, which includes, but is not limited to, the topics of program information exchange, services to common clients, the referral process and joint planning. A portion of the quarterly meeting will be devoted to an update on the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS) program participation levels (participants) in the SDA.
ii) When a modification to the coordination agreement is necessary, a separate meeting will be held to discuss the timelines and equal sharing of responsibilities. The timelines will include a period for review, approvals and signature at the State level of not less than 2 weeks.
iii) At least one of the quarterly meetings timed in conjunction with local planning cycles must be used as a local strategic planning session. Topics which could be discussed include but are not limited to: occupational and labor market information, demographic information, needs of clients in the area, services available from various vendors in the area, linkages among service providers, and identification and use of existing resources. All agencies which the SDA has entered into coordination agreements with shall be in attendance at this meeting in order to efficiently and effectively co-plan training and services.
iv) A strategic plan which details the process by which IDPA eligibility and available services shall be presented to dislocated workers in the event of a mass layoff or plant closing and which shall be developed and described in the agreement.
v) A summary of the discussions at each quarterly meeting and an identification of any issues which are determined necessary to be resolved at the State level must be developed and forwarded within two weeks following the meeting date to the IJTCC staff who will inform the council and the State IDPA liaison of any issues.
B) As part of the joint planning activities, JTPA entities will share the contents of the two-year local job training plan and subsequent modifications involving changes in either available programs or participants to be served with the coordinating agent. IDPA will be given the opportunity to review and comment upon the plan as it relates to services to public aid recipients.
C) As part of the joint planning activities, the process whereby the JOBS plan shall be presented to the PIC for review and comment (per federal regulations published October 13, 1989 at 54 FR 42247 (to be codified at 45 CFR 250.12 and 250.13) (no later amendments or editions)) shall be described. Sections concerning labor management information (LMI), delivery of services, service providers, and the growth areas for employment in the area for which training should be available shall be detailed. The State IV-A agency (in Illinois the IDPA) shall consult with the PICs on the development of arrangements and contracts under JOBS.
D) The Request for Proposal (RFP) for Project Chance job placement contracts will require proposers to document coordination with the SDA as part of their proposal to assure that services to be provided do not duplicate existing services. The SDA may request a copy of the proposal from the proposer before providing comments. IDPA shall contact the SDA prior to executing a contract if such documentation is absent or insufficient. IDPA shall acknowledge receipt of the SDAs' comments, in writing, and shall take such comments into account when considering RFPs for funding. IDPA shall notify SDAs of all Project Chance proposals which successfully captured funding in their respective geographic areas or the absence of Project Chance contracts in the SDA.
2) Referral Procedures The coordinating agencies shall establish reciprocal participant referral procedures for agencies serving the same client groups. The reciprocal referral procedures shall be designed to address local needs and shall include the following information:
A) When IDPA/Project Chance staff identify a client who is in need of and can benefit from JTPA services, the client will be provided a Project Chance written referral with the address and phone number of the JTPA office and directed to apply there. Clients will also be advised to take their medical card (DPA 469) or Notice of Food Stamp Certification (DPA 360A) and their Social Security Cards with them to the JTPA office. The DPA 469 or the DPA 360A will be the primary means of verifying eligibility of public aid recipients.
B) When JTPA staff identify eligible public aid recipients who are in need of and can benefit from IDPA Project Chance support services, they will refer the client in writing to the Project Chance office to obtain these services. The Project Chance office will determine the allowable support services and forward confirmation of such to the JTPA office.
C) IDPA, SDA, and SSA staff involved in the referral process shall be cross-trained in each other's programs, services, eligibility constraints and all other pertinent information, as determined locally.
D) A description of the means used to communicate, at a minimum, the needs of JTPA for specific substantial segment groups (such as dropouts, women, Blacks, Hispanics, welfare recipients, individuals 55 and older, and the handicapped), individuals with particular skills or academic achievement levels to IDPA for targeted referrals of public assistance recipients when possible.
E) The number of Project Chance participants to be referred by IDPA to JTPA shall not be negotiated until an evaluation has been conducted of the JOBS Program effort to serve volunteers first. The percentage of "not job ready" and "near job ready" referrals shall be negotiable in the second half of the two year coordination agreement (plan). For clarification, a referral is an individual who has been referred by Project Chance staff or JTPA staff to the other's program. A common client is an individual served by both JTPA and Project Chance who may or may not have been referred by either entity.
F) The IDPA 1504 form, "JTPA Request for Status Verification and Notice of Program Participation" or an agreed upon form shall be used by JTPA to elicit the client's signature for confidentiality statement and for other purposes determined in local negotiations. If another system/form is used to accomplish these purposes, a description shall be provided.
3) Program Information Exchange The coordinating agencies shall establish a program information exchange system and make such adjustments as necessary to strengthen communication at the local level.
A) Minimally, information on the following topics will be exchanged to maintain accuracy and mutual understanding of the programs for which the coordinating agencies are responsible:
i) Program descriptions;
ii) Program/services eligibility requirements;
iii) Funding source and amount available to support activities;
iv) Timelines; and,
v) Availability of support services.
B) All contact regarding training, job placement and supportive services for public aid clients which is initiated by the JTPA system to IDPA will be through local Project Chance staff. IDPA will provide SDAs with a directory of Project Chance staff.
4) Services to Common Clients The coordination agreement shall specify how JTPA and IDPA will coordinate in providing services to common clients. JTPA and IDPA will minimally reach agreement on the following issues with respect to providing services to common clients:
A) The coordination agreement shall indicate if the SDA has entered into a IDPA/Department tape match agreement. If not, a description must be included of the reporting schedule and method for JTPA to provide Project Chance Specialists with the following information regarding public aid clients:
i) who is enrolled, including public aid recipients who were not referred by IDPA;
ii) the current status of those who were enrolled but have dropped out of JTPA training; and
iii) any job placements, including those enrolled in on-the-job-training.
B) Upon request, Project Chance will provide information to the SDA with respect to an individual public aid recipient's former work history and previous participation in training programs or current obligations under Project Chance.
C) Project Chance staff shall acknowledge the expertise of the local JTPA staff in assessing and assigning participants to various training and/or job search activities. In the infrequent instances where agreement on a participant's assignment cannot be reached or made at the local level, Project Chance staff may submit the facts of the case to the IDPA Administrator of the Division of Employment and Training for final review and dispensation. A participant's assignment cannot be made at the local level.
D) Supportive services necessitated by a public aid recipient's participation in JTPA programs which are available from IDPA will be issued by the Project Chance staff.
d) Illinois Department of Rehabilitation Services (IDORS) Coordination Agreement The IDORS and JTPA SDAs shall establish a coordination agreement addressing specific requirements within the following topical areas:
1) Joint Planning - The coordinating agencies shall jointly plan JTPA services for mutual clients in the SDA:
A) The joint planning of activities will be facilitated through the requirement for coordinating agents to hold, at minimum, quarterly meetings to discuss the coordination agreement and any other matters pertinent locally.
i) The quarterly meetings must be based upon a pre-established agenda which includes, but is not limited to, the topics of program information exchange, referral process including a discussion of progress made by the SDA in meeting substantial segments service level for the handicapped, joint planning and other local concerns;
ii) At least one of the quarterly meetings timed in conjunction with local planning cycles must be used as a local strategic planning session. Topics which could be discussed include but are not limited to: occupational and labor market information, needs of clients in the area, services available from various vendors in the area, linkages among service providers, and identification and use of existing resources. All agencies which the SDA has entered into coordination agreements with shall be in attendance at this meeting in order to efficiently and effectively co-plan training and services.
iii) A strategic plan shall be developed by the parties to this agreement which details the process by which DORS eligibility and available services shall be presented to dislocated workers in the event of a mass layoff or plant closing.
iv) A summary of the discussion taking place as well as an identification of any issues which are determined necessary to be resolved at the state level must be developed and forwarded to the IJTCC within two weeks following the meeting date.
B) As part of the joint planning activities, JTPA entities will share the contents of the two-year local job training plan and subsequent modifications involving changes in either available program or participants to be served with the coordinating agency. IDORS will have the opportunity to review and comment upon such planned information as it relates to services to the handicapped.
2) Referral Procedures The coordinating agencies shall establish reciprocal participant referral procedures for agencies serving the same client groups. The reciprocal referral procedures shall be designed to address local needs and shall include the following information:
A) A description of how and under what circumstances, referrals will be made from JTPA to IDORS.
B) A description of how referrals will be made from IDORS to JTPA identifying any services which are provided or will be provided to the client from IDORS, and the name of the staff making the referral.
C) A description of the methods utilized to track the outcome of referrals from IDORS to JTPA.
D) A description of the methods utilized to communicate JTPA needs regarding specific substantial segment groups, individuals with particular skills or academic achievement levels, at a minimum, to IDORS for targeted referrals of the handicapped.
E) The number of handicapped to be referred by DORS to JTPA.
3) Program Information Exchange The coordinating agencies shall establish a program information exchange system and make such adjustments as necessary to strengthen communications at the local level. Information on the following topics will be exchanged to maintain accuracy and mutual understanding of the programs for which the coordinating agencies are responsible, at minimum:
A) Program descriptions;
B) Program/services eligibility requirements;
C) Funding source and amount available to support activities;
D) Timelines; and,
E) Availability of support services.
e) The educational community and JTPA SDAs/SSAs establish a coordination agreement(s) addressing specific requirements within the following topical areas:
1) Joint Planning The coordinating agencies shall jointly plan JTPA services for mutual clients in the SDA/SSA.
A) The joint planning of activities will be facilitated through the requirement for coordinating agencies to hold, at minimum, quarterly meetings to discuss the coordination agreement and any other matters pertinent locally.
i) The quarterly meetings must be based on a pre-established agenda which includes, but is not limited to, a discussion of program information exchange, joint planning and other local concerns;
ii) At least one of the quarterly meetings timed in conjunction with local planning cycles must be used as a local strategic planning session. Topics which could be discussed include but are not limited to: occupational and labor market information, services available from various vendors in the area, linkages among service providers, and identification and use of existing resources. All agencies which the SDA has entered into coordination agreements with shall be in attendance at this meeting in order to efficiently and effectively co-plan training and services.
iii) In those instances where an SDA combines its quarterly meetings with other mandated coordinating agents, then at least one meeting (a separate meeting or in conjunction with a regularly scheduled quarterly meeting) shall be required with all of the education liaisons and JTPA representatives. Topics which shall be discussed include testing, assessment, vocational counseling, and the granting of academic credit for JTPA program participation to facilitate an awareness of each other's roles and to avoid unnecessary duplication.
iv) A summary of the discussions taking place at each required meeting as as well as an identification of any issues are determined necessary to be resolved at the state level which must be developed and forwarded to the IJTCC within two weeks following the meeting date.
B) As part of the joint planning activities, SDAs, SSAs, and education liaisons will share the contents of the two-year local job training plan, the Title III substate plans, the education for employment plans, and the adult education area plans respectively, as well as any subsequent major modifications involving changes in either available programs or participants to be served with the coordinating agents. The agencies will have the opportunity to review and comment upon such plans.
C) SSAs and local educational agencies shall negotiate with the community college presidents and the Illinois Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators for documenting dislocated worker status for individuals seeking educational financial assistance under the 1986 amendments to the Higher Education Act (Public Law 99-498) (20 U.S.C. 1000 et seq.).
2) Program Information Exchange The coordinating agencies shall establish a program information exchange system and make such arrangements as are necessary to strengthen communication at the local level.
A) Education and JTPA liaisons shall exchange information on each other's programs, services and eligibility requirements as often as necessary to maintain accuracy and a mutual understanding of the programs.
B) The agreement shall describe the process that is used to exchange program information among education liaisons and JTPA, including the dissemination of JTPA information among different entities in the local educational community as appropriate and necessary to affect coordination.
3) Referral Arrangements By the second year of the two year plan, the coordinating agents shall develop reciprocal participant referral procedures to comply with the coordination criteria specified in this Section. The reciprocal referral procedures shall include the following information:
A) A description of how and under what circumstances, referrals shall be made from JTPA for both youth and adults to vocational or academic programs or both.
B) A description of how referrals shall be made from education to JTPA including some method of identifying any services that are provided, or that shall be provided, to the client from education and the name of the staff or educator making the referral, as well as methods used to communicate the needs of JTPA and education for specific substantial segment groups, individuals with particular skills or academic achievement levels for targeted referrals of priority populations.
f) The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) Coordination Agreement The IDES and JTPA SDAs/SSAs shall establish a coordination agreement. This coordination agreement shall serve as the local component plan required by JTPA amendments to the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49g). The coordination agreement will address specific requirements within the following topical areas:
1) Joint Planning The coordinating agencies shall jointly plan JTPA services for mutual clients in the SDA/SSA.
A) The joint planning activities will be facilitated through the requirement for coordinating agencies to hold, at minimum, quarterly meetings to discuss the coordination agreement and any other matters pertinent locally.
i) The quarterly meetings must be based on a pre-established agenda which includes, but is not limited to, the topics of program information exchange, referral process, joint planning and other local concerns.
ii) At least one of the quarterly meetings timed in conjunction with the local planning cycles, must be used as a local strategic planning session. Topics which could be discussed include, but are not limited to, occupational and labor market information, demographic information, needs of clients in the area (including veterans), services available from various vendors in the area, linkages among service providers, identification of existing resources, and the use of existing resources.
iii) At least one quarterly meeting must be used as a local strategic planning session to determine the responsibilities and roles of each entity for the delivery of programs and services to dislocated workers under two separate circumstances. For mass layoff/plant closings, the coordination agreement must specify under what conditions IDES shall provide services on-site for any, or all, of the following: claims taking from unemployment insurance benefits; registration for services of the Job Service; outstationing of staff and equipment; job aptitude testing and scoring, when determined necessary at the local level; and analysis of local labor market trends and opportunities for employment. For service to the dislocated worker population and large, the coordination agreement must describe coordination strategies between the SSA and IDES that include: job aptitude testing, scoring and assessment; the provision of assistance in the preparation of petitions for Trade Act Assistance (TAA); and delivery of training for individuals who are both Title III and TAA eligible.
iv) A written summary of the discussions at such quarterly meeting as well as an identification of any issues which are determined necessary to be resolved at the state level must be developed and forwarded to the IJTCC within two weeks following the meeting date.
B) As part of the joint planning activities, JTPA entities will share the contents of the two-year local job training plan, the two-year local substate area plan for Title III, and subsequent modifications to either plan involving changes in either available programs or participants to be served with the coordinating agent or describe the role of the IDES representative on the PIC in the planning process.
C) The IDES Consolidated Office and Regional Office Plans of Service, including those developed by local employment security offices, shall be made available to SDAs and/or SSAs to facilitate joint planning. The IJTCC will transmit a copy the annual Wagner-Peyser Plan to the SDA; any SDA comments may be submitted to the IJTCC staff prior to IJTCC review.
D) SDAs and SSAs will indicate in the agreement whether they will participate in the Job Order Access component of the Employ Illinois initiative of IDES which is an optional initiative provided for by IDES involving automated listings of all job orders, e.g., training classes, OJTs and unsubsidized job openings placements, and describe specifically how coordination, job development and employer contacts will occur.
E) SDAs and SSAs shall indicate in the agreement, whether they will participate in the Job Order Access component of the Employ Illinois which is an optional initiative provided by IDES involving automated listings of all job orders, e.g., training classes, OJTs and unsubsidized job openings.
F) SDAs shall indicate if they will voucher for Targeted Jobs Tax Credit (TJTC) (see 14 Ill. Adm. Code 520.600) eligibility for participants including the identification of any not-for-profit subcontractors who are approved by IDES to also participate. Those SDAs not desiring to participate in TJTC vouchering will so note in their agreements.
G) SDAs and SSAs shall describe specifically how coordination of job development and employer contacts shall occur in the local area, including the roles and responsibilities of each agency. The process describes how IDES, SSA and SDA staff involved in employer contacts and job development shall be cross-trained in each other's programs, services, eligibility constraints and all other pertinent information shall be outlined.
H) The SDAs and SSAs shall also describe specifically how coordination of job development and employer contacts, as well as the staff cross-training and interface, shall occur with not-for-profit subcontractors who provide placement services in the SDAs.
2) Referral Arrangements The coordinating agencies shall review current reciprocal participant referral procedures and modify them, as necessary, to comply with the following:
A) IDES will promptly refer all JTPA eligible clients in need of employment and training services including veterans.
B) The specific methodology and target populations (including veterans, dislocated workers, and job ready individuals) for reciprocal referrals shall be detailed in the negotiated agreement between the SDA, SSA, and local IDES office(s).
C) IDES shall promptly refer all Title III eligible clients including veterans in need of employment and training services at the point of initial filing for unemployment insurance benefits to allow clients to enter training prior to the 13th benefit week and, therefore, be eligible for Title III needs based payments when, unemployment insurance (U.I.) benefits are exhausted.
D) IDES shall notify SSAs of TAA eligible individuals to ensure that client services are closely coordinated on an individual basis. SSAs shall cooperate with IDES to dovetail EDWAA Services with those provided to individuals as a result of their TAA petitions.
E) Where a program authorized under Section 7(b) of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C.A. 49f(b)) is in place, IDES, Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (IDCFS), and the SDA will discuss local implementation and tracking of the IDES/IDCFS arrangement whereby IDES performs Wagner-Peyser activities on behalf of referrals from IDCFS.
F) The SDA, SSAs and IDES shall locally determine and describe the procedures to expeditiously provide feedback to IDES, when requested, on the status/outcome of all referrals, including, but not limited to, mechanisms for information exchange, frequency of information exchange and timeframes for SDA and SSA responses.
G) The coordination agents shall determine locally and describe in their agreement how the SDA and SSA shall be provided feedback on individuals referred to IDES for placement including, but not limited to, mechanisms for information exchange, frequency of information exchange and timeframes for SDA and SSA responses.
H) SDA and SSA job orders will only receive JTPA eligible referrals from IDES until such time that the SDA and SSA releases the order to allow for other referrals.
I) The procedures to cross-train the local SDA, SSA and IDES staff involved in referral arrangements shall be described.
J) SDA and SSA job orders shall only receive JTPA eligible referrals from IDES until such time that the SDA or SSA releases the order to allow for other referrals.
3) Program Information Exchange The coordinating agencies shall establish a program information exchange system and make such adjustments as necessary to strengthen communication at the local level.
A) IDES will provide SSAs and SDAs through the Department, the following information from IDES's computerized systems:
i) Selected data from the Permanent Mass Layoff and Plant Closing System.
ii) Selected data from the ES-202 which includes employer name, address, standard industrial classification (SIC) codes, and trends/projections.
iii) Data on new employers who become covered under the Unemployment Insurance Act.
iv) Data elements from the Benefit Information System (BIS) on a monthly basis.
v) SDAs will have access to selected data on Job Service applicants.
B) The SDAs and/or SSAs, and their subcontractors shall provide IDES with a list of PIC approved classroom training programs and other special courses being offered by the SDA 30-45 days prior to the beginning of a course, to the extent possible, in order to allow for referrals of clients to JTPA for training. IDES should be notified when classes are filled so that referrals to those classes shall be discontinued.
C) SDAs and SSAs will advise IDES of the following information on programs:
i) program descriptions,
ii) funding source/amounts,
iii) eligibility criteria,
iv) timelines,
v) availability of support services, and
vi) a listing of subcontractors who provide placement services.
D) IDES will provide the SSAs the following information on individuals involved in TAA training:
i) TAA training and services provided;
ii) TRA benefit status; and
iii) The potential for receiving additional TRA benefits.
E) SDAs and SSAs shall provide the local IDES office(s) with brochures, fliers or other information to be handed out with a referral to JTPA.
F) SSAs shall provide IDES with the proposed types of training, costs of training, and information on needs based payments for TAA eligible individuals prior to training to allow IDES to approve training thereby protecting TAA individuals from losing future TAA and TRA benefits.
G) SDAs and SSAs shall explain their procedure to advise their subcontractors of the provisions of this coordination agreement and the appropriate steps to assure compliance.
g) Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) Coordination Agreement(s) Entities which administer JTPA funds and which also directly administer 3% Older Individuals Programs shall have written coordination agreements with their respective AAA. This coordination agreement will address specific requirements within the following topical areas:
1) Joint Planning The coordinating agencies shall jointly plan JTPA services for mutual clients in the SDA.
A) The joint planning of activities will be facilitated through the requirement for coordinating agents to hold, at minimum, quarterly meetings to discuss the coordination agreement and any other matters pertinent locally.
i) The quarterly meetings must be based on a pre-established agenda which includes, but is not limited to, the topics of program information exchange, services to common clients, referral process, joint planning and other local concerns.
ii) At least one of the quarterly meetings timed in conjunction with local planning cycles must be used as a local strategic planning session. Topics which could be discussed include but are not limited to: occupational and labor market information, demographic information, needs of clients in the area, services available from various vendors in the area, and linkages among service providers, and identification and use of existing resources. All agencies needed to efficiently and effectively co-plan training and services should be in attendance at this meeting.
iii) A strategic plan shall be developed by the parties to this agreement which details the process for AAA eligibility and services to be presented to dislocated workers in the event of a mass layoff or plant closing.
iv) A summary of the discussions taking place as well as an identification of any issues which are determined necessary to be resolved at the State level must be developed and forwarded to the IJTCC within two weeks following the meeting date.
B) As part of the joint planning activities, JTPA entities will share the contents of the two-year local job training plan and subsequent major modifications involving changes in either available programs or participants to be served with the coordinating agent. AAA/Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) will have the opportunity to review and comment on such planned information as it relates to services to older individuals under Title II-A (Sections 201-205 of the Act), the 3% program, and Title III.
2) Referral Arrangements The coordinating agencies shall establish reciprocal participant referral procedures for agencies serving the same client groups. The reciprocal referral procedures shall be designed to address local needs and shall include the following information:
A) A description of how and under what circumstances referrals will be made from JTPA to AAA/SCSEP.
B) A description of how referrals will be made from AAA/SCSEP to JTPA including some means of identifying any services which are provided or to be provided to the client from AAA/SCSEP, and the name of the staff making the referral.
C) A description of the method(s) utilized to track the outcome of the referrals from AAA/SCSEP to JTPA.
D) A description of the means utilized to communicate the needs of JTPA for specific substantial segment groups, individuals with particular skills or academic achievement levels, at minimum, to AAA/SCSEP for targeted referrals of older individuals.
E) A minimum number of older individuals which will be referred by AAA/SCSEP to JTPA.
3) Program Information Exchange The coordinating agencies shall establish a program information exchange system.
A) Minimally, information on the following topics will be exchanged to maintain accuracy and a mutual understanding of the programs for which the coordinating agencies are responsible:
i) Program descriptions;
ii) Program/services eligibility requirements;
iii) Funding source/amount available to support activities;
iv) Timelines; and
v) Availability of support services.
B) A narrative description or flow chart of the process which is used to exchange program information including the dissemination of JTPA information among different organizations serving the elderly where such distribution will facilitate access of older individuals to JTPA.
4) Services to Common Clients The coordination agreement shall specify how JTPA and AAA/SCSEP will coordinate in providing services to common clients.
A) Local arrangements to share information with respect to older individuals which may assist in the assessment process such as that which may reflect skill identification, confidence building activities, education and training goals.
B) Arrangements to ensure the provision of supportive services to older individuals as necessary to affect a positive experience in the training program or activity.
h) The Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) Coordination Agreement IDOC and JTPA SDAs shall establish a coordination agreement addressing specific requirements within the following topical areas:
1) Joint Planning The coordinating agencies shall jointly plan JTPA services for mutual clients in the SDA.
A) The joint planning of activities will be facilitated through the requirement for coordinating agents to hold, at minimum, quarterly meetings to discuss the coordination agreement and any other matters pertinent locally.
i) The quarterly meetings must be based upon a pre-established agenda which includes, but is not limited to, the topics of program information exchange, services to common clients, referral process, joint planning and other local concerns.
ii) At least one of the quarterly meeting must be used as a local strategic planning session where information concerning such items as occupational and labor market information, demographic information, services available from various vendors in the area, and linkages among service providers, at minimum, are discussed.
iii) A summary of the discussions taking place as well as an identification of any issues which are determined necessary to be resolved at the state level must be developed and forwarded to the IJTCC within two weeks following the meeting date.
B) As part of the joint planning activities, JTPA entities will share the contents of the two-year local job training plan and subsequent modifications involving changes in either available programs or participants to be served with the coordinating agencies.
2) Referral Procedures The coordinating agencies shall establish reciprocal participant referral procedures for agencies serving the same client groups. The reciprocal referral procedures shall be designed to address local needs and shall include the following information:
A) A description of how referrals will be made from IDOC to JTPA including some means of identifying any services which are provided or to be provided to the client from IDOC and the name of the staff making the referral.
B) A description of the methods utilized to track the outcome of referrals from IDOC to JTPA.
C) A description of the methods utilized to communicate JTPA needs for substantial segment groups, individuals with particular skill or academic achievement levels, at minimum, to IDOC for targeted referrals of ex-offenders when possible.
3) Program Information Exchange The coordinating agencies shall establish a program information exchange system. Information on the following topics shall be exchanged to maintain accuracy and mutual understanding of the programs for which the coordinating agencies are responsible, at minimum:
A) Program descriptions;
B) Program/services eligibility requirements;
C) Funding source/amounts available to support activities;
D) Timelines; and,
E) Availability of support services.
4) Services to Common Clients The coordination agreement shall specify how JTPA and IDOC will coordinate in providing services to common clients. JTPA and IDOC will minimally reach agreement on the following issues with respect to providing services to common clients:
A) Local arrangements to share information with respect to ex-offenders to assist in the assessment process such as prior work histories, training completed, supportive services needed, etc.;
B) Arrangements to ensure the provision of supportive services to IDOC clients as necessary to affect a positive experience in the training program or activity.
i) Title II Administrative Entities and Title III Substate Grantee coordination agreement JTPA Title II Administrative Entities (who are not Substate Area Grantee) and Substate Area Grantees shall establish a coordination agreement addressing specific requirements within the following topical areas:
1) Joint Planning The coordinating agents shall participate in joint planning activities.
A) The joint planning of activities shall be facilitated through the requirement for coordinating agents to hold, at minimum, quarterly meetings to discuss the coordination agreement and any other matters pertinent locally.
i) The quarterly meetings must be based upon a pre-established agenda which includes, but is not limited to, the topics of program information exchange, referral process, joint planning and other local concerns.
ii) At least one of the quarterly meetings must be used as a local strategic planning session to discuss information concerning such items as occupational and labor market information, demographic information, services available from various vendors in the area, and linkages among service providers.
iii) A summary of the discussions at each quarterly meeting as well as an identification of any issues which are determined necessary to be resolved at the State level shall be developed and forwarded to the IJTCC staff within two weeks following the meeting date.
B) As part of the joint planning activities, the substate grantee will share the contents of the two-year local plan for employment and training assistance for dislocated workers and subsequent modifications involving changes in either available programs or participants to be served with the SDA grant recipient, the PIC, and the LEO(s) in its SSA.
i) The PIC and LEO(s) shall approve the SSA's two-year local plan, and subsequent modifications, prior to submission to the State.
ii) The Substate Area Grantee shall be provided the opportunity to present its two-year plan, and subsequent modifications, to the PIC and LEO(s) in its SSA.
C) The SDA two-year local job training plan, and subsequent modifications, shall be made available to substate grantees at any time, upon request, for educational and informational purposes to facilitate joint planning.
D) The substate grantees shall provide the PIC with a list of proposed classroom training programs including those offered by its subcontractors for PIC approval.
E) Substate grantees shall indicate in the agreement specifically how coordination in the areas of job development and employer contacts with the SDA entities will occur.
F) JTPA Title III and Title II staff involved in employer contacts and job development shall be cross-trained in each other's programs, services, eligibility constraints and in all other pertinent information.
2) Referral Arrangements The coordinating agencies shall review current reciprocal participant referral procedures and modify them, as necessary, to comply with these coordination criteria.
A) The substate grantee shall promptly refer all JTPA Title II or IBO eligible clients in need of employment and training services. The grant recipient shall state the number of referrals expected from the SSAs intake center(s).
B) SDAs shall refer all JTPA Title III eligible clients in need of employment and training services. The substate grantee shall state the number of referrals expected from the SDAs intake center(s) in the agreement.
C) The reciprocal referral procedures shall include the following information:
i) A description of how referrals shall be made from the Title III to the Title II administering agents.
ii) A descripting of how referrals shall be made from the Title II to the Title III administering agents.
iii) A description of how training shall be provided locally to Title III and Title II staff involved in referral arrangements.
iv) A description of the methods used to track the outcome of the referrals from both the JTPA entities.
3) Program Information Exchange The coordinating agencies shall review their current system for exchanging program information and make such adjustments as they determine necessary to strengthen communication at the local level.
A) Upon request, substate grantees shall advise the SDA entities of the following information on programs:
i) Program descriptions;
ii) Funding source/amounts;
iii) Eligibility criteria;
iv) Timelines; and
v) Availability of support services.
B) Upon request, SDA entities shall advise the substate grantee of the following information on programs:
i) Program descriptions
ii) Funding source/amounts;
iii) Eligibility criteria;
iv) Timelines; and
v) Availability of support services.
j) Memorandums Of Understanding Criteria The purpose of the memorandum of understanding is to facilitate and maintain an interagency system for the coordination of services to mutual clients. This memorandum of Understanding is a non-financial commitment to provide for the coordination of such services through provision for the mutual exchange of information and the referral of eligible individuals to appropriate employment and training programs and supportive services. The parties to this memorandum are committed to confidentiality with regard to interagency communication concerning mutual clients and will respect and observe either agencies confidentiality policies as well as the provisions of Section 7 of the Freedom of Information Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1989, ch. 116, par. 207). The parties to this memorandum will appoint individuals to serve as interagency liaisons to facilitate coordination and the sharing of information. The designated interagency liaisons shall be identified in an addendum to this memorandum of understanding. This memorandum of understanding is a statement of commitment by each party. Amendments to provisions may be made by mutual consent. Both parties will participate in an annual evaluation of the provisions of this memorandum.
1) The Displaced Homemaker Program (56 Ill. Adm. Code 2640) and JTPA SDAs/SSAs shall enter into a memorandum of understanding to facilitate and maintain an interagency system for the coordination of services to mutual clients. This memorandum may be withdrawn at any time by written communication, dated and signed by the Chairperson of the Private Industry Council or the Director, or otherwise responsible person for the Displaced Homemaker Center. The following topical areas with specific requirements will be addressed in this memorandum of understanding:
A) Exchange of Information The SDA/SSAs and the Displaced Homemaker Program will exchange program information on a regular basis. The procedures to be used in exchanging this information will be identified in an addendum to the memorandum. Information to be exchanged includes, but is not limited to:
i) Schedule of meetings of advisory bodies/ PICs;
ii) Copies of job training plans;
iii) Grant applications or other funding requests;
iv) Program descriptions;
v) Funding sources and amounts;
vi) Targeted participants if any; and
vii) Timeframes for program enrollments/operations.
B) Referrals A referral system shall be developed by the SDA/SSA and the Displaced Homemaker Program. Referrals and information exchange forms will be developed. All such documents will be attached as an addendum to this memorandum. Referral documents and a description of the referral system shall become the formal operating referral procedures between the SDA and the Displaced Homemaker Program.
C) Administrative The SDA/SSA and the Displaced Homemaker Program and their administrative entities and are committed to compliance with all appropriate and applicable laws, rules and regulations. These will include:
i) Title 6 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1966 as amended, (42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq.);
ii) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794); and
iii) All other applicable or appropriate laws, rules, regulations pertaining to civil rights, affirmative action, handicapped, and employment practices (56 Ill. Adm. Code 2610.120).
2) The IDCFS and JTPA SDAs shall enter into a memorandum of understanding to facilitate and maintain an interagency system for the coordination of services to mutual clients. Amendments to provisions of this memorandum may be made by mutual consent. Both parties will participate in an annual evaluation of the provisions of this memorandum. This memorandum may be withdrawn at any time through written communication dated and signed by the chairperson of the PIC or the Regional Director of the IDCFS (or his/her designee). The following topical areas with specific requirements will be addressed in this memorandum of understanding:
A) Exchange of Information The SDA and the IDCFS regional and local offices will exchange program information on a regular basis. The information to be exchanged and the procedures to be used in exchanging the information must be identified in an addendum to this memorandum. The parties to this memorandum are committed to confidentiality with regard to interagency communication concerning mutual clients and will respect and observe either agencies' confidentiality. The parties to this memorandum will appoint an individual to serve as interagency liaison to facilitate coordination and the sharing of information. The designated interagency liaisons shall be identified in an addendum to this memorandum of understanding. The SDA and the IDCFS regional and local offices, in an effort to better understand each other's operation, will exchange program information on a regular basis. Information to be exchanged includes, but is not limited to:
i) A schedule of meetings of advisory bodies/Private Industry Councils;
ii) Copies of job training plans;
iii) Grant applications or other funding requests;
iv) Program descriptions;
v) Funding sources and amounts;
vi) Targeted participants (if any); and
vii) Timeframes for program enrollments/operations.
B) Referrals The IDCFS will meet with appropriate representatives of the IDES and the SDA to discuss and negotiate referral arrangements for IDCFS youth to discuss and negotiate referral arrangements for IDCFS youth to access the JTPA system. A discussion of information which will be used in exchanging such information will be developed and attached to this memorandum as an addendum. Included in the negotiations will be a discussion of:
i) the role of IDCFA subcontractors in making direct referrals to the JTPA system;
ii) the role of IDES in referring IDCFS youth to the JTPA system; and
iii) how and from whom IDCFS will receive information regarding the status of youth referrals.
C) Administrative The SDA and the IDCFS are committed to compliance with all appropriate and applicable laws, rules and regulations. These will include:
i) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended (42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq.);
ii) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794);
iii) All other applicable or appropriate laws, rules, regulations pertaining to civil rights, affirmative action, handicapped and employment practices (56 Ill. Adm. Code 2610.120).
3) The AAA, or other not-for-profit agency, administering Title V or the Older Americans Act, and JTPA SSAs shall enter into a memorandum of understanding to facilitate and maintain an interagency system for the coordination of services to mutual clients. This memorandum may be withdrawn at any time by written communication, dated and signed by the Chairperson of the Private Industry Council or the Director, or otherwise responsible person for the AAA. The following topical area with specific requirements shall be addressed in this memorandum of understanding:
A) Exchange of Information The SDA/SSAs and the AAA shall exchange program information on a regular basis. The procedures to be used in exchanging this information shall be identified in an addendum to the memorandum. Information to be exchanged includes, but is not limited to:
i) Schedule of meetings of advisory bodies/PICs;
ii) Copies of job training plans;
iii) Program descriptions;
iv) Funding sources and amounts;
v) Targeted participants if any and
vi) Timeframes for program enrollments/operations.
B) Referrals A referral system shall be developed by the SDA/SSA and the AAA. Forms shall be developed which detail how referrals are to be made and information exchanged. All such documents shall be attached as an addendum to the memorandum. Referral documents and a description of the referral system shall become the formal operating referral procedures between the SDA and the AAA.
C) Administrative The SDA/SSA and the AAA and their administrative entities are committed to compliance with all appropriate and applicable laws, rules and regulations. These are:
i) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended (42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq.);
ii) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794); and
iii) The provisions of 56 Ill. Adm. Code 2610.120.
4) The Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) and JTPA SSAs shall enter into a memorandum of understanding to facilitate and maintain an interagency system for the coordination of services to mutual clients. This memorandum may be withdrawn at any time by written communication, dated and signed by the Chairperson of the PIC or the Rehabilitation Services Supervisor. The following topical areas with specific requirements will be addressed in this memorandum of understanding:
A) Exchange of Information The SDA/SSAs and the DORS shall exchange program information at least annually, and more frequently at the choice of the coordinating agents. The procedures to be used in exchanging this information shall be identified in an addendum to the memorandum. Information to be exchanged includes, but is not limited to:
i) Schedule of meetings of advisory bodies/PICs;
ii) Copies of job training plans;
iii) Grant applications or other funding requests;
iv) Program descriptions;
v) Funding sources and amounts;
vi) Targeted participants if any; and
vii) Timeframes for program enrollments/operations.
B) Referrals A referral system shall be developed by the SDA/SSA and the DORS. Referrals and information exchange forms shall be developed. All such documents shall be attached as an addendum to this memorandum. Referral documents and a description of the referral system shall become the formal operating referral procedures between the SDA and the DORS.
C) Administrative The SDA/SAA and the DORS and their administrative entities are committed to compliance with all appropriate and applicable laws, rules and regulations. These are:
i) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended (42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq.);
ii) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794); and
iii) The provisions of 56 Ill. Adm. Code 2610.120.
5) The IDPA and JTPA SSAs shall enter into a memorandum of understanding to facilitate and maintain an interagency system for the coordination of services to mutual clients. This memorandum may be withdrawn at any time by written communication, dated and signed by the Chairperson of the PIC or the Director of the IDPA. The following topical areas with specific requirements shall be addressed in this memorandum of understanding:
A) Exchange of Information The SDA/SSAs and the IDPA shall exchange program information at least annually, and more frequently at the choice of the coordinating agents. The procedures to be used in exchanging this information shall be identified in an addendum to the memorandum. Information to be exchanged includes, but is not limited to:
i) Schedule of meetings of advisory bodies/PICs;
ii) Copies of job training plans;
iii) Program descriptions;
iv) Funding sources and amounts;
v) Targeted participants if any; and
vi) Timeframes for program enrollments/operations.
B) Referrals A referral system shall be developed by the SSA and the IDPA. Referrals and information exchange forms will be developed. All such documents will be attached as an addendum to this memorandum. Referral documents and a description of the referral system shall become the formal operating referral procedures between the SDA and the DORS.
C) Administrative The SDA/SSA and the DPA and their administrative entities are committed to compliance with all appropriate and applicable laws, rules and regulations. These are:
i) Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended (42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq.);
ii) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794); and
iii) The provisions of 56 Ill. Adm. Code 2610.120.
(Source: Amended at 15 Ill. Reg. 7595, effective May 7, 1991) |