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Section 730.191 Reporting Requirements
The owner or operator of a Class VI injection well must, at a minimum, provide the following reports to the Agency for each permitted Class VI injection well, as specified in subsection (e):
a) Semi-annual reports containing the following information:
1) A description of any deviations in the physical, chemical, and other relevant characteristics of the carbon dioxide stream from the proposed operating data submitted to the Agency pursuant to Sections 730.182(a)(7) and (c)(3) and 730.186(b)(1) and (c)(3);
2) The monthly average, maximum, and minimum values for injection pressure, flow rate and volume, and annular pressure;
3) A description of any event that exceeds operating parameters for the annulus pressure or injection pressure specified in the permit;
4) A description of any event that triggers a shut-off device required pursuant to Section 730.188(e) and the response undertaken by the owner or operator;
5) The monthly volume or mass of the carbon dioxide stream injected over the reporting period and the volume injected cumulatively over the life of the project;
6) The monthly annulus fluid volume added; and
7) The results of the monitoring required by Section 730.190.
b) Report the results within 30 days after completion of any of the following:
1) Any results of periodic tests of mechanical integrity;
2) Any well workover; and
3) Results of any other test of the injection well that the owner or operator has conducted as required by the Agency.
c) Report any of the following events within 24 hours after the event:
1) The owner or operator has discovered any evidence that the injected carbon dioxide stream or associated pressure front may cause an endangerment to a USDW;
2) The owner or operator has discovered any noncompliance with a permit condition, or malfunction of the injection system, which may cause fluid migration into or between USDWs;
3) The owner or operator has discovered any triggering of a shut-off system (i.e., down-hole or at the surface);
4) The owner or operator has discovered any failure to maintain mechanical integrity; or
5) The owner or operator has discovered any release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere or biosphere through surface air or soil gas monitoring or other monitoring technologies that the Agency has required pursuant to Section 730.190(h).
d) An owner or operator must notify the Agency in writing 30 days in advance of any of the following:
1) Any planned well workover;
2) Any planned stimulation activities, other than stimulation for formation testing conducted pursuant to Section 730.182; and
3) Any other planned test of the injection well conducted by the owner or operator.
e) In corresponding 40 CFR 146.91(e), USEPA has stated that owners or operators must submit all required reports, submittals, and notifications under this Subpart H to USEPA in an electronic format approved by USEPA.
f) The owner or operator must retain records as follows:
1) The owner or operator must retain all data collected pursuant to Section 730.182 for Class VI permit applications throughout the life of the geologic sequestration project and for 10 years following site closure.
2) The owner or operator must retain data on the nature and composition of all injected fluids collected pursuant to Section 730.190(a) until 10 years after site closure. The Agency may require the owner or operator to deliver the records to the Agency at the conclusion of the retention period.
3) The owner or operator must retain monitoring data collected pursuant to Section 730.190(b) through (i) for 10 years after it is collected.
4) The owner or operator must retain well plugging reports, post-injection site care data, including, if appropriate, data and information used to develop the demonstration of the alternative post-injection site care timeframe, and the site closure report collected pursuant to requirements at Section 730.193(f) and (h) for 10 years following site closure.
5) The Agency may require the owner or operator to retain any records required by this Subpart H for a period that is longer than 10 years after site closure. Any Agency requirement that the owner or operator retain records for a longer period must be made in writing, the writing must recite a definite longer period, and the Agency must state the reasons for the determination to require the longer period. An owner or operator may appeal any Agency determination made pursuant to this subsection (f)(5) to the Board pursuant to Section 40 of the Act.
BOARD NOTE: This Section corresponds with 40 CFR 146.91 (2017).
(Source: Amended at 42 Ill. Reg. 24145, effective November 19, 2018) |