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Section 217.454 Applicability
a) This Subpart applies to any fossil fuel-fired stationary boiler, combustion turbine, or combined cycle system, with a maximum design heat input greater than 250 mmbtu/hr and that is:
1) A unit listed in Appendix E of this Subpart, irrespective of any subsequent changes in ownership, unit designation, or name of the unit; or
2) A unit not listed in Appendix E of this Subpart that:
A) At no time serves a generator producing electricity for sale;
B) At any time serves a generator producing electricity for sale, if such generator has a nameplate capacity of 25 MWe or less and has the potential to use no more than 50% of the potential electrical output capacity of the unit. Fifty percent of a unit's potential electrical output capacity shall be determined by multiplying the unit's maximum design heat input by 0.0488 MWe/mmbtu. If the size of the generator is smaller than this calculated number, the unit is subject to the provisions of this Subpart, but if the size of the generator is greater than this calculated number, the unit is subject to the provisions of Subpart W of this Part;
C) Is part of any source, as that term is defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code Section 211.6130, listed in Appendix E of this Part; or
D) Is a unit subject to Subpart W of this Part (excluding any unit listed in Appendix F of this Part, regardless of any change in ownership or any change of operator), and the owner or operator makes a permanent election, at the time of applying for a budget permit pursuant to this Part, to subject the unit to the requirements of this Subpart rather than Subpart W of this Part. Any unit for which such an election is made will not receive an allocation from the Subpart U or Subpart W NOx Trading Budget.
b) Those units that meet the above criteria are budget units.
c) Low-emitter status: Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this Section, the owner or operator of a budget unit subject to the requirements of subsection (a) of this Section may elect low-emitter status by obtaining a permit with federally enforceable conditions that meet the requirements of Section 217.472(a). Starting with the effective date of such permit, the unit shall be subject only to the requirements of Section 217.472.
d) The owner or operator of any budget unit not listed in Appendix E of this Part but subject to this Subpart shall not receive an allocation of NOx allowances from the Subpart U or Subpart W NOx Trading Budget, except for any allowance from the new source set-aside in accordance with Section 217.468 of this Subpart. Such unit must acquire NOx allowances in an amount not less than the NOx emissions from such budget unit during the control period (rounded to the nearest whole ton) in accordance with the federal NOx Trading Program, Subpart X of this Part or pursuant to a permanent transfer of NOx allocations pursuant to Section 217.462(b) of this Subpart.
e) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Subpart, a source and units at the source subject to the provisions of subsection (a) of this Section will become subject to this Subpart on the first day of the control season subsequent to the calendar year in which all of the other states subject to the provisions of the NOx SIP Call (63 Fed. Reg. 57355 (October 27, 1998)) that are located in USEPA Region V or are that contiguous to Illinois have adopted regulations to implement NOx trading programs and other required reductions of NOx emissions pursuant to the NOx SIP Call, and such regulations have received final approval by USEPA as part of the respective states' SIPs for ozone, or a final FIP for ozone promulgated by USEPA is effective. [415 ILCS 5/9.9(f)]
(Source: Amended at 35 Ill. Reg. 16600, effective September 27, 2011) |