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Section 622.50 TENORM Awareness Training for Registrants
a) For those registrants identified in Section 622.40, TENORM awareness training (1-2 hours at a minimum) shall be included as part of the facility’s health and safety training program and conducted before starting of any job duties associated with a radiological hazard.
b) TENORM Awareness Training shall contain, at a minimum, policies and procedures for each facility, including the management policy to maintain all personnel exposure as low as reasonably achievable. Additionally, workers shall be:
1) Kept informed of the storage, transfer, or use of sources of radiation and the identity of restricted areas;
2) Instructed, at appropriate levels of detail, in the health protection problems associated with exposure to radiation or radioactive material, in the risks of radiation exposure to the embryo and fetus, in precautions or procedures to minimize exposure, and in the purposes and functions of protective devices employed;
3) Instructed in, and instructed to observe to the extent within the worker's control, the requirements in Section 622.40 for the protection of personnel from exposure to radiation or radioactive material;
4) Instructed to report promptly to the licensee or registrant any condition that may constitute, lead to, or cause a violation of the Radiation Protection Act of 1990 [420 ILCS 40], the requirements of Section 622.40 or unnecessary exposure (i.e., exposure that results when prescribed safety measures are not followed) to radiation or radioactive material;
5) Advised of the mechanisms in place to ensure workers' exposures within the limits established in Sections 622.30(i)(2) and 622.40(b)(2).
c) These instructions shall be of sufficient detail to avoid radiological hazards and shall be given directly to each worker either in writing or in an orientation course, with the workers signing a statement that they have received the information listed in subsection (b) and understand it. Refresher training that covers all of the required topics shall be provided at intervals not to exceed 12 months.
d) In addition to TENORM Awareness Training, training for workers whose job duties may involve entering restricted areas or contact with material identified in Section 622.40(a) shall include the following:
1) Fundamentals of Radiation Safety:
A) Introduction to NORM and TENORM;
B) Characteristics of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation;
C) Units of radiation dose and quantity of radioactivity associated with TENORM;
D) Hazards of exposure to different kinds of radiation;
E) Levels of radiation from TENORM sources of radiation;
F) Methods of controlling radiation dose through time, distance and shielding, ventilation, decontamination, and source reduction to reduce doses as low as practicable; and
2) Radiation Detection Instruments, including:
A) Use, operation, and limitations of radiation survey instruments for alpha, beta and gamma radiation;
B) Survey techniques, including ambient and frisking methods;
C) Surveying and sampling for NORM and TENORM; and
D) Monitoring equipment and action levels for radon.
3) Proper Use of Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE), including:
A) Different types of PPE;
B) Donning of PPE;
C) Removal of PPE;
D) Decontamination techniques; and
E) Use of respiratory protection equipment and radon mitigation as needed.
4) Identification of areas requiring posting and labeling, including identification of known and potential TENORM-containing areas. This includes pumps and piping where mineral scale accumulates; lagoons, flocculation tanks, and sedimentation tanks where residual sludge accumulates; filters, pumping stations, and storage tanks where scales and sludge accumulate; facilities where filter backwash, brines, or other contaminated water accumulates; facilities that are enclosed (radon); and residuals processing or handling areas.
5) Containerization, storage, and disposal of TENORM wastes.
6) Requirements of pertinent federal and State of Illinois regulations.
7) Topics and discussions of assigned activities during normal and abnormal situations involving exposure to TENORM that can reasonably be expected to occur during work activities.
e) Recommended Training for Instructors. Instructors of TENORM courses should have adequate and commensurate experience in field operations associated with TENORM activities at water and wastewater facilities. The field experience work needs to include sufficient time in radiation protection and the use of radiation detection equipment. |