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Section 505.2200 Inspection Certificates
This Section is not intended to be, in any way, inconsistent with the applicable regulations, rules and requirements of the NRC. If a requirement of this Section as applied in any situation is or would be inconsistent with the regulations, rules and requirements of the NRC, the requirements of this Section shall not be applied. The Agency will take action in regard to an Inspection Certificate only in accordance with Section 505.80. The Agency shall issue Inspection Certificates for non-ISI boilers and pressure vessels in accordance with this Section if the reports, inspection criteria and plans required to be submitted by and identified in Sections 505.110 and 505.2100 and this Section are submitted in accordance with the frequencies specified in those Sections and are in compliance with this Part.
a) The Agency shall issue one Inspection Certificate to each non-ISI boiler and pressure vessel for a term equal to the frequency of inspection of the non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel. The frequency and type of inspection for each non-ISI boiler and pressure vessel shall be as follows:
1) Power boilers, high pressure water boilers and high temperature water boilers shall be inspected annually, which shall be an internal inspection where conditions permit. The boilers shall also be inspected externally annually while under representative operating conditions, if possible.
2) Low pressure steam boilers, hot water heating boilers and hot water supply boilers shall be inspected every 2 years. The inspection shall be internal and external, where conditions permit. An external inspection shall be conducted under representative operating conditions at the request of the Authorized Inspector.
3) Pressure vessels subject to internal corrosion shall be inspected in accordance with subsection (a)(3)(A), unless the Agency approves an alternative under subsection (a)(3)(B).
A) Pressure vessels shall be inspected every 3 years. The inspection shall be internal and external where conditions permit.
B) Alternatively, for each pressure vessel that can be inspected only during refueling outages, the owner may develop an inspection plan for the remaining life of the pressure vessel. The plan shall provide that an inspection of each pressure vessel will occur prior to the completion of every 2 consecutive refueling outages, but in no case more than 5 years after the last inspection of the pressure vessel. The owner may include in the plan contingency options for conducting inspections during unplanned or extended refueling outages, provided the required frequency of inspection is met. The bases for the inspection plan may include, but is not necessarily limited to, alternative examinations and tests planned and performed, past performance of this and similar pressure vessels, status of the pressure vessel in the plant's maintenance program, the environment and contents of the pressure vessel, vessel use, service condition (operating or not) of the pressure vessel relative to operation of the plant, corrosive environment where the pressure vessel is installed, risks, methods of inspection, ALARA (as defined in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 310) considerations, trade-offs and relevant engineering data. This plan shall be submitted to the Agency for approval.
4) Pressure vessels not subject to internal corrosion shall be inspected in accordance with subsection (a)(4)(A) or (B) as applicable, unless the Agency approves an alternative under subsection (a)(4)(C):
A) Vessels containing incompressible fluids (e.g., water) shall be inspected externally every 5 years.
B) Vessels containing compressible fluids (e.g., air steam), or a combination of compressible and incompressible fluids, shall be inspected externally every 3 years.
C) Alternatively, the owner may develop an inspection plan for the vessel for its remaining life based upon refueling outages. This plan shall be submitted to the Agency for approval. The basis for such an inspection plan may include alternative examinations and tests planned and performed, past performance of the pressure vessel and similar pressure vessels, status of the pressure vessel in the plant's maintenance program, the environment and contents of the pressure vessel and relevant engineering data.
AGENCY NOTE: External inspection may be waived by the Agency due to inaccessibility of the equipment, based on the owner's detailed assessment of documentation and performance data verifying vessel integrity.
5) Inspection of flame safeguard equipment shall be to the standards of Section 505.40(c) and will be in conjunction with the regular inspection of boilers.
6) A grace period of 2 months beyond the period specified in subsection (a)(1) or (2), may elapse between internal inspections of the boiler while it is not under pressure and the external inspection of the boiler while it is under pressure.
b) The Agency shall issue an initial Inspection Certificate for a non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel in accordance with this subsection (b). Owners of a non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel not yet in operation shall, prior to operation of the boiler or pressure vessel, have a valid Inspection Certificate issued by the Agency. Application for an Inspection Certificate shall be in accordance with subsection (f) except that the owner shall submit the documents listed in subsection (f)(2) at least 90 days prior to operating the boiler or pressure vessel.
c) For other than initial issuance of an Inspection Certificate in accordance with subsection (b), the Agency shall issue an Inspection Certificate for each non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel at the nuclear facility in accordance with this Section when the Agency determines that:
1) The inspections required under subsection (a) were applied to the non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel, were completed and the condition of the non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel is such that an Inspection Certificate may be issued in accordance with subsection (d);
2) The Report of Inspection or similar report form was completed for the non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel and was submitted to the Agency in accordance with subsection (f)(2); and
3) If applicable, all submittals in subsections (e) and (f)(2)(B) are met.
d) The Agency shall issue the Inspection Certificate within 90 days following receipt of the Report of Inspection on the non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel, or shall observe the procedures of subsection (g). The latter shall occur either within 90 days following receipt of the Report of Inspection or within 10 days following the expiration date of the Inspection Certificate.
e) The Inspection Certificate issued for the non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel as established by this Section may be extended for a maximum of 1 year.
1) For all pressure vessels and for boilers, other than power boilers, high pressure water boilers and high temperature water boilers, the owner shall request permission from the Agency to extend the term of the Inspection Certificate prior to implementing the extension. The Agency shall review a request for extension and permit the extension when the extension does not increase the risk to the health and safety of the public and personnel.
2) For power boilers, high pressure water boilers and high temperature water boilers, the Agency may extend, for a time not exceeding 1 year, the time within which the power boiler is required to be internally inspected, subject to the following conditions and qualifications:
A) The analysis and treatment of feedwater for the power boilers shall be under the supervision of a person qualified in the field of water chemistry.
B) The analysis and treatment of the boiler feedwater shall be for the purpose of controlling and limiting serious deteriorating, crusting and sludge that affect the safety of the boiler.
C) The owner of the boilers shall maintain, for examination by the Authorized Inspector, accurate records of chemical and physical laboratory analyses of samples of the boiler water taken at regular intervals of not more than 24 hours operation and of the treatment applied. These records shall specify dates and times of analyses, by whom analyzed, and the treatment applied at that time, and shall be certified by the responsible authority. These records will adequately show the conditions of the water and any constituents or characteristics that are capable of producing corrosion or other deterioration of the boiler or its parts.
D) Application for extension shall be in writing setting forth facts establishing compliance with the foregoing conditions and qualifications and shall be accompanied by the report of external inspection.
f) For each non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel, the owner shall submit the following:
1) The information required by Section 505.2100;
2) On or before the expiration date of the Inspection Certificate issued to the non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel:
A) The completed Report of Inspection or similar report form documenting that the inspections were performed in accordance with the inspection criteria and frequency requirements of subsection (a) and Section 505.2000.
B) All Code Data Reports and all other information related to the repair, replacement or alteration of the non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel or its appurtenances performed since the last Certificate Inspection.
g) The Agency shall take action under Section 505.80 if the Agency finds that:
1) The submittals and notifications required by subsections (e) and (f) have not been made or are incomplete; or
2) The inspections required by this Section have not been performed or are incomplete; or
3) A change to the inspection frequency applied to the non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel is not in accordance with subsection (e); or
4) The non-ISI boiler or pressure vessel was insured and the insurance has been canceled or has otherwise become ineffective.
h) In addition to the requirements of this Section, owners shall meet the requirements of Section 505.120.
i) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, an Inspection Certificate shall remain valid beyond the expiration date noted on the certificate until the boiler or pressure vessel is reinspected by the Authorized Inspector or until the certificate is suspended by the Agency, provided that the owner of the boiler or pressure vessel makes it available for inspection at reasonable times.
(Source: Amended at 41 Ill. Reg. 645, effective January 4, 2017) |