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Section 422.60 Requirements for Issuance or Renewal of Licenses
a) The Agency shall issue a Radon Measurement Professional license to any individual who fulfills the following requirements:
1) Is at least 18 years of age.
2) Provides evidence of relevant work experience and education that meets any one of the following criteria:
A) Documented work history approved by the Agency demonstrating completion of 50 radon measurements; or
B) No experience. A new license performance audit will be performed by the Agency.
3) Provides proof of successful completion of the USEPA Radon Measurement Operators Course, or an equivalent indoor radon and radon progeny measurement course approved by the Agency.
4) Has successfully completed a USEPA Radon Measurement Examination, or an equivalent examination approved by the Agency.
5) Submits a complete and accurate application form prescribed by the Agency that includes, but is not limited to:
A) Home address;
B) Home phone number;
C) Work address;
D) Work phone number;
E) Email address;
F) A description of all types of indoor radon measurements performed and any other related services offered;
G) A description of all measurement devices the applicant or licensee plans to use;
H) A worker protection program description acceptable to the Agency that includes, but is not limited to, methods to reduce or minimize the radon or radon progeny exposures in the work area; and
I) A Quality Assurance Program description acceptable to the Agency that includes, but is not limited to:
i) A policy statement committing to provide quality work;
ii) A description of management and structure of the organization;
iii) A listing of personnel, their qualifications and training;
iv) Procedures for procurement of items and services;
v) Procedures for maintaining documents and records;
vi) A description of relevant computer hardware and software;
vii) A planning process for radon and radon progeny services;
viii) Procedures for calibration and testing of instruments;
ix) A corrective action program; and
x) Standard operating procedures.
6) Submits standard operating procedures for the performance of radon or radon progeny measurements in each of the following categories for which they offer services: home, multi-family building, or school and commercial building measurements.
AGENCY NOTE: The Agency recommends using the "ANSI/AARST Standard: Protocol for Conducting Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Multifamily Buildings" in preparing multi-family building standard operating procedures.
7) For an individual requesting renewal evidence of meeting the continuing education requirements in Section 422.80.
b) The Agency shall issue a Radon Measurement Technician license to any individual authorizing work under the general supervision of a Radon Measurement Professional licensee, if the applicant meets the following requirements:
1) Is at least 18 years of age.
2) Provides proof of successful completion of the USEPA Radon Measurement Operators Course, or an equivalent indoor radon and radon Progeny measurement course approved by the Agency.
3) Has successfully completed a USEPA Radon Measurement Examination, or an equivalent examination approved by the Agency.
4) Submits a complete and accurate application form prescribed by the Agency that includes, but is not limited to:
A) Home address;
B) Home phone number;
C) Work address;
D) Work phone number; and
E) Email address.
5) For an individual requesting renewal, evidence of meeting the continuing education requirements in Section 422.80.
c) The Agency shall issue a Radon Mitigation Professional license to any individual who fulfills the following requirements:
1) Is at least 18 years of age.
2) Provides evidence of relevant work experience and education that meets any of the following criteria:
A) At least 4 years of design and construction of buildings, or associated heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), or closely related activities approved by the Agency;
B) Documented work history approved by the Agency demonstrating completion of 50 radon mitigation installations; or
C) No experience. A new license performance audit will be performed by the Agency.
3) Provides proof of successful completion of the USEPA Radon Mitigation Course, or an equivalent indoor radon and radon progeny mitigation course approved by the Agency.
4) Has successfully completed a USEPA Radon Mitigation Examination, or an equivalent mitigation examination approved by the Agency.
5) Submits a complete and accurate application form prescribed by the Agency that includes, but is not limited to:
A) Home address;
B) Home phone number;
C) Work address;
D) Work phone number;
E) Email address;
F) A description of all diagnostic tests that may be performed to determine the mitigation strategy and any other radon related services offered;
G) A description of all mitigation system designs or strategies offered. Materials and design controls shall be included in the professional licensees' Quality Assurance Program description;
H) A worker protection program description acceptable to the Agency, to be followed when performing mitigation installations, that includes, but is not limited to, methods to reduce or minimize the radon or radon progeny concentrations in the work area;
I) A Quality Assurance Program description acceptable to the Agency that includes, but is not limited to:
i) A policy statement committing to provide quality work;
ii) A description of management and structure of the organization;
iii) A listing of personnel, their qualifications and training;
iv) Procedures for procurement of items and services;
v) Procedures for maintaining documents and records;
vi) A description of relevant computer hardware and software;
vii) A planning process for radon and radon progeny services;
viii) Procedures for calibration and testing of instruments;
ix) A corrective action program; and
x) Standard operating procedures.
6) Provides proof of insurance as specified in Section 422.70(q).
7) Submits standard operating procedures for the performance of mitigations in each of the following categories for which they offer services: home, multi-family building, or school and commercial building mitigations.
8) For an individual requesting renewal, evidence of meeting the continuing education requirements in Section 422.80.
d) The Agency shall issue a Radon Mitigation Technician license to any individual authorizing work under the general supervision of a Radon Mitigation Professional licensee, if the applicant meets the following requirements:
1) Is at least 18 years of age.
2) Provides proof of successful completion of the USEPA Radon Mitigation Operators Course, or an equivalent indoor radon and radon progeny mitigation course approved by the Agency.
3) Has successfully completed a USEPA Radon Mitigation Examination, or an equivalent examination approved by the Agency.
4) Submits a complete and accurate application form prescribed by the Agency that includes, but is not limited to:
A) Home address;
B) Home phone number;
C) Work address;
D) Work phone number; and
E) Email address.
5) For an individual requesting renewal, evidence of meeting the continuing education requirements in Section 422.80.
e) The Agency shall issue a Laboratory Analysis license to any person who submits a complete and accurate application form prescribed by the Agency that includes:
1) The name of one individual who is responsible for the laboratory radon analytical activities;
2) A description of all measurement devices used and services offered; and
3) Documentation of a Quality Assurance Program that meets one of the following:
A) A quality assurance program description consistent with ISO/IEC 17025, General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories Compliance published June 29, 2005, exclusive of subsequent amendments or editions; or
B) Is successfully enrolled in an independent third party accreditation/certification program consistent with national laboratory accreditation and certification standards, or an equivalent program approved by the Agency, for the devices listed in subsection (e)(2).
(Source: Amended at 37 Ill. Reg. 20240, effective December 9, 2013) |