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Section 351.5010 Notification of Incidents, Abandonment and Lost Sources
a) Notification shall be made to the Agency whenever an incident has occurred as described in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.1220 or 340.1230. Notification shall also be made to the Agency whenever a source is leaking or contaminated in accordance with 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.1260 or stolen, missing or lost, other than in downhole logging operations, in accordance with 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.1210.
b) Whenever a sealed source is separated from the logging tool and is lost downhole, the licensee shall notify the Agency immediately by telephone prior to beginning source recovery operations.
c) Whenever a sealed source or device containing radioactive material is lodged downhole, the licensee or registrant shall:
1) Monitor at the surface for the presence of radioactive contamination with a radiation survey instrument or logging tool during logging tool recovery operations; and
2) Notify the Agency immediately by telephone if radioactive contamination is detected at the surface or if the source is likely to have been ruptured.
d) When efforts to recover the radioactive source are not successful, the licensee or registrant shall:
1) Advise the well operator of the regulations of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency regarding abandonment and the method of abandonment, which shall include:
A) The immobilization and sealing in place of the radioactive source with a cement plug;
B) The means to prevent inadvertent intrusion on the source, unless the source is not accessible to any subsequent drilling operations, such as setting of a whipstock or other deflection device; and
C) The mounting of a permanent identification plaque, at the surface of the well, containing the appropriate information required by subsection (g) of this Section;
2) Notify the Agency immediately by telephone, and by mail within 10 calendar days, giving the circumstances of the loss and requesting approval of the adopted abandonment procedures; and
3) File a written report with the Agency within 30 days of the abandonment, setting forth the following information:
A) Date of occurrence and a brief description of attempts to recover the source;
B) A description of the radioactive source involved, including radionuclide, quantity, and chemical and physical form;
C) Surface location and identification of well;
D) Results of efforts to immobilize and seal the source in place;
E) Depth of the radioactive source;
F) Depth of the top of the cement plug;
G) Depth of the well; and
H) Information contained on the permanent identification plaque.
e) The Agency will provide written approval of the request by the licensee pursuant to subsection (d)(2) of this Section if the Agency determines that accepted industry methods for recovery have been unsuccessful and the proposed abandonment procedures satisfy the requirements of subsection (d)(1) of this Section.
f) If the licensee believed there was an immediate threat to public health and safety and the licensee implemented abandonment procedures before receiving Agency approval to implement abandonment procedures, the licensee shall notify the Agency immediately by telephone, and by mail within 10 calendar days, giving the circumstances and reasons why an immediate threat to public health and safety was determined to exists and who made the determination.
g) Whenever a sealed source containing radioactive material is abandoned downhole, the licensee shall provide a permanent plaque for posting the well or well-bore. This plaque shall:
AGENCY NOTE: An example of a suggested plaque is shown in Appendix B of this Part.
1) Be constructed of long-lasting material, such as stainless steel or monel; and
2) Contain the following information engraved on its face:
A) The word "CAUTION";
B) The radiation symbol without the conventional color requirement;
C) The date of abandonment;
D) The name of the well operator or well owner;
E) The well name and well identification number(s) or other designation;
F) The sealed sources by radionuclide and quantity of activity;
G) The source depth and the depth to the top of the plug; and
H) An appropriate warning, depending on the specific circumstances of each abandonment.
AGENCY NOTE: Appropriate warnings may include: "Do not drill below plug back depth"; "Do not enlarge casing"; or "Do not re-enter the hole" followed by the words, "before contacting the Illinois Emergency Management Agency ".
h) The licensee or registrant shall notify the Agency immediately by telephone, and by mail within 10 calendar days, if the licensee knows or has reason to believe that radioactive material has been lost in or to an underground potable water source. The notice shall designate the well location and shall describe the magnitude and extent of loss of radioactive material, assess the health and environmental consequences of the loss and explain efforts planned or being taken to mitigate these consequences.
(Source: Amended at 28 Ill. Reg. 12643, effective October 1, 2004) |