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Section 3030.110 Definitions
"Academic Library" means the library or libraries of an institution of education beyond the secondary level that is recognized by the Illinois Board of Higher Education as either an Illinois academic institution or an out-of-state academic institution with a physical presence in Illinois.
"Act" means the Illinois Library System Act [75 ILCS 10].
"Annual Application" means the application a library system submits to the Illinois State Library for a System Area and Per Capita Grant funded in 23 Ill. Adm. Code 3035.100. The components of the application are in Sections 3030.265 and 3030.345 of this Part.
"Automated Discovery Tools" include, but are not limited to, bibliographic library databases, journal databases and image databases and provide access to library and information resources.
"Bibliographically Organized Collection" means library materials, regardless of format, are arranged in a logical sequence in accordance with national standards so that individual items can be located.
"Bibliographic Library Database" means an automated collection of information about the holdings of one or more libraries. OCLC and integrated library systems are examples of bibliographic databases.
"Branch Library" means a separately located building of a library organization where library materials or services are made available to be borrowed or used by patrons or, in academic libraries, a separate collection or departmental library associated with a specific discipline.
"Certification" means the process by which library system members annually qualify and provide information to the library system and the Illinois State Library about continued eligibility for library system membership.
"Core Services" means the basic services, funded by the annual System Area and Per Capita Grant, that are provided by library systems to all full member libraries. The core services are specified by the State Librarian and addressed in the annual library system application, specified in Sections 3030.265 and 3030.345. Core services include the areas specified in the library system standards in Sections 3030.215 and 3030.315.
"Delivery" means the physical transfer of library materials among full library system members, library systems and the Illinois State Library using vehicles, commercial couriers and/or mail. Delivery is a core system service.
"Developmental Library" means a library that does not meet the requirements for full library system membership as of the effective date of this Part but is eligible for library system communications and assistance from library system staff in addressing full membership as the library works towards full system membership.
"Eligible Elector" means a person who is eligible to register and vote, under the provisions of Section 3-1 of the Illinois Election Code [10 ILCS 5], in the geographic area of the library system.
"Fees" means those charges, with justification disclosed, in the library system's annual application and approved by the State Librarian prior to implementation.
"Full Member" means a library that meets the criteria for full library system membership as specified in Section 3030.200.
"Governing Authority" means the body or individual that has the legal authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the institution desiring to become a member of a library system.
"Illinois Library Delivery Service" means the statewide vehicular delivery service, funded by the Illinois State Library, that provides delivery to library system headquarters and designated facilities, eligible academic members and the Illinois State Library in order to facilitate the movement of books and other library materials throughout the State, pursuant to Sections 3030.215(d) and 3030.315(d).
"ILLINET" means the Illinois Library and Information Network, which consists of the library systems, their full member libraries and the Illinois State Library.
"Illinois State Library Advisory Committee" means the statutory advisory committee of the Illinois State Library as specified in Section 5 of the State Library Act [15 ILCS 320].
"Integrated Library System" means a bibliographic library database with multiple functions such as acquisitions, bibliographic control, cataloging, circulation, course reserves, media booking, and the patron online catalog.
"Interlibrary Loan" means the process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library. Whether initiated by library staff or patron, the purpose of interlibrary loan is to obtain, upon request of a library patron, material not available in the patron's local library. Circulation of materials between a central library and its branches or within a school district is not considered interlibrary loan.
"Library" means an entity that serves the basic information and library needs of its patrons through a bibliographically organized collection of library materials, is open at least 15 hours per week, and is staffed by one or more employees serving as librarians working a minimum of 15 hours per week. The collection must have ongoing financial support, be accessible centrally, and occupy identifiable quarters in one principal location. These requirements can be met through contractual services provided by another library.
"Local Library System Automation Program" means an integrated library system open to membership by full library system members of all types developed by or receiving financial or in kind support from a library system.
"Multitype Library System" means a library system that meets the requirements of Section (2)(l) of the Act, serving a minimum of 150,000 inhabitants or an area of not less than 4,000 square miles and serving a minimum of 10 or more public libraries, elementary and secondary school libraries, institutions of higher education libraries and special libraries.
"Nonresident" means an individual residing in Illinois who does not have his or her principal residence within a public library service area.
"Patron" means an individual who is entitled to borrow materials from a specific library by virtue of his or her relationship to the library or its parent institution.
"Plan of Service" means how the library system will achieve the objectives and standards of the Act and this Part and includes the items listed in Sections 3030.265 and 3030.345 (Annual Application).
"Public Library" means a tax-supported public library established by or as a governmental unit that is authorized to levy a tax for library purposes or supports the library at least in part from local tax revenues. Such a library is established by a city, village, incorporated town, township, county or library district under the Illinois Local Library Act [75 ILCS 5], the Village Library Act [75 ILCS 40], Division 5-38 of the Counties Code (Public County Library Service) [55 ILCS 5/Div. 5-38], the Village Library Conversion Act [75 ILCS 45], the Library Property Sale Act [75 ILCS 55], and the Public Library District Act of 1991 [75 ILCS 16]. A library that receives no income from local tax sources but does receive on-going income from other sources at least sufficient to qualify for per capita grants provided in Section 8.1 of the Act, and provides library service to the residents of a city, village, incorporated town, township or county through contractual agreement, may also be considered a public library.
"Public Library System" means a public library that serves a city of over 500,000 population and is established as a public library system under the Act.
"Reciprocal Access" means how the resources of all full member libraries of a library system are made available to all library patrons in the system area. Reciprocal access benefits should be imposed equally among all reciprocal access patrons and can include interlibrary loans, photocopy service, reference service, use of library materials on site, and other services. The library governing authority may approve reasonable restrictions, applied equally among all reciprocal access patrons, for services such as computer access, library programs and meeting room use in accordance with the library system's resource sharing plan.
"Reciprocal Borrowing" means the right of a person who holds a valid, in-good-standing library registration card from a full member public library to borrow materials on site from other library system full member public libraries under the same conditions that the library provides those materials to its patrons, subject to reasonable restrictions approved by the library's governing board in accordance with requirements of the library system's resource sharing plan and this Part. The term "reciprocal borrowing" encompasses "Statewide Reciprocal Borrowing" and "System-wide Reciprocal Borrowing", which are also defined in this Section.
"Resource Discovery Tools" means library research software that allows a library user to search multiple web-based electronic resources simultaneously and bring back usable search results.
"Resource Sharing" means making the collections of one library available to the patrons of another library efficiently and effectively. Resource sharing encompasses the technical capabilities, staff expertise and policies necessary to achieve that objective. Resource sharing incorporates activities related to automated discovery tools (including bibliographic library databases), collection management, bibliographic description, delivery, interlibrary loan, reciprocal access and reciprocal borrowing. Resource sharing is a core system service.
"School Library" means the library or libraries of an elementary and/or secondary school district, or private elementary and/or secondary schools under a single governing authority.
"Shared Bibliographic Database" means a bibliographic library database used jointly by more than one library.
"Shared Integrated Library System" means a bibliographic library database, shared by more than one library, with multiple functions such as acquisitions, bibliographic control, cataloging, circulation, course reserves, media booking and the patron online catalog.
"Special Library" means a library with a unique collection or specialized services recognized by the Illinois State Library that does not meet the definition of academic, public or school library. "State Librarian" means the Illinois Secretary of State.
"Statewide Reciprocal Borrowing" means the right of a person who holds a valid, in-good-standing library registration card from a full member public library to borrow materials onsite from other participating full member public libraries of any other Illinois library system under the same conditions that the library provides those materials to its patrons, subject to reasonable restrictions approved by the library's governing board in accordance with requirements of the reciprocal borrowing policy of the library system of which the public library is a member and this Part. Public library participation in statewide reciprocal borrowing is optional. See also "Reciprocal Borrowing" and "System-wide Reciprocal Borrowing" definitions in this Section.
"Suspended Library" means a library whose system membership is terminated by the library system board with concurrence by the State Librarian.
"System Administrative Headquarters" means the facility that is identified by the system as its administrative headquarters.
"System Area and Per Capita Grant" means the annual grant, if appropriated, that is awarded to library systems based on the population and square miles served according to Section 8 of the Act, after acceptance of the annual application by the Illinois State Library.
"Systemwide Reciprocal Borrowing" means the right of a person who holds a valid, in-good-standing library registration card from a full member public library to borrow materials on site from other library system full member public libraries of the same library system to which their library belongs under the same conditions that the library provides those materials to its patrons, subject to reasonable restrictions approved by the library's governing board in accordance with requirements of the library system's reciprocal borrowing policy and this Part. See also "Reciprocal Borrowing" and "Statewide Reciprocal Borrowing" definitions in this Section. |