(730 ILCS 220/15) Sec. 15. Right to practice faith in a correctional institution or facility. (a) A committed person has a right to practice his or her faith in a correctional institution or facility absent harm or without undue burden to the State's correctional system. (b) A committed person belonging to a faith group in a correctional institution or facility shall have access to pastoral and spiritual care absent harm or without undue burden to the State's correctional system. (c) Absent harm or undue burden, a correctional institution or facility shall provide reading materials for diverse faith groups, including, but not limited to, spiritual, religious texts, prayer manuals, prayer mats, and other requested material from committed persons. (d) All correctional institutions and facilities in this State shall provide committed persons the ability to pray by facilitating time and clean location, fast by allowing a committed person to abstain from food when appropriate, and respect for dietary restrictions absent harm or without undue burden to the State's correctional system. (e) All correctional institutions and facilities in this State shall hold a training seminar administered by chaplains of the leading faith groups representing the State's correctional institutions and facilities population every 5 years for wardens and chief administrative officers of correctional institutions and facilities to familiarize themselves with the foundations of each faith group. (f) All correctional institutions and facilities in this State shall maintain a chaplain database of chaplains representing the percentage of the correctional institutions and facilities populations' various faith groups. (g) All correctional institutions and facilities in this State shall provide access to chaplains in the State's correctional system as requested by a committed person belonging to a specific faith group cross-referenced by the correctional institutions and facilities chaplain database. (h) All correctional institutions and facilities in this State shall not bar chaplains from access to committed persons absent evidence of potential harm or threat to the security of the State's correctional system. (i) All correctional institutions and facilities in this State shall grant requests of religious observance gatherings, including, but not limited to, mass, weekly congregations, sermons, and pastoral meetings absent harm or undue burden to the State's correctional system. (j) In determining whether an action would result in an undue burden under this Section, factors to be considered by the warden or chief administrative officer of the correctional institution or facility include: (1) the nature and cost of the action needed under this Section; (2) the overall financial resources of the correctional institution or facility involved |