(730 ILCS 5/3-14-1) (from Ch. 38, par. 1003-14-1)
    Sec. 3-14-1. Release from the institution.
    (a) Upon release of a person on parole, mandatory release, final discharge, or pardon, the Department shall return all property held for him, provide him with suitable clothing and procure necessary transportation for him to his designated place of residence and employment. It may provide such person with a grant of money for travel and expenses which may be paid in installments. The amount of the money grant shall be determined by the Department.
    (a-1) The Department shall, before a wrongfully imprisoned person, as defined in Section 3-1-2 of this Code, is discharged from the Department, provide him or her with any documents necessary after discharge.
    (a-2) The Department of Corrections may establish and maintain, in any institution it administers, revolving funds to be known as "Travel and Allowances Revolving Funds". These revolving funds shall be used for advancing travel and expense allowances to committed, paroled, and discharged prisoners. The moneys paid into such revolving funds shall be from appropriations to the Department for Committed, Paroled, and Discharged Prisoners.
    (a-3) Upon release of a person who is eligible to vote on parole, mandatory release, final discharge, or pardon, the Department shall provide the person with a form that informs him or her that his or her voting rights have been restored and a voter registration application. The Department shall have available voter registration applications in the languages provided by the Illinois State Board of Elections. The form that informs the person that his or her rights have been restored shall include the following information:
        (1) All voting rights are restored upon release from the Department's custody.
        (2) A person who is eligible to vote must register in order to be able to vote.
    The Department of Corrections shall confirm that the person received the voter registration application and has been informed that his or her voting rights have been restored.
    (a-4) Prior to release of a person on parole, mandatory supervised release, final discharge, or pardon, the Department shall screen every person for Medicaid eligibility. Officials of the correctional institution or facility where the committed person is assigned shall assist an eligible person to complete a Medicaid application to ensure that the person begins receiving benefits as soon as possible after his or her release. The application must include the eligible person's address associated with his or her residence upon release from the facility. If the residence is temporary, the eligible person must notify the Department of Human Services of his or her change in address upon transition to permanent housing.
    (b) (Blank).
    (c) Except as otherwise provided in this Code, the Department shall establish procedures to provide written notification of any release of any person who has been convicted of a felony to the State's Attorney and sheriff of the county from which the offender was committed, and the State's Attorney and sheriff of the county into which the offender is to be paroled or released. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, the Department shall establish procedures to provide written notification to the proper law enforcement agency for any municipality of any release of any person who has been convicted of a felony if the arrest of the offender or the commission of the offense took place in the municipality, if the offender is to be paroled or released into the municipality, or if the offender resided in the municipality at the time of the commission of the offense. If a person convicted of a felony who is in the custody of the Department of Corrections or on parole or mandatory supervised release informs the Department that he or she has resided, resides, or will reside at an address that is a housing facility owned, managed, operated, or leased by a public housing agency, the Department must send written notification of that information to the public housing agency that owns, manages, operates, or leases the housing facility. The written notification shall, when possible, be given at least 14 days before release of the person from custody, or as soon thereafter as possible. The written notification shall be provided electronically if the State's Attorney, sheriff, proper law enforcement agency, or public housing agency has provided the Department with an accurate and up to date email address.
    (c-1) (Blank).
    (c-2) The Department shall establish procedures to provide notice to the Illinois State Police of the release or discharge of persons convicted of violations of the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act or a violation of the Methamphetamine Precursor Control Act. The Illinois State Police shall make this information available to local, State, or federal law enforcement agencies upon request.
    (c-5) If a person on parole or mandatory supervised release becomes a resident of a facility licensed or regulated by the Department of Public Health, the Illinois Department of Public Aid, or the Illinois Department of Human Services, the Department of Corrections shall provide copies of the following information to the appropriate licensing or regulating Department and the licensed or regulated facility where the person becomes a resident:
        (1) The mittimus and any pre-sentence investigation reports.
        (2) The social evaluation prepared pursuant to Section 3-8-2.
        (3) Any pre-release evaluation conducted pursuant to subsection (j) of Section 3-6-2.
        (4) Reports of disciplinary infractions and dispositions.
        (5) Any parole plan, including orders issued by the Prisoner Review Board, and any
violation reports and dispositions.
        (6) The name and contact information for the assigned parole agent and parole
    This information shall be provided within 3 days of the person becoming a resident of the facility.
    (c-10) If a person on parole or mandatory supervised release becomes a resident of a facility licensed or regulated by the Department of Public Health, the Illinois Department of Public Aid, or the Illinois Department of Human Services, the Department of Corrections shall provide written notification of such residence to the following:
        (1) The Prisoner Review Board.
        (2) The chief of police and sheriff in the municipality and county in which the licensed
facility is located.
    The notification shall be provided within 3 days of the person becoming a resident of the facility.
    (d) Upon the release of a committed person on parole, mandatory supervised release, final discharge, or pardon, the Department shall provide such person with information concerning programs and services of the Illinois Department of Public Health to ascertain whether such person has been exposed to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or any identified causative agent of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
    (e) Upon the release of a committed person on parole, mandatory supervised release, final discharge, pardon, or who has been wrongfully imprisoned, the Department shall verify the released person's full name, date of birth, and social security number. If verification is made by the Department by obtaining a certified copy of the released person's birth certificate and the released person's social security card or other documents authorized by the Secretary, the Department shall provide the birth certificate and social security card or other documents authorized by the Secretary to the released person. If verification by the Department is done by means other than obtaining a certified copy of the released person's birth certificate and the released person's social security card or other documents authorized by the Secretary, the Department shall complete a verification form, prescribed by the Secretary of State, and shall provide that verification form to the released person.
    (f) Forty-five days prior to the scheduled discharge of a person committed to the custody of the Department of Corrections, the Department shall give the person:
        (1) who is otherwise uninsured an opportunity to apply for health care coverage
including medical assistance under Article V of the Illinois Public Aid Code in accordance with subsection (b) of Section 1-8.5 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, and the Department of Corrections shall provide assistance with completion of the application for health care coverage including medical assistance;
        (2) information about obtaining a standard Illinois Identification Card or a
limited-term Illinois Identification Card under Section 4 of the Illinois Identification Card Act if the person has not been issued an Illinois Identification Card under subsection (a-20) of Section 4 of the Illinois Identification Card Act;
        (3) information about voter registration and may distribute information prepared by the
State Board of Elections. The Department of Corrections may enter into an interagency contract with the State Board of Elections to participate in the automatic voter registration program and be a designated automatic voter registration agency under Section 1A-16.2 of the Election Code;
        (4) information about job listings upon discharge from the correctional institution or
        (5) information about available housing upon discharge from the correctional
institution or facility;
        (6) a directory of elected State officials and of officials elected in the county and
municipality, if any, in which the committed person intends to reside upon discharge from the correctional institution or facility; and
        (7) any other information that the Department of Corrections deems necessary to provide
the committed person in order for the committed person to reenter the community and avoid recidivism.
    (g) Sixty days before the scheduled discharge of a person committed to the custody of the Department or upon receipt of the person's certified birth certificate and social security card as set forth in subsection (d) of Section 3-8-1 of this Act, whichever occurs later, the Department shall transmit an application for an Identification Card to the Secretary of State, in accordance with subsection (a-20) of Section 4 of the Illinois Identification Card Act.
    The Department may adopt rules to implement this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-606, eff. 1-1-22; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 103-345, eff. 1-1-24.)