(220 ILCS 5/13-301) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 13-301)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2030)
    Sec. 13-301. Duties of the Commission.
    (1) Consistent with the findings and policy established in paragraph (a) of Section 13-102 and paragraph (a) of Section 13-103, and in order to ensure the attainment of such policies, the Commission shall:
        (a) participate in all federal programs intended to preserve or extend universal
telecommunications service, unless such programs would place cost burdens on Illinois customers of telecommunications services in excess of the benefits they would receive through participation, provided, however, the Commission shall not approve or permit the imposition of any surcharge or other fee designed to subsidize or provide a waiver for subscriber line charges; and shall report on such programs together with an assessment of their adequacy and the advisability of participating therein in its annual report to the General Assembly, or more often as necessary;
        (b) (blank);
        (c) order all telecommunications carriers offering or providing local exchange
telecommunications service to propose low-cost or budget service tariffs and any other rate design or pricing mechanisms designed to facilitate customer access to such telecommunications service, provided that services offered by any telecommunications carrier at the rates, terms, and conditions specified in Section 13-506.2 or Section 13-518 of this Article shall constitute compliance with this Section. A telecommunications carrier may seek Commission approval of other low-cost or budget service tariffs or rate design or pricing mechanisms to comply with this Section;
        (d) investigate the necessity of and, if appropriate, establish a universal service
support fund from which local exchange telecommunications carriers who pursuant to the Twenty-Seventh Interim Order of the Commission in Docket No. 83-0142 or the orders of the Commission in Docket No. 97-0621 and Docket No. 98-0679 received funding and whose economic costs of providing services for which universal service support may be made available exceed the affordable rate established by the Commission for such services may be eligible to receive support, less any federal universal service support received for the same or similar costs of providing the supported services; provided, however, that if a universal service support fund is established, the Commission shall require that all costs of the fund be recovered from all local exchange and interexchange telecommunications carriers certificated in Illinois on a competitively neutral and nondiscriminatory basis. In establishing any such universal service support fund, the Commission shall, in addition to the determination of costs for supported services, consider and make findings pursuant to subsection (2) of this Section. Proxy cost, as determined by the Commission, may be used for this purpose. In determining cost recovery for any universal service support fund, the Commission shall not permit recovery of such costs from another certificated carrier for any service purchased and used solely as an input to a service provided to such certificated carrier's retail customers.
    (2) In any order creating a fund pursuant to paragraph (d) of subsection (1), the Commission, after notice and hearing, shall:
        (a) Define the group of services to be declared "supported telecommunications services"
that constitute "universal service". This group of services shall, at a minimum, include those services as defined by the Federal Communications Commission and as from time to time amended. In addition, the Commission shall consider the range of services currently offered by telecommunications carriers offering local exchange telecommunications service, the existing rate structures for the supported telecommunications services, and the telecommunications needs of Illinois consumers in determining the supported telecommunications services. The Commission shall, from time to time or upon request, review and, if appropriate, revise the group of Illinois supported telecommunications services and the terms of the fund to reflect changes or enhancements in telecommunications needs, technologies, and available services.
        (b) Identify all implicit subsidies contained in rates or charges of incumbent local
exchange carriers, including all subsidies in interexchange access charges, and determine how such subsidies can be made explicit by the creation of the fund.
        (c) Establish an affordable price for the supported telecommunications services for the
respective incumbent local exchange carrier. The affordable price shall be no less than the rates in effect at the time the Commission creates a fund pursuant to this item. The Commission may establish and utilize indices or models for updating the affordable price for supported telecommunications services.
(Source: P.A. 100-20, eff. 7-1-17.)