(110 ILCS 28/20) Sec. 20. Membership; functions. (a) Membership in the Consortium shall include all public universities and community colleges in this State that offer early childhood programs. Membership by private, not-for-profit universities is optional and conditional on the acceptance of the terms adopted by the public members, the related administrative rules, and the provisions of this Act. For-profit institutions of higher education are not eligible for membership in the Consortium. Participating institutions must be accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and entitled to offer Gateways Credentials. (b) The members of the Consortium shall operate jointly and in cooperation to provide streamlined paths for students to attain associate degrees, bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, certificates, and Gateways Credentials and other licensure endorsements in early childhood education. The priority shall be to focus on the incumbent workforce, which includes working adults who require programs of study that offer flexibility in the times courses are offered, location, and format. The Consortium shall cooperate in all of the following: (1) Providing course offerings in online, hybrid, and in-person formats that are |
| available to any student enrolled in a member institution for occasions in which a particular course is not available at the student's home institution. In this paragraph (1), "not available" may mean the course is not offered during a term, at a time, or in a format that works best for the student. Courses taken at any member institution shall be accepted toward the student's degree at any other member institution. Course offerings across institutions may also be provided by an agreement between Consortium members. All course registration shall take place in consultation with a student's academic advisor.
(2) Shared responsibilities through the Consortium and across the State to expand access
(3) Transfers in accordance with Section 130-10 of the Transitions in Education Act.
(4) The development of standardized methods for awarding credit for prior learning.
(5) The support necessary for student access, persistence, and completion shall be
| provided by the home institution, unless otherwise provided by agreement between Consortium members.
(6) Admissions, financial arrangements, registration, and advising services shall be
| functions of the home institution but shall be honored across the Consortium.
(7) Member institutions working with their regional pre-kindergarten through 12th grade
| and early childhood employer partners to determine demand throughout the region.
(8) Data-sharing agreements.
(9) An agreement that students enrolled in associate degree programs are encouraged to
| complete the associate degree program prior to transferring to a bachelor's degree program.
(10) Development of other shared agreements and terms necessary to implement the
| Consortium and its responsibilities.
By January 31, 2022, the Consortium shall decide how to assign college credit for the incumbent workers who have a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential and for future workers obtaining a CDA.
(c) The Consortium may facilitate or implement the following if deemed beneficial and feasible:
(1) the creation of an open education resource library;
(2) support and training for program coaches and cross-institutional navigators; and
(3) support for the development, implementation, and participation in a statewide
| registry system through the Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) to provide tracking and data capabilities for students across the system as they attain competency through coursework.
(Source: P.A. 102-174, eff. 7-28-21; 103-588, eff. 6-5-24.)