The information provided shall be kept on file in the office of the school nurse or, in the absence of a school nurse, the school's administrator.
(b-5) A school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school may authorize the provision of a student-specific or undesignated epinephrine injector to a student or any personnel authorized under a student's Individual Health Care Action Plan, allergy emergency action plan, or plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to administer an epinephrine injector to the student, that meets the student's prescription on file.
(b-10) The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school may authorize a school nurse or trained personnel to do the following: (i) provide an undesignated epinephrine injector to a student for self-administration only or any personnel authorized under a student's Individual Health Care Action Plan, allergy emergency action plan, plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or individualized education program plan to administer to the student that meets the student's prescription on file; (ii) administer an undesignated epinephrine injector that meets the prescription on file to any student who has an Individual Health Care Action Plan, allergy emergency action plan, plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or individualized education program plan that authorizes the use of an epinephrine injector; (iii) administer an undesignated epinephrine injector to any person that the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes is having an anaphylactic reaction; (iv) administer an opioid antagonist to any person that the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes is having an opioid overdose; (v) provide undesignated asthma medication to a student for self-administration only or to any personnel authorized under a student's Individual Health Care Action Plan or asthma action plan, plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or individualized education program plan to administer to the student that meets the student's prescription on file; (vi) administer undesignated asthma medication that meets the prescription on file to any student who has an Individual Health Care Action Plan or asthma action plan, plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or individualized education program plan that authorizes the use of asthma medication; and (vii) administer undesignated asthma medication to any person that the school nurse or trained personnel believes in good faith is having respiratory distress.
(c) The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must inform the parents or guardians of the pupil, in writing, that the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school and its employees and agents, including a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse providing standing protocol and a prescription for school epinephrine injectors, an opioid antagonist, or undesignated asthma medication, are to incur no liability or professional discipline, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a result of any injury arising from the administration of asthma medication, an epinephrine injector, or an opioid antagonist regardless of whether authorization was given by the pupil's parents or guardians or by the pupil's physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse. The parents or guardians of the pupil must sign a statement acknowledging that the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school and its employees and agents are to incur no liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a result of any injury arising from the administration of asthma medication, an epinephrine injector, or an opioid antagonist regardless of whether authorization was given by the pupil's parents or guardians or by the pupil's physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse and that the parents or guardians must indemnify and hold harmless the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school and its employees and agents against any claims, except a claim based on willful and wanton conduct, arising out of the administration of asthma medication, an epinephrine injector, or an opioid antagonist regardless of whether authorization was given by the pupil's parents or guardians or by the pupil's physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse.
(c-5) When a school nurse or trained personnel administers an undesignated epinephrine injector to a person whom the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes is having an anaphylactic reaction, administers an opioid antagonist to a person whom the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes is having an opioid overdose, or administers undesignated asthma medication to a person whom the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes is having respiratory distress, notwithstanding the lack of notice to the parents or guardians of the pupil or the absence of the parents or guardians signed statement acknowledging no liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school and its employees and agents, and a physician, a physician assistant, or an advanced practice registered nurse providing standing protocol and a prescription for undesignated epinephrine injectors, an opioid antagonist, or undesignated asthma medication, are to incur no liability or professional discipline, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a result of any injury arising from the use of an undesignated epinephrine injector, the use of an opioid antagonist, or the use of undesignated asthma medication, regardless of whether authorization was given by the pupil's parents or guardians or by the pupil's physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse.
(d) The permission for self-administration and self-carry of asthma medication or the self-administration and self-carry of an epinephrine injector is effective for the school year for which it is granted and shall be renewed each subsequent school year upon fulfillment of the requirements of this Section.
(e) Provided that the requirements of this Section are fulfilled, a pupil with asthma may self-administer and self-carry his or her asthma medication or a pupil may self-administer and self-carry an epinephrine injector (i) while in school, (ii) while at a school-sponsored activity, (iii) while under the supervision of school personnel, or (iv) before or after normal school activities, such as while in before-school or after-school care on school-operated property or while being transported on a school bus.
(e-5) Provided that the requirements of this Section are fulfilled, a school nurse or trained personnel may administer an undesignated epinephrine injector to any person whom the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes to be having an anaphylactic reaction (i) while in school, (ii) while at a school-sponsored activity, (iii) while under the supervision of school personnel, or (iv) before or after normal school activities, such as while in before-school or after-school care on school-operated property or while being transported on a school bus. A school nurse or trained personnel may carry undesignated epinephrine injectors on his or her person while in school or at a school-sponsored activity.
(e-10) Provided that the requirements of this Section are fulfilled, a school nurse or trained personnel may administer an opioid antagonist to any person whom the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes to be having an opioid overdose (i) while in school, (ii) while at a school-sponsored activity, (iii) while under the supervision of school personnel, or (iv) before or after normal school activities, such as while in before-school or after-school care on school-operated property. A school nurse or trained personnel may carry an opioid antagonist on his or her person while in school or at a school-sponsored activity.
(e-15) If the requirements of this Section are met, a school nurse or trained personnel may administer undesignated asthma medication to any person whom the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes to be experiencing respiratory distress (i) while in school, (ii) while at a school-sponsored activity, (iii) while under the supervision of school personnel, or (iv) before or after normal school activities, including before-school or after-school care on school-operated property. A school nurse or trained personnel may carry undesignated asthma medication on his or her person while in school or at a school-sponsored activity.
(f) The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school may maintain a supply of undesignated epinephrine injectors in any secure location that is accessible before, during, and after school where an allergic person is most at risk, including, but not limited to, classrooms and lunchrooms. A physician, a physician assistant who has prescriptive authority in accordance with Section 7.5 of the Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987, or an advanced practice registered nurse who has prescriptive authority in accordance with Section 65-40 of the Nurse Practice Act may prescribe undesignated epinephrine injectors in the name of the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school to be maintained for use when necessary. Any supply of epinephrine injectors shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school shall maintain a supply of an opioid antagonist in any secure location where an individual may have an opioid overdose, unless there is a shortage of opioid antagonists, in which case the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school shall make a reasonable effort to maintain a supply of an opioid antagonist. Unless the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school is able to obtain opioid antagonists without a prescription, a health care professional who has been delegated prescriptive authority for opioid antagonists in accordance with Section 5-23 of the Substance Use Disorder Act shall prescribe opioid antagonists in the name of the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school, to be maintained for use when necessary. Any supply of opioid antagonists shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school may maintain a supply of asthma medication in any secure location that is accessible before, during, or after school where a person is most at risk, including, but not limited to, a classroom or the nurse's office. A physician, a physician assistant who has prescriptive authority under Section 7.5 of the Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987, or an advanced practice registered nurse who has prescriptive authority under Section 65-40 of the Nurse Practice Act may prescribe undesignated asthma medication in the name of the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school to be maintained for use when necessary. Any supply of undesignated asthma medication must be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
A school district that provides special educational facilities for children with disabilities under Section 14-4.01 of this Code may maintain a supply of undesignated oxygen tanks in any secure location that is accessible before, during, and after school where a person with developmental disabilities is most at risk, including, but not limited to, classrooms and lunchrooms. A physician, a physician assistant who has prescriptive authority in accordance with Section 7.5 of the Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987, or an advanced practice registered nurse who has prescriptive authority in accordance with Section 65-40 of the Nurse Practice Act may prescribe undesignated oxygen tanks in the name of the school district that provides special educational facilities for children with disabilities under Section 14-4.01 of this Code to be maintained for use when necessary. Any supply of oxygen tanks shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and with the local fire department's rules.
(f-3) Whichever entity initiates the process of obtaining undesignated epinephrine injectors and providing training to personnel for carrying and administering undesignated epinephrine injectors shall pay for the costs of the undesignated epinephrine injectors.
(f-5) Upon any administration of an epinephrine injector, a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must immediately activate the EMS system and notify the student's parent, guardian, or emergency contact, if known.
Upon any administration of an opioid antagonist, a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must immediately activate the EMS system and notify the student's parent, guardian, or emergency contact, if known.
(f-10) Within 24 hours of the administration of an undesignated epinephrine injector, a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must notify the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse who provided the standing protocol and a prescription for the undesignated epinephrine injector of its use.
Within 24 hours after the administration of an opioid antagonist, a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must notify the health care professional who provided the prescription for the opioid antagonist of its use.
Within 24 hours after the administration of undesignated asthma medication, a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must notify the student's parent or guardian or emergency contact, if known, and the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse who provided the standing protocol and a prescription for the undesignated asthma medication of its use. The district or school must follow up with the school nurse, if available, and may, with the consent of the child's parent or guardian, notify the child's health care provider of record, as determined under this Section, of its use.
(g) Prior to the administration of an undesignated epinephrine injector, trained personnel must submit to the school's administration proof of completion of a training curriculum to recognize and respond to anaphylaxis that meets the requirements of subsection (h) of this Section. Training must be completed annually. The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must maintain records related to the training curriculum and trained personnel.
Prior to the administration of an opioid antagonist, trained personnel must submit to the school's administration proof of completion of a training curriculum to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose, which curriculum must meet the requirements of subsection (h-5) of this Section. The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must maintain records relating to the training curriculum and the trained personnel.
Prior to the administration of undesignated asthma medication, trained personnel must submit to the school's administration proof of completion of a training curriculum to recognize and respond to respiratory distress, which must meet the requirements of subsection (h-10) of this Section. Training must be completed annually, and the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must maintain records relating to the training curriculum and the trained personnel.
(h) A training curriculum to recognize and respond to anaphylaxis, including the administration of an undesignated epinephrine injector, may be conducted online or in person.
Training shall include, but is not limited to:
(1) how to recognize signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction, including anaphylaxis;
(2) how to administer an epinephrine injector; and
(3) a test demonstrating competency of the knowledge required to recognize anaphylaxis